Hi there,
My name is Natalie (31) and my partner is Andy (32) We have been TTC for about 6mths. He has 2 children already, but I long for my own.
I think the stork has got lost...hope he finds us all soon.
Best wishes
Natalie x
im so sad
i have been researching and the odds for me getting preggie are like imposible!
everything says that by the time you reach my age that chances drop dramatically like almost impossible natrally...............am i over reacting..i need to stop researching...........im just scared........i feel really presured cause my sister in law which is my hubbys only sibling cant get preggi and has treid numerois fertlily ivf etc and is now to old.........so if i dont get preggie then there is no more family..
hi franm
im just a bit down and stressed out by the whole thing...........i will calm down and start a new cycle of hope lol...............i tested on day 13 and 14 and im due today......still waitn thou, but i usually dont get AF to later in the day..........Im expecting her......
anyway on with the show............thanks for all your support maybe May in my month!!
hi franm
im just a bit down and stressed out by the whole thing...........i will calm down and start a new cycle of hope lol...............i tested on day 13 and 14 and im due today......still waitn thou, but i usually dont get AF to later in the day..........Im expecting her......
anyway on with the show............thanks for all your support maybe May in my month!!
thanks lioness
Im pulling myslef out of my pity cycle and back on the IM GOING TO GET Athis year!!!! I think FF is out form my ovulation day as i reckon I ov on the sun not the sat that they reccorded so in theory im 14 dpo today not 15 which is why the
hasnt arrived and would be due tomorro....
im sure im not pregg but if notommor i will retest on tues....
started trying for two cycles last year and then stopped as had to have operation..........so on 4th cycle this year so i guess 6 cycles all up!!
im going to go to the doc thou even to just get some basic tests to ease my mind!!
anyway im feeling better
so thanks
well i was right thecame riding on her broomstick today.........im still sad but happy now and more positive that this is now a new cycle where a possible
can happen..........so
for new cycle and no more
!!! bring on
franm101 im now one day behind you.......I have already put thedays into my diary ahead of time!! and booked my DH in lol...........so now i have to get on and order some more opks and preseed! so im ready to rock and roll..........im also seeing my doctor on wednesday so even that and the oppprtunity for tests etc is easing my mind heaps!! im sure nothing is wrong except me stressing lol
so lots ofto aus all..
thanks guys for helping me out of my depressing state lol