TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Oh my gosh.....I too have had weird pulling twinges in the region of my ovaries pretty much all day at 2 and 3dpo, and then less so today, 4dpo. Now I am an intelligent woman (!) and I KNOW that there can't possibly be any symptoms before implantation, yet I am also an irrational woman (!!!) and am imagining my little fertilised egg bumping its way to my uterus and beating me up on its merry I said, I know it's completely irrational but I don't recall feeling this before even though I'm racking my brains to think if I had it with my last pregnancy or when I was pregnant with my son. Unlike you, I think I agree with FFF about my ovulation day, even though that pins my ovulation one or two days after CBFM peak reading. May go off now to play around with FFF settings and see what my chart looks like if I change from advanced to override in favour of CBFM. Whoever would've thought Saturday nights could be THIS exciting? :haha:

Re: your non sore boobs. I think it's entirely possible; I didn't get sore breasts with any of my mc pregnancies or with my beautiful boy, and I know that I subsequently went on to have other symptoms - nausea, heightened sense of smell etc indicating normal development of the pregnancies to various stages. I don't really get it as an indication of impending AF either though. For me, I'd describe it as more a 'full' feeling and I often prod them incessantly to see if perhaps they might be sore, which probably means I end up with sore boobs eventually!!!

Spoomie: !!! We are SO alike! I totally know that whole process of playing with FFF to see if you can get it to change its mind! :haha: And I am totally doing the same thing, imagining the fertilized egg making its way down the chute and causing the twinges. All I can say is that I don't normally have these fluttery things ever. So SOMETHING'S up. Whether or not that something is a BFP, well, I guess I have ONE MORE BLOODY week to wait! :dohh: I know what you mean about being rational and irrational at the same time. Can we blame it on the hormones??

Thanks for your thoughts on the boobs. That does make me feel better about things. I was just thinking how odd it is to feel something different in the uterine area and to feel the lack of something normal (for me) in the boob area. I'm hoping that those are both good signs!

Cannot wait to see what your chart looks like tomorrow! :hugs:
Spoomie: !!! We are SO alike! I totally know that whole process of playing with FFF to see if you can get it to change its mind! :haha: And I am totally doing the same thing, imagining the fertilized egg making its way down the chute and causing the twinges. All I can say is that I don't normally have these fluttery things ever. So SOMETHING'S up. Whether or not that something is a BFP, well, I guess I have ONE MORE BLOODY week to wait! :dohh: I know what you mean about being rational and irrational at the same time. Can we blame it on the hormones??

Thanks for your thoughts on the boobs. That does make me feel better about things. I was just thinking how odd it is to feel something different in the uterine area and to feel the lack of something normal (for me) in the boob area. I'm hoping that those are both good signs!

Cannot wait to see what your chart looks like tomorrow! :hugs:


It's good to know I'm not alone! Doesn't mean I'm sane, just that there's someone else with me in the cuckoo's nest........:haha:

Obviously I've been googling as well as trying to get FFF on my side and it seems the pulling/aching/cramping thingy is as much an indicator or nothing as it is of something. It's annoying because when you google it, the majority of search results direct you to forums/chats where stupid symptom spotting women are saying they have experienced it! However (and sadly) the most vaguely 'scientific' response I came across was on Yahoo questions (so far from scientific and rarely even informative!) but here's the link to one explanation. Scroll down through Brideish's blah blah blah to next answer!

Ok, so now to try to get on with life for the next 10 days..... I really liked Glowstar's theory a couple of pages back when she was dealing with the disappointment of getting her period: every failed cycle is a cycle closer to the successful one. We know we can get pregnant and we will again. It only happened to us a few months back so the odds are massively stacked in our favour that it will happen again. While ever we are ovulating, we are in with a chance and I am trying to take comfort in the fact that I am doing everything I know to do to (naturally) facilitate that.

I am taking a break from running until I glean from my chart which way the pendulum is swinging. Frustrating as it was starting to get a tiny bit easier and I was pushing my mileage a little further each week, but I have rationalised this decision by thinking that at the moment I am not training to win races and run pbs, I am running simply to enhance my chances ttc. I figure that by running prior to ovulation I am maximising the benefit of increased blood flow and, at my age and with my history, I don't need to give a potential baby anymore obstacles than it already has to have to overcome.

Ditto, I shall stalk your chart for a huge temp rise tomorrow, sweet dreams x
PS Sam.......I played around with setting my FFF to research setting but it just didn't seem to look right, I'm pretty sure she has got it right with ovulation at cd13 for me. All I did do was take out a random high temp during follicular phase. What do you think and which setting are you on, advanced or research?

Anyone else, what setting do you use?
I am NOT experiencing tender boobs in this TWW and ALWAYS have tenderness just after ovulation until AF gets me! Weird - not felt anything else much different going on though - trying not to symptom spot, but bludy hell it aint easy!! One more week of the two week torture to go!!!!
I am NOT experiencing tender boobs in this TWW and ALWAYS have tenderness just after ovulation until AF gets me! Weird - not felt anything else much different going on though - trying not to symptom spot, but bludy hell it aint easy!! One more week of the two week torture to go!!!!

Also, my temp took a bit of a dip this morning??
I am NOT experiencing tender boobs in this TWW and ALWAYS have tenderness just after ovulation until AF gets me! Weird - not felt anything else much different going on though - trying not to symptom spot, but bludy hell it aint easy!! One more week of the two week torture to go!!!!

Also, my temp took a bit of a dip this morning??

A bit???? That has the makings of a beautiful implantation dip if it shoots back up tomorrow. I feel compelled to qualify that by telling you to guard your heart. A couple of cycles ago I canvassed opinion when FFF told me that my chart may be triphasic and everyone was very positive; it certainly appeared to be so. So that, in conjunction with FFF's advice led me to the conclusion that it was a fait accompli (which obviously I was looking for it to be) and I crashed mightily, along with my temp. Totally my fault, don't think for a minute that I'm blaming anyone (except FFF!), just wish I'd not let my guard down and attempted to read into the future of my chart as I was seeing it......
well I think a BFP certainly is due here so lets see who brings it :)
PS Sam.......I played around with setting my FFF to research setting but it just didn't seem to look right, I'm pretty sure she has got it right with ovulation at cd13 for me. All I did do was take out a random high temp during follicular phase. What do you think and which setting are you on, advanced or research??

Spoomie: I think cd13 is your O date, for sure. I used the advanced setting. When I use the research setting all kinds of weird things happen, like it gives me no crosshairs etc. Ah well. Thanks for the info on the pulling! Here's hoping for a temp rise tomorrow! xoxo

I am NOT experiencing tender boobs in this TWW and ALWAYS have tenderness just after ovulation until AF gets me! Weird - not felt anything else much different going on though - trying not to symptom spot, but bludy hell it aint easy!! One more week of the two week torture to go!!!!

Morgans--Looks like an implantation dip to me too! I had a dip today too. I always have tenderness after O too. But not this time! We're having a very similar cycle. Is it next week yet? ;)
Well, it ain't gonna be me providing the BFP. Nasty drop this morning. Oh bloody, bloody bloody hell. I woke up at 6.30, took my temp, spent the next 2 hours in tears. This has got to stop. Hope you're all doing okay and SOMEONE post a BFP soon, please! x
Reb, sending you will happen!

and yes, we are due for a BFP here so I am keeping fingers crossed to see more than one!
Well, it ain't gonna be me providing the BFP. Nasty drop this morning. Oh bloody, bloody bloody hell. I woke up at 6.30, took my temp, spent the next 2 hours in tears. This has got to stop. Hope you're all doing okay and SOMEONE post a BFP soon, please! x

Reb: Okay, wait. I read on FFF (or somewhere else, cannot remember), that unless the temp dips by .30, which yours did today, it's not technically an implantation dip. So my dip yesterday was nothing. YOURS, on the other hand, is still well within the implantation window. Chin up, lass. It's still entirely possible and your temps are above the cover line.

Spoomie: Nice temp rise! :thumbup:
Well, it ain't gonna be me providing the BFP. Nasty drop this morning. Oh bloody, bloody bloody hell. I woke up at 6.30, took my temp, spent the next 2 hours in tears. This has got to stop. Hope you're all doing okay and SOMEONE post a BFP soon, please! x

Oh gawd. Wish it was end of next week NOW. Headache and backache all day. This TWW is sheer torture. I really hope one of us gets a BFP soon
Aw Morgans, I'm with you. I think my wait is over, but I'm counting on you, Spoomie and Sam to give us some hope! Come on BFP's! x
Reb.......pretty sure tomorrow's your due date? I'll be thinking of you all day, if I remember right, you said you were going to the beach? Enjoy your day out with your OH xxx
Spoomie, your chart looks good! any feedback on percentage on FF?
Spoomie, your chart looks good! any feedback on percentage on FF?

Hi Elizabeth

Thanks for vote of confidence, I certainly wasn't expecting that this morning! Trying desperately to keep my feet on the ground, though have been online to see my chart about 5 times today - weirdo!!! It just looks so hopeful but I know it is highly likely it will come crashing down around me in a week's time. FFF's given me 7 points, guess that's not bad for 5dpo! I've been googling the possibly of implanting at 4dpo but it may be that I'm sickening for something as my toddler starting sniffling today and that would also account for the temp rise. We'll see what next few days bring.....x
Hi Spoomie- thanks for remembering. yes, tomorrow should've been Ben's birthdate. We're off to the beach to release a balloon (if Jasper-dog doesn't eat it on the way!) and cry and laugh. Quite a few tears today already, but OH has been wonderful and we are feeling very close. Good luck with your lovely temp rise - maybe yours will be the BFP we all need so desperately xx
Morgan: Me too. Headache, backache, small stomach issues. Feel grumpy and weepy today, but OH and I had a row last night so I'm putting the emotional stuff down to that.

Reb: I am glad you have a lovely day planned for tomorrow. I shed a few tears today about my due date and I will remember to keep you in my thoughts tomorrow. :hugs:

Spoomie: Points? What are these points of which you speak and where do I find them on FFF? Okay. Okay--found the points. I have seven as well. Not feeling as if I am in the pudding club quite yet, though, but I do feel sort of overall crappy today. Headache, backache, sort of weird stomach, tired. OH and I had a row last night though, so it might be partially down to that. :(
Ladies - just logged on cos I really needed some post miscarriage information and sadly this is the only place I know that has so many awesome ladies and I read your pm's and messages and what you had written in here, it has taken me an hour to catch up but I am now a sobbing blubbering mess and I am freaking the little one out cos he keeps tugging my arm saying mummy? mummy? so I am going to go and compose myself and come back later.

Spoomie I love you and thank you for your pm's, you wonderful beautiful person. I have done what you said my user cp is clear form that nastiness and I can come straight here without passing go, no looking left or right and no collecting 200 smackers!!

I love our little secret group over on FB though so I will stay there too ladies if that's OK. In someways cos it is so private I feel we can talk so much openly there, especially if DP happens to click on any of my posts in these "public" forums!

Anyway special special ladies if love is all it takes to bring these souls though then they are so very very near cos there simply cannot be much more love to be found around waiting to give them it's all here!

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