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TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Oh serendippy {{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
I had a chemical..was about 5wks. If you want any info, just message me. Sorry to hear that, its rubbish. Remember after a m/c you are superfertile!!! Its no consolation i know xxx
so sorry serendippy. it's like they say with chemicals isn't it, people never used to test so early and just tested when AF didn't show so were oblivious to the fact they were actually pregnant. It really does make me think about locking myself away from 10 dpo to 16 dpo to stop me from testing.

I'm sure this first BFP is the start of good things for you.
Oh serendippy {{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
I had a chemical..was about 5wks. If you want any info, just message me. Sorry to hear that, its rubbish. Remember after a m/c you are superfertile!!! Its no consolation i know xxx

Aww thanks hun i might just take u up on that. Im gonna go docs today cos my bleeding is really not what i wud expect. Its not really turned into full flow or anything, more like heavy spotting. Not sure if this is normal or not.
yeh ive heard about the super fertile bit so we will get right stuck in around ovulation lol. xxxxx
so sorry serendippy. it's like they say with chemicals isn't it, people never used to test so early and just tested when AF didn't show so were oblivious to the fact they were actually pregnant. It really does make me think about locking myself away from 10 dpo to 16 dpo to stop me from testing.

I'm sure this first BFP is the start of good things for you.

Oh god i know what u mean about testing early..its hard to be able to hold back and not test but these last few days have been very stressful really and not sure i wanna be doin that again.
So sorry to hear that, I've had 3 chemicals myself and know how devastating they are. Could it be implantation bleeding? :hugs:

Hiya hellbaby

I had a negative test yesterday so im assuming its not IB

Congrats on ur BFP tho hunny, it defo helps to know people of our age can still do it. Hope u a happy and healthy 9 months :happydance:
Well for me, my bleeding was more or less about the same as an AF. It was just [tmi] full of clots :( It just made me so sad. xxxx I never went to the doctor i just assumed it had all passed, but it made me think how awful it would have been to have a later miscarriage. Really hope things look up for you next month x
Serendippy - I hope all went well at the docs today :hugs:
Serendippy - I hope all went well at the docs today :hugs:

Hey hun

Yeh he was loverly actually and very thorough. He spoke to the hospital for some advice cos he wasnt quite sure what to do lol. He basically said to keep an eye on me bleeding and if my cramps become painful ive got to go back.
Im kinda wondering if my wall wasnt thick enuff for egg to implant properly as my bleeding has been extremely light.
Well for me, my bleeding was more or less about the same as an AF. It was just [tmi] full of clots :( It just made me so sad. xxxx I never went to the doctor i just assumed it had all passed, but it made me think how awful it would have been to have a later miscarriage. Really hope things look up for you next month x

Mine hasnt had many clots at all to be honest and i know what u mean about being sad.
I went to work this morning and all i cud think about was the last time i was in work and being pregnant and now im not..its silly really the things that go thru ur head
Well for me, my bleeding was more or less about the same as an AF. It was just [tmi] full of clots :( It just made me so sad. xxxx I never went to the doctor i just assumed it had all passed, but it made me think how awful it would have been to have a later miscarriage. Really hope things look up for you next month x

Mine hasnt had many clots at all to be honest and i know what u mean about being sad.
I went to work this morning and all i cud think about was the last time i was in work and being pregnant and now im not..its silly really the things that go thru ur head

I know exactly how you are feeling. I kept thinking those exact same things. It really is so upsetting and soul destroying. Even although you only know for a few days , it has such an impact on you. My dh had a beer one night and i thought, i cant have one and then i though well i can and i felt so sad :(
Thanks Nise hun x

I must admit im bleeding at the mo but i had half expected it to be a lot heavier than what it is. Its a lot lighter than my normal AF and thats light lol. Never had a chemical before so dont know what to expect to be honest

No, I'm afraid I don't have any experience of chemicals either - wish I could advise you in some way or another. Had you got as far as registering the conception with your doctor? :hugs:

No i hadnt, that was a job i was gonna do this week. Im goin to the docs tomoz tho cos im rhesus negative and we are not sure of my OH blood group so i think i might need the anti d injection..i hadnt even thought of that until i was reading a miscarriage thread earlier on. Im not sure i wud need it but best to be sure i guess.

See if it stops in a day or two coz apparantly you can have a light bleed at implanting for 5 days and then go and see you doc if you still have any other symptoms good luck x
hope everyone else is well. DS is getting married Sat if we can get him here from Iraq. Will have more time to catch up Sun nite. If there is any other big news would someone please let me know Hugs and prayers
I bled for several weeks with Levi and kept thinking i cant be pregnant
Well it looks like I'm having yet another chemical, lines have been getting fainter and are now bfn. This is the 4th consecutive one and I'm finding it so hard to stay positive.
Oh, im so sorry to hear that Hellbaby!

Well, im out..af definitely on her way, cervix low, soft and open and i have mild cramps. Oh, and the test says 'no', lol!

Onwards and upwards.Bring on a May baby, i say!!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :)

Mwah Omi xxx
So sorry to hear your news Hellbaby - wishing you much strength. :hugs:

Sorry Omi that the dratted witch is looking imminent - like your positive vibe though and shall be keeping my fingers crossed you get your May baby.

As for me, well CD23 of first soy cycle. Have been encouraged by my temps which have remained nice and high and much more level than normal. FF say's that chart looks to be a possible triphisic one from CD20, which is a good sign but doesn't really guarantee anything. 5 more days to get through before I think of testing.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend despite the weather which is pretty wet here in London. :flower:
Good luck Nise. Will be great if the soy works for you :)
I'm in my fertile phase apparently so DH thinks it's his birthday with all the baby dancing!! lol
Nise, that it is pretty chart! And another nice little temp today! Fingers crossed for you! xx

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