TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Well ladies this is my 16th day of taking the fertilaid and I just got my smiley face today ,:happydance:I usually o on cd19 but since my loss it's been late cd25 ,so I am really happy ,we dtd at two a.m during the night last night and inserted the cups and am planning to dtd tonight and tomorrow night ,do u think that should cover me ?much love ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
hugs florida - you'd think with so much of this Halloween shit going on everywhere she'd have been busy and not bothered to show up. Choccie and red wine and then back to it. Onwards and upwards. I'm not gonna come out with any platitudes cos let's face it none of it makes any difference, getting a BFP is the LEAST of my concerns really if that makes sense, getting a decent healthy egg out is our main focus. We know we are timing everything right, we know we are doing everything else possible apart from finding a flipping time machine and winding back the damn clock!!

Gosh I HATE Halloween with a passion I am in Australia and last time I looked it was English Convicts who colonised the place and there were no Irish Pagans in amongst them! I simply don't get it, I don't celebrate Ramadan or Passover etc cos I am neither of those religions and I don't think any of my friends dressing their kids up and knocking on a strangers door asking for treats are pagans either! grrrrrrrrr sorry vent over and apologies to the Americans here I know it is HUGE over there but everything about is just wrong to me. To most it is like celebrating Christmas and not knowing who the hell Jesus is!

Well I am 2dpo and everything was timed perfectly, we used the preseed (correct quantities this time!!) and the instead cups (thank you Sam), gosh those things are incredible you really can't feel them and when I took it out there was a heap of semen in there so hoping it helped all the little spermies on their journey :)

Hey despie unless you have any spermie issues you are well and truly covered 2 days before O is the best time to get spermies in there!

Good luck for results on Tuesday Tiger, keep us posted.

Twinny Reb OOr Kae Keek Butterfly Farou Beetle Glowie Nise Truly Shelley gosh I think I have everyone else covered if I have missed you I am very sorry but hugs and baby dust to everyone.

Shagathon over who needs the torch now? It is still flaming but sputtering a bit we almost wore it out :) so it needs a new boost of energy.

Nearly forgot about the flaming snatch!!
Hag came to my house early. Fucking witch. Oh well. Another month gone. Nothing new.

Glad the cups are working for you, Miss C!
seriously you old witch Fuck right off!!!!!

Hugs Sam
This is my first post! Hi ladies!

Ok - i've read the last few posts but will have a good read later and learn more about you all. Massive thread - very bubbly - love it :D

Me - brief as i can - I'm 43, have 3 daughters 18,16 + 13, concieved easily in my 20's. Divorced from their Dad now and have a new man who has no kids of his own. We decided to start trying for a baby in Jan 2010. I was 42 then. I wasnt expecting much to be honest - was very happy to give it a go - but was ok if nothing happened. (OH to be that laid back again) 12 months later (we had given up TRYING to concieve, and was just not preventing it) i found i was pregnant. Bang, shock, joy .... such JOY. We were on cloud nine. But then at 3 months we lost the baby. Investigation showed chromasonal problems. Devistated. That was in April this year. We've been told it was not genetic - ie: we were just unlucky...try again.

So ..... we have been ttc in desperate earnest for 6 cycles. Waiting to ov this week and this is my 7th cycle. OPKs start today again and i'm going to try pre seed again this month. Tried it once before only. Cups - gave them a go in the summer - boy they do keep everything in dont they? lol. Dont know if i'll try them again this month. Having a go at the cough mixture this month again though - that seemed to work last time for EWM.

I have a question though ladies - i'd love your opinions - I'm temping on Fertility Friend (all 6 cycles) and going by the temps and OPKs i AM ovulating every month. Normal cycle - 30 days. However - given my age should i be going to my GP to ask about getting scanned at ov time to make sure all's well, or should i leave it longer? Would they just laugh at me? Am i being too twitchy? I'm trying hard to stay positive and keep on trying - but i'm so aware of the old clock ticking....

What do you all think?

I'm feeling extra down as i have alot of friends and relatives round me newly pregnant at the moment - and its hard not to be jealous.

Sorry about the big me post - can i join you? xxx
Hi Mistyy,
Of COURSE you can join us! The more the merrier! I'm so sorry for your loss, lots of hugs - you're not alone, in fact I don't think there's anyone on this thread who hasn't lost xxxxxxxx
As for doctors - screw what they think! Just go and ask for whatever you think you need and if they laugh at you, laugh right back and ask again, this time with a slightly crazed look in your eye...!

Hello all, sorry been quiet - feeling much better now and now I'm BORED!!!
Miss C, good luck with the 2WW,
Sam and Florida girl, loads of hugs xxxxxxxxxx
Tigerlillie, good luck with your tests - let us know how you do x
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Sam and Florida

Welcome Mistyy. I don't know if you should go to your doc or not - I had some tests done and the levels were OK (I am nearly 44) and my charts look OK I think but maybe it just takes us a bit longer :shrug: Maybe you can get some tests done just to make sure but like you say I am not sure if they will say the same things as the charts...
Just popping in to say I am still following you all. sending loads of :dust::dust: your way :hugs::hugs:
Sending tons of :dust: to everyone for this cycle and waving to say :hi:

first of all I want to say I am so sorry for your loss :( :hug: :hug: :hugs: I have been there twice..and m/c's are really hard :( no matter when they come.

I would definitely advise going to see a specialist and have them check things out... If you have been BBT'ing with FF and have the printouts, take them to your doctor as well.

When we are TTC'ing in our 40's, time is so critical - and no time can be wasted :).

Hang in there, and know that this is a GREAT bunch of gals, and you will feel so much at home. :dust;
Hi All,

Well I gather the doc has got the test results back as i have had a call asking me to do more tests agin in a weeks time. So have another appointment next Monday at 10.50 so here we go again lol

I asked for the results from my previous tests and got there was nothing to worry about just doc wants to run them again next week Ohhhhh well

One thing she did tell me was that my FSH was low but she wouldnt give me the numbers as she said she was not a medical person just a receptionist so will have to wait till next week she also didnt know the range that the lab was using so i'm still at a loss
Will ask for the numbers next week
Oh well will update again next week gl all and fxed xxx
hello lovely ladies. Just wanted to pop in and say hello! I've been reading your posts and following the highs and the lows. I must be the only one on this site that's desperate for the old hag to make an appearance after my latest MC. (will be 5 weeks ago this Wednesday). Hurry Up witch! Can someone send her my way please?!!! I can't wait to get on track again. I'm sure she's on her way. I have the worst irritability and PMT ever. (Is this normal after miscarriage?) I get so upset so easily and my patience has left the building! ...Hope my massage clients aren't noticing!
Anyway Reb - get well soon! Poor you. And good luck for this cycle everyone! x
Poor Beetle, I hope the old cow hurries up. I'm not surprised you are feeling upset and impatient - not only are you recovering from another loss, but your hormones are up .... creek without a paddle. It'll get better, so slowly that you don't even notice it happening, but it does get better xxx

AFM - okay, the squeamish LOOK AWAY NOW! I hardly have any CM at all - I mean, completely dried up old hag, I use a sperm-friendly lube around O, I worked with my acupuncturist to get it going again, but nothing ever happened; now, with all these antibiotics, I am squirting! What's that all about?!
Thank you so much ladies. I really appreciate your input. And your hugs!

Everyone has their own story - but we are all on the same journey :hugs: I'd like to do more personals - i will be able to in time - but beetle, yes i had awful PMT the first AF after my loss. Hope she hurries up and arrives for you! Seems funny to be wishing that on you, but the sooner it comes, the sooner it will be over again.

I think i'll wait and see this month - and then if nothing happens i may go and talk to my doc about starting a bit of testing. Its so hard, as i dont want to turn this into a derperate medical chase. Part of me is trying to accept that if my bodys not prepared to get pregnant again because of my age then so be it ..... however, if something simple could be done to jump start things then i would be daft to miss out, ay?

Today is cd14 for me and i usually ov between cd14 and cd17 - more often cd17 - so OPKing away. Still neg at the mo. I have had ewm for a day or two now and i think the cough mixture is working! Trying to drink more water as 'they' say that helps with producing good quality ewm too. Got a bit of a bee in my bonnet about EWM at the moment! Can you tell? lol.

We're going with the every-other-day BDing this month - i find it really tricky knowing which ones to BD on on the run up though! Do i aim at the one directly before ov day? Ov day itself ????? S'posing i miss ov day???? eek! I get very worried i'm going to miss it. Every day BDing felt like a long haul last month though - we'd been frisky away on a weeks hols - then came home and had to begin the next day for cd13 and kept on till day 19 :wacko:. Should have given that more thought ....

Everything crossed for everyone ladies xxx
Hi all, hope you guys are well :)

Well having another odd cycle :dohh:
Things seemed to be ticking along nicely till last night when I had brown spotting. Well not so much spotting, just on the tp after wiping. Anyhow I had awful cramping last night and the same today, spotting brown still (visable on panty liner) and had a huge temp drop this am.

At first I got a little excited and thought it may have been IB but remembered that I had the same spotting before af showed last month. Seems like this is going to be the norm for me now, just surprised it started on 7dpo.
I think I'm out this month :shrug:
Waiting to see what my temps are like in the morning but I think I already know the outcome. I'm feeling bloated and crampy...she's on her way, I'm sure of it!!
I did fall asleep for a few hours this afternoon as I had a crap sleep last night and did a quick temp when I woke which was high again. Meh! So confusing.
Having a few pinching pains in my cervix at the moment, think it's on the move and lowering although I haven't checked.

I did read something earlier of interest, that brown spotting before af can indicate peri-menopause, not sure if thats the case but shall look into it, not that I'm too worried about it, sick of hearing about chances being slim at our age :ignore: My main focus right now is working out how to get a pregnancy to stick, this is where I struggle. 3 mcs to date and 2 prem births when they do stick, not giving up though :)
My other half told me today he would rather have a child with me than win the lottery, he asked me if I felt the same. I said nope, rather win the lottery cause then we can have as much fertility treatment as possible to help have our child and still be rich! Bonus!! He seemed to like my reasoning :winkwink:

We are all ready for the next cycle and will use pre-seed next time due to my lack of ewcm. I actually did think about using proper egg white this cycle but my other half found it hilarious and thought I'd lost the plot...he wouldn't have been able to dtd through his fits of giggles so I scrapped the idea :dohh:

I'm currently looking for something I can take that will improve the quality of my eggs, any ideas ladies?

Fx to those that are waiting patiently for the witch to show, and for those of us that want her to bugger off for a while!

Hugs to you all :hugs:
WTF FFFFFFFFFFF has moved my O day - I thought O was indicated by a temp shift of 0.2 or more and then sustained for at least 3 days so wtf has the fiend moved it to the day AFTER the temp shift, either way we are covered but just adds another day onto the tww!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Kaelia I am taking CoQ10 which is supposed to help with egg quality. As for the spotting, I used to get this until I started accupuncture, she told me blood needed cleaning and my spleen needed work and that a healthy period should be like a tap being turned on and then off no lead in and out etc. 2 session before my first period and when it showed up whammo exactly as she had said and broght red and no clotting and little pain or cramping. Next cycle bfp which sadly didn't stick. Maybe worth looking into? The P and the M words are banned here :winkwink:

Egg white is a last resort and preseed is the better option due to risk of infection. Although a word of warning - do NOT use the full dose as listed on the box!!!

Mistyy O day and the day after are the lowest in the rankings percentage wise for conception chances , the day before O is good and 2 days before is the best. Good quality cm is the key. It takes approx 14 hours for the spermies to get to where they need to be once through the cervix which happens in the first 10 mins or so, then once they get there they rest and it tales about 12 for them to transform themselves before they are ready to penetrate an egg hence the 2 days before option being the best. Hope this helps.

Beetle first AF usually follows at the same length of time as the pregnancy according to my doc so you shouldn't be too far away now. Hugs hiney, prepare yourself my first AF was awful from an emotional point of view it was like experiencing it all over again as I had a natural miscarriage I am sorry I can't remember if you had a d and c or natural. Hugs honey and be kind to yourself.

Reb lol no answers re the squirting but good on ya!!!! Glad to see you are feeling better!!
Thank you for that Miss C, that makes alot of sense xxx Just in time for me, too, as i havnt ov'd yet. We BD'd last night but i may take the executive decision and DB tonight as well then, as i recon i'll ov on Friday. Lordy i hate this bit, its nail bitting stuff!

I either didnt know or had forgotten about how long it takes for the swimmers to be ready. So bloody complicated isnt it? When i started temping on FF i did the charting course and felt full of info. by the end of it. Now i cant remember half of it, lol. Need to go and brush up on a few bits i think.

Thats fascinating about your accupuncture. Tap on, tap off is how my AF usually is and i moan about it. Wont any more.

Kaelia i've heard about the egg white thing. I would be wary. I felt like a nutter explaining to my Oh that i was taking cough mixture for my ewm, lol. But i'm ploughing on with that one. The things we do! Hope your temps are back up again and the spotting is a good sign after all, hun.

I used pre-seed last night for the first time in ages. Got it everywhere again :laugh2: As you say Miss C you dont need much at all. Its mighty slippery stuff. i wanted to be discrete with it, didnt mention to OH about using it, (trying to keep this un-clinical for us) so got the little syringe out, leapt into bed and tried to be quick while he was on his way upstairs. The thing is its too pricey for practice sessions so i've only done it twice before, back in the summer, so i'm a bit fingers and thumbs .... in my haste i got the plunger caught on the covers and squirted the first lot all over my thigh :roll: My god a little bit goes a long way! Did manage to get another squirt ready and got it where it was meant to be in time. Had to be casually wiping my thighs while he undressed, chatting away to me. Like you do. Good job he's not very observant .....

FF is a bugger for shifting ov dates. Its done it to me too in the past. Will you leave it where it is or move it to where you think it should be miss C?

Big :hugs: for everyone that needs one xxx

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