TTC #4 after MC

I'm pretty sure I'm out. We only babydanced on ovulation day which is not a good day to do it for ttc better the two days before! Plus I have a short luteal phase so it has to happen pretty quickly and I'm not really feeling it!

Before my daughter I ovulated every month on cd17. This time it was different every month, cd17/18/19. The month I to pregnant it was cd17 and this month AFTER miscarriage it was cd22.

I'm hoping for at least cd19/20 this next cycle but idk. That is what is hard about not ever knowing when you will ovulate. You can't plan. I never knew how easy I had it before while ttc my daughter!!!
let us know how it goes if you do decide to test mommytoLBG. I can totally relate to not knowing if you want to know or not. When I found out I was pregnant this April we had been trying for awhile and I just couldn't take a test. I was so afraid of another negative one. So I waited til after AF was due and by then had symptoms and was pretty sure I was pregnant.

Sweetmere- I can totally relate about not knowing how easy I had it. I got pregnant with my three before the first cycle after going off of BC with no period in between. I had picture perfect pregnancies. I literally knew nothing then of OPKs or temping or anything. Then when we started trying last year I thought it would be the same. I don't know what happened....... I think that's why I tend to worry so much is I just think that there must be something wrong with my body since it was soooo easy before. I charted for 3 months earlier this year but I cant find any of them. :/
I have heard its normal to O late after MC. I have also heard it's normal to not O for a few months. Which I am pretty sure is what happened to me last cycle. I started charting like the last 10 days and temps were all over the chart. Now they are at least leveling out. Just no O as of yet.
Hopefully you ovulate soon!! That has to be hard. :(

Yeah, it took me eight months altogether with Audrey and then this time it only took three! With Audrey I took soy isoflavones which is like clomid so I am doing that again next cycle. Because I have this insane fear that I have bad eggs. I had that fear before I miscarried and then when I didn't take soy (which strengthens and matures your eggs) I lost the baby so now I am just stuck believing it.
It's hard some days. If I can step outside of the moment them accepting that it may take a few months isn't a huge deal. But it's hard not to get caught up in thinking the worst.
I haven't heard of soy isoflavones. Is that prescribed by your doctor?
I'm sorry LBG :( next month. Hopefully for all 3 of us.

You can get soy at Walmart and other places for pretty cheap. It's over the counter. But it got me and a few friends pregnant! It works a little differently than clomid but does the same thing, strengthens ovulation and eggs. If you take it earlier on it can help you produce more eggs. If you are interested I can tell you more about it. You have to take it a certain way!
Thank you sweet :hugs:

We all can continue ttc together. And then hopefully bump buddies! I'm ok with it. Like I have said this was the first cycle after so I didn't really expect to. But inside you still kind of hope. Now it's waiting to see if AF arrives like she should. How sad it is that I am excited for her to come? Last month it was a relief and now I'm like come on girl bless me with your presence!

So my plan now is to temp or not temp? Opk or not? I hear so many different opinions. And I have heard about the soy from others on here. I'd like to know more about it.
So sorry mommytoLBG I just saw your post (missed it somehow before I responded last time). Next month for sure!

I'll let you know Sweetmere about the soy. I am not sure about putting stuff in my body just yet. I go to my OB mid September. That was my year mark to see what my options are but since I did get pregnant and miscarry I'm not sure if if my year of waiting starts over again from June. So we will see what happens then. I'm going to work really hard to be patient until then since it's only 4 weeks or so away
Thank you too Kazy :hugs:

Continuing on our ttc path. Then on to bump buddies.
MommytoLBG the worst thing in ttc is stress. So my advice is don't do anything that will add stress. I like temping because it doesn't as the stress to the BD because it only tells you after. So it's less pressure in that way. And I refuse to put pressure on my sex life like that! But the. Again if you are like me seeing that I'm not ovulating is adding stress so maybe it's not the best idea lol. I don't have a lot of advice on OPKs because I don't have a lot of experience.
Yes. Can I tell
You how thankful I am for you TTC buddies?! It may sound cheesy but it really has helped me to know someone else out there understands.
We keep missing each other lol.

Very true about the stress. I may try temping just to see what my body is doing. When would I start?

I completely understand what you mean! It's nice to have someone who not only is ttc but also went thru a recent loss. We can relate on so many levels.
Haha. Yes we do. And if you haven't started AF maybe you just tested to early??

You start temping on CD1. Just make sure you take it same time everyday without even getting out of bed. I put my thermometer directly beside the bed.

Maybe I'll O sometime in the next two weeks and we will be on the same schedule lol
I'm cd 26 today. Tuesday would be the day (until this am I was thinking Monday). Until I looked at my Ovia app and the calendar on our wall lol. I know it could still be early but...

Ok good that gives me time to get the thermometer. But better get it tomorrow just in case. I guess I should start taking my temp ASAP since cd1 could be any time. If it doesn't arrive until after i get up then i already missed the temp right? So I should technically start? But not actually log it?

That would be all 3 of us on the same schedule!
You could do it now so you have CD1 whatever day it starts. But keep in mind one temp doesn't tell you anything. It's the overall pattern of your temps. For example O isn't confirmed until you have three raised temps in a row. So missing one day at any given time isn't a big deal.
I'm going to temp. Maybe add in the opks around the time I think. But not going to let stress about it get to me. If that's possible lol.

How are you feeling?
Update: AF arrived. So cd 1. Guess my body isn't back to "old normal". New normal maybe? Arrived on cd 27. So technically 2 days early. Let's see what she does this week. Officially back to ttc.
Two days off is still pretty close to normal. Are you TTC this month or sill waiting til October?

I am feeling ok. Had a small temp rise today so we will see if it keeps rising tomorrow. I out today and forgot to bring O test so I'll have to so it later today than I normally do. I'm interested to see if it's lighter and possibly Od yesterday or day before.
hey ladies just got back from vacation! any good news? what did i miss?

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