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TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

it works like clomid i.e it can make you ov if you dont or regulates your cycle. depending on the days it is taken it can make you produce more eggs or improve the quality of eggs x
Hey Ladies - hope everyone is well, keeping busy and managing to have some fun. I am about to follow Glitter along the soy trail so we'll see what effects that has. :hugs:
Right. So someone please update me on this soy business. I know how clomid works and the days etc. What soy products do you use? Im quite interested... :)
Hey Omi - I got mine via the internet, I was recommended by someone else to get the Nature's Aid Soya Isoflavones 50mg - lots of different places sell them just google. You take them at the beginning of your cycle for 5 days only - most suggest the dosage at 100mg and a lot of the soy tablets come in 30mg which makes trying to take 100 a bit tricky. Suggested starting days according to the research I have done is - either CD2-6, 3-7 or 5-9 (Don't ask me why not 4-8 - I can find no reason, just no mention of these days) They are considered to be natures clomid - I've no idea whether they work or not, as per most things some people rave about them and others knock them. If you already take a lot of soy in your diet I would steer clear as too much soy has been linked to infertility but research is sketchy to say the least. I'm using it this cycle to try and delay Ovulation by a few days - I have no idea whether I will be able to achieve this using the soy method, but I figure I have nothing to loose. :hugs:
I saw Soy Isoflavones in Tesco the other day too! Although I got mone from Holland & Barrett. I'm not sure I rate them so much (I did 2 cycles) as I always had masses of bloating and Ov pains from about day6 or 7 on Clomid....I KNEW I was ovulating and felt like I was squirting out a gazillion eggs, but Soy never made any difference to me, at all.

You are supposed to double up on your Clomid dose, so for me who was on 100mg daily of Clomid, I took 200mg of Soy.......and nothing, but hey...they may work for some peeps x
This is interesting cause Ive taken clomid in the past and i had really bad cramps and seeing as i wasn't monitored id rather not do it again, Additionally, Ive read some fertility specialists saying they will never give clomid to women over forty due to diminishing egg reserves. id hate to lose a whole load, lol!

Any thoughts?
Well, I have my Clomid prescription ready for next month, and am dithering. Not really because I'm worried about it using all my eggs, but for me, because a few people have suggested that mucking with my hormones could have been a factor in accelerating my cancer, and I'd rather get a couple of check ups under belt and know 100% its gone before I start again. But then again, I appreciate my time is running short.

I think a good search on FF for the over 40's shows that there are plenty of over 40's successful on Clomid. And plenty of doctors will prescribe it, saying it won't affect your egg reserve (who to believe???). FWIW, I don't think the egg reserve ever actually runs out, I think it just gets harder for the follies to produce a good one.

FWIW, my opinion of the 'Clomid substitutes' is that if they work, they will do the same to your eggs as Clomid does, and if they don't do the same......then they probably don't work!! But then it's a trade off isn't it, between increasing your earlier chances, but maybe to the detriment of yur ongoing chances.:shrug: Not an easy choice!!
I hear you Lyns...this crap is all so confounding isn't it, lol! On the point of 'egg reserve doesn't actually run out' - i actually read an article online regarding this exact issue.

Here it is... https://www.ivf.net/ivf/women_produce_new_eggs_study_suggests-o279.html

I honestly believe that we are still in the infancy of fertility science, it is relatively new after all (last 50 years only) and that with time, ok, maybe not in time for us but hey :), a better understanding and better treatments will be found.

Fingers crossed and all that :)

Omi xxx
Wow, Omi that article is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. :hugs:
Wow great article can you imagine the implications of this. It could lead to new discoveries about all sorts of things. I know God has the final say so in all things. Loving science as I do I can see how great it might be Thnx
Hope this gives you ladies a bit of hope :thumbup:

Although my pregnancy track record is not good ( I have three children 28, 25 & 18. I have had 5 recurrent miscarriages) you can still get pregnant late on in life and it be successful.

I found out just over two weeks ago Im pregnant , 6 weeks tomorrow.
It was a complete shock for us as we had given up after losing the last baby three years ago. We have since had a Grandson, I had lost two stone in weight (was overweight at 13st 7lb) had started walking an hour a day. This happened naturally.

Even my husband said "how has this happened" ummm its a bit late in the day for a talk on the birds and the bees.

I have since found out lots of people got caught in their late forties in the older days too. Four ladies I have as clients were 43, 45, 47 and Yes 48.

Although this is probably rare it just goes to show with me it can happen.
Im having medication to help the pregnancy be successful and am seeing the specialist later today. I am lots more tired but think it may be the medication as well.

Fingers crossed and plenty of prayers and thoughts hopefully will make this one a success
Congratualtions to you Alexp.....it's lovely to hear stories like yours x
Yay congrats Alexp :)
Still no AF here but some brown CM. Don't know if that's a pg sign or just means AF is on way!? cramps have stopped though.
Me too, congrats and thanks for sharing, what wonderful news, may you have a happy and healthy 9 months, hun! :)
Grrrrr.......another one bites the dust. :witch: arrived today. Sad, as I was quietly hopeful, having had a perfect cycle and 1 day late.

Do I take Clomid this cycle or not??:shrug:
Good question> I suggest go with your gut! Do what you think is right and you never know..... We might get lucky together - here's hoping :)
Alexp, thank you for the inspiration knowing that you are pregnant naturally at 46 gives me great hope at 43 (44 dec ) that this too will happen for us , we gave up trying as in intensley and are now just enjoying ourselves and hoping that not thinking about it that it will eventually happen for us. You truly are an inspriation to all of us over 40 THANK YOU xx tina

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