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Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

oh no Bonnie! how frustrating! hopefully you will figure something out by O time and if not, there is always next cycle so keep positive!

I am 5dpo today and this cycle is starting look feel like last one. No symptoms at all! My boobs were mildly sore at 1dpo and i also got one pimple that day...but after that NOTHING! in fact, i feel quite good, which, for a normal person, should be a great thing!

It is super chilly here today but I did manage to get a great workout this morning.
Oh Bonnie, I'm sorry things are so difficult this month. It's so hard when you know you are ov'ing and things don't work out. My dh work switches night and day shift, and it makes things rather difficult some months. Especially when trying to work it around when the kids are home. Hang in there! :)
Hello! checking in!
6dpo. No symptoms at all...have been trying to keep myself really busy. Exercised lots the past few days.

The only weird thing that happened to me yesterday was that I had neon yellow pee, this is not pregnancy related, i know. When pee is so strong in color it usually means that you need more water but I did drinks lots during the day and when I need more water my pee is usually dark yellow not NEON BRIGHT yellow. I read that it could be due to vitamins but do you girls think it is OK? I have been taking prenatals for a LONGGGGGG time but I just changed the brand and started new pack yesterday. These are food based prenatals, better quality than my previous brand, i think. I also started b6 this past cycle since day 3...it is an indication that I am taking too much? By the way, i realized that i have been feelling GREAT lately with so much more energy - i feel truly like i am 10 years younger. I think that I was lacking vitamin b6 before...

I will test for the first time on Sunday at 8dpo. I know it will be on the earlier time for testing but my LP is not all that long so what the heck. Even if i am not pregnant at least i will get to have some POAS fun this cycle. I was deprived of it last cycle with a super early AF!
That's just the b's. Not to worry
And yes they give you tons of natural energy!
Hey girls!
How's everyone today? Have just finished my housework and have Easter cupcakes to make later on but when it's a bit quieter here at home :)

Well I'm cd14 and tested y'day for the first time on my opk and it was neg, so I'll test today! Does this not seem like a long time to ov? I've just checked last cycle and it was cd13 when I ov, I'm not 100% sure on the whole ov thing! It confuses the hell out of me at times! Anyways ill test later this afternoon to see, my app on the phone indicates tomorrow as ov day but hey how can a phone know more about my body than me lol!

Hope everyone has a great Easter too :).........and remember chocolate makes you happpppyy lol
Well I'm out. Temp rose this am. Might need a few days to process.
Should be anytime for you fluffy. Good luck
Thanks bonnie :) not very positive this cycle either! Good job I'm not charting or temping.....I'd prob have thermometers sticking out of me everywhere :haha:

You seem to be a dab hand at the temping! I don't have the patience for that! So how do you know your out? If your temp goes up?? You never know......that's the joys of of this ttc craìc ( good old Irish slang for fun lol)!

Must nip now and check my opk test, didn't have time to check it a few mins ago!
Hi Ladies can I join you, I'm 45!!! and ttcing our 3rd, we have 2 boys aged 7 and 9, and hubby had a vasectomy reversal last June.

I'm 6/7dpo today and getting on and off shooting cramps, so far all day, hopefully they're a good sign lol

Good Luck and I hope to celebrate our bfp's some day :)

Hey girls!
How's everyone today? Have just finished my housework and have Easter cupcakes to make later on but when it's a bit quieter here at home :)

Well I'm cd14 and tested y'day for the first time on my opk and it was neg, so I'll test today! Does this not seem like a long time to ov? I've just checked last cycle and it was cd13 when I ov, I'm not 100% sure on the whole ov thing! It confuses the hell out of me at times! Anyways ill test later this afternoon to see, my app on the phone indicates tomorrow as ov day but hey how can a phone know more about my body than me lol!

Hope everyone has a great Easter too :).........and remember chocolate makes you happpppyy lol

Happy Easter!

Fluffy i think that you should start testing a bit earlier with OPK if you typically O around day 13. You may have not missed it yet but the way the OPK works is that they turn positive with an LH surge. The LH surge occurs BEFORE you O...not when you O, so, if you O day 13, it is very likely that your OPK will turn positive on day 11 or 12 and then go negative. Does this make sense? Also, some ladies have a short surge that last 12 hours or so...if that's the case and you test every 24 hours, it is also very possible to miss it. In that case, ladies with short surge typically use OPK twice per day. MY surge is LONGGGGGGGG so I test positive typically for 2 days so even if I test only once I usually catch it. I know that you are not waiting for a positive OPK to BD so nothing to worry about!

Test again just in case but my take is that you may have missed the surge by testing on O day and not before and you may be well O now. I hope there is no next time...but in the case there is, make sure that you start testing at CD 10. The LH surge occurs 24-48 hours after a positive OPK - give or take some hours,

I hope this helps!
Well I'm out. Temp rose this am. Might need a few days to process.
Should be anytime for you fluffy. Good luck

Bonnie sorry to hear that. Hugs :flower: What does temp rising mean? that O took place? If it did, the egg may still be good...no time to sneak in a BD session today? It can't hurt...
Hi Ladies can I join you, I'm 45!!! and ttcing our 3rd, we have 2 boys aged 7 and 9, and hubby had a vasectomy reversal last June.

I'm 6/7dpo today and getting on and off shooting cramps, so far all day, hopefully they're a good sign lol

Good Luck and I hope to celebrate our bfp's some day :)


Welcome! Excited to have a TWW buddy as I am all on my own in the TWW. The other wonderful ladies are about to O now so a bit behind us. I am 7dpo today (just guessing I dont temp) and have no symptoms at all :-( AF is expected on the 13th but I had a shorter cycle last month with a 10 day LP only... so I am not quite sure when she is due. Hopefully back to normal cycle length and due on the 13th.

This month we took it easy BD (we were BD every day cycle prior) but I think that we did hit some fertile days although not all and perhaps not even O day (we BD first day of positive OPK but not second day) so we'll see what happens. What I realized is that trying harder does not lead to a BFP so I am enjoying the process this cycle and I will be totally fine with a BFN. I honestly dont have high hopes.

When is AF expected and when are you testing?
Thanks bonnie :) not very positive this cycle either! Good job I'm not charting or temping.....I'd prob have thermometers sticking out of me everywhere :haha:

You seem to be a dab hand at the temping! I don't have the patience for that! So how do you know your out? If your temp goes up?? You never know......that's the joys of of this ttc craìc ( good old Irish slang for fun lol)!

Must nip now and check my opk test, didn't have time to check it a few mins ago!

my pre-o temps are 97.5's and the day after is always 97.9something. today it was 97.92

BBT is back in the drawer-no point continuing
Well I'm out. Temp rose this am. Might need a few days to process.
Should be anytime for you fluffy. Good luck

Bonnie sorry to hear that. Hugs :flower: What does temp rising mean? that O took place? If it did, the egg may still be good...no time to sneak in a BD session today? It can't hurt...

yes-temp rises after o because of the progesterone released by the corpus luteum that is left behind from the released egg. it will continue to produce progesterone and keep your temp elevated until either placenta takes over or corpus luteum dies. if CL dies and there is no more progesterone your temp nosedives and af shows

not sure if one will get snuck in or not. chances would still be slim to none.
Bonnie the whole temping thing would drive me nuts and if I was keeping a close eye on temps rising omg it just sounds too much organising for me to deal with!
I'm cd14 today and will opk in a while, I'll test a bit earlier today to see but I'm more than sure it will be today!

I find it very difficult to enjoy bd at the last few days as I try not to think of it as a chore but sometimes it just is lol!

So I'm hoping for a positive opk today and then start the glorious 2ww!!
Seriously dont know how much more I can take of this.....yawn yawn :)

Happy Easter to you all :)

its really quite easy. i have an ff app on my iphone so i wake, in goes the thermometer and i type the temp in my phone. the app does the rest. it is the same as my ff so it all carries over. if i actually had to graph the crap myself forget it. there have been times the temps have made me crazy, but now that my body has seemed to normalize itself it is pretty consistant.

i didnt temp today-threw the blasted thing in the drawer. did feel hot this morning in bed. its funny-now that i know i can literally feel the slight temp change and am kicking blankets off me!

but i feel crampy and i dont know why.

i dont want to hold out false hope but what if?
i really am hoping for some alone time with db today as he returns them to their moms at 2. it has been a long and crazy week.

happy easter
Hi all, im new to this site and its great to finally read about similar women going through the same as myself! Im 36 and ttc #3, feeling more relaxed this time and i dont know why! Only really made my decision about 4 months ago as my #2 resulted in placental abruption but ive decided to give it a go and see what happens:flower: Reading up on it i know it can be harder to get pregnant over 35, at present ive started the tww and hoping this site takes my mind off things! Any other ladies going through the same situation?:flower:

I am 42yo and newly married to the man I dreamed of & felt I would never find. We have 6 children between us. My oldest are in college and his two sons live w/their mom so we only have my 6yo son in our home. We have been ttc and I m presently 16dpo but still BFN. My AF is very regular so thinking perhaps I ovulated late. I pray Sticky baby to you..much Baby Dust and many blessings.
Hi all, im new to this site and its great to finally read about similar women going through the same as myself! Im 36 and ttc #3, feeling more relaxed this time and i dont know why! Only really made my decision about 4 months ago as my #2 resulted in placental abruption but ive decided to give it a go and see what happens:flower: Reading up on it i know it can be harder to get pregnant over 35, at present ive started the tww and hoping this site takes my mind off things! Any other ladies going through the same situation?:flower:

I am 42yo and newly married to the man I dreamed of & felt I would never find. We have 6 children between us. My oldest are in college and his two sons live w/their mom so we only have my 6yo son in our home. We have been ttc and I m presently 16dpo but still BFN. My AF is very regular so thinking perhaps I ovulated late. I pray Sticky baby to you..much Baby Dust and many blessings.

welcome sugarbear!
fx'd for a sticky bean!
my db and i have 5 between us-his are the youngest and with us part time. my son is on his own with a baby of his own (yup grandma) and my dd is a senior in hs but has gone to live with her father-she and db butt heads too much
welcome sugarbear!
fx'd for a sticky bean!
my db and i have 5 between us-his are the youngest and with us part time. my son is on his own with a baby of his own (yup grandma) and my dd is a senior in hs but has gone to live with her father-she and db butt heads too much[/QUOTE]

Thank you very much! My 13yo son got to spend a summer with his dad who is military for the first time in ten years. They bonded as they really ha never got to see ne another except at xmas the past ten years. My DS asked me if I would let him live with his dad for a while bc he felt like he didn't know him the way he did me & it was hard but I allowed it. He needs his father & I did raise him alone ten years. It has been a good experience for him. I SO want another baby! My hubby is 35 & would LOVE 2 more. lol I told him he better pray we have twins cause my clock is on it's LAST ticks! Still feel great today with NO AF feelings at all. Just gonna try and wait til at-least Wed to test again case my OV/IMplant dates are off which is possible I suppose! Prayers & Baby dust to you! Thanks for responding :) Happy Easter!
ok ladies, quick post before we head out for Easter brunch...
8dpo and bfn this am...not a shocker! enjoy the day and happy Easter!
Hiya everyone & sugarbear :)
Having a lovely lazy Easter Sunday. Have been very good and not ate much chocolate :)
Opk this morning and the line is slowly getting darker so I'd say in the next 24 hours I will!
Will continue to bd to try and cover all areas and then I can relax and stop worrying about making sure I've done it at the right times lol! Didn't help much last month as I was sure I'd covered every window but we'll see.....

Hope everyone is having a great day & I'll drop by later :)

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