TTC #3..stopped Clomid mid-way this month..

Unfinished basements aren't fun. We have a slapped together basement, I guess its mostly finished buy I won't use it really. It's like the 'mancave' and the dogs have overtaken it. I hate their hair and how they smell, so I avoid at all costs :) it's really hard for a clean freak to have four animals (2cats 2dogs) and still be sane :wacko: I am constantly vacuuming, sweeping, washing, lint brushing, especially since my baby is all over the floor!

So no Enclave huh? Too bad they are nice, but not 700 hundred per month nice, your right. My sister just got a Subaru Forrester. I think it's like a wagon/suv crossover. Haven't seen it yet but I guess it was reasonable. We rented a trail blazer before and it wasn't too bad. I'm sure you'll find something.

Party time for you!!! Enjoy a night away from the kids! It's okay to miss them, they are your life, and if you weren't thinking of them then id be concerned. The I phone is good for that too. FaceTime your husbands iPhone to say goodnight to the kiddies face to face. My husband calls home FaceTime whenever he can so he can see his little boy smile at him, do cute! Let loose a bit, you need to get your mind off this, but don't go drinking too much, as we both know, you may be expecting :)

Thanks so much for the well wishes for tomorrow. Itll go fine, always does, I just hope it's timed right! As for your Tuesday appointment, I have my fingers crossed its something minor and can be quickly and easily resolved. Usually they like to cover all the bases to make a correct course of action, so I think they will want a :spermy: analysis done...but who knows. Maybe it can be processed at any lab and there is one around the corner from you :)

Now go enjoy your night, we can talk about anything else you want if you'd like to forget this TTC stuff :)
A little weirdness happened earlier today, it's CD16 so I figured before I leave, bd while I'm still in that window. Maybe 10 minutes later I would say, I noticed pink spotting on my panties. It was weird, very weird. This has never happened in my 10 years with hubster - so I took a shower to see if it goes away (weird right, I know! lol) ..and it did. It was a very pale pink, like one of those baby pink kinda odd!! I was wondering if you know anything about this..

I love facetime too, we connect on it during the day sometimes if hubby's not in one of his meetings, we barely talk during the day though cause it gets so busy and hectic, I only see him at around 7pm every night, except weekends of course.

Yes we figured we're going to stick around with the Highlander, we lease a Honda Accord too which he takes to work, and somehow he had brought this conversation up with his brother (who owns a restaurant the next town up from us,) and he's trying to get rid of his BMW, and now hubby of course wants the BMW..I'm like well, I need my mommy car, so if you can return the Accord without penalty go for it! LOL. It never ends!! He's like I'd love the 5 series, MAN! I'm like alright alright..

We figured we'd finish our basement and I tell ya, we brought the guy here just to take a look at it, and he got us all sucked in with his demo's and everything, according to everything he showed us, it should pretty much look livable, we're thinking of making it a guest bedroom/office for when Lou works from home.

I am a clean freak too, my god, what else can we have in common right? lol. Everytime my mom visits from Europe she is like, you over do the cleaning, you don't have to go to the bathroom everyday and scrub the floor ya know? I'm like ..actually, I DO! LOL.

You're welcome, I have a feeling this may be the pregnancy you've been wanting! I have been a good luck charm before for some people, so I speak from experience :D he he :) I wish you a ton of luck & baby dust and all will be fine! Keep me posted, please!!
Thanks, I appreciate that. :) same goes for you, but I'm worse with checking my email, lol. [email protected]
So I just got home from my IUI. I am not as optimistic as I was before :( his count today post wash was no where near normal. He is usually 40-50 million, today was only 16 million. Motility is fine though, they a good swimmers....just I was hoping for better. I know the numbers are fine as anything over 5 million you have a good shot, and thru also say anything over 20 million isn't really going to make a difference. I guess I just got used to more and the idea of more is better. It really only takes one good one. Here's to hoping... FX'd!

OMG I am pretty excited of you. Have you read about implantation bleeding at all? They say it's very light pink and minimal. It usually happens 6-10 days after O though. Maybe you O'd earlier than you thought ? It could also just be from vigorous :sex: lol. I'm gonna hope its IB for you, just an early sign of baby to come :)

So my IUI, I didn't feel much of anything, although right now I have some pretty good pains happening from what I'm hoping is O. Mostly on the left where the biggest follicles were. Thankfully this went down on a Sunday so my hubby was home to watch our boy. Last time I brought him with me it was time for milk and nap and he got pretty fussy understandably, thank god I brought him mum mums to chew on otherwise laying still wouldn't have happened.

As to the car, it's funny that he's getting a new one now instead of you. Men and their toys. My DH loves is PS3 and games. It broke before xmas and he lasted all of two hours before he went and got a new one! With the stereo downstairs I sometimes think helicopter's are dropping bombs in my house.

Well, for now time to make lunch for baby, rest and put my feet up for a bit.
I told DH since his count was lower he's BDing with me before hockey tonight and in the morning, lol. I got the , 'yes dear' answer. Thank god he isn't working too much now like in the summer, now he isn't too tired.
XO and best wishes, I think there is some magic happening with you.

PS I really hope you are a good luck charm :)
Yeah, vigerous or not, it's never happened before with me. So weird! lol..I had to laugh at that BD icon, how do you find them? Or the semen icon - how funny! Another thing was, I had this odd pain right in the middle of my pelvic yesterday (not like pressure pain - more like a stabbing pain, maybe like twice before I saw the pink spotting!) I wish it would be IB! Keeping my hopes high! lol..that would mean I O'ed on CD10! That would be too good to be true!

OMG - I feel you on the PS3 or Xbox thing - my brother comes over sometimes and both him and my husband start playing it - I actually feel like tanks are walking all over my living room, it's insane..but yah..I'm still stuck with my Highlander which I'm happy with! Especially since we're trying for a 3rd, it has plenty of space on the 2nd and 3rd row..I'd definitely recommend it if you wanted to upgrade to an SUV. And it's so great, knock on wood, in the past 5 years of having it, all we have done to it is change the oil! So when I got home from shopping cars yesterday, I was like hm, this one never gave me any problems so why not keep it!!

I don't think you need to worry if anything above 5 million is fine, besides, when you get the IUI (I saw some videos) really gets all the way in there so it only takes one shooter to get ya preggo! And 14 million seems like a ton ..but I don't understand these things as much as doctors do. I asked how they would go about getting my husband's semen tested, they said you have up to 45 minutes to bring it in, otherwise he has to come in, I was like, that's not an option, he would never accept that, but they said when I go in I can ask the nurse if I can drop off his sample at a closer lab or something..he started cracking up when I was like you gotta go in there, look at magazines and all that like we see in the movies! I gave him a grin and he started cracking up..he's like you're joking right, I'm like YAH! That's "technically" considered cheating! I was messing with him, I know for purposes like this it's not..hahahah.

So tonight I take off till Monday but I have my Iphone with me so if you happen to respond I'll definitely be able to read it and respond back. I definitely think this IUI thing is pretty accurate based on ALL the research I did last night, stayed up till 1am reading about it. It doesn't hurt to BD in the meantime too though, you're still in the O window!

Let's hope for October 2012 babies! <3

Haha, glad you like em. When you are posting a reply at the bottom, go to 'Go Advanced' then on the side there is a bunch of icons, if you hit 'more' it calls up another page with how to do all the icons.

Your husband must be freaked out now huh? The guys get used it, it's just weird for them at first. 45 minutes seems like a long time for brining in the sample. Hopefully they will be accommodating with a closer lab. As they say at our clinic 'the female is always able to assist the male in providing the sample, but no sex as it contaminates it' lol too funny. I just can't picture my husband going in a room there to do that, with or without me.

Your SUV looks nice, I looked it up. I would love that, but with me not working we would have to be pretty careful on the budget. I just do not want a minivan. I loathe minivans, they may be practical but they are atrocious!

I am feeling better now about the lower numbers, and it does only take one :) So we went out today looking for a present for my son's birthday. Of course they were sold out :( a simple talking Elmo, but no, all they have is Ernie, BigBird, Grover, Cookie monster, but not the one he likes, go figure. As we were in the mall walking, I was having trouble as I was in pain from Ovulating (i get that from clomid) and a bit from the IUI. Okay it made me want to double over, and I flinched a few times and my husband was like 'wow, what's wrong with you, your not even pregnant yet.' Sometimes he can be so insensitive. Ah well, that's men.

Oh, I looked up the pink spotting thing and it can apparently also be a sign of ovulation. Never heard of that before but interesting. Let's hope for the implantation bleeding though.
Goodnight, hope you had a blast!
He's not that freaked out, we might as well just take it to a lab, or maybe my actual Gyn's office if they do request it. Yes, it does take just one little semen to conceive, should be fine! I know what you mean about the ovulation pain, I had that AFTER clomid as well, and since you had the IUI's probably a bit less comfortable. I read it's a lot like a PAP smear, do they sedate you at all? And when they say 'sperm wash' what do they mean? Do they add anything else to the sperm in the lab, or they just pick out the good guys? lol. I might even consider an IUI if the RE recommends it tomorrow, but I might have to try another dose on probably an ovulation induction and see what happens then, since I stopped it completely this month and really have no idea how it's going to affect my body.

Yeah, the SUV is nice, I think for the 2008 model they run at about 24,000 for base, and we have the Limited, so maybe 28,500 or so.. and that's if you go to a dealership. I really don't want to return it, so I won't :)

Aw, that's so cute about your son's gift. I remember the days when my son was hooked to the Elmo. Now it just sits in our attic :( I need another baby! Pronto..LOL! I guess you could get him any other talking - (character) though. I'm sure will like whatever you get, that age is just too adorable!

So tomorrow in the A.M. I am going to see what exactly is going to be said to me, I am loathing the 1 hour trip, so ..if I really don't get a good feel from what they have to say or just the practice in general, I'll just come to this one doctor practice RE over here in town, it's probably easier for monitoring. I wouldn't want to go to New Jersey once a week for sure!
I'm wishing you all the best for tomorrow! You could possibly ask them to draw your blood for cycle day 21 to find out if you O'd or not ( apparently its pretty common to have done) I don't think your at CD21 yet but should be soon right? I really do recommend something closely for the sake of monitoring. You have to sometimes go in for CD 3, then a break, then CD9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (essentially until you O) then maybe CD21, and you wait till AF or not. That would be a lot of driving for you.

As for the Elmo, we got one, not the first choice but we are getting him a stuffed cookie monster as well so he has something to cuddle with. My dads birthday was today, 60 years old :) I baked him a vanilla pound cake (his fav) and he got a voucher for an oil change for his motorcycle. He is impossible to ship for, especially after Xmas. We went to my sisters and Xavier got to play with his cousins, it's so cute to watch. They are 7 and 4. I am just now working on a simple appetizer menu for his little gathering. Cocktail meatballs, spinach dip, tomato/cucumber/feta salad, devilled eggs. That's all I've thought of so far. Any ideas?

Yet again, good luck tomorrow. I hope you get some answers, or at least a course of action for what option is best. They may want to so an HSG (they inject dye to see if it flows freely through you Fallopian tubes. Don't worry, it's standard procedure too. I did it, was not bad at all.
Hey girlie, happy birthday to your dad! Mine will be 60 February 2nd. Unfortunately I won't be there but I am gathering ideas on what to ship him. All the way to Europe. So.. As you can probably figure, I didn't get to to AC, my in laws were supposed to come take care of the kids, and long story short, they cancelled last minute because as always, why should their daughter in laws have fun, but their daughter not, even though she was asked to come but simply said no. I don't care, I was just so sad about my sister in law, she planned the whole thing like 3 months ago, and for them to cancel last minute is out of this world but nothing new! I can't wait till my mom visits, I told her I will make it up to her even though she knows it's not my fault but whatever. I was able to take the kids skiing and a bit of bowling afterwards, way better than getting stuck indoors all day with grandma! I tell ya, there is nothing like your own momma when it comes to a whole lot of things! I truly miss her, she will come visit us in Feb for a month! Can't wait. As for the RE, we are having a bad snowstorm here I may have to reschedule. I do have my progesterone test on Wed though, at my actual gyn. I would hate to risk driving in slush or even snow, it keeps snowing so I have to see how the morning will be. It never ends! I had a bit of very light brown spotting today also, then it stopped so I really am hoping to make it there tomorrow. Very weird, first pink now brown. Lol. I'm glad you got your son that, how cute, and I love his name! Did you try build a bear? They stuff most fuzzy friends of all kinds! We love that store. Hm - as far as the gathering looks like you pretty much got it covered. Sometimes I will host a moms night in with the girls here, and I do all kinds of apps, I make Margaritas, I am into cheeses a lot, different kinds so I like to put those out on the table too. As far as dessert I make the mini chocolate lava cakes for each person individually, it works out. I'm sure whatever you make will be delicious, I love spinach dip, can't get enough. How do you feel today post the iui thing? Anymore pain? But even if, it's all worth it right! I've been having slight cramps here and there but nothing unbareable! Thanks for the well wishes I really hope this snow stops so I can make it in, and that's pretty frequent to be going in from what you mentioned. I'd definitely need something closer for that!
Oh and about the HSG, I know what it is. I used to manage a radiology office pre babies! Lol the women that used to come in for that, the screams would be heard across the floor! I was like Lord, don't make me go through this in life! I don't know why my Fallopian tubes would get clogged overtime though, but whatever they suggest me I'm in!
Get out of my head. My favorite food, cheese, or anything with cheese! Lol
Mini lava cakes sound yummy :)
As for the snow, we usually get a ton over here, this year has been super mild. I'll drive anything in the snow, I kinda like it. It's a challenge and you just have to watch out for all the stupid drivers out there. Hey, don't you have an suv? They are good in the snow :)

That is terrible about the inlaws. One thing I don't have to worry about, if I ask my mother in law to watch my son, she'll cancel other plans to do it :) I'm the one who's weird about leaving him for long...I miss him and worry too much. My mom has health issues so she has trouble watching him for long periods, she can do two hours max. My mother in law can be a bit opinionated at times...but you just have to know how to take her, let some things go, otherwise shed drive me nuts.

We are only getting rain here tonight, and tomorrow, then snow the rest of the week. I'm looking forward to it. I want to use the little sled and snowsuit and go out for some winter walks with him. I miss my summer walking, three times a day I'd go out there :)

Have a wonderful night XO :)
Ps-the hsg screamers, they are babies. It's not that bad!!! I swear. I guess some ppl have a worse time than others. My cramps are pretty much gone. I told my husband I feel like I e been tenderized. The pain was pretty bad yesterday, today, I just feel bruised inside. It's weird. Didn't slow me down today though :)
Yep, cheese is delish! SUV is great in snow, but I can't drive on it even if I had tires made of steel lol. My hubby has no problem with it, me however am a chicken in driving in bad road conditions! That's nice about your MIL, mine has watched mine before, but this was a matter of a bit of jealousy of why I was going but not her daughter. She is not opinionated at all, but she has her little "drive me nuts" areas. I don't have to deal with them much, so I'm good there! Sorry to hear about your mom. It's never easy with kids, and I want more but I know I can handle them. They come with me to every appointment and I don't complain about it, as long as they behave :). So we shall see about tomorrow, have a great night as well! :D
So when you get a chance let me know what they mean when they have to do a sperm wash in IUI? And about the Hsg, not everyone was a screamer but mostly for sure! Lol. I know how you must feel, but Im glad you're not feeling like sharp cramps, those are very annoying! I can handle some pain but not excrutiating. Lol
Oh yeah, forgot about that. Sperm washing is just when they prepare the sample for insemination. It can be done a few ways. Mostly they separate the sperm from the semenal fluid as that cannot be put in your uterus, it would make you very sick. A lot of places use a swim up technique, where they let the boys do their thing and see which ones go in a proper upward motion, they seapate out the non movers and circle swimmers, etc.
I'm not sure what they add to it, but I'm sure it's online somewhere.

The HSG they do almost the same as an IUI, but there is an balloon on the end of it they fill once in the uterus, they release saline to see inside, then inject a harmless dye to watch to flow through the tubes. It can cause the uterus to contract and be mild to moderate cramping. They tell you to take ibuprofen before the procedure so your not uncomfortable. The cramps end when they are done. As for me, I only remember mild discomfort, more of a weird sensation than anything. I was too fascinated with them showing me on the monitor the due going through my tubes :)

Sorry I took so long to respond to you. I got kind of pissy with my husband today. He's being a lazy $&@ and I made him watch the kid so I could try to get stuff done. I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and my son comes scooting in with dirt drool and a piece of my cactus in hand. I look into the living room and he is busy playing with his iPhone. When I complained he wasn't watching the baby he was like, I'm busy doing stuff too. Then he starts getting out the phone book calling roofers. Grr, he's infuriating today.

I hope your day is better than mine. Did you end up going to the appointment? Let me know all about it if so. It can take my mind off the cleaning,cooking, filling and sanding nail holes on trim work, painting I've got on the go here. Ya know, baking usually cheers me up. Maybe I'll make some blueberry muffins :) mmm

We are getting do much rain today. We have a bit of a moat in our yard now! The dogs came in super muddy after going out...another thing I'm pretending didn't happen. They need a bath, I think it may be time to hit the dog wash when it stops raining.
I'm feeling pretty good besides, all that's changed is my CM is now white and creamy/sticky, normal for after O (sorry TMI).

I'll be sitting here relaxing till naptime is done, thank god.
Talk to you soon :)
Awww I'm sorry you weren't at your best mood today. Hubbies are famous for doing stuff like that, so I hear ya! When they're in the mood to play with the kids they will. If they are not, god knows they won't even pay attention! You can vent to me anytime! :D

Thanks for the info, now I have a clearer idea. I didn't end up going today at the RE's, we had freezing rain here, and not just rain but so much I could barely drive my son to school this morning, and that's only 1 mile away! lol. I called in the office and they weren't surprised, they had gotten a lot of snow too, they are up north from us so it's worse!

Today I didn't do much except just sit, relax, go shopping and left Sarah with my husband. He's working from home today and she is pretty much very independent so he doesn't need to babysit her like he would a toddler. I ordered a new comforter set from Macy's, it's flowerish - very cute, perfect for upcoming Spring, but it's on backorder so they had to order it for me and I won't have it in another 2 weeks. It was great just getting out a bit on my own and getting my mind off things, like pregnancy! Even though of course it's never completely keeping my mind off of it, but it's better than being obsessed with why I can't seem to get preggo! lol. I don't know what else to do, i have tried to BD as much as I could, this month has been better than last. My husband was like, "Watch, once you get preggo, you won't even care for sex, maybe once in 2 weeks!" I had to laugh..I was like that's NOT true!!! But I do that sometimes, like if he's in the mood and I'm not in my ovulation window I'll be like, Sorry, don't feel like it, but once those days come, I bother him to no end about it! lol.

Did you end up making the muffins? Those sound delicious. This rain is making me lazy today so we just ordered in for dinner, quick, less mess, no cooking, no cleaning! I did enough laundry and dishes yesterday - a MOUNTAIN is an understatement, my daughter changes 5985958 times a day!

Hope your day is going better by the time you read this - I'm sure it will!

Talk soon!
Thanks, i am doing much better now, I got over it. Plus my house smells like baking and vanilla so that always helps :)
He still hasn't really got off his buns to do anything, but take out the recycling, but I had to ask, twice. On the bright side I accomplished lots today and still am. I really can't wait for him to go back to work tomorrow. Everybody needs space sometimes.

I baked blueberry pecan muffins and chocolate chip hazelnut ones. Can't wait till they are all done so I can eat one :) I love to bake/cook. Its something i am really good at, and keeps me busy. Cooking has become more of a hassle lately with cooking for baby and for us, but he's started eating some of what we eat finally, so that should help. I don't ever feed him jarred food, no salt or sugar is added to his food, and I'm pretty proud I've stuck with that. It's hard but worth it, same as breastfeeding.

His dad is currently tickling him on the floor in front of me, he's laughing hytericslly. Okay I take back my negativity earlier, this is so cute to watch.

That's unfortunate you were unable to go, and yeah, freezing rain is not fun to drive in. Did you reschedule or just book with the closer one? I hope you get in soon to get some answers. I am feeling little weird things in the uterine area, don't know how to explain it really. It's probably just the after effects of tenderness from the last couple days pain.
Hope you are well, anything else going on strange with you?
Wow that sounds delicious. I cook a lot when I get that urge, sometimes I am just blah about it and thankfully hubby is a really good cook as well. He makes the best Italian dishes, chicken park and all those goodies. I love to bake tho! Like cookies, muffins, chocolate lava cakes :p lol. Awe that made me smile about your hubby and little one. Too cute!! I did reschedule but to the closer office. Appt is next Wednesday. 10 minutes away, can't wait! I used to feel tingled and twiches in the uterus area when I was pregnant. With Sarah I thought I experienced the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, came out it was implantation severe pain or whatever was going on! With Marlen i didn't know I was pregnant but for two weeks in a row I had this constant pressure and I was so busy with college finals I didn't even realize I was two weeks late for my period! Sometimes it really works if you have no intention of getting pregnant but you do later find out you're preggo! I hope that's the case for you, you've got a ton of hope since you went with the shot plus IUI! Better chances than just BD! nothing weird happening anymore, had that little spotting those couple of days and my CM is pretty much mild to dry so I'm definitely post O. Let's hope something happened this month!
Great news that your going to a closer one, it'll really make your life easier. :)
I've tried that whole, not think about things before. Last time ttc we starting trying the month we got married, so 8 months passes with nothing, then I bought OPK's we timed perfectly and made sure to cover a week either side too, still nothing.

After a year we went in and were referred to the fertility clinic. They did the standard tests and found the low motility issue. They put him on l carnatine and multivitamins and fish oils like crazy :) his numbers improved. I was on clomid for two month without getting pregnant, then we decided to do clomid IUI. First one we did back to back and it was a bust. 2nd one the nurse said it was timed perfect so don't bother with the 2nd one. She said to me 'happy mothers day!' ( was the friday before mothers day) patted me on the back and I was on my way.

That one worked, I had no symptoms except pulling twinges in uterus, even AF symptoms were missing. I tested a day before AF was due, thought I could see something but no. Next day no AF so tested again. Such a faint :bfp:, had to go ask my DH if he could see it, he could. Went for bloodtest and the rest is history, we have Xavier :)

This time I didn't want to wait so long since we had issues last time. I figured let's go for it. I'm off work, don't want to be off forever, let's keep em close in age and one they go to school I can work again. I love being a mom, it's so hard but soooo worth it. Last night nightime separation anxiety kicked in big time! Took me two hours to get him to sleep! I stood over his crib for the last 40 minutes till he was out. I think I need a big cardboard cutout of me, lol :) we'll see how tonight goes.

It's snowing here right now, those light fluffy snowflakes, it's so pretty. How is the weather for you? Has it improved at all? It's good to hear you feel your past o, good sign that you may have hit the mark. Hope all is well, enjoy the day :)

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