TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Thanks ladies, yes I had only really thought about IVF but I think I need to look into IUI for sure :thumbup: I don't really want to use a SD if possible as I believe a father is important in a child's life but I might mull that one over for a bit.

Miss C, there is something else that might help that someone on another thread pointed out but I am on a different laptop today and don't have the link saved about a report that showed more ivf patients got eggs that were fertilised when they took melatonin, to those who didn't take it - I think it was about 50% to 22%. I had not heard of melatonin before but apparently it is a sleep aid. And I don't know how much you are supposed to take - it said the patients took 3mg but it didn't say how often...

you can do IVF with your does not have to be a donor... my thing is that way you can do ICSI and the morphology would no longer be an issue
Thanks ladies, yes I had only really thought about IVF but I think I need to look into IUI for sure :thumbup: I don't really want to use a SD if possible as I believe a father is important in a child's life but I might mull that one over for a bit.

Miss C, there is something else that might help that someone on another thread pointed out but I am on a different laptop today and don't have the link saved about a report that showed more ivf patients got eggs that were fertilised when they took melatonin, to those who didn't take it - I think it was about 50% to 22%. I had not heard of melatonin before but apparently it is a sleep aid. And I don't know how much you are supposed to take - it said the patients took 3mg but it didn't say how often...

you can do IVF with your does not have to be a donor... my thing is that way you can do ICSI and the morphology would no longer be an issue

Thanks LL, yes I will chat to him tonight about other possibilities but I would have to borrow the money with only a small chance of success :-(
Thanks ladies, yes I had only really thought about IVF but I think I need to look into IUI for sure :thumbup: I don't really want to use a SD if possible as I believe a father is important in a child's life but I might mull that one over for a bit.

Miss C, there is something else that might help that someone on another thread pointed out but I am on a different laptop today and don't have the link saved about a report that showed more ivf patients got eggs that were fertilised when they took melatonin, to those who didn't take it - I think it was about 50% to 22%. I had not heard of melatonin before but apparently it is a sleep aid. And I don't know how much you are supposed to take - it said the patients took 3mg but it didn't say how often...

you can do IVF with your does not have to be a donor... my thing is that way you can do ICSI and the morphology would no longer be an issue

Thanks LL, yes I will chat to him tonight about other possibilities but I would have to borrow the money with only a small chance of success :-(

If you get many eggs out of that IVF cycle you have more that one small chance for success :winkwink: I really think that if the biggest issue is Morphology then ICSI is the way to go
Sam, there IS still a chance for you. We pretty much do it on every bloody high and peak night and that's not working so perhaps the 'less is more' approach is more effective, I just never quite have the courage to try it, particularly as my O day is such a moveable feast (and besides, we go for the 'less' approach for the rest of the month because we're so BD'd out after ovulation!!) :haha: :haha:

Butterfly, I just re-read my post re: your SA and want to apologise. I didn't mean to sound like your ex was totally dispensable now he has SA issues and that you should just move on to someone else's. I think it's great that he's keen to do this for you but just knew that he was your ex and therefore meant that perhaps donor sperm would be another avenue for you to pursue :hugs:
No problem Spoomie, I think we are probably much closer than most exes :hugs::hugs:
TMI alert! seems my wishes for a heavy period were misplaced. Cd2 and 2 light days had me worried, but today's visit to acupuncturist was positive. I thought that she wanted me to build up and then shed more blood, but apparently light is good as that means the lining is not being depleted too much. Feel better (and less menopausal!!!) knowing that she was trying to achieve that and succeeded!

Sam, will type up some of the blood strengthening foods tomorrow.

Another lovely day for us here tomorrow (in the south at least), can you even believe it's October? Crazy! :haha:
It's bonkers! 28 degrees, but weirdly getting dark at 7pm just when you're lighting the barbecue! Summer forgot to appear in August and is making an apologetic appearance now just before the first frost...!

PS, can't remember if I told you that OH got the job...! We're back to being a 2 income family, phew. Moving soon, too out of bloody London yippee!!!
That's great news, Reb!!! Where will you be moving??
Reb, great news, well done to OH (how weird is that, congratulating a man we've never met, and whose better half we wouldn't know if we passed in the street, for getting a job we know nothing about??!!??) :haha:
Hee hee Spoomie! That gave both me and Steve a laugh!!! We'll be moving somewhere south of London, his job is at Gatwick. Oooh, either Surrey, or Kent or Sussex! What a choice. But out of stinky SE London, which will be nice, but a bit less convenient... I'll have to get used to commuting, urk.
Anyway, how IS everyone? Any news? Any bonking? Anything at all? xxx
Come to Kingston in prep for your IVF bundle arriving, it's the baby capital of SW London :haha: Easy commute to Waterloo and Royal Festival Hall for you :haha: .......maybe not so convenient for Gatwick though but he could get a transfer to Heahtrow!!! :haha:

Zilch to report here, no news, no bonking, but cd3 so no temping which is great as I always sleep so much better on those days. Feel in a good place generally, which is quite something for me on cd3, I only cried once since I got my period and that was when I told the acupuncturist that I now feel able to contemplate the possibility that this may not yield a positive outcome!

It seems we have one more day of 'Summer' to enjoy before the reminder of what Autumn really feels like. Make the most of it ladies!
Hi Twinny, I see you're online. You know more than I do about acupuncture, what do you think about my acupuncturist's take on lighter period? What was yours like the cycle you got your positive/before you got your positive? Hope you're continuing to make progress, lots and lots of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hey Twinny, not sure about accupuncture etc, only had it last cycle and I got my bfp and we all know how that ended. In all hinesty what I think I have learnt through all of this is if we have no "issues" such as not ovulating, not having high enough progesterone levels post O etc etc, no sperm issues it all comes down to one very very simple thing - our eggs. I have been pregnant 4 times in the last 18 months, 2 very early chemicals, less than a week late after positives, ziggy's big attempt at 12w1d and this last one at 4w5d, all my tests are positive except the amh which is all about egg reserves and quality. We simply have to keep pumping away until such time as we catch that golden one. Everything else we do is just gravy I think to keep our mental state in line cos we feel like we are being more proactive. All that said I do believe the accupuncture made me more relaxed and my period was definitely healthy and text book.

With ziggy's big attempt I remember my period was pretty light that cycle and the one just gone before this miscarriage was the accupuncture one and whilst not light light it certainly wasn't heavy, and it was tap on tap off, steady constant flow and bright red, no clots and quite watery.

I hope that is the answer you were looking for and I hope some of what I have said helps you and others.

I am now sort of back in the game, after ewcm for past 5 days we dtd this morning, hubby caught me unawares as such, been talking about it for days but when push came to shove I couldn't do it. TWW was too anxiety inducing for me etc etc but I am not expecting anything this month so I am OK with it. I have been temping but tha was more for me to know when to expect AF so I could make sure I had my clomid ready to go etc etc. Last 2 weekends I have been a bit pissed on cider!! Have been drinking caffeinated coffee and sort of doing a detox as well with some green juices - contradiction there but anywhoo!
Morning girls ,well am not sure if u all know of my history but I am a mum of four ,my eldest is 13 and my youngest is six ,wen my youngest was one I became pregnant by accident and I was a bit gutted as I hadnt planned it and had four kids under the age of seven and dh had just been paid off from work ,wen I went for my twelve week scan the baby had just passed a few days before ,needless to say I was gutted and felt so bad and blamed myself on not wanting the baby enough :cry::cry::cry:From then on in I was on a mission to add to my family just one more :baby:,since then I have lost another nine babies ,ten in total ,going as far as 19 weeks and having to give birth to my beautiful son with downs ,:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:The years are passing quickly and I am now 44 and I have had every test and tried everything but to no avail ,:cry::cry::cry:My baby has been at school now for two years and I am now desperate ,:cry: my last loss was in July wen I was 8 weeks ,I was prescribed clexane and it didn't help and my gynae is now discussing steroids as I have r.a ,am taking folic acid and aspirin and a multivitamin and have just started temping ,I don't know how much longer I can carry on and I know my clock is ticking but I am determined to give it one last shot ,love to u all ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Despie, I'm so sad to hear your story again, although I know it already. Lots and lots of hugs as you keep trying, you're SO brave. Glad you're online and posting, and stick with us for the ride xxx
Miss C - SO HAPPY YOU@RE BACK!!! I love the contradictions in the diet - I'm pretty much the same, and it does make me feel naughty! Hope you're feeling okay and let's all try to catch those damn golden eggies over the next few months. BFP's by Christmas or bust.
Spoomie - I like your positive attitude about my IVF...! You'll have to be the positive side of me, cos I haven't got any! As for Kingston - MIL to be lives there, so NO!!!!
How's this for naughty - Steve and I have the day off, we're going to Camber Sands with dog and I have him believeing that I've packed the tent and we're camping out tonight whereas in fact I have completely splashed out and booked a night at a spa hotel with a 4 poster bed!!! Hee hee. Very naughty and utterly unaffordable but he deserves it as he's about to go back to office-life which he loathes xxx
Hello lovely ladies - thanks for all your lovely wishes re mum's thanksgiving. I'm back! Would you believe I ended up having a natural miscarriage on the day of her thanksgiving - luckily had managed to get home before it seriously kicked off! How painful?! Anyway the thanksgiving service was beautiful and actually I now feel in a really calm and contented place.

The only thing I'm worrying about is when I went to have a scan to check that everything had passed (sorry tmi), the U/S showed a 5.5cms corpus luteal cyst on my left ovary. Anyone know anything about them? Anyway this little bugger is causing my abdomen to bloat like I've never seen it bloat before - can't do up any of my trousers! and also am constipated! grrrr! I hope it goes soon as its damned uncomfy! Am off to have acupuncture on Wednesday so hopefully that will help!

Anyway welcome back Miss C! I'm in same boat as you. NTNP until first period and then back in the TTC game - am just about to order some more cbfm sticks.

Reb S thanks so much for your lovely support - congrats on your hubby's new job and good luck with the move - sounds like you've got lots of positive change happening and I too agree with the others - go for IVF. You have good odds. What is your new FS name at the lister? I'm with Jaya Parikh, who is glam and seems v. nice! Anyway we have decided to continue trying naturally for a few more months and then go down the IVF route. I'll be 42 in April. Not sure whether this is the right decision but I need a few months break before doing anything stressful.

So questions for you all - what am I supposed to be eating/taking to ensure best egg quality?!!! I have a very sweet tooth which doesn't help!
Hello everybody! Can I please join you? I am a veteran from the TTC no. 1 over 35 forum, but I now qualify for the Over 40 since turning 40 in July! My OH and I have been TTC since December 2007, and have had one very brief pregnancy which ended in miscarriage. Not a whiff since. OH's sperm has been under the spotlight for almost zilch sperm when we did IUI in Feb but now his count and motility are good following a variety of daily vits. I have an amh of 2.9 and am petrified that time is running out. We had a failed ICSI in August-out of twelve follicles on the scan two days before EC (measuring all sorts of sizes up to 20mm) only two eggs were harvested. I'm convinced that I ovulated straight after my trigger shot. Clinic says to use DHEA for three months and try again or go straight to DE. Hmmm.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all (I think I know some of you already).

I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage Beetle-I don't know very much about what they said to you, but I hope that you can find some peace to help you through this experience. :hugs:

Reb-your afternoon sounds lovely! Have a great day!

Hello to everybody else :hi:.

I hope that we all have our BFPs sooner rather than later!

I hope you all have a lovely day,
Hello lovely ladies - thanks for all your lovely wishes re mum's thanksgiving. I'm back! Would you believe I ended up having a natural miscarriage on the day of her thanksgiving - luckily had managed to get home before it seriously kicked off! How painful?! Anyway the thanksgiving service was beautiful and actually I now feel in a really calm and contented place.

The only thing I'm worrying about is when I went to have a scan to check that everything had passed (sorry tmi), the U/S showed a 5.5cms corpus luteal cyst on my left ovary. Anyone know anything about them? Anyway this little bugger is causing my abdomen to bloat like I've never seen it bloat before - can't do up any of my trousers! and also am constipated! grrrr! I hope it goes soon as its damned uncomfy! Am off to have acupuncture on Wednesday so hopefully that will help!

Anyway welcome back Miss C! I'm in same boat as you. NTNP until first period and then back in the TTC game - am just about to order some more cbfm sticks.

Reb S thanks so much for your lovely support - congrats on your hubby's new job and good luck with the move - sounds like you've got lots of positive change happening and I too agree with the others - go for IVF. You have good odds. What is your new FS name at the lister? I'm with Jaya Parikh, who is glam and seems v. nice! Anyway we have decided to continue trying naturally for a few more months and then go down the IVF route. I'll be 42 in April. Not sure whether this is the right decision but I need a few months break before doing anything stressful.

So questions for you all - what am I supposed to be eating/taking to ensure best egg quality?!!! I have a very sweet tooth which doesn't help!

Reb-I just saw your question about egg quality, and I was told that Paradox omega oil tablets are good (you can get them from Amazon)-you need 2-3 a day. Also, Royal Jelly is supposed to very good for egg quality too. Have you thought of DHEA? I was recommended that by my clinic. You need to take 75mg a day, and need to take it for three months before IVF/ICSI, although I've read that ideally you need to take it for about 6 months for it to be the most effective.

Good luck though, and I don't blame you for leaving it for a little bit, although IVF is okay once you get started. It's the thought of it that is the greatest hurdle!

Good to see some of the ladies from the other threads here :hi:

Reb that sounds lovely to have the night in a hotel in a four poster!

Beetle, how awful having the mc on the same day as the thanksgiving but glad you got home beforehand :hugs::hugs: - if you have a sweet tooth then you might like the royal jelly and bee pollen that is in honey - and you take a spoonful of it a day and to be fair you need a sweet tooth for that, but it is supposed to be good for egg quality.

AFM I'm now half hearted about bothering with any supplements after BFs SA results. He is going to start taking some vits and get some looser underpants to that might start to help.

Did just come back from my bonk trip to whoever asked about that!! But it seemed that I O'd on the day I got there - 2 days earlier than ever before so I ended up coming home a day early, hoping the first night BD was Ok timing wise, regardless of the :spermy: issues...
Im 44 and this will be my 5th baby. I lost my first when he was 3. Im divorced and been with Chris for 2 years now and we'd very much love to have a baby together...i know how much he'd love to be a father for the first time. Ive had bleeding too-i suspect my period but it was a brown colour to start with on and off for 2 days...very upsetting and worrying. Im a bit of a hippy girl and i love top thats me. x

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