thanks FB baby i am excited to be trying with a little bit of help........we are also on the adoption list here and are just in the process of updating all are medical info, profile etc and have appointment with social worker next week to go over everything.........fingers crossed that one day someone will choose us.............or i get pregg!! i am happy what ever the way we get a bubs of our own
Babythinkpink.. FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone. bascally it tells you what your egg reserves are.......as you get older they reduce.....so if you have a level under ten you still have good enough egg reserves to get preggs.....
Quail.i could see a faint line on your test heres hoping!!!!
welcome to all the newbies to
thanks FB baby i am excited to be trying with a little bit of help........we are also on the adoption list here and are just in the process of updating all are medical info, profile etc and have appointment with social worker next week to go over everything.........fingers crossed that one day someone will choose us.............or i get pregg!! i am happy what ever the way we get a bubs of our own
Babythinkpink.. FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone. bascally it tells you what your egg reserves are.......as you get older they reduce.....so if you have a level under ten you still have good enough egg reserves to get preggs.....
Quail.i could see a faint line on your test heres hoping!!!!
welcome to all the newbies to