TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hi gals

CD6 for me and the clouds usually start to lift around now. I have had a great day today, I think I have simply enjoyed my beautiful boy for the first time in about 6 months and it is a wonderful feeling. I am going to credit it to the passage of time, accepting I ned the help of the bereavement counsellor, reflexology and (I feel like such a traitor) giving up on my herbalist for a while! She was so supportive of me and I tried so hard to believe in her but the taking my potion 3 times a day along with a regime of vitamins was just too much. I felt like 3 times a day I was being reminded of my failure and it was becoming too much of a pressure. So, I have decided that this month is to be drug free and then I will resume a pre-natal vitamin only. The reflexology on Sunday was wonderful and I feel that I am finding some sort of peace (of course I will be like a broken record again come cd1 - apologies in advance!) I have also had coffee most mornings and a glass of wine most evenings which is obviously helping my mood markedly! Maybe real life is finally resuming.......
Spoomie - your description sounds delightful. It's good to read words like "enjoy" and "wonderful" so I'm sure it must be even better to actually feel that way.

Inkdchick - fingers crossed for you.


Pip x
Spoomie - great to hear you sounding so cheerful and enjoying you DS. Keep it up! xx
Glowie - hope you're doing okay x
Ink - good luck for the test ! x
Oh my gosh Twinny, we defintely are twins. I too had the BEST day with Jke yesterday, we did a little bit of shopping andthen went to the bike park where he stood up to a bully and the bully ended up wanting to pay with him but Jake wasn't having a bar of him!! I was so proud. He rode his boke and his scooter and every now and then would look up and see me watching and run over and give me a big cuddle and kiss. I said to him are you having fun and he said like! We then went to a little cafe and he ate a whole enormous sausage and said yum like! Turning into a little boy so fast, where is a my baby boy! But I did have such fun with him and if he is allwe have then we are the luckiest people on the planet and if his sibling does choose to come on through then they wil have made the best decision cos he will be the best bog brother in the whole world.

On a lighter note Has anyone tried preseed - OMG DO NOT USE A FULL DOSE!! We only used half and even that caused a mess, by the time we were ready to stop fooling around and get serious it was halfway down my thighs and I woke up a couple of hours later and simply had to get up and clean up which I don't usually do during money shot time cos I leave it there as long as possible but it was so messy. I think a quarter dose tonight.


*TMI* alert again

I think having so much "stuff" in there made air bubbles get trapped etc, my wanny was flapping after like a whoppee cushion, every time I moved fffwwwwaaaaapppp! fwwwaaaaaappppp - sorry don't know how to make a wet slappy wanny fart noise!!!! When I went to the bathroom to clean up oh my god the NOISE. The echo from the toilet bowl of the fffwwwaaapppp was so loud it woke hubby up who normally sleeps through a bomb and 4 alarms to wake him!!!
Oh my gosh Twinny, we defintely are twins. I too had the BEST day with Jke yesterday, we did a little bit of shopping andthen went to the bike park where he stood up to a bully and the bully ended up wanting to pay with him but Jake wasn't having a bar of him!! I was so proud. He rode his boke and his scooter and every now and then would look up and see me watching and run over and give me a big cuddle and kiss. I said to him are you having fun and he said like! We then went to a little cafe and he ate a whole enormous sausage and said yum like! Turning into a little boy so fast, where is a my baby boy! But I did have such fun with him and if he is allwe have then we are the luckiest people on the planet and if his sibling does choose to come on through then they wil have made the best decision cos he will be the best bog brother in the whole world.

On a lighter note has anyone tried preseed - OMG DO NOT USE A FULL DOSE!! We inly used half and even that caused a mess, by the time we were ready to stop fooling around and get serious it was halfway down my thighs and I woke up a couple of hours later and simply had to get up and clean up which I donlt usually do during money shot time cos I leave it tehre as long as possible but it was so messy. I think a quarter dose tonight.


*TMI* alert

I think having so much "stuff" in there made air bubbles get trapped etc, my wanny was flapping after laike a whoppee cushion, evbery toe I mooved fffwwwwaaaaapppp! fwwwaaaaaappppp - srry donlt know how to make a wet slappy wanny fart noise!!!! When I went to the bathroom to clean up oh my god the NOISE. The echo from the toilet bowl of the fffwwwaaapppp was so loud it woke hubby up who normally sleeps through a bomb and 4 alarms to wake him!!!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was HILARIOUS! :haha: I think you should use an Instead Cup afterward along with that to keep the swimmers in the juice :winkwink:
can't get instead cups over here but am researching an alternative to add to the arsenal for next month if we need it!!


Advce from FS re alternative therapies - He said there is no evidence that acupuncture is good or bad so it doesn’t hurt to do it. He did, however, say Chinese Herbal medicine research (possibly out of the UK) shows that when eggs are collected and studied for an IVF cycle eggs had an abnormal membrane created from the herbs in the meds and the fertilisation rates were heaps lower.

Now you can take this with a grain of salt as there is heaps of conflicting information all over the internet but just wanted to pass it on.
I take acupuncture but I do not do any herbs. Since starting in April all of my cycles have been herb and supplement free. My cycles have regulated with the acupuncture alone. We are looking to conceive next month or the following months so I am hopeful the process has worked for us.

Welcome Dyme Diva40! Good luck with no 2. How old is he/she (No 1) and why are you angry?!
Miss C - hahahahhahahahhhahhahaaaaaa!!!!!! oh dear, I've sputtered bran flakes all over the computer screen!
Miss C - maybe one of us can ship you some instead cups, or can you get them over the net?
It's really nice to hear about you and Spoomie enjoying your little ones so much x
AFM - no temps, no OPK's no nothing. Feels great.
Miss C don't make me laugh so hard - the bladder simply isn't what it once was!!!! :rofl:

Pip x
Twinny, you are too funny!!! So glad you had a good day. I echo your sentiments that what I have is wonderful and that anything else would be the icing and cherry on our cake xxx
Here's a bit of inspiration....just watched a program on Discovery about a 50 year old lady and her 38 year old husband and she's just had perfect twins!! yes 50!!! we can do it ladies....don't give up!!!
Hey ladies!

I haven't been on much in the past month or more because TTC just became too emotionally overwhelming. And, once OH decided he didn't want to bring science into it yet, I just gave up hope and stopped everything. I ended up with a 60 day cycle, right after I had just had my first 28 day cycle after stopping BC last October. So, that was definitely a double whammy of a let down.

I was REALLY hoping that I would be lucky enough to have another 28 day cycle this time (was hoping the 60 day thing was due to my surgery), but alas, no such luck - today is CD30. I just want AF to show! Is that too much to ask??

I've decided to go back to tracking everything if she will just show and let me get started again. I need to see if that annovulatory cycle was a fluke or if I am literally not Oing. I don't care if he's not ready for science. That's fine. We don't have to start any kind of treatment, but I WILL figure out what is going on with me, like it or not.

Sorry for the downer post; I've just been so angry about all of this. I think I'm coming out of it, though. Hope to catch up with you all again. I keep forgetting about this thread since they moved it too. Grrr.
Welcome back Shelley! Sorry you've had a rough time. We've had lots of chats about getting the OH on board - it's not always easy! I hope (I can't believe I'm saying this!) - I hope the witch shows up soon for you x
Sam, you're nearly there x
Miss C - interesting stuff about the Chinese herbs. I certainly wouldn't combine the IVF and herbs and gave up on them about 2 months ago. Now I've discovered that since taking them I got a fibroid and that's exactly the kind of thing they were meant to prevent. So who knows.
hey Pip. Hope all is going well with bump x
Ink - did you test?
AFM - Jasper the dog is sick - a sleepless night, just as if I had a baby! Lots of sick and poo - just as if I had a baby! Oh well, maybe he'll have to do. He's now watching me with the big browns as it's past feeding time and there's no food for jasper today...!
Thanks Reb! LOL, I know it sounds weird to wish for AF. If I had any hope at all that I'm just late, I'd hope she stays away. I'm going to go ahead and test Friday, if she doesn't show by then, just get the definite BFN so I'll know for sure that she's what I'm waiting on.

I've had all the normal signs of AF, had a day and a half of teensy spotting and then nothing. I usually spot heavy so that was weird. So, I'm just waiting for it now.

Sorry about Jasper! :(
RebS yes i did hun with a sainsburys test but it was neg and have just read that they are unreliable so have now bought FRER tests and will be doing one tomorrow morning, ( i wasnt going to but i have just been for a pee and it was bright neon yellow pee and im not taking prenatals , only folic acid zinc and iron so it cant be prenatals lol ,) its just really wierd not had this before . I couldnt finish lunch and ended up gagging i had to have a lie down this afternoon as im so tired today, and now i have to get something to eat and still feeling iffy i dont know what to get : (
i just dont know if im ever gonna get a + test but am at the docs on monday for something else so if i dont get anything i will ask him to do a blood test , he is excited for us so im sure he will do it but i just dont want to have to wait a week to find out, i just wish i knew now xx
Shelley--Welcome back! Sorry you're having such a time of it.

Reb: Sorry about Jasper!

Inkd: FXd for you.

AFM: Welp. I'm packed and ready to head to the airport. Off to Alaska for the weekend with OH. Hope you all have a grand weekend and I hope to come back with BFP news!
Shelley--Welcome back! Sorry you're having such a time of it.

AFM: Welp. I'm packed and ready to head to the airport. Off to Alaska for the weekend with OH. Hope you all have a grand weekend and I hope to come back with BFP news!

Thanks! Have a great time!
Evening all

Glowie, good to hear that you are sounding positive and looking to a future with a baby in it, however long it takes! I have thought that maybe all my pain will be rewarded with twins, though DH doesn't see it as such a 'reward' when I ran the idyll by him! :haha:

Shelley, hang in there. I totally understand what you mean about the whole TTC being too emotionally overwhelming, hang in there, it does ebb and flow. If you read back, you'll see that I am the most pessimistic member on the thread and no one here ever gives the impression that they are fed up with me (which, unless they are saints, they must be by now - THEY all want me to get happy news more than I want it, just to shut me up!) I never thought I'd be wishing for anyone on here to get AF, it just feels wrong (!) but I hope she hurries up and gets here so you can get on. Have you considered vitex to regulate your cycle? Although I am taking a break from herbal medicine for a couple of months (Western, not Chinese, though Miss C's post was very interesting as I had been considering it in conjunction with acupuncture - yikes) , I took vitex and it is supposed to help regulate your cycle. Anyway, we are here to listen, make suggestions or just give you cyberhugs. :hugs:

Sam, the wait is nearly over. Have a fab time in Alaska (gosh, you get around!) and we are all praying for good news for you over the weekend away. Given your long distance relationship it would be so special to share the poas moment! Although OH is not allowed his blackberry, make sure that YOU find a way of getting online to share with us if it is good news. :winkwink:

Reb, sorry to hear about Jasper. Hope he's better soon. He is so cute in your avatar. However, we don't want him to do for you, we want a baby for you. Any further thoughts on how you will proceed re: IVF? Tell me to mind my own business.......

Inkdchick, I've said it before and I'll say it again, your PMA is amazing. You are amazing so hang in there. So sorry that Sainsburys test didn't give good result this am, crossing everything for you that FRER gets it right for you tomorrow. Don't underestimate how great it is to have a Dr who is onside, I remember reading one of your posts a couple of months ago and thinking how great that s/he is so helpful, is it private or NHS?!

Twinny, go easy on the preseed tonight.....!!! :haha:

AFM, another positive day. Today I am feeling like good news can't elude me for the rest of my reproductive years!! I just feel so much lighter in myself and I've decided I'm going to credit it to the reflexology at the mo. Off to watch The Apprentice right now, catch you later ladies xxx
Shelley, hang in there. I totally understand what you mean about the whole TTC being too emotionally overwhelming, hang in there, it does ebb and flow. If you read back, you'll see that I am the most pessimistic member on the thread and no one here ever gives the impression that they are fed up with me (which, unless they are saints, they must be by now - THEY all want me to get happy news more than I want it, just to shut me up!) I never thought I'd be wishing for anyone on here to get AF, it just feels wrong (!) but I hope she hurries up and gets here so you can get on. Have you considered vitex to regulate your cycle? Although I am taking a break from herbal medicine for a couple of months (Western, not Chinese, though Miss C's post was very interesting as I had been considering it in conjunction with acupuncture - yikes) , I took vitex and it is supposed to help regulate your cycle. Anyway, we are here to listen, make suggestions or just give you cyberhugs. :hugs:

AFM, another positive day. Today I am feeling like good news can't elude me for the rest of my reproductive years!! I just feel so much lighter in myself and I've decided I'm going to credit it to the reflexology at the mo. Off to watch The Apprentice right now, catch you later ladies xxx

I've heard of Vitex, but I didn't know what it was for. Is it prescription or herbal? Where can I get it and what are the instructions?!?! LOL

I'm glad you're having a better time of it; I know you've been so down and I can't even imagine how hard it has been for you. I think we all have to go through the bad times to get to the good (or at least better) times. I'm very thankful that I have this board/thread to get me through. :hugs:

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