TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Welcome 40s gal :)
Well I started taking agnus castus on CD1 and on CD13 started spotting. this developed into full blown AF and proper heavy for about three days, then lighter, now stopped. I have reduced the dose but no idea why that happened!
Bugger. That seems a bit extreme... Sorry it happened but i have no good ideas to offer.

When do you usually ov? It is a bit strange i must admit. Sorry, im not helping ... :blush:

:hugs: Omi xx
Friend I work with has their first at wife age 40. Just had second (unplanned) and she is 45. It can happen....

PS re the OPK question last you have fertility microscopes over there? We use one and it's handy because you can see ferning in the saliva crystals starting to form a few days before ovulation. Looks like a lipstick, the wife just keeps it in her handbag. Although some people say I'm her handbag. :)
Bugger. That seems a bit extreme... Sorry it happened but i have no good ideas to offer.

When do you usually ov? It is a bit strange i must admit. Sorry, im not helping ... :blush:

:hugs: Omi xx

To be honest Omi, I'm not sure if I have been ov'ing since I had DD last year and I am still breastfeeding. I'm hoping this episode was the ac giving my system a kick start or something but I do think 2000mg could be too high a dose and maybe that's why! See what happens this month I guess :shrug:
just checkin in - iui didnt work so havin follow up appt with doc today to make plans for another try at ivf prob jan. still hoping it will happen naturally before that. feelin pretty flat now ivf was my last hope, hope u r all ok xx
:hi: everyone! Just checking in on you all like to to follow this post x
I've said this on other threads, so sorry if I sound like I am beating the topic to death. My naturopath has me on Vitex beginning at post ovulation, not the first part of my cycle. She says chasteberry is a progesterone booster, and so should be used post O. I take a dropper-full of the liquid form, 2-3 times a day, from O to AF.

Hi ladies,

Quickie, I'm new here and just joined tonite. I just turned 46 and hubbie and I had been trying for a baby for 15 months naturally and conceived in Feb this year (top fertility expert had told me in my early 20s that I could never have a child naturally and would need IVF - I guess he was wrong! thankfully!).

Sadly we miscarried at 12 weeks in May this year and have been trying to conceive the past 5 months. I just started using ovulation strips the past 3 months and Yes Baby (which is the organic paraben version of Preseed). My period is due in 2 days time and my BBT has been really high the past 9 days and is looking very hopeful though I don't want to count my chickens before they're hatched as I've been upset by that BFN before when thinking I'm pregnant for sure.

I don't have any kids (this will be my first). Hubbie and I have been together for 2 years and married for 1. We were engaged 25 years ago (long story) and split up 3 weeks before the wedding (we were young and immature); and I thought he was dead all the years and found him by chance 2 years ago and we got back together within days of reconnecting again. He had remarried and was in an abusive marriage all these years, thinking I hated him. Far from it. We're very happily married now. Life has a way of working out in the end.

It's very stressful each month baby dancing and hubby felt very under pressure the past 3 months when he knew that I was ovulating as he felt he had to perform so this month I didn't tell him the exact day and we went on holiday for a week and baby danced and I'm soooo hoping that we made a baby! I'll keep you all posted. If we have made a baby, I definitely would say it's the Yes Baby as the swimmers needed all the help they can get!

Baby dust and glue to all!
HI again girls

Well I said I would keep you updated.

Im 46 conceived naturally and will be 47 when our Little BOY arrives. Had my 20 week scan today and he looks healthy. I havent had it easy in the past with reacurrent missed miscarriages (no heartbeat)

Never give up hope of getting caught pregnant, one of the other ladies on 2nd tri is 52yrs old and hers too is natural. She posted me that its a normal age in Jamaica to have children. Its just UK & USA that frown upon older pregnancies. But this just goes to show it does happen.:thumbup:
Great to hear some good news from you Alexp - and best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy!! :dust:

Glitterbug- so sorry to hear about the iui :hugs: :hugs:

Im just waiting for the :witch: next week. Don't hold out much hope but you have to wish and pray (in my case to St Jude, the saint for hopeless and impossible cases, lol! He's probably sick of me already, ha, ha) Onwards and upwards always!!
HI again girls

Well I said I would keep you updated.

Im 46 conceived naturally and will be 47 when our Little BOY arrives. Had my 20 week scan today and he looks healthy. I havent had it easy in the past with reacurrent missed miscarriages (no heartbeat)

Never give up hope of getting caught pregnant, one of the other ladies on 2nd tri is 52yrs old and hers too is natural. She posted me that its a normal age in Jamaica to have children. Its just UK & USA that frown upon older pregnancies. But this just goes to show it does happen.:thumbup:

Hi Alexp

OMG! Wow! What wonderful news! I'm 46 too and AF is due to arrive tomorrow D29 or Weds 3rd Nov D30, and I'm really hoping this month in the next day or so I'll have a BFP as I do feel pregnant, more so than usual though trying not to raise my hopes in case AF arrives and brings me down to earth with a thud!

I'm 46 and hubbie is 47. We have been wondering how long we'll continue ttc as we don't want to get too old. John Travolta's wife being pregnant is a huge inspiration to us older mom's though I heard they were ttc for 8 years before she fell pregnant again.

As I miscarried at my first pregnancy in May this year, even if we do get a BFP, I'll be nervous the whole first trimester if it'll stick. I miscarried at week 12, 2 days before my scan though when the foetus came out (apologies if tmi) it looked like it was 8 weeks, so I probably miscarried at 8 weeks and it stayed inside me for another 4 weeks. We only recently bought a memorial stone (baby sleeping inside angel wings) for our baby angel which helped to grieve as it felt like we were ignoring it by not doing anything.

Baby dust to all and I will definitely be following your progress!
Well technically I'm a day late, but my irritability yesterday, tells me I'll have AF visit on Wednesday. (Its a 4 day Premenstrual thing - Hormonal Rage) Really just grumpy. HPT says Not Preg. After my miscarriage in July, I'm not sure if I will settle in the new pattern or bounce around. Anyway, No news is no news. Anyone after MC have normal patterned cycles? Or were they all over the board?
Alexp! Congratulations! So glad to keep hearing the success stories. :)
Justmenewmum & 40's gal & others interested

The positive about getting caught in your 40;s

I lost two stone , started walking an hour a day to get fit, gave up on the baby idea as we had a Grandson (D-in-L seriously ill when he was 9wks old) whom we looked after for months. Then low and behold we got caught. It was a total shock and unexpected. With my unlucky and rare history of reacurrent MMC and fibroids too, my DH had a reversal done 5 years ago and two years ago they said the sperm count had dropped low. He also has a heart problem where his tablets cause erectional problems.
I have had a bleed at 8.5 weeks with this preganancy, lasting for weeks this turned out to be a twin sac, so look at it this way. That means two sacs , two eggs and TWO low sperms getting there. How superb was that !:thumbup:

So never give up as we prove Miracles do happen. Its not about the MMC but the fact I got caught three times in my forties. Once being twins :thumbup: So good luck to all on here and I wish you lots of success at becomong new mummies

40's gal
I got caught after three months after each lost pregnancy (except the this one) my cycle was back to normal almost immediately.

I carried one of mine until 22 weeks and it had died at 16 weeks I had no idea it had gone. Didnt feel ill a blood test came back high so they told me it was twins and left me. It was at 22 week scan that picked up dead baby. I did notice apattern however. With the three children I have from my first marriage I felt nauseus the whole way through the pregnancies(this one is same as those) The others I felt like I had flu symtoms at 3pm onwards
My first EX husband denies having a baby girl buried in the churchyard so wouldnt let me have a plaque put there (cost). He went to play football whle I was in labour 17hrs. Mentally I have suffered and am not embarrassed to admit I self harmed. I blamed myself for killing my babies. Then two years ago I had a beautiful tattoo on my lower back as my rememberance to them. Sounds morbid but it stopped my SH. I will put link if you want to see.


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I've been stalking this forum and finally decided to join. You ladies give me hope! I'm 42 and just m/c in July TTC our first after a year of marriage. My DH has a DD (19) who he had very early in life. I love her and DH, DD and I are all ready to add a little one to our family.

Finding this forum makes me feel like I'm not alone TTC over 40.

Thanks ladies for giving me the warm and fuzzies I've been missing! :hugs:
Hiya ladies,

My Fertility Appointment at Bridge Centres in London went really well! I saw Mr Summers the fertility geek and he want to me do the Clomid Challenge. At Bridge Centre they use this more as a diagnostic than a treatment. So I have to ring them when I start AF and then I go in on day 3 from FSH, LH, Eastrodial and AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone). Then I will have to take 100mg of Clomid from day 5 - 9 every morning. Then on day 10 they want me back and I have to repeat the FSH and Oestradiol to see if there is any change in the levels.

I loved Mr Summers. He was around 60 ish but very good and well respected and he knows his stuff. He lived and worked in America for 30 years. I asked where and he said Philadelphia, Boston. I'm not sure where this is though because I'm really rubbish at geography lol. I will just copy the letter they gave me. Good job I got 90wpm typing hehe :haha:

Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test

Your doctor has asked you to do a Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test (CCCT) as part of your infertility work-up. The CCCT helps determine the presence of low overian reserve (possible poor fertility potential). The CCCT most accurately predicts those women who have poor egg quality (and thus poor fertility) but it does not predict those women with good egg quality. Normal FSH levels are generally <10mlU/ml. Abnormal devels are >12 mlU/ml. FSH levels vary from cycle to cycle but we base fertility rates based on the hightest value.

Note: Cycle day 1 is the first day of full menstrual bleeding by 5 PM

Test Directions:

1. Please come to the clinic for a blood draw on cycle day 2-3 (cycle day 3 is preferred) for a serum FSH and Oestradiol levels. Your doctor may request additional hormone levels as part of your fertility assessment e.g. Anti Mullerian Horme (AMH).

2. You will have confirmation to start the CCCT following review of the FSH & Oestradial levels.

3. A prescription for the medication will be issued.

4. Please begin taking Clomiphene Citrate (50 mg), 2 tablets each morning on cycle day 5, and continue taking two tablets daily on cycle day 6, 6, 7, 8 and 9 for a total of five consecutive days.

5. A daily total dose of 100 mg of Clomiphene is required for this test.

6. Take both pills together each morning.

7. It does not matter whether you take the pills with or without food.

8. Please return to the clinic for a blood draw on cycle day 10 for another serum FSH and Oestradiol levels. This blood sample must be done on cycle day 10.(

So I am very excited to be taking Clomid and 100mg too!:thumbup:

But he did say that he uses this as a diagnostic rather than a treatment. He said that he usually uses it as a treatment for ladies under 35 and when they do not ovulate or have irregular cycles.
Well technically I'm a day late, but my irritability yesterday, tells me I'll have AF visit on Wednesday. (Its a 4 day Premenstrual thing - Hormonal Rage) Really just grumpy. HPT says Not Preg. After my miscarriage in July, I'm not sure if I will settle in the new pattern or bounce around. Anyway, No news is no news. Anyone after MC have normal patterned cycles? Or were they all over the board?

I m/c this past July too but my next cycle came back right on time and the same for Sept & Oct. I have a 28 day cycle to the day. TTC this cycle first time since the m/c. I'm so calm the last few days and usually would be in my own hormonal rage right now (I get it 2 weeks before AF for a good 6-7 days and calm down the week before).
well i have decided that next cycle is going to be my last. i will be 44 in December and tbh its been rteally hard 9 emmc, and have been on soy for the last 2 cycles this being my second and wont know if this time has worked until monday coming but i have a feeling it definately hasnt worked i have had cramping on the right side low down yesterday and now on the left today and i am sure ive had this before in other cycles so last cycle will be the next so that means next week when period shows her face, but i sincerely wish all you ladies all the very best xx
Justmenewmum & 40's gal & others interested

The positive about getting caught in your 40;s

I lost two stone , started walking an hour a day to get fit, gave up on the baby idea as we had a Grandson (D-in-L seriously ill when he was 9wks old) whom we looked after for months. Then low and behold we got caught. It was a total shock and unexpected. With my unlucky and rare history of reacurrent MMC and fibroids too, my DH had a reversal done 5 years ago and two years ago they said the sperm count had dropped low. He also has a heart problem where his tablets cause erectional problems.
I have had a bleed at 8.5 weeks with this preganancy, lasting for weeks this turned out to be a twin sac, so look at it this way. That means two sacs , two eggs and TWO low sperms getting there. How superb was that !:thumbup:

So never give up as we prove Miracles do happen. Its not about the MMC but the fact I got caught three times in my forties. Once being twins :thumbup: So good luck to all on here and I wish you lots of success at becomong new mummies

40's gal
I got caught after three months after each lost pregnancy (except the this one) my cycle was back to normal almost immediately.

I carried one of mine until 22 weeks and it had died at 16 weeks I had no idea it had gone. Didnt feel ill a blood test came back high so they told me it was twins and left me. It was at 22 week scan that picked up dead baby. I did notice apattern however. With the three children I have from my first marriage I felt nauseus the whole way through the pregnancies(this one is same as those) The others I felt like I had flu symtoms at 3pm onwards
My first EX husband denies having a baby girl buried in the churchyard so wouldnt let me have a plaque put there (cost). He went to play football whle I was in labour 17hrs. Mentally I have suffered and am not embarrassed to admit I self harmed. I blamed myself for killing my babies. Then two years ago I had a beautiful tattoo on my lower back as my rememberance to them. Sounds morbid but it stopped my SH. I will put link if you want to see.

So sorry to hear about your losses hun, i design tattoos for a living and have done for over 24 years, and in that time i have designed many tattoos for the same reason and i think your is fantastic and very well done :hugs:
good luck xx
Justmenewmum & 40's gal & others interested

The positive about getting caught in your 40;s

I lost two stone , started walking an hour a day to get fit, gave up on the baby idea as we had a Grandson (D-in-L seriously ill when he was 9wks old) whom we looked after for months. Then low and behold we got caught. It was a total shock and unexpected. With my unlucky and rare history of reacurrent MMC and fibroids too, my DH had a reversal done 5 years ago and two years ago they said the sperm count had dropped low. He also has a heart problem where his tablets cause erectional problems.
I have had a bleed at 8.5 weeks with this preganancy, lasting for weeks this turned out to be a twin sac, so look at it this way. That means two sacs , two eggs and TWO low sperms getting there. How superb was that !:thumbup:

So never give up as we prove Miracles do happen. Its not about the MMC but the fact I got caught three times in my forties. Once being twins :thumbup: So good luck to all on here and I wish you lots of success at becomong new mummies

40's gal
I got caught after three months after each lost pregnancy (except the this one) my cycle was back to normal almost immediately.

I carried one of mine until 22 weeks and it had died at 16 weeks I had no idea it had gone. Didnt feel ill a blood test came back high so they told me it was twins and left me. It was at 22 week scan that picked up dead baby. I did notice apattern however. With the three children I have from my first marriage I felt nauseus the whole way through the pregnancies(this one is same as those) The others I felt like I had flu symtoms at 3pm onwards
My first EX husband denies having a baby girl buried in the churchyard so wouldnt let me have a plaque put there (cost). He went to play football whle I was in labour 17hrs. Mentally I have suffered and am not embarrassed to admit I self harmed. I blamed myself for killing my babies. Then two years ago I had a beautiful tattoo on my lower back as my rememberance to them. Sounds morbid but it stopped my SH. I will put link if you want to see.

Your tatoo is lovely and I am nearly crying here. Such a sad story. :cry: ty for sharing and you are an inspiration

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