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TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

I had my first child when I was 30, my second when I was 40 and my third when I was nearly 42. No "outside help" just smoke and alcohol-free, good healthy diet, prenatal vitamins and Spirulina through each pregnancy. (Then 18 months of breastfeeding each.)
Now... trying again. And...... I'm 52. I know that some might say, "Why? You've had your family! You're too OLD, now!" Well, fine, it's been said before (and to my face,) I appreciate the opinion, but, I don't adhere to it whatsoever. The females on my Mother's side of the family tend to have children until later in life. (My own Mother was born when my Gran was 56. And my great-aunt had 21 children, the last when she was nearly 60!)
I've taken two F.S.H. (follicle stimulating hormone) tests, both negative. I have a regular-as-clockwork 26-28 day menstrual cycle and NO signs whatsoever of peri-menopause. I have a completely boringly normal uterus, so the scan has shown. I just have less eggs to works with, I know that.

So, it's just a case of wait and see, keep trying, keep positive and know it will either happen, or it won't.
Thanks for reading and... hello, I'm new here!

Ruddy good luck to you!! If your body is happy that you are still young enough then who has the right to say otherwise. I really hope it happens for you :)

As for me, I'm on CD 13 or thereabouts so I believe I should probably be BDing right now!? This hot weather and tiredness from work and night baby wakings isn't really making me feel like it though! lol

Wow thanks for the information about your family. I find that to be very encouraging as I am 47 and TTC
Hi I'm a homeschooling mom of seven children and I am 39, soon to be 40 September. I am suspecting I am pregnant. Was not trying, and ended up having intimacy during a fertile period. I have many questions I have posted on tww forum but have not received any answers. Is it ok to post questions here? I am looking for support as well, as I am very concerned about the possiblity of being pregnant. My youngest is 7 and my oldest is heading to college in two weeks. I would appreciate ANY replies (feeling very alone and fearful).
Marmee, of course you are welcome to ask as many questions as you like. We will try and answer them. I am also in the 2ww [ or the 1ww] I was 38 when i fell with my dd and 39 with my ds, so will try my best. What are you worried about? x
Marmee - goodness I can't imagine having 7 children, to be honest, it's been such a long journey I'm struggling to imagine having 1 at the mo!!! But Mum is right, we are all here supporting each other just as much as we can and sharing our experiences - and you are more than welcome, so, bring on the questions lovely, it's impossible to be alone here. I've made some lovely friends and I'm sure you will too. :flower:
im so down i was told that B6 on top of pregnacare would help stop these early miscarriages and i have been taking it up until yesterday for 3 weeks and for those three weeks i have had the worst headaches and a severe migraine too so went to find out yesterday why i was getting them and was told to just stop taking the B6 and its has worked - this morning no headache fantastic but now im hoping that if we fall again i dont get the same thing again 8 is really enough and no-one will help us , no doctos or specialist as we are 43 me and DH 46 so we are on our own.
But am sure that soon there must be a good egg in there somewhere that will show and embedd properly and grow to a healthy 9 month little one for us xx
im so down i was told that B6 on top of pregnacare would help stop these early miscarriages and i have been taking it up until yesterday for 3 weeks and for those three weeks i have had the worst headaches and a severe migraine too so went to find out yesterday why i was getting them and was told to just stop taking the B6 and its has worked - this morning no headache fantastic but now im hoping that if we fall again i dont get the same thing again 8 is really enough and no-one will help us , no doctos or specialist as we are 43 me and DH 46 so we are on our own.
But am sure that soon there must be a good egg in there somewhere that will show and embedd properly and grow to a healthy 9 month little one for us xx

Hi hun, I don't know about B6 stopping early mc, but just wondered if you had had what they call the CD21 blood test for progesterone done. You can get these done via your normal GP (even just the nurse that does smears etc can order them) They say to do the test on CD21 but that is based on the so called 'normal' 28 day cycle - if your cycle is shorter than this get it done on whatever day would be normal for you that is approx 7 days before you would expect AF. If you have low progesterone levels then this could be contributing to your loses then there is something they can do with progesterone suppositories and such like. Demand to be helped by the medical profession you may not be able to get IVF on the NHS but there is an awful lot they can do and should do no matter what your age - if your doctor is being difficult, demand to be referred to a fertility specialist or change doctors. Don't let them bully you - the fact you are conceiving in the beginning proves that you are not over the hill yet. Good luck lovely. :hugs:
i am 47, I know kind of old to be doing this again, but feel very strongly about it and I am very healthy exercise alot etc. My husband got a vasectomy reversal May 28th and he is only 38 and plenty of sperm. QUOTE]

Hi Your story is similar to mine. I posted on here a few pages back to give you ladies hope. Its still early days and high risk due to losing 5 babies in the past. Ive made it to 7 weeks and 1 day. Still keeping fingers crossed.

Miracles do happen ladies. My husbands reversal was strong at first then diminished down ( after 4years although I got pregnant twice after his reversal), I thought I was pre menopausal too. So this little darling is a miracle - even more so if it goes alright.

I will keep you ladies updated if thats ok with you all:coffee:

i am 47, I know kind of old to be doing this again, but feel very strongly about it and I am very healthy exercise alot etc. My husband got a vasectomy reversal May 28th and he is only 38 and plenty of sperm. QUOTE]

Hi Your story is similar to mine. I posted on here a few pages back to give you ladies hope. Its still early days and high risk due to losing 5 babies in the past. Ive made it to 7 weeks and 1 day. Still keeping fingers crossed.

Miracles do happen ladies. My husbands reversal was strong at first then diminished down ( after 4years although I got pregnant twice after his reversal), I thought I was pre menopausal too. So this little darling is a miracle - even more so if it goes alright.

I will keep you ladies updated if thats ok with you all:coffee:


Yes please do Alex. Hope all goes well for you :)
Hi I'm a homeschooling mom of seven children and I am 39, soon to be 40 September. I am suspecting I am pregnant. Was not trying, and ended up having intimacy during a fertile period. I have many questions I have posted on tww forum but have not received any answers. Is it ok to post questions here? I am looking for support as well, as I am very concerned about the possiblity of being pregnant. My youngest is 7 and my oldest is heading to college in two weeks. I would appreciate ANY replies (feeling very alone and fearful).

:hi: I just joined and saw your post and thought wow sounds like me!!! I also have seven children, homeschool, turn 40 in September (the 6th). I might be pregnant as well and have had two people ask me if I am the children's grandmother in the last month due to a head full of grey hairs. Ack!!!

My eldest turns 18 this year but won't be headed to college. She is a bit of a disaster and the reason why we haven't had anymore until she was going to move out. I have 6 well-behaved, wonderful children who give me hope and we are hoping to conceive this time. Just wanted to send you :hugs:
Hello All

Looks like it wasnt to be for me as im in process of having a chemical i think. Devastated really but at least after a year of having no BFP's whatsoever, i know i can finally get pregnant which is some comfort.
Hi I'm a homeschooling mom of seven children and I am 39, soon to be 40 September. I am suspecting I am pregnant. Was not trying, and ended up having intimacy during a fertile period. I have many questions I have posted on tww forum but have not received any answers. Is it ok to post questions here? I am looking for support as well, as I am very concerned about the possiblity of being pregnant. My youngest is 7 and my oldest is heading to college in two weeks. I would appreciate ANY replies (feeling very alone and fearful).

hi hun
Im also a mum of 7 and ttc number 8, if you want to talk or pm me or anything i would love to help you if i can:hugs:
Serendippy, I am so sorry to read your news, hun. I think you have a great attitude though, that's a very positive way of looking at it. I wish you much strength during this hard time. :hugs:
Thanks Nise hun x

I must admit im bleeding at the mo but i had half expected it to be a lot heavier than what it is. Its a lot lighter than my normal AF and thats light lol. Never had a chemical before so dont know what to expect to be honest
Thanks Nise hun x

I must admit im bleeding at the mo but i had half expected it to be a lot heavier than what it is. Its a lot lighter than my normal AF and thats light lol. Never had a chemical before so dont know what to expect to be honest

No, I'm afraid I don't have any experience of chemicals either - wish I could advise you in some way or another. Had you got as far as registering the conception with your doctor? :hugs:
Thanks Nise hun x

I must admit im bleeding at the mo but i had half expected it to be a lot heavier than what it is. Its a lot lighter than my normal AF and thats light lol. Never had a chemical before so dont know what to expect to be honest

No, I'm afraid I don't have any experience of chemicals either - wish I could advise you in some way or another. Had you got as far as registering the conception with your doctor? :hugs:

No i hadnt, that was a job i was gonna do this week. Im goin to the docs tomoz tho cos im rhesus negative and we are not sure of my OH blood group so i think i might need the anti d injection..i hadnt even thought of that until i was reading a miscarriage thread earlier on. Im not sure i wud need it but best to be sure i guess.
Hopefully the Doc can shed some light on things. Will be thinking of you. :hugs:
:happydance:Just wanted to share my news to give everyone a boost xx
So sorry to hear that, I've had 3 chemicals myself and know how devastating they are. Could it be implantation bleeding? :hugs:
So sorry to hear that Serendippy, I've had 3 chemicals myself and know how devastating they are. Could it be implantation bleeding? :hugs

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