TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

it costs nothing compared to what a child does if that helps.
Hi ladies x

Pippi - Sorry to hear you may have missed the boat. Fingers crossed its not the case. Even if you did ov after you last DTD you're still in with a good chance 'the lads' were still awaiting their time to shine up there! :D

Thank you for your words of wisdom re: photogrophers. Sad to hear you weren't entirely pleased with yours. Can you get any of yours photo shopped to up the style or quality a bit? We have chosen one who knows the venue well. He was also the most prompt, polite and informative emailer of the 3 photog's i contacted. Which goes a long way in my book! He visited us with examples of his work - he's a nice guy, big personality - very camp! Lots of arty shots of the brides with huge swirly bits of chiffon which he brings along on the day. He made me laugh actually. Dont know if i'll indulging in any 'swirly shots' myself, but it ties in with what you were saying about a bit of imagination being nice. Fingers crossed we've made the right choice :wacko:


We never bd this month at all :-( I read you should wait 1-2 weeks after the bleeding had stopped so we abstained and missed my ovulation...oh well, at least waiting for my period is n't as difficult this month as a result.

our photographer got my husband to bend down on one knee for some photos with the result there is a big wet patch on his knee for the photos immediately following.
and in another looks like I'm trying to open my husbands zip....oh well at least it gave us a laugh !

for my sisters wedding, her photographer was having her stretched out on park benches and chaise longues (spelling?) which I though was a bit over the top at the time but the photos look really lovely.

your chart still looks good....but the dip yesterday is a bit dissapointing.

AFM...I think I better up my CoQ10 dose, I only started taking it last week but started on 100mg. I took 300 mg yesterday and think I will stick at that dose for a while. I must try and ses if I can look up the paper referenced in the article.

I started my husband on 30mg also but he's complaining that its giving him the runs. He's going to perservere for another few days as it may just be too many curries !
I looked up the article Bentov et just explains their hypothesis on CoQ....seems to make sense to me. I have a biochemistry background (although not in reproductive biology) so could understand most of the lingo. All seems plausible but without being an expert in the field I don't know enough to see any flaws in their theory but presumably since it's been peer reviewed by experts in that field it's a valid theory.

They say in the text of the article:
Coenzyme Q10 is generally administered in dosages of 100-3000 mg/day (Hidaka 2008)

I looked up that paper they referenced...but could only acccess the abstract.
Biofactors. 2008;32(1-4):199-208.Safety assessment of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).Hidaka T, Fujii K, Funahashi I, Fukutomi N, Hosoe K.
The published reports concerning safety studies indicate that CoQ10 has low toxicity and does not induce serious adverse effects in humans.Risk assessment for CoQ10 based on various clinical trial data indicates that the observed safety level (OSL) for CoQ10 is 1200 mg/day/person.

That paper references this...
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2006 Aug;45(3):282-8. Epub 2006 Jun 30.Risk assessment for coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone).Hathcock JN, Shao A.
Reports of nausea and other adverse gastrointestinal effects of CoQ10 cannot be causally related to the active ingredient because there is no dose-response relationship: the adverse effects are no more common at daily intakes of 1200 mg than at a 60 mg.The OSL risk assessment method indicates that the evidence of safety is strong at intakes up to 1200 mg/day, and this level is identified as the OSL. Much higher levels have been tested without adverse effects and may be safe, but the data for intakes above 1200 mg/day are not sufficient for a confident conclusion of safety.

I had a look at Toronto centre for advanced rep tech which is one of the addresses Bentov give...and it states
"Our patients start taking 4000 IU of Vitamin D daily, and also take COQ10 and multivitamins"

one of the above paper said that recommened dose is 12mg/kg/day, which if you were 60kg would be 720 mg per day.

think I should probably go up to 800mg a day. you can get 90x100mg in Tesco for approx 18 pounds (3 for 2 offer) that would last approx 11 days. expensive and a lot of pill swallowing and counting !
Interesting thanks Pippi, is that the same research that was reported in the Vancouver sun but that has been taken offline recently? I might do a bit more digging on that.

I just got my 100mg CoQ10 that I ordered from Amazon - I think it was about £15 for 60 capsules. If I take 2 a day then that will last me a month which is about as much as I can afford to spend on it right now. As much as I appreciate what greens said about a baby costing more I'm not really sure that is the point. We all have to live within our budgets and if and when i have a baby then other things will be sacrificed to support it as well as the fact that I will have to somehow earn more to cover everything but as that is currently pie in the sky I don't feel that spending over my income is the best idea for something that may or may not work :flower:
As much as I appreciate what greens said about a baby costing more I'm not really sure that is the point. We all have to live within our budgets and if and when i have a baby then other things will be sacrificed to support it as well as the fact that I will have to somehow earn more to cover everything but as that is currently pie in the sky I don't feel that spending over my income is the best idea for something that may or may not work :flower:

Thank you, I was going to answer that post but you worded it beautifully. :flower:

Hope you are ok. :hugs:
These look cheaper.
Wow Pippi i love it when someone comes along who can read that stuff without getting a headache! lol. When i wadded through a few research articles before i started taking Q10 i understood the up and down of it is that it is basicly safe, you need to take quite a bit of it to make it worth while, and its not cheap :D The finer points are lost on me really ...

Sorry but i did laugh at what you said about your photos. I'm glad you can see the funny side bless you :friends: I DETEST having my picture taken and will be making an effort to hide behind the floral arangements from ALL cameras. I would have to be 3 sheets to the wind to contemplate lounging in front of a lense :rofl: (my boobs would almost definately make an escape bid and i would die of shame) One of OH's bro's dabbles in photography too i've just remembered :dohh: <dread>

Butterfly - yes those are my thoughts too.

Greens - the thing is - deciding on whether to fund treatments and/or suplements for ttc is tied up with investing mentaly as well as financialy in your dearest wish. Its hard as there are no guarantees of success and there is a fear of being a slave to it all. Funding a child who is in your life is a different kettle of fish altogether.

Heavenly :hi:

AFM - loads and loads of quite sharp stabby pains way low down on both sides all day. sigh. While this is not my usual period onset pain patern (usual is dull back ache and tum ache) i have to asume that it's AF on her way :( Poo.
so the coq10 interesting, i think im gonna stick to 300mg for now.

i got my requisition for my ultrasound (i can pick it up from my dr today) now to book it- im thinking of waiting for another week just a day or so before af is due so if by some miracle im preg i can know ahead of time and no pos and stressing.

so all the wedding photographer discussion makes me wonder what options i will have when were away in jamaica. (its still not booked still in lawyer limbo ie he sent an offer and now werer waiting for her response again- if it doesnt work their finally doing mediation. Really its been over 1.5 yrs of lawyer limbo)

But we have been looking at rings and we will be hopefully married before sept. I want to take my kids to Jamaica as that is where my ex is from and we though that getting married there would be cool. Plus my doh hasnt ever been anywhere tropical (niether have I) so it would be neat to have our wedding and honeymoon all in one.
Hi Ladies,

Have been on here a while, and skulking around reading your posts.:thumbup:

I think I am 1-2dpo today, according to FF chart.
Been trying to conceive number 2 for far too long!

Just a quick question ladies - am using OPK kits, BBT temp checking, and charting my CM...can you take a look at these pics and let me know what you think?
I hardly ever / never get a darker LH line than the reference line on OPK tests, which is why I use charting CM and BBT alongside the OPK tests. Im a little worried that I may have BD'd too early this cycle, but all the previous cycles I have ovulated very close to my LH surge (usually within a few hours of getting my surge!) and didnt want to miss that egg! lol. My partner was away working on the day of my surge so we BD'd the night before I got my surge - so in essence:
We BD'd around midnight Saturday 3rd March with abundant EWCM;
it looks like I started my LH surge Sunday 4th March afternoon (what do you all think from the OPK pics?),
I felt really crampy ovulation type pains from Sunday night / and through Monday 5th March morning and OPK tests showed I was still surging Monday 5th March! (I think! what do you ladies think?!)....
OPK tests today 6th March are negative again.
My Temp rise happened on Monday 5th.
My CM was egg white and abundant from 2nd March, until it changed to watery on the 5th March and had dried / gone as of today 6th March.

Do you think I BD'd too early ladies? How long can spermies survice? We used preeseed this cycle.:hugs::hugs:
Any advice appreciated!


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Hi prickly, I tend to think that the fact that you have EWCM is your body telling you this is the right time to BD as the EWCM helps the :spermy: on their way. I think it is highly possible to conceive the night before the surge :thumbup::hugs:
Welcome prickly,

I also hardly ever get the test band darker than control (i cheat and usually call it positive if its almost as dark as control) but I did get a clear positive at Xmas and bd that night and got a bfp but sadly had mc. Next time I'm going to test the urine with the cheap opk and one of the digital test as I think my eyes start to play tricks when you stare at pink lines for too long. Ensure you not drinking a lot in the 4 hrs before you test and try hold off going to the loo in those 4 hrs... But you probably know all this!
Hi everyone :)

Welcome Prickly :) - I understand that sperm can live for up to 5 days given ideal conditions (good quality cervical mucus) but the average is 2 to 3 days. In some unlucky ladies its less than 24 hours however. Dont think there's any way to tell for sure :wacko:

My advice for the simplest thing to do to help this would be to drink plenty of water in the first half of your cycle to boost mucus. <once again wishes would take own advice>

A popular rule of thumb for BDing that i keep in mind is this:
BD on the last day of your period (whenever that is).
Then again on CD10.
After that BD ever other day.
If you get a particulally strong OPK or other indication that you think you are literaly about to ov then BD that night.
Keep up the every other day BDing for a good week after you think you ov'd just in case ;)

PDMC - lawyer limbo for that long is awful. Big hug for you :hugs: Fingers crossed it will be resolved very soon so you can go on with your plans.

AFM - veeery slight spotting this morning, so .... bollox! lol. Thats me out i recon. Good news is OH and i are off to Bournmouth later today to see Billy Conolly's live show there tonight. Bought tickets ages ago. We get a stay in a hotel and a have a break from drugery for 2 days :happydance: (shame about AF being about to appear, but hey ho. At least if i do come on properly today it means i'm still on track for an AF free honey-moon [-o&lt;)
Bummer about the spotting Mistyy but yes, hope you have a great weekend away :hugs::hugs:
AFM - veeery slight spotting this morning, so .... bollox! lol. Thats me out i recon. Good news is OH and i are off to Bournmouth later today to see Billy Conolly's live show there tonight. Bought tickets ages ago. We get a stay in a hotel and a have a break from drugery for 2 days :happydance: (shame about AF being about to appear, but hey ho. At least if i do come on properly today it means i'm still on track for an AF free honey-moon [-o&lt;)

Sorry AF is on its way. :hugs: But it sounds like you are planning the perfect tonic! Have a lovely break. x
Hello Ladies, sorry for being incommunicado but I've been enjoying having Foxy home! I have to say having a puppy is a GREAT way to take your mind off the stress of TTC and the heartbreak of miscarriages! I hope you are all well? I have been reading with intrigue the amounts of CQ10 I should be taking - thanks for the insight - I have only been taking 100mg a day so now need to up the ante! Old hag showed up today. Plan for this month is Vit B until ovulation, Agnus Castus, CQ10, - oh yes, and move house on 19th and visit the Lister on 22nd! So busy busy! Here is another picture! Isn't she gorgeous?! Cant say the same for one of my kitchen chairs!!! She had the most horrendous separation anxiety over the last couple of days but she's calmed down now thank goodness. My clients were not having the most relaxing of massage treatments with Foxy barking and crying her head off - luckily they've been most understanding!


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foxy is so cute!!! too bad you werent in canada id come to you for massage treatment i go every 3 weeks granted right now they are painful as im having active release.

misty sorry af is coming evil witch.

AFM im getting sick again i have been fighting a sore throat and this morning its turning into a full blown cold ugh that is the 3rd time i have been sick in 2 months. You'd think with eating healthy exercising all the vitamins and loosing wieght id be healthier and my immunity would be better.

im thankful this weekend is a hang at home no plans i can sleep and rest. Im bribing my teens to clean (yeah i know it sound horrible but it works to motivate them with out me yelling at them to help out - im clalling them in for sleeping throught first period today lol) Figures they both sleep in the day i start work early.
Hello Ladies, sorry for being incommunicado but I've been enjoying having Foxy home! I have to say having a puppy is a GREAT way to take your mind off the stress of TTC and the heartbreak of miscarriages! I hope you are all well? I have been reading with intrigue the amounts of CQ10 I should be taking - thanks for the insight - I have only been taking 100mg a day so now need to up the ante! Old hag showed up today. Plan for this month is Vit B until ovulation, Agnus Castus, CQ10, - oh yes, and move house on 19th and visit the Lister on 22nd! So busy busy! Here is another picture! Isn't she gorgeous?! Cant say the same for one of my kitchen chairs!!! She had the most horrendous separation anxiety over the last couple of days but she's calmed down now thank goodness. My clients were not having the most relaxing of massage treatments with Foxy barking and crying her head off - luckily they've been most understanding!

Lovely to hear from you! She is scrumptious!!! :cloud9: So glad she is helping you. :hugs:

AFM im getting sick again i have been fighting a sore throat and this morning its turning into a full blown cold ugh that is the 3rd time i have been sick in 2 months. You'd think with eating healthy exercising all the vitamins and loosing wieght id be healthier and my immunity would be better.

A couple of my friends have had a nasty cold, I think there is a lot of it going about! Hope you feel better soon. xx

AFM, well I have been doing a lot of thinking. This weird sense of calm has come over me. I have spent the last 4 years TTC and being convinced it would happen naturally at some point, then I thought Clomid would be the magic cure but I have sort of come to terms that it probably won't happen naturally and me and OH are both really ok with DE. Because the chances of me using my eggs are pretty slim, ok, not had my AMH test back yet...but unless I am some sort of medical miracle at the age of 46.:coffee:....I am sure the Agora will recommend DE.

So the plan is, 2 more cycles of Clomid, seeing the Director of the Agora on the 19th to discuss AMH results and SA results. If it's decided that DE is the best thing, we are going to step off the merry go round for a short while, no more Clomid, get back to TTC naturally, chill stressing about sticks up a bit more for treatment, and then we will put our names down. Good thing with DE, we don't need to rush. So actually, having a plan...and not thinking that it's the biggest disaster in the world for me if I don't fall naturally....has taken a huge weight off.

Sorry for ramble. xx
Hello there,

Mind if I join in? I'm 45 and ttc #4. I've got 3 middleschoolers from a previous marriage and would love to have another with my DF49 who has never had children. I became easily pregnant at 44 but mc at 14 weeks. I just started ttc again about 4 months ago - probably shouldn't have taken a break after the mc but it wreaked havoc on me (I'm still on stinkin' wellbutrin from it!). I actually was contemplating this morning titrating down from it because my depression was likely hormonal and situational. I was wondering if perhaps that med had something to do with my lack of cm. couldn't be my age!!

Any thoughts?
I'm so frustrated and just feel like giving up. We don't seem to be able to get through a cycle without some kind of drama. :growlmad: The stress level is really high. I feel like we should take a break but at my age, I don't think I can.

But on the other hand, the pressure is really getting to us. I'm even thinking fondly of how sweet my life was before TTC. :shrug:

Is there a cure for baby fever? How do you ladies handle it?

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