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TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Well it looks like I'm having yet another chemical, lines have been getting fainter and are now bfn. This is the 4th consecutive one and I'm finding it so hard to stay positive.

Oops i think i thanked u first in that post when i shud clicked quote...really sorry to hear u have had a chemical..i know exactly how u feel. Are u trying immediately after each chemical? maybe thats why ur having consecutive ones do u think? I hope ur next one is a very sticky one..good luck xxxxx
Well it looks like I'm having yet another chemical, lines have been getting fainter and are now bfn. This is the 4th consecutive one and I'm finding it so hard to stay positive.

Oops i think i thanked u first in that post when i shud clicked quote...really sorry to hear u have had a chemical..i know exactly how u feel. Are u trying immediately after each chemical? maybe thats why ur having consecutive ones do u think? I hope ur next one is a very sticky one..good luck xxxxx

Do u think it could be that? Doc said it was ok to carry on after the 2nd one
Well i had a chemical this last cycle and my GP told me to wait a cycle before trying again..i didnt really want to do that but my OH is kinda on the GP's side lol. Apparently there is a slightly higher risk of having another m/c immediately after but u tend to hear of loads of people who went full term after a m/c the previous cycle, so i dont know really.

With u having 4 in a row tho, it might be worth giving ur body a break for a cycle or two, give it time for ur hormones to get back in check etc.
hell baby and serendippy
so sorry you r going through this- it sucks xxx
well I am cd 6-the soy shortened my cycle to 26 days but still with a perfect 14 day lp so its ivf for me- Im gutted I really don't want to do it but looks like its my only chance now but I was so sure this month. Just can't seem to get myself lifted at all and to make matters worse I had a really bad tummy bug all weekend and every time I eat I get really bad pains still I am just waiting to ov this month then I phone the clinic and start the tabs for 3 weeks then it all kicks off so I really want to be in good health and it feels like the world is conspiring against me to stop me being a mum. was supposed to be visiting a friend whos baby was born last night but oh has gone I can't face it sounds really selfish but I have had years of visiting other people in maternity wards and just can't do it any more. It is one of his friends really and none of then know we are ttc or about the m/c so I really can't paint on a smile especially when they both drink like fish have the worst lifestyle ever and were only trying for 3 months ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
sorry that all turned into a bit of a rant x
Aww Glitterqueen my heart goes out to u xx i kno0w how u feel about it being so hard to become a mum...its supposed to be one of the most natural things to do and yet it can be the most struggling thing to do.

My fertility nurse rang me today..looks like im gonna be put on clomid so hopefully that will help things.
Sorry you guys are going through this. Did you see this the other day......new advice on waiting or not after mc.

That's an interesting article Lyns, thanks for sharing. Based on that Serendippy and Hellbaby I'd just go for it.

Glitter - I'm so sorry hun, I was so hoping the soy would do it for you and somehow managed to miss that AF had got you. Hope you feel better soon so that you can be fit and strong for your IVF. Rant away, lovely. We all do a bit of that from time to time. I should know the outcome of my 1st Soy cycle in the next 3 days - I'm on tenderhooks at the mo and can't really concentrate properly on anything. I hate these last few days of the 2WW and in my case +2 more days to wait. :hugs:

Hope everyone else has had a good Monday. :flower:
Thanks everyone for being so supportive, it's all such a drag isn't it-it takes so much emotional energy.
My 2ww has become the 3ww lately, getting a BFP then waiting again to see if it sticks.:growlmad:
Positive vibes to us all xx
Well i had a chemical this last cycle and my GP told me to wait a cycle before trying again..i didnt really want to do that but my OH is kinda on the GP's side lol. Apparently there is a slightly higher risk of having another m/c immediately after but u tend to hear of loads of people who went full term after a m/c the previous cycle, so i dont know really.

With u having 4 in a row tho, it might be worth giving ur body a break for a cycle or two, give it time for ur hormones to get back in check etc.

Just saw your ticker:hugs:

Sorry for your loss hun:cry:
Can I be pg? I am pretty much on schedule every cycle - 26 days. This cycle I am 2 weeks late and on day 41 with no AF. I got brown spotting at the time when I would have O'd so I thought I got an early AF -but if that was so I would have another AF by now. If it was O spotting I would have had my AF two weeks ago - so that rules both of those out. The only other thing I read was implantation spotting and it happened 7 days after I BD'd. I thought it was safe bc it was 2 days after my period and far enough away from when I would O, however maybe I o'd early for some flukey reason.

Either that or is this perimenopause. I have not had any peri symptoms and no late periods or anything. With the spotting and timing it all seems to poing to PG but I have no real symptoms other than a little tired and maybe peeing more - no sore breasts or nausea. I would be 5 weeks - 6 weeks on Thursday if it did indeed happen!

Any ideas or advice?? The sperm was young by the way so not sure if that matters!
Can I be pg? I am pretty much on schedule every cycle - 26 days. This cycle I am 2 weeks late and on day 41 with no AF. I got brown spotting at the time when I would have O'd so I thought I got an early AF -but if that was so I would have another AF by now. If it was O spotting I would have had my AF two weeks ago - so that rules both of those out. The only other thing I read was implantation spotting and it happened 7 days after I BD'd. I thought it was safe bc it was 2 days after my period and far enough away from when I would O, however maybe I o'd early for some flukey reason.

Either that or is this perimenopause. I have not had any peri symptoms and no late periods or anything. With the spotting and timing it all seems to poing to PG but I have no real symptoms other than a little tired and maybe peeing more - no sore breasts or nausea. I would be 5 weeks - 6 weeks on Thursday if it did indeed happen!

Any ideas or advice?? The sperm was young by the way so not sure if that matters!

i guess the ony way to find out for sure is to do a test. Good luck, i hope you get the result you want:flower:
If you dont do a test then go the the early pregnancy unit at the local hospital they are briliiant in there and very understanding and will be able to do bloods and urine test there and then with instant results ( if you r in the uk, dont know about anywhere else), it sounds hopeful but im sure you would have had symptoms by now if you were pregnant hun, but am wishing you all the best , hope you are as im 43 and ttc xx
Well Ladies AF has got me damn her. CD1 again today. So on to soy cycle 2.

Ohbaby - wondering if you've done a test. I hope you got the answer you wanted.

Hope everyone else is okay and keeping busy. :hugs:
Well Ladies AF has got me damn her. CD1 again today. So on to soy cycle 2.

Ohbaby - wondering if you've done a test. I hope you got the answer you wanted.

Hope everyone else is okay and keeping busy. :hugs:

Boo for :witch:! :hugs:
Evening all......sorry the :witch: got you Nise.

Well, I'm somewhere in 2ww land. My chart is/was looking awesome, but I'm really not feeling it, and a dip today at 7dpo, which everyone else is saying is an Implantation Dip, is only making me feel more out! God I hate 2ww......I wish I could just sleep through it or something!

Actually, I'm not even convinced I'm 7dpo, I think I'm more like 4....I think I ov'd Sunday, and my temp was only elevated that morning as I had s couple of drinks Saturday night.

Oh well...time will tell, good luck to everyone else xxx
hi hun
Im also a mum of 7 and ttc number 8, if you want to talk or pm me or anything i would love to help you if i can:hugs:[/QUOTE]

Hi, can I ask your age? I was wondering what to expect at 40...I found out I am pregnant. Very afraid of peers and family's reactions. It was not so good with number 6 and 7. I need clever ways to announce without looking ashamed, and clever ways that are honest in responsen to people who are rude and hurtful.

I am also concerned because I got a faint line---wondered if that means that I am going to miscarry. I did that once and it was awful. I carried what I thought was a baby for 4 months.

Any advice would be great, thank you.:cry:
Marmee, of course you are welcome to ask as many questions as you like. We will try and answer them. I am also in the 2ww [ or the 1ww] I was 38 when i fell with my dd and 39 with my ds, so will try my best. What are you worried about? x

Hi, I am now worried about the pregnancy. I found out I am pregnant, but with a very faint line at 20 dpo. I am so not looking forward to rude comments and dirty jokes about being bored and having to do "find" something to do (a joke because we have seven kiddos). I also hate the thought of family members. I don't plan to tell anyone until after I enter second trimester.

I am sad and angry, fearful and confused.:cry:
Hi I'm a homeschooling mom of seven children and I am 39, soon to be 40 September. I am suspecting I am pregnant. Was not trying, and ended up having intimacy during a fertile period. I have many questions I have posted on tww forum but have not received any answers. Is it ok to post questions here? I am looking for support as well, as I am very concerned about the possiblity of being pregnant. My youngest is 7 and my oldest is heading to college in two weeks. I would appreciate ANY replies (feeling very alone and fearful).

:hi: I just joined and saw your post and thought wow sounds like me!!! I also have seven children, homeschool, turn 40 in September (the 6th). I might be pregnant as well and have had two people ask me if I am the children's grandmother in the last month due to a head full of grey hairs. Ack!!!

My eldest turns 18 this year but won't be headed to college. She is a bit of a disaster and the reason why we haven't had anymore until she was going to move out. I have 6 well-behaved, wonderful children who give me hope and we are hoping to conceive this time. Just wanted to send you :hugs:

Oh I wish I could have seen your reply earlier. I can't figure out how to receive email notificaiton of replies :(
I am 40 on the fifth of sept. we are so close! I have grey hairs too...I look like an old bozo the clown because they are curly and growing above my ears :(
Thank you for sending me your thoughts and hugs! My girl just left us for school yesterday. REALLY hard thing to do. To say good-bye. And then when she landed she was irritated with me for asking her to call me every day or email me and let me known all is well. In fact, she is acting like she needs to be left alone :( all for....mommihood. Its for the birds sometimes. I love them all, and love babies and big families but I am not feeling the least bit loved or important to my oldest right now. and then I find out I'm expecting another....and not even trying. If you ahve advice on how to tell my family and what kind of approach to have about the pregnancy in general, I'd love to hear it. Thank you again! If I can figure out how to see if you reply, I'll check back.
so sorry hun i know how disappointed you must be xx
I am cd 10 -really weird loads of ewcm but still neg on ov test-I give up !!!- well not really lol!!
for you ladies who are worried about your family reaction re babies at 40- hold you head up high and be proud I think you are awesome xx

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