TTC #3..stopped Clomid mid-way this month..

Okay so I tried to reply earlier. I wrote a big long reply that got lost when the server didn't respond....lovely.
So it may not be as detailed this round, sorry.
IUI is intrauterine insemination. They wash and hyperstimulate the sample and inject it directly into the uterus. This cuts out the sperm having to travel so far to reach the egg as so many die off in that process. It ensures that sperm meet egg, if everything is timed correctly. It's not a 'sure thing' as the egg still has to be fertilized and implant into the uterine wall....but its as good a chance as can be expected without IVF.
I like it cause pregnancy is still all naturally occurring inside you, not like the 'test tube baby' per say. I'm not sure it'll be a path theyd recommend to you, but generally if you are ovulating and have. Even on clomid 2 cycles with no result. They say that it should happen in 3 IUI cycles, if not move to IVF.
The procedure is not too invasive. Like a pap they use a speculum to open, and a long catheter is inserted through the cervix. It shouldn't be painful but you can have cramping afterward, due to air or they may not have washed all traces of seminal fluid off.

AFM the headache gave me a break but returned this afternoon. It may just partly. E caffiene withdrawal as I cut out morning coffee. It's not fun! I get. Easy dreams on it too, but I always remember dreams so it's just more of them. What you had sounds unnerving.

I'm so happy to hear your getting in so quick, congrats! Either way, IUI or not, at least you can be properly monitored and more in charge of your situation.
Awe thank you for the info, very helpful tips! I try to log in as much as I can on here, but today and yesterday has been hectic because it was my husbands' birthday and we had his party yesterday, but his birthday is officially today so I still had to make some dinner for him to enjoy it and everything ON his actual birthday lol. Yes, I asked my GYN why I don't go for mid cycle ultrasound and follicle measurements and he said they don't do that - so I'm sure an RE would. I don't want to travel that far too often but maybe if pregnancy doesn't happen this month either, then I really would like a second opinion. My body made two babies, I can't understand why I'm having such a hard time making a third!

On another short note, the day I went to the ER they took a urine sample and just called me back with the results last night, like 5 days later, REALLY? They said it doesn't look "bad" but there's a slight UTI/or Bacterial Infection (my mind kind of shut off when the nurse was speaking to me, I was like, really, on top of everything else?) so now I have to take this antibiotic for three days, she said it's safe in case I still do get pregnant this month. I was wondering if that comes in between fertility, including hopefully not killing CD14 is tomorrow, so I would hate if that does interrupt anything like that, usually my ovulation is pretty clock work when it happens, CD13-16 we BD to be on the safe side.

Sorry the headaches are continuing. I cut off coffee when I took Clomid too, we are so over cautious, how nice! lol. With 50mg I didn't feel much as I said, all I felt was sharp sharp pains down my thighs and legs area about 10 days after I took it, nurse said it might be the nerves acting up in that area along with my thigh section. I was like gosh, I could barely walk for a long trip or something, not that I ever do but ya know? I always HAD to sit lol. I was like when is this going to be OVER!!! I felt better the week after, you kind of have to let it wear off, which I don't mind those symptoms, at least not as much as the ones 100mg gave me. As long as whatever we would like to happen does, I will take all minimal symptoms there are!
It's been since August so it is frustrating if you ask me, and I see so did you. About 7 months now..ughhhhhhh!
Yeah, 7 months is a long time. I really didn't expect to get pregnant the first two cycles as I had just started my period again from breastfeeding so wasn't even sure if an egg was releasing yet. But after that it should have happened by now. My DH and I BD every day to every other over the fertile week plus a few days on either side of that just to ensure we miss nothing. I take prenatals and have for 3 years now. I drink green, rooisbus, and red raspberry leaf tea, all no caffiene and full of antioxidants. I don't have any medication except benedryl or tylenol when needed. We use preseed too to help if there is a CM issue. I have played all the right cards so you'd think I'd have won by now, but this game is fixed!

As for you, you got pregnant no problem twice on your own, so yeah, it doesn't make much sense. How long did you try with them, or were they surprises? How old are they now? Probably at a stage where they could help with a sibling :) that's awful about the infection, but wouldn't you feel it? Hopefully the antibiotics don't harm things...that I'm unfamiliar with. I hope the :cake: went least it's gets your mind off this for a short time.

You've mentioned discussing IVF. Would you go that route eventually if things didn't work out as planned? It has a very high success rate, despite the fact that they have to fertilize the egg outside the body and then transfer them back. I can't or at least couldn't unless we saved up for quite a while. Much too much money, its like paying for a car loan, plus meds on top of that. This is our best option and we'll continue with it hoping it works.

One more day, then I get to see the growth of those eggs! Getting excited now. So you must be on CD15 or so now. Close to O hopefully??? FX for you
I don't know why, but I don't like IVF, a few cousins/friends of mine did it. The most severe case one of my cousins had, was her son has a huge developmental problem, I have never personally met him, he must be like 10 years old now, but to this day he barely speaks and has other issues which I don't know in detail about. Also another coworker of mine did the IVF, and she was told when the fetus was about 20 weeks old that he would have developmental/a brain issue as well. It kind of scares me, the fact that pregnancy doesn't occurr naturally. I don't mind taking pills, but I'm all about having it happen natural within my body. If I didn't have any children, I'd consider it, but I wouldn't go for that now. I know IVF with my insurance is covered at 100%. A $40 copay I think! lol. I just wish I'd believe in it more..I'm sure there are plenty of succesful cases of pregnancies out there. A friend of a friend's did it also, she is my age, and with her son pregnancy just happened but she couldn't seem to conceive with the rest of her two, she went straight to IVF - not trying any fertility drugs or anything before that. I think her kids are fine, I haven't heard anything out of the ordinary.

My son was a surprise, we had been married only 4 months, and with my daughter it took us about 9 months - I ended up conceiving with Clomid. To this day, I don't understand what happened, why with one I got preggers with no problem, and with the second I had to go through Clomid to get preggers. My husband tells me it's all in my head - once I let go of that thought and learn to relax, it'll happen, that's kind of hard to do though! I was also 20 years old when I got pregnant with my son, he is almost 8 now. So maybe the younger, the best chances you have at conceiving. Now I'm 28, who knows how my body's functioning. With every child it's different, I always hear that. I spoke to someone who is a tarot card reader (not from the forum) - one of them told me I would get pregnant in February, the other told me March or April. They are not too far apart..but kinda confusing. I'm not a strong believer but I was like, hey what do I have to lose? lol

Today is actually CD14 from the first day of "spotting" red. They told me to consider that CD1, it's actually CD15 from my actual heavy flow. We have BD'ing every other day around this time. Doctor said sometimes sperm is not at its' best quality if you BD too often lol. So I was like..oooo-k. I have been having those sharp pains though like twingies here and there, from left to right, so hopefully something is happening in there. My husband's birthday was good - it was quiet yesterday, I made him a nice dinner, plus the leftover cake from his party the day before. He was happy! :)

You must be getting monitored then? I wish my GYN did that, finally I can go and see an RE. I'll keep you in my prayers for a nice large follicle to give you a little bun in the oven! Thanks for listening, it helps just talking about it!
It's so funny your husband says that. Typical male response, mine used to say the same thing but even then it didn't happen. usually men say mind over matter, like your mind is holding you back cause your not willing it to happen, but he's saying the reverse of that. If all it took was positive thoughts there wouldnt be thousands of women on these forums. But wouldnt it be nice. The fact is that humans have the lowest chance of conceiving/ staying pregnant per cycle of all animals out there. So unfair.

I have no problem talking to you, I am rather enjoying our conversations. Your right, it's nice to vent to someone without judgement, and who can relate :) I don't know, I have one friend who's very supportive and I could talk to I just feel like inside she really doesn't get it. She's not a mom, and I don't know why, but it makes a difference. Most other family just say silly things more to end the conversation than anything else.

It's funny that I haven't met ppl to talk to at the fertility clinic. You sit in a waiting room with lots of women and some men. Everyone seems so quiet and you see their eyes roaming the room evaluating ppl the same way you are. Someone new comes in and approaches the counter and hands their health card to the reception nurse. The nurse asks 'what is it your in for today' and the person responds in a whisper afraid someone might hear. Why? Who knows why cause we are all there for the same reason, we need help to have a baby. Is it something to be ashamed of?
Sorry just venting the idiosyncrasies I witness there :)

I get to get up early tomorrow to ensure I get out the door at a reasonable time to get my bloodwork and ultrasound done. Yes monolitorong is great, buy tricky with an 11 month old demanding little boy. I can't wait to hear how many follicles and their sizes. Hoping the clomid is doing its thing!

Since you are feeling things maybe O is going to happen and it's around the corner. Did you ask your Gyn if he thought you would O after stopping the clomid pills? I hope you do. So the psychics are varied on opinions, well someone has to be wrong. Maybe you can prove all them wrong and you'll be preggers by the end of the month! I'm praying for you too :baby:

Here's to our buns! :) thank you for all your kind words
So I went for my tests. Bloodwork I won't find out unless they call me and if not tomorrow, ultrasound shows a 24mm, 16mm, 15mm, and some smaller ones that prob have no chance of catching up. In two days at my next ultrasound if the 15 and 16 catch up a bit, I think I'll do a trigger this time to induce O. The trigger shot helps better time the IUI and tends to release all eggs, instead of just the lead one or two.
I think I just need to go for it. I have to pay as our insurance won't cover fertility drugs, but who cares. If it works this month, then I won't have to have a hysteroscopy. I really don't want surgery and have to sit out ttc for a couple months :(

What do you think? Oh, and I agree with you about IVF, it freaks me out too. Hopefully no ivf'ers are on here reading this getting offended. I would probably do it if I had money and it came to that, but I'm gonna try everything else first.

Are you getting excited about your appointment? You finally get to see what's going on in there! I think you'll understand so much more once you get to pick the RE's brain and learn about your cycle more.

I went to Home Depot today and picked up kitchen backsplash tile, trying to get my mind off of things. It didn't really work, but it's gonna keep my husband busy, lol!
Oh and my lining is 9.6 which 9 is like optimal for implantation! Yeah!
Omg I am so excited for you! It's weird, but I had a dream (one of those early morning dreams) that I was getting tested, by ultrasound and fertility monitor on the tongue and my doctor was shocked that I was ovulating and had good enough eggs..I was like OMG! Then I woke up of course, LOL! I must have been dreaming because yours came out so good!

Yeah, I don't mean to offend anyone, but you are taking a risk when you go for anything "artificial" and I wouldn't want to take the risk on a human being, unless of course I didn't have any children at all.

What else? Hm, I transfered my records to my RE's office today, sorry I was MIA last night, and I had to write you really quick today before I go pick up my son from school. My appt is on Tuesday the 17th, so we SHALL see, It'll be too late to see any follicles then, but maybe they would like to monitor me next month!! The thing with my GYn is like, "Come in for a test, but I highly DOUBT you are pregnant." Like..Geez..Thanks..I guess? If anything I want some optimism here not pesimmism! Looking forward to seeing a woman Dr. this time!!

I know what you mean about people at the fertility office keeping to themselves, like it's a secret. We are all women, we all want babies, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I like to get friendly with people in the office too, but not everyone is like you & me, I don't know why they don't like to open up about something that we both seem to be struggling with, GETTING PREGNANT! You can vent to me anytime.

I am so happy that you had good enough follicles! My endometrium thickness stays thick around mid cycle, ALWAYS. Which is something I'm really happy about. I was tested for it last month around this time and it was at 10mm, and the same Dr. told me I was most likely about to get my period, I have very heavy menstrual cycles when I'm not on Clomid, Clomid makes them lighter so we shall see what this next one will be!
The pain is not there anymore, very minimally. So I'm not sure if ovulation is done, or is happening now. I never understand this thing. Does it hurt only when the eggs are forming, or releasing? We didn't BD last night, but we did the night before. My husband gets home late sometimes and it's hard to kinda be like, come on..he's tired lol. I'm home ALL day! He has a two hour trip from NYC to home everyday cause of the stupid traffic. So hopefully if it's meant to happen it will, whether I BD every once in two days or not. *Baby Dust* to us!

I think I finally got that cervical mucus (the strechy) kind everyone seems to be talking about, today is CD15. Not that I actually looked for it, but (TMI) I went in to the bathroom to pee, and after I was done, this long strechy CM just came out like on it's own. Sounds gross I know - but the only thing is - it was a mix of clear and white-ish, not completely clear. After that, I tried to test the cervix the way I learned over the forum, and I only had some white CM afterwards. Is that considered the "fertile" one? I figured you must know this better than I do! Hopefully that only 200mg of Clomid did the job this month

With the Hysteroscopy, I really am not sure what that is, but if it has anything to do with delaying TTC, I would do anything to prevent that. I would go for the trigger shot..most definitely!

I try to do some things to keep my mind off too, like most kids' after school activities are enough to keep me away from keeping my mind there all the time! A kitchen backsplash sounds nice, we recently did ours about 6 months ago and it turned out beautiful! I have my husband do everything, I kept telling him, once you're a homeowner, you become a contractor on the side too! LOL
Sounds like the tail end of ovulation. White is usually not a fertile sign, but the other was. From what i know, watery CM is good as well. If i were you I would start counting 14 days from today as your test day! Hmm. You may have ovulated today or yesterday! Which means at least you had a BD session to catch the timing. Hopefully he's not too tired tonight, maybe you could get in another round. Finding the time and not being exhausted are the tricky part of it for sure. Two hour commute, both ways? That's crazy! Maybe you two shod move closer to his job.

That's funny about him being part contractor. I had my husband rip out our bathroom and re do it all from the studs up! Now it's just the little projects that need doing. New tile by the fireplace, painting, backsplash, possibly new front door. Poor guy, I'm just never happy with things. Maybe WE need to move too :)

I am pretty excited and I think I am going for the trigger shot. It's time to take a chance and try everything that can improve our chances. The hysteroscopy is where they use one of those fiber optic like cameras to get in the uterus and see if there is a polyp (like a growth) that could be affecting implantation. If so they will either laser it off or cut it out. Recovery is about 6 weeks for full heal so i'd have to wait at least a month or two before trying again. I really really don't want that to happen.

Don't worry about when you reply, you've been great :) whenever you have the time is fine by me. I have an iPhone so it's always up and running. I just look when I get a moment between taking care of my boy. I appreciate you listening.

When you go in to the RE you may be in time for a progesterone check. Most likely it'll be a chance to talk about your game plan and ask questions. Maybe they can check to verify you ovulated? That would be good.
The watery part of the CM was a while back like maybe three days ago, but within that window I did BD, and if sperm lives in the body for a couple of days, maybe in case i did ovulate yesterday, I still have a chance! It's always so confusing..I guess will have to wait it out and see. How funny, I actually found an RE 10 minutes away from my house, just when I faxed all the paperwork to the one that's an hour away. Maybe I didn't look in too much depth that week before, I'm not sure what I'm going to do, if I keep it, an hour is a long way to go for monitoring, if I don't go I have to re-fax my paperwork to this new facility again, but the good thing is, he is affiliated with the hospital I had the ultrasounds/blood work done, so maybe the medical records won't be necessary since he can access them from his office easily.

My hubby's not a contractor, but definitely a contractor around our house LOL..I am surprised at how much he has been able to do, he actually finished a deck with the railing and our backyard is pretty big, just with the book and step by step, took two weekends to do but he did it, so now I figure, why can't you buy a book for every little remodeling thingie I want? Haha. He "officially" only works an hour away but Manhattan traffic is crazy early morning and late afternoon, so he sits in traffic for at LEAST 45 minutes each way which delays everything. He has it really good here, he got promoted and everything, and buying a condo in Manhattan is not possible right now, I live in a big house, that means I'd have to downsize to a very small 2-3 bedroom for like 1. Million dollars! Insane! lol.

I have the Iphone 4 too, but I never get notifications from BabyNBump..odd. How do you set that up? Now I see what the Hystero thingie is, did you ever have a polyp? I had heavy bleeding at 1 point during the summer and they ran many tests but they didn't run that. I was even considering doing a D&C just for a good cleaning because there was no stopping it. My aunt always asked if I had a "polyp" and I kept telling her, the doc's don't think so!

What does the trigger shot do? Does it linger in the body for a long time? Now that I'll be going to a specialist, I may be asked to do stuff like that. Are there any increased chance of twins with that?

Good luck to us both!
If you found a closet one you may want to go there instead cause you have to spend a lot of time popping in there for monitoring, plus it's better for your DH so he could drop off his sample before heading off to work in the morning. I think you may have a shot for this month. As good as can be expected without mor help anyways.

I get crazy heavy periods too, it can ba a sign of a lot of things. Endometriosis, fibroids, polyps. They may decide after a couple rounds of treatment if you aren't preggers yet that they want to explore further and do a bit of cleaning things out :) if I have to go that route, then so be it, I will do what I have to for another baby.

Lol, I didn't think he was a contractor, I got the joke, was just saying its funny you said that cause I do the same to my hubby. His drive is pretty short to work luckily, except in rush hour traffic of course. Since he digs and repairs buried cable systems he doesn't work all the time in the winter. It's nice, but the past few days he's been driving me nuts! Men can be so lazy and unmotivated simetimes....that is until we nag them into doing something :)

So when I went in for my bloodwork today they said if they don't detect a surge, they want me to do the trigger shot cause it'll be good timing with the follies I have. 25,24,16,15 (they'll still grow a bit after shot cause it takes up to 36 hrs to work. So I have one here, they will call me later with instruction on if and when to use it! Fun fun, injecting yourself :)
The trigger is just a shot of the hormone that makes you release your eggs. HCG, the same one that a pregnancy test registers positive with. It takes up to 10 days to get it outta your system, so I'll get pod preg tests till somewhere between 6-10 dpo, then neg and hopefully positive after that. I suppose it could maybe slightly increase the chance of sometimes you release more eggs than you normally would surging on your own. With my luck, watch that happen if I do get pregnant.

I love my iPhone 4. It's great, does so much for me, except clean up around here, lol.
I don't get notifications per say, I just leave the Internet page on, I dont sign out, when I have a second I just refresh my User CP. I suppose you could get it to send you an email when you get a message then your phone would notify you. It's so nice to be able to track my cycles with a phone app though, instead of on paper or a calendar. I've never been more organized!

Good luck to us both is right! I am really nervous about the shot, but excited too. It means my IUI's would be on Sunday, Monday. So excited!
:dust: :dust: :dust:

PS your daughter is super cute !
Oh now I understand, it's the HSG shot. I have heard of it but never had it done, and I would loathe injecting myself. Lol I am so picky, but then I go ahead and do the things that need to be done. So with my hubby last night he was so tired when he got home so I had to beg him to BD and he goes, I thought we were letting this "just happen." I was like well, yeah, but we have to BD on the right days. I'm like what's that supposed to mean, but I think he just said that cuz he was exhausted. This morning he goes: I will go ahead and do anything you want me to do, if you want to go to a specialist it's all up to you. Then he goes: why is it taking you this long to get pregnant this time around anyway? Lol I was like I can control what happens! So yeah, men do tend to tick us off for no apparent reason sometimes. About my daughter, thanks! She is our little ray of sunshine. Took us a year to get pregnant, I used to get so upset like now. Back then he used to say the same thing, like just let it happen but now that Shes here he is always like, took us long enough but I'm so happy she is here! Lol. I am reading what you are saying about being monitored so closely and I am so excited for you. I hope I get to do the same thing soon and not depend on a pee stick to check my LH or even follicle growth. Would be funny if we are in the process of conceivin while having this conversation wouldn't it? Like SMEP going on as we speak, hopefully! Lol. I think this month may be your month, looking at your previous history with your son and how long it took. You are around the same time frame, 6-7 months now already. I have decided to go to New Jersey for the specialist, the one close by, I can't get them on the line for an appointment yet alone if I ever need something more important. There is another doctor close by to me, but it's not a practice. She's a single physician which is fine also. Have to see how I like the NJ office and will decide from there. First things first I need to know why I am not getting pregnant in the same place, just "not ovulating" is not good enough reason. Obviously I am not ovulating cause something may be causing me to not do so. So we shall see! Xoxo
I did respond from my iPhone this time, much less complicated! I love it too, I had the the iPhone 3 up till two months ago, then he got me the 4s for Christmas!
The needle is in the fridge waiting to be jabbed into my stomach at 10PM tonight...very nervous. I am booked for the IUI Sunday at 10:15 AM, DH has to drop off his boys at 8-8:30 that same's all happening, and so fast! It feels like this cycle is flying by so fast, although I'm sure the tww will be horrendous and slow as molasses. :wacko:
It really is exciting though.

So your husband is being a bit blah about it huh? It's funny how they get like that. Sounds almost the same as my husband. If I ask him for advice about what course of action to take I get 'whatever makes you happy and you think is best, I trust your judgement.' what I really want is an opinion out of him, but hey, he's trying to say what I want is fine with him. It's too bad they don't have to go through meds, or some shots or something, then I'd bet they speak up :)

I just spent the afternoon doing mountains of laundry and my son did his best to unfold everything in piles, crazy little guy. He can be such trouble, but so damn cute, you can't get mad at him. And it sounds like he just woke up after a 25 minute nap. This kid doesn't nap! Overnight he's wonderful, during the day hell no. I think he's afraid he's going to miss something. Gotta run for now.

Wish me luck later!
Hope your day has been good :)
****GOOD LUCK*****

LOL! That is so funny, cause it sounds a lot like my daughter when she was his age. I have a mountain of laundry tomorrow, not looking forward to it! Good luck with the last question, how long do the "guys" last in a cup before they die? I am wondering just in case he has to be asked to provide a sample and check if they're all in order.

I wish you the best of luck Sunday, that is a pretty big step, you have to let me know how everything turns out!

And yes I know, that's why I said..MEN..SIGH! I'm sure once they go through the needles and pills..and a gigantic needle being inserted into them, they'll speak up. Funny, cause last weekend he had a massive headache where he thought something was really wrong, and he couldn't shut up about it, but when I have to talk about Clomid and all these things, he's like..Oh - it's up to you babe!

Xoxo Have a great weekend ahead! Lots to do around here, I'm going shopping for a new SUV tomorrow, we're looking at the new Enclave since the Highlander is paid off! LOL
Thanks, it went fine, didn't hurt, no bleeding, and was so easy to do, don't know why I was nervous...probably just because it was something new. My mother is an RN, so I'm used to needles, and how it's done. I remember as a teen I'd get home from school, and she'd ask me when I walked in the door, 'so what do you want first, your dinner or your flu shot?' lol. She was able to bring it home to give to our family :)

As for :spermy: living in a cup, well my clinic says to get there in 20 minutes as some start to die off at that point. (20 minutes to an hour is what statistics show, depending of they are exposed to air and cold). My clinic also tells you to put the sample in your waste and against your body during transport to keep it at body temp. I know what you mean about the concern, some ladies post horror stories about their clinic only having a bathroom where you can hear through the door, ppl walking by, no room. Not nice for collection, wouldn't make him too comfortable.

:haha: That made me laugh :haha: about your hubby with his headache. Poor baby :) my husband woke up sore this morning as he slept weird and had not stopped whining or complaining since! I was up three times with my son overnight (the teething monster reared it's ugly head, poor little man), am exhausted, but did I complain, no, got up, made coffee for him, pumped milk, fed the baby, made us breakfast, cleaned up. Women's work is never done huh?

That is exciting about a new suv! Buick enclave's are super nice!!! Pricy but sounds like your husband makes lots of dough with his job, may as well enjoy it!
Me, I currently drive a cute little new Kia Soul, but once another baby is on the way we'll have to upgrade for space! This little car is so good on gas though and fits anywhere! Good luck with the laundry :) I still have my sons to do as well...

IUI in the morning! Hope the timing is perfect for this one. Last time i'm pretty sure I O'd at like two am the night before the IUI, obviously, that one didn't take :( I'm dreading the 2ww that's for sure.
:hugs: thanks again for listening :)
LOL! We went to look at the Enclave, the monthly price would be too pricey! Like above $700 a month is something I am not willing to pay for a car! We have the 2008 Highlander which we just recently paid off, and that was 575$ so, we were thinking if we get a price range around there it'll be "ok." It's hard - we just signed a deal with Owen's Corning (not sure if they're in Canada as well) to finish our basement. They will start in 6 weeks, I am so exhausted of the kids making my living room like their playroom its beyond me, lol. I just need a nice peace & quiet place where I can enjoy a tv show once in a while..I have a tv in my bedroom, but it's different when you're sitting in the actual family room, close to the kitchen when you get hungry etc car deal is off for now, when I get the next urge, I'll just lay down till' it passes.

I'm glad you didn't experience that much pain! Funny, the guy that was here to finalize our basement thingie, asked us why we are doing this, "if" we are having anymore kids, so I was like hopefully a 3rd, he was like, oh I know how that's like, we have a 3rd one on the way! I was like how nice..he had a two year old and a 12 year old, big difference. My husband's mom is an RN, he says the same thing about the shots, she was always able to bring stuff like that home, when they got sick and needed Penicillin shots, they'd get it at the comfort of their own home, so he is pretty pain resistant too, me, not so much!

Hm what else? So much cleaning to do today. My sister in law's bachelorette party is tomorrow in Atlantic City, so she booked us a room for the night with those casino points and such so we'll be away from the kids for about 48 hours, not looking forward to it, I am not used to spending a night away from the kids AT ALL..but I guess I'll live! I've been trying to keep my mind off this pregnancy thing for about 2 days now, so, I'm more "relaxed" about it. I'm not sure how i'll be next month. About his sperm then, I probably won't be able to take it to the RE an hour away, if they ask for it the best I can do is probably take it to my GYN who is 5 minutes away lol. LMAO - That is so funny about the bathroom/room thing. My husband mentioned it this morning, he is like, doesn't that have to be done in the office? I was like, there is NO way I will BD in a doctor's office..just so we're clear. He started cracking up!..So I guess they do BD in clinics sometimes..wasn't sure, thought it was just something we'd see in a comedy or something.

Good luck with the IUI tomorrow morning, I did some more research on it so I'm more educated on the thing now. We will see how the Tuesday appointment goes, I'm thinking since my fertility issue is not unspecified, they may not even need his sperm to check why it's not happening, it's probably JUST me..which sucks! I hope they have some answer for me next week, but I'll definitely keep you updated!

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