TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

:hi: Hi faithmum and l8bloomer

FM I am not sure of the wellbutin would stop CM - I have heard of a bunch of ladies who were on it and ttc but I guess that if you could slowly stop it then it might help things - good luck :dust:

l8, sorry things are stressful for you. I think the pressure is much higher at this age espcially not to miss one cycle as we feel like every one counts. it is easy to say try not to stress but I am not sure how to do it IRL :shrug::hugs::hugs:
Ok ladies...I am in a bit of a pickle here re DHEA. I ordered some from the States...about £40 worth.....they have just arrived. I was told to order the micronized version and to take 75mg a day.

Sooooo....... I have just looked at them....and they are called RegiMEN..:dohh:.....i didn't notice that the small print said they were for younger men......does this matter? Will I start growing stubble, scratching my ar&e and being really messy? :shrug: :rofl:

Do I have to get specific DHEA tablets for women?


DHEA 25mg per serving
magnesium Stearate
Microcrystalline cellulose
Hi Butterfly, thanks for trying to make me feel better. Hope you have a good weekend.:thumbup: I don't tend to handle stress very well and have been known to lash out. Poor DH. I now feel terrible but once things are said, they cannot be unsaid. You would think that at 44, I would be more mature, but apparently not. :blush:

I saw the FS today and spoke to him about my AMH/HSG results as well as possible IVF using DE. He said my AMH was 1.81 (I think it's 1.81 and not 1.18- my memory is not what it used to be). He says that's good for someone my age and means that I will produce a good number of eggs for IVF.:happydance: But what do you ladies think? I like to get your opinion because in the back of my mind, I always fear that the clinics may tell you what you want to hear because they make money from IVF.

HSG scan was clear so looks like I'm fertile myrtle (ya, right).

Only remaining thing to do is to get the sample from DH.
Oh, Heavenly, forgot to mention what the FS told me about DHEA. He says that if you AMH score is good, you shouldn't need to take DHEA. He recommended 2 other supplements, that can be taken with COQ 10, for egg quality.

In my uneducated opinion, there is no female version of DHEA. I think it references men because androgen is primarily a male hormone. The potential side effects are hair growth, acne, amongst others. I had acne, but didn't notice hair growth but then, I was only on it for 3 weeks.

They are Myoinositol 2gm twice a day and Melatonin 3 mg/day.

I will be going to the pharmacy this weekend to seek these out as I've discontinued using DHEA.
I saw the FS today and spoke to him about my AMH/HSG results as well as possible IVF using DE. He said my AMH was 1.81 (I think it's 1.81 and not 1.18- my memory is not what it used to be). He says that's good for someone my age and means that I will produce a good number of eggs for IVF.:happydance: But what do you ladies think? I like to get your opinion because in the back of my mind, I always fear that the clinics may tell you what you want to hear because they make money from IVF.

HSG scan was clear so looks like I'm fertile myrtle (ya, right).

Only remaining thing to do is to get the sample from DH.

I posted on the other thread, that is a great score, well done!!! :happydance: I hope for a result just as good. I am convinced we are heading down the DE route, but will be interested to see what happens with my AMH results and what they suggest.

Thanks for the DHEA info, I won't take them til I get my AMH results. xx
Ooo lot's of new ladies :thumbup: :hi:

Bloomer, if you find that cure please pass it on!

Interesting stuff re the DHEA - I'm leaving well alone if it causes acne. I was lucky during my more youthful days to escape spots but now I seem to be going through puberty again! Decided to use Angus Castus to try and sort them out as I know they are hormonal - especially around O time which is nowish! Seems to be helping and of course AC has the added advantage of being useful for ttc too :happydance:

Misty - sorry about the spotting hun, always depressing - for me it's the temp dive. :hugs:
Ok ladies...I am in a bit of a pickle here re DHEA. I ordered some from the States...about £40 worth.....they have just arrived. I was told to order the micronized version and to take 75mg a day.

Sooooo....... I have just looked at them....and they are called RegiMEN..:dohh:.....i didn't notice that the small print said they were for younger men......does this matter? Will I start growing stubble, scratching my ar&e and being really messy? :shrug: :rofl:

Do I have to get specific DHEA tablets for women?


DHEA 25mg per serving
magnesium Stearate
Microcrystalline cellulose

Hi Heavenly,

I'll chime in with my 2 cents on the DHEA. My GF who's a family doc and was ttc for 2 years started it and said she believed that what helped her get preggos with her now DD. She told me to start at 25mg then work up to 75 mg over a month or so. I think 25 mg is a fairly low dose and shouldn't worry you but I'm also a firm believer in running everything through expert opinion. I took it for a long time and didn't get any side effects. I did get a BFP and mc later but the mc had nothing to do with the DHEA. I should still take it but ran out once and fell out of practice (isn't that a ridiculous excuse).

I'm still learning about everyone here so will come back tomorrow to read up so I can chat.

Good night.
hello newbies! How nice to have some new friends! I'm just getting over my jet lag but haven't got time to catch up as have to go to work. Yuk - on a Saturday from 10am to 10pm :-(
Hope all are well,
Reb x

Link for AMH result interpretation as I had mine given to me in PMOL/ml and some of you ladies have yours in NG/ml....gosh its confusing isn't it!

I was told by fertility consultant that my AMH score of 16 pmol/ml at age 40 was "satisfactory" and that I have a "reasonable chance of conceiving within a year, with regular / frequent intercourse"....hmmm....good luck to us all and I hope we all get our 2012 baby bumps!:hugs:
Interesting stuff re the DHEA - I'm leaving well alone if it causes acne. I was lucky during my more youthful days to escape spots but now I seem to be going through puberty again! Decided to use Angus Castus to try and sort them out as I know they are hormonal - especially around O time which is nowish! Seems to be helping and of course AC has the added advantage of being useful for ttc too :happydance:

Thanks for that info, I will leave it at least til I get my AMH results. xx

Hi Heavenly,

I'll chime in with my 2 cents on the DHEA. My GF who's a family doc and was ttc for 2 years started it and said she believed that what helped her get preggos with her now DD. She told me to start at 25mg then work up to 75 mg over a month or so. I think 25 mg is a fairly low dose and shouldn't worry you but I'm also a firm believer in running everything through expert opinion. I took it for a long time and didn't get any side effects. I did get a BFP and mc later but the mc had nothing to do with the DHEA. I should still take it but ran out once and fell out of practice (isn't that a ridiculous excuse).

I'm still learning about everyone here so will come back tomorrow to read up so I can chat.

Good night.

Thank you, I am just hoping that RegiMEN does not make me more manly than fertile! :wacko: :rofl:

hello newbies! How nice to have some new friends! I'm just getting over my jet lag but haven't got time to catch up as have to go to work. Yuk - on a Saturday from 10am to 10pm :-(
Hope all are well,
Reb x

Welcome back hun. xx

Link for AMH result interpretation as I had mine given to me in PMOL/ml and some of you ladies have yours in NG/ml....gosh its confusing isn't it!

I was told by fertility consultant that my AMH score of 16 pmol/ml at age 40 was "satisfactory" and that I have a "reasonable chance of conceiving within a year, with regular / frequent intercourse"....hmmm....good luck to us all and I hope we all get our 2012 baby bumps!:hugs:

Thank you for that link, interesting reading. Will get mine back on 19th March.

AFM, CD10 and High on Monitor, OV should be CD13/14 so busy week ahead!!

Love to you all. xx
wow, there's been a lot of activity here in the last few days.
welcome to all the new comers and welcome back Rebs.

don't have any advice on DHEA, might now consider taking 25mg as your friend suggested, faithmum. my cycles are regular and don't want to mess anything up but if I thought it'd help with egg quality I'd try it.

I have went up to 800mg day of CoQ10. found a seller on amazon that sells 60x400mg tables for £30. I can just about justify spending £30 a month on something that may not ever make any difference..

sorry to hear your feeling stresed out l8bloomer, I don't have any words of wisdom for you though. We had always accepted we probably would never have any kids which we were ok with really (I have rsi and a chronic pain condition and did n't think I'd be able to cope with a we kept putting it off until I was 'better'). Now realise that I will probably never get 'better' and we decided to go for it. ....but our acceptance of never having kids is slowly being forgotten. This TTC really plays with your mind.

sorry to hear AF arrive Misty but hope Billy Connolly gave you some laughs and eased the dissapointment.

thankfully I think AF is on her way as I had a big temp drop, if she comes this weekend my cycle is bang on what it normally would be...really expected the MC to have knocked things out a bit.
Bear that in mind Butterfly if you want to start again this cycle.....although whether I really had a proper ovulation is anyones guess.
Hi ladies - I've had a bit of time to check in and do some reading.

Beetle ~what a darling pup you've got there. I was laughing about the kitchen chair - I've got a 1 year old pup and he decided to gnaw on the kitchen table. He's lucky to be so darn cute.

Misty ~Sorry about the spotting. How was your get-away?

Heavenly ~ I'm sending you good vibes for your bd'g days ahead!

Butterfly ~ thanks for comment about the wellbutrin. I tried researching it on the net but all I get are gobs of advertisements from sellers. I didn't see anything though when I typed in wellbutrin and ttc so it must not be something that obviously intereferes. I do think I might as well titrate down then get off of it though.

l8bloomer ~ Seems you've got some good news there. After ttc DS for well over 2 years the month after my HSG I fell preggos so I'm hoping you have the same luck.

Prickly ~ Sounds like you too have good news with your reports as well.

AFM~ I haven't been to a specialist yet but I'm thinking after reading about these tests that maybe I need to make an appointment? After ttc for 4 months when I was 44 I ended up preggos but mc. I've only been ttc again for a few months. What do you think? Give it another few months then make an appointment? Or given that I'm 45 should I go ahead and make an appointment now? I suppose there's a wait to get in so I should probably make an appoinment now.

Have a great day:flower::flower: and baby dust.:dust::dust:
I have went up to 800mg day of CoQ10. found a seller on amazon that sells 60x400mg tables for £30. I can just about justify spending £30 a month on something that may not ever make any difference..

Now realise that I will probably never get 'better' and we decided to go for it. ....but our acceptance of never having kids is slowly being forgotten. This TTC really plays with your mind.

thankfully I think AF is on her way as I had a big temp drop, if she comes this weekend my cycle is bang on what it normally would be...really expected the MC to have knocked things out a bit.

Thanks for the info re CO Q10 and Ebay, will check it out!! I really hope your cycle is back to normal as soon as poss - sounds promising! xx

AFM~ I haven't been to a specialist yet but I'm thinking after reading about these tests that maybe I need to make an appointment? After ttc for 4 months when I was 44 I ended up preggos but mc. I've only been ttc again for a few months. What do you think? Give it another few months then make an appointment? Or given that I'm 45 should I go ahead and make an appointment now? I suppose there's a wait to get in so I should probably make an appoinment now.

Have a great day:flower::flower: and baby dust.:dust::dust:

I would get the appointment made, the sooner you have all the info, the sooner you can decide what you want to do. :flower:
faithmum, i second heavenly's advice to take the tests now. :thumbup::thumbup:
I was a little hesitant at first, being somewhat fearful of what the tests may turn up, but knowing definitely helps.
Thanks for the advice. It makes sense. Do I see a fertility specialist or I see a reproductive endocrinologist or are the 2 the same thing? Do you decide based on what's available closest to you?

Appeciate the help!
Turn my back for a weekend and there is a flurry of posts, welcome to all the newbies :)
Sorry to hear about AF Misty , very jealous of Billy Connolly as I would love to see him.

AFM, well went to see consultant Friday, having day 21 tests this week, having a genetic blood test and a pelvic scan!!! Seeing me again in 3 months which I did think was a bit long = do they not know 3 months is a long time in an over 40 TTC!!! They then said may refer me to Liverpool if nothing comes up but choices are limited, can't have clomid of anything else as last time I was prescribed it I went into ovarian failure for 2 years!! So watch this space!! maybe I will get pregnant before then!!
Hi everyone, and special hi to newbies :hi:

Faithmum - i posted all the same questions re: to get tests or not to get tests when i first arrived here, lol. I'm STILL dithering :wacko:

Booth - everything crossed for you there. That clomid experience is scary!

Welcome back Reb :)

Beetle - ahhhhhh! Foxy's lovely. Growing fast!

Heavenly - go girl :) Catch the ov!

Thanx for all the comiserations over AF. I was in full flow by the time we arrived in Bournmouth at lunch time on Thursday :roll: So CD5 now already and AF is off down the path again.

Billy Conolly was really good. Very funny. 3 hour non stop set. The man talked from 8pm till 11 - and we laughed all the way through. i thoroughly recomend it.

Sorry its a quickie today - and hugs to everyone i've missed. Great to see this thread is so lively :happydance:
Just wanted to add

Nise - the acne warning on DHEA worried me too. I've never had trouble with my skin and am vain enough to seriously wonder if i'd risk it. Again its all about guarantees isnt it? Interesting. I'd accept all sorts of invasive tests (if OH and i decided it wouldnt make us even more twitchy than we are) but wouldnt want to risk getting spots! So much for my dedication to the cause, lol.
morning ladies

i made it through the weekend with doh parents coming down and his brother and wife and darling 6m old.

i didnt get to hold her as im fighting this sinus cold and didnt want her to catch it. but im finding lately i have been experiencing some nausea and dizziness not sure if its pms as the witch is due in a few days, or if it my sinus thing or something else.

this morning i realized i need to take more then water and a banana with all my vitamins and meds.

have a great day
How is everyone?

Well I had a Peak Mon and Tues and we BD'd on both days.

Will pick up OH's latest SA results this week from the doc. Will be discussing that and my AMH results on Monday at the clinic.

Going to ask the success rates for DE at their clinic. Also about OE at my age and dependant on test results, though I am prepared for the success rates for OE to be pretty small!

I need as much info as poss. :flower:

Love to you all. xx

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