TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hello all you lovely people! Thanks for all your lovely wishes today. We have had a great day. I think I got my tears done mostly yesterday when OH and I were apart; today we went to the beach with 2 balloons, one to release each. It was so windy that one escaped without my noticing before we even got over the dunes and then I realised how perfect that was, as that one was Bill, my non-sticky bean, who never implanted at the IVF. He disappeared before we even saw him. We got the other balloon and wrote a message on it for Ben and I wrote a kiss on it - then OH surprised me by taking the pen and writing a kiss from him too; then we released it together and kissed and hugged. We watched it fly away for as long as we could see it.
OH was quite emotional which took him by surprise and he doesn't often admit to it, so it was very lovely for me. We took Jasper-dog for a lovely long walk on the beach; rode the Dymchurch railway; took another walk in a nature reserve and went out for a meal. We've had a celebration day, really and felt very close.
Hope you don't mind me describing it all, but it was very special.

Now -Spoomie and Morgans - you've got all my hopes this month. COME ON GIRLS! SOMEONE POST A BFbloodyP!!!
Miss C - hope you're here to stay x

Hi, I havent been on here for a couple of days, awe thats sounds like a lovely but sad day for you, I have tears in my eyes and I hope that you and OH can move forward - just beautiful releasing balloons :flower:

Take care x
Hi Girls, Glowie is fine but busy ;-))), hope she posts tonight though cos I LOVE her stories and chat :))) Me? - well temp rise for a couple of days, then dropped slightly today, but awful sore cramps - like Id pulled muscles in my stomach all day til this afternoon and now Im fine again, still no sore boobs this month which is weird for me! Due AF Sunday, so I really havent a piggin clue!!!! Im quite glad I go off on holiday soon so the next TWW will be spent in the sun and maybe just maybe will take my mind off things for a while! No monitors for a month either, having a break from the CBFM.
Hi Girls, Glowie is fine but busy ;-))), hope she posts tonight though cos I LOVE her stories and chat :))) Me? - well temp rise for a couple of days, then dropped slightly today, but awful sore cramps - like Id pulled muscles in my stomach all day til this afternoon and now Im fine again, still no sore boobs this month which is weird for me! Due AF Sunday, so I really havent a piggin clue!!!! Im quite glad I go off on holiday soon so the next TWW will be spent in the sun and maybe just maybe will take my mind off things for a while! No monitors for a month either, having a break from the CBFM.

Hey Morgan

Checked out your FFF chart earlier and was disappointed your temp rise hadn't continued on its previous stratospheric trajectory! Seems early to be having af symptoms, but not sure if you usually get such advance notice and that's your normal pattern - it could still be a good sign of things shifting around in there, it's not over till the old hag clears her throat! And I hardly ever get sore boobs, even when I'm pregnant so don't give up hope. Keep us posted until you go away for a break. You are so disciplined to say you're going to switch off from monitors, temps etc while you're on hols.

Have a fab time x
Er, Spoomie, your chart doesn't look half bad, either!
And Morgans, you're not out till you're out and your temps are still up, so I piggin' hope there's a bean in there!
Yes, your temp should be that high- mine regularly goes up to 36.8 which is what yours is at now, but the shape of that chart.....!!!!!!!! PLEASE get up early tomorrow morning and post straight away... x
And don't discourage OH from cleaning up bodily fluids, just in case he has to do a lot of it over the next few years....! x

Reb: HA! Trust me; I won't discourage him EVER. He looked so damned pleased with himself that all I could do was give him a big kiss and try to reward such unusual behavior! I will be up early tomorrow morning and will post first thing because I am scheduled to go get blood drawn for a complete "trying to get knocked up" hormonal panel. Wouldn't it be fantastic if I were already UTD!

Your chart looks phenomenal, can't wait for tomorrow. Just guard your heart, cross your fingers and toes and pray :hugs::hugs:

Spoomie: Heart guarded. . . Everything crossed! :hugs: It's like bloody Christmas Eve waiting for tomorrow morning! :wacko: Your chart looks damned nice too, girl!!

Morgans: Your chart still looks pretty good and I have weird pressure things down there too. Not cramps, but not nothing, if that makes sense.
Thanks ladies for your positive comments on my chart (though I feel a bit unworthy and like Samiam's understudy as hers is far superior to mine!!! :haha:)

Confession time: I have been on FFF overlaying my charts. Am I the only one? Oh dear, I've passed the point of no return. I KNOW that 8dpo is way too early to be analysing my chart but still I torment myself! It's (obviously) inconclusive as well as tormenting :dohh: But please rise again tomorrow, please.........

Sleep well gals xx
Girls you have some good temp rises, everything crossed here. I feel really cranky tonight, feeling less positive now!! I am giving up the monitor just for a month, but still going to temp! Its quite an obsession!

Good luck girls
Hello Lovely ladies!!! :hugs::hugs:

I've been really busy the last few days which is a good thing waiting for's so boring :sleep: CD8 already...CBFFFFFM high from possibly in for an early we got a BD in this morning. Yes I can hear you all...shock horror!! before work too!! it was a bit of a ' out and out the kettle on' dealio...but I'm not complaining. OH strung me up like a Turkey after while I inserted my first Instead Cup. Went to work with it in and had it in all day.....had some minor leakage and had to take my knickers off in the ladies toilets and dry them under the hand dryer :haha: didn't fancy walking round with a 'spermie snatch patch' on my pants :rofl::rofl:

Reb - Hi honey!!! your story brought tears to my eyes, it sounded beautiful....hope you are OK :hugs:

Spoomie - Your chart looks great :thumbup: let's hope this is it for you :hugs:

Sam - FREAKIN' AWESOME CHART!! have everything crossed for you xx

Morgans - Your chart looks FAB too......I hope waiting until as close to ov as possible is going pay off for you :thumbup:

Miss C - Sorry your having a rough time of it :wacko: hope bubba is OK and that the Dr's can refer you quickly. WELCOME BACK :kiss:
Hello Lovely ladies!!! :hugs::hugs:

I've been really busy the last few days which is a good thing waiting for's so boring :sleep: CD8 already...CBFFFFFM high from possibly in for an early we got a BD in this morning. Yes I can hear you all...shock horror!! before work too!! it was a bit of a ' out and out the kettle on' dealio...but I'm not complaining. OH strung me up like a Turkey after while I inserted my first Instead Cup. Went to work with it in and had it in all day.....had some minor leakage and had to take my knickers off in the ladies toilets and dry them under the hand dryer :haha: didn't fancy walking round with a 'spermie snatch patch' on my pants :rofl::rofl:

Reb - Hi honey!!! your story brought tears to my eyes, it sounded beautiful....hope you are OK :hugs:

Spoomie - Your chart looks great :thumbup: let's hope this is it for you :hugs:

Sam - FREAKIN' AWESOME CHART!! have everything crossed for you xx

Morgans - Your chart looks FAB too......I hope waiting until as close to ov as possible is going pay off for you :thumbup:

Miss C - Sorry your having a rough time of it :wacko: hope bubba is OK and that the Dr's can refer you quickly. WELCOME BACK :kiss:

HI Glowstar, glad to see you back in the fold. Your posts make me laugh :thumbup: while mine must sound like I'm about to slit my wrists :haha: Apologies x

Leakage issues....yuk, I remember those! I used to get in the shower as soon as poss, leaving a decent interval so as not to offend DH! Now I'm so obsessed with keeping it in I try not to breathe for at least half an hour after DTD, let alone move around! Somehow seems to be less of an issue once one has slept on it/in it all night long!!! What has happened to us?!?!
Spoomie, I am a pretty positive person but I suppose we all have our low moments...mine come in waves. I had one last night after torturing myself reading depressing TTC facts. OH said 'It doesn't matter if we can't have a baby we can still have a great life together' :hugs: I know he is right but now I feel like I am on a journey and I can't imagine life without the end result :wacko: MY OH is only just 32 and it would seriously kill me for him not to have a child of his own because I know he would be a fantastic Dad. Anyway, that's bloody depressing so moving swiftly on :haha::haha:

Back to the leakage issue....or lack of it today for me!!! I am like you normally but since TTC sperm is like liquid gold :haha: I even have a 'special pillow' in the drawer under the bed for OH to wedge under my backside to elevate me!! He actually said to me tonight, that if he held me up for over an hour would that help, I was like 'yes babe it would, but all the blood would rush to my head and I might pass out in the process' :blush:
Back to the leakage issue....or lack of it today for me!!! I am like you normally but since TTC sperm is like liquid gold :haha: I even have a 'special pillow' in the drawer under the bed for OH to wedge under my backside to elevate me!! He actually said to me tonight, that if he held me up for over an hour would that help, I was like 'yes babe it would, but all the blood would rush to my head and I might pass out in the process' :blush:

Ditto - liquid gold, priceless:haha::haha: Also ditto the pillow. We usually forget about the damned stupid pillow until a bit too far along and then have to pause proceedings while we realign with the pillow - it would make for hysterical Youtube viewing!!! :blush:
Ha haha! Glad you're back, Glowie! I needed a giggle as I also spent the evening reading depressing TTC facts, including all the latest IVF, IUI figures. What a load of shite. I am OBSESSED! Thinking we're going to get some consults in the next couple of week then make some decisions. Seeing as I've never got pregnant by myself in THREE AND A HALF BLOODY YEARSSSSSS!!!!! we might try some intervention again, or we might, as your other half says, have a good life anyway!
Right Spoomie, Morgans, Sam, it's a race to the BFP - who's going to make my week? x
Thanks ladies for your positive comments on my chart (though I feel a bit unworthy and like Samiam's understudy as hers is far superior to mine!!! :haha:)

Confession time: I have been on FFF overlaying my charts. Am I the only one? Oh dear, I've passed the point of no return. I KNOW that 8dpo is way too early to be analysing my chart but still I torment myself! It's (obviously) inconclusive as well as tormenting :dohh: But please rise again tomorrow, please.........

Sleep well gals xx

Spoomie: You are NO understudy, misses. I admit to doing the very same thing with FFF, but it never ever matches up the way I want it to (even with this chart). And I started doing it at O this month, so you are not alone in the insanity. Fingers crossed for a big temp rise for you tomorrow! :hugs:

it was a bit of a ' out and out the kettle on' dealio...but I'm not complaining. OH strung me up like a Turkey after while I inserted my first Instead Cup. Went to work with it in and had it in all day.....had some minor leakage and had to take my knickers off in the ladies toilets and dry them under the hand dryer :haha: didn't fancy walking round with a 'spermie snatch patch' on my pants :rofl::rofl:

Sam - FREAKIN' AWESOME CHART!! have everything crossed for you xx

Glowstar: OMG that story has me fricking cracking up! :rofl: Fricking liquid gold. I had one month where, because we were cross with one another, after we did the deal, so much leaked out of me that I started crying. Sheesh. What are we like?

AFM: Am going to use an ic cheapie when I get back from collecting petitions this afternoon. Since it's early days and in the afternoon, I figure I can handle the disappointment of a possible BFN. Will post later.
BFN on the IC. Won't test again until Sat or Sun. Feeling slightly worried. I hate this part of it all.
Spoomie, I am a pretty positive person but I suppose we all have our low moments...mine come in waves. I had one last night after torturing myself reading depressing TTC facts. OH said 'It doesn't matter if we can't have a baby we can still have a great life together' :hugs: I know he is right but now I feel like I am on a journey and I can't imagine life without the end result :wacko: MY OH is only just 32 and it would seriously kill me for him not to have a child of his own because I know he would be a fantastic Dad. Anyway, that's bloody depressing so moving swiftly on :haha::haha:

Back to the leakage issue....or lack of it today for me!!! I am like you normally but since TTC sperm is like liquid gold :haha: I even have a 'special pillow' in the drawer under the bed for OH to wedge under my backside to elevate me!! He actually said to me tonight, that if he held me up for over an hour would that help, I was like 'yes babe it would, but all the blood would rush to my head and I might pass out in the process' :blush:

Push those thoughts right away. All of that had started going through my head a few months ago. DF had said to me 'We'll get get more dogs' bless him. I was getting so cacked off with it all and thought it was better to face upto things and be prepared, just in case.

As long as you're ovulating, there's a chance every month, the golden eggs are in there, it's just waiting for then to pop to the front and making sure you do all you can to catch them as they fall.

I know it gets frustrating and tiring but your turn will come.

That goes to all of you. xx

:dust: :dust:
Thanks Truly, that's so wonderfully encouraging - we're also thinking more dogs at the moment!!! Glad bean is growing beautifully!
Sam - don't panic. Look up FFF chart gallery - negative OPKs before positive OPKs and keep your fingers crossed. As Spoomie said, guard your heart, but whatever the outcome, if you don't mind the literary allusion, It is a far, far better chart that I am seeing than I have ever seen, your cycle is hugely improved, even if it's a BFN xxxxx
Spoomster - Morgans - haven't got time to stalk, hope your both temping high x

NOW those are some stats!!!

Hands up who still feels down? NOT ME!!!

What about the fact that the number of unintended pregnancies in women between 40 and 44 is second only to teenagers? Many women in their 40's think their too old to get pregnant, they get little lax with their birth control, and bingo!

Article Source:

NOW those are some stats!!!

Hands up who still feels down? NOT ME!!!

What about the fact that the number of unintended pregnancies in women between 40 and 44 is second only to teenagers? Many women in their 40's think their too old to get pregnant, they get little lax with their birth control, and bingo!

Article Source:
really intersting that hun

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