TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

SPOOMIE - That sounds just like me - my temps start dropping 9DPO until the :witch: arrives - that's why I have insisted on a blood test at 7DPO (hopefully that will be the right time for me).

You know what they say though sometimes no symptoms is a symptom! How many DPO are you? It could just be the prog cream keeping your temps up? (but I've heard women that use the cream at least get sore boobies etc :blush:) Maybe there is someone else on this thread who knows more.

Did the Doc prescribe the cream for you? Hope you get the results you want next week hun.

Another runner on this thread - gosh you're all so fit - I'm more of your couch potato :haha:


SPOOMIE - That sounds just like me - my temps start dropping 9DPO until the :witch: arrives - that's why I have insisted on a blood test at 7DPO (hopefully that will be the right time for me).

You know what they say though sometimes no symptoms is a symptom! How many DPO are you? It could just be the prog cream keeping your temps up? (but I've heard women that use the cream at least get sore boobies etc :blush:) Maybe there is someone else on this thread who knows more.

Did the Doc prescribe the cream for you? Hope you get the results you want next week hun.

Another runner on this thread - gosh you're all so fit - I'm more of your couch potato :haha:



I don't usually notice symptoms to signal the arrival of af, though I did have a spell of having sore boobs a few months back, which I put down to the preparation the herbalist was giving me. Ordinarily, nothing - I must be so out of touch with my body! Progesterone cream was something I self prescribed with the help of Dr Google :haha: I had read that if you have a true progesterone deficiency then the cream is not sufficient to correct it, only the suppositories on prescription can help. Still, I figured that it therefore wouldn't be strong enough to do any harm if I DON'T have a LPD and it may just nudge me in the right direction if I DO have a LPD! In the run up to my Day 21 blood test I didn't use the cream from ovulation to day 21 and then started applying it after I'd had the blood taken. The cream is marketed at menopausal women and I figured that, at my age, it wouldn't hurt anyway as a pick-me-up! :thumbup:
Spoomie I have to admit that i am confused at your chart and neg test. I like to be a realist and also believe that if I don't get a line by 13dpo then the chances of getting one are really very slim after that. However, not so slim that they are impossible (we all have to have some hope). But with elevated temperatures like yours it is surprising... maybe like you say the progesterone cream is doing something...but then you haven't taken it for 4 days. Well I will hope for that slim chance to come through for you anyway :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Reb, everything crossed here for P&R :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM I agree with regard to a new cycle. Was quite depressed just before AF arrived but feel much better now and ready to give it another shot this month in the confidence it will work :haha::haha:
Spoomie, my gran def didn't poas lol. She was a very busy and at times quite poor. She had the older generation diet where she ate things like bread and dripping, certainly no fruit (she told a story about the time she locked herself in the bathroom to eat a banana as there wasn't enough to share it with everyone, and she felt guilty for it!). Def no supplements, just kept very busy from the moment she was married living in a room & kitchen, washing everything by hand, walking everywhere & helping her family.
I shared her story because if we take our waiting to get pregnant as a sign of infertility we worry, but comparing our wait to the gap in pregnancies in women who have many children it's comforting because it shows taking a while to get pregnant doesn't mean it can't and won't happen
SPOOMIE - I thought the prog cream leaves the system quite quickly and like BUTTERFLY says four days and with elevated temps hmmmmm?

When did you have your blood test and why do you have to go the Docs - the secretary gives me my results over the phone and I consult Dr Google :haha:

Are you using FMU when you :test:? If the :witch: ain't here your not OUT.:flower:


Just_married, you are quite right, we do obsess about it, and when I look back at my Nan's life (similar diet and hard work etc) she had 3 children, with 5 years between each of them! I hadn't even thought of that until you brought it up. No real contraception around then either!

Thanks Butterfly and Garfie too. I also thought the effect of the progesterone cream wore off pretty quickly. I guess I could just get the results over the phone, hadn't thought of that - doh! At 13dpo I used FMU, yesterday (15dpo) it was mid-afternoon so will make plan B to test on Thursday am if temps remain elevated. Maybe the fat lady is just suffering from laryngitis and is taking a while to clear her throat!!!
misty wow im so happy for you sounds divine.
(now makes me want my ring and wedding sooner - yes we have ring shopped but hes in lawyer limbo with his dang ex my patience is wearing thing but i love him, so ill wait)

spoomie fxd crossed for you

just married lovely tales. I know my grandma had twins at 43 almost 44.

i know im still optimistic it will happen, for me and all of us. I finally feel normal with my cycles and will continue ttc till dec 12 or march 13. But some months it is so hard and i just get so down. But the support on here is amazing. I dont know what i would do with out you all.
Awe, Misty you're big day sounds like it went perfectly and I'm so happy to hear you had a lovely time. Lol for shopping and washing all waiting for your return - somethings just never change! Looking forward to pics. :hugs:

Spoomie, I have no words of wisdom I'm afraid. I am completely baffled by your lack of bfp. long LP and beautifully high temps still. Maybe it's worth a try with a fmu digi. I do hope you'll be put out of your misery soon and I hope it's with a lovely digi 'pregnant' or 2 beautiful lines. :hugs:

Reb - Still willing on Prune and Raisin, how you feeling? :hugs:

Hi to everyone else, some lovely stories of your grandmothers from the old days which I can completely relate to. They all make perfect sense and perhaps we are all just trying to hard! Nothing else we can do though so onwards and upwards huh.

AFM - well the old bag showed up yesterday so CD2 for me. I'm just focusing on Friday now - we've hired a car to drive up to Newcastle (saving my poor little puma a few more miles on the clock). we'll go up on Thursday night and stay with sil then return home after the meetings on Friday. :hugs:
Thanks Sam. I recall you talking about the heat there on previous occasions, I don't know how you do it, I am definitely an Autumn to Spring runner, Summer is a case of enduring the heat and counting the days down to Autumn. Quite funny in our household as my DH is from Durban, SA and loves the heat, so he complains like a demon about having to run in the cold in Britain and I complain like a demon about having to run in the heat! :haha:

PS Have you decided what to do about OH's 'offer'.....?

Spoomie: I cancelled the ticket he bought for me to go next weekend. He started mumbling about how he was so slammed at work and how he might not be a "good host." I mean, fer fuck's sake. So I cancelled the ticket and now I have a free ticket to use when I want to go somewhere. :haha: OOOH. That chart of yours. . . .

sam i loved Sedona it was so gorgeous (excpet the twisty curvey mountain road into town from flagstaff)

we did lots of trail hiking when in sedona, we were there last nov- the joke is we left great indian summer (warm weather in canada) to get snow in arizone flagstaff area) we had to hit target to get winter stuff. It did warm up later that week.

my first race is may 6, it is a fun local race (ironically my first 5 k 3yrs ago).
Do you or spomie have any comming up i believe the phnx zoo run is soon

PD: Yeah, Sedona is gorgeous! We did have a weird winter. I don't do any summer races except for the racing series in Flagstaff. It's just too flipping hot. So the first race is May 19th. The series is mostly 5 and 10Ks, but then I'm not that competitive, so, just finishing them at 7000 feet will be enough for me.

AFM - well the old bag showed up yesterday so CD2 for me. I'm just focusing on Friday now - we've hired a car to drive up to Newcastle (saving my poor little puma a few more miles on the clock). we'll go up on Thursday night and stay with sil then return home after the meetings on Friday. :hugs:

Nise: Sorry about the stupid hag. :hugs:

AFM: Here's hoping that TH brings two BFPs, one each for Reb and Spoomie!!
Looks like my mystery super long luteal phase is about to come to an end with today's temp drop. In my heart I knew it was nothing to get excited about, but you can't help dreaming, can you? Lovely looking chart to add to my library though! Ladies, your positivity and good wishes have been amazing. xxx
Garfie, went to Liverpool for OH birthday, had a lovely weekend , I had given him a surprise birthday party the week before and actually managed to keep it that way.

Spoomie, sorry about the drop had really thought it may just have been late implantation, sure our bodies do it to us on purpose.:hugs:

REb - sending lots of baby dust for tomorrrow and really hope you get that PFP:baby:

Nise, hope all goes well Friday :thumbup:

AFM, nothing to report here, been so busy organising OH birthday think I may have missed OV!!! Will have to wait and see as have done some celebrating this month:winkwink: so you never know.
Spoomie :hugs::hugs::hugs:Big temp drop for me too and I am totally gutted :nope:When will I ever learn ................:hugs::hugs:
SPOOMIE - :hugs: hun but your not out yet, still remain hopeful the temp dip is nowhere near your cover line.:winkwink:

DESPERADO - Sorry the :witch: got you hun :hugs: We will never learn because we want it so much it hurts :nope:

NISE - Are you going out in Newcastle and treating yourself to a :wine: I like Newcastle but have trouble with their accents :haha:

BOOTH - Liverpool is a lovely place did you go to many places? - I bet he also loved his surprise party :thumbup:

AFM - 4DPO nothing new to report just the usual twinges and cramps (prob my endo) :dohh:

Hi to all you other ladies


Spoomie - sorry to hear about your temp drop lovelie. There is of course still hope untill AF actually shows up. Such a rollercoaster of emotions each month. Funny isnt it how it feels when you just 'know' AF is going to show and yet everyone else is still all positive for you. I HATE the end of the 2ww. The first 7 or 8 DPO's are ok - my hormones are usually alright and my mood is usually pretty bouyant - almost blase! Then once i get to about day 10 DPO and untill AF shows up i get more and more distressed and obsessed untill i start to think i should pack the ttc in altogether. Then its AF, day 1, new cycle, big sigh, thoughts of: "see?! i knew AF was coming!", dust your self off and away we go again .......

I have alot of good looking charts. Some times i'm glad of it. Other times i hate the hope it fills me with when my temp bloody soars around DPO11, and stays high till the bitter end. I get sore bobs, funny twinges and (imagined?) nausea every darn month - so dont feel you're not in touch with your body just becasue you find the 'symptoms' difficult to read. Its very tricky indeed. A good friend of mine fell preg while using FF, and her preg chart looked the least promising of them all! Big dips in temp all through luteal phase ... so dont give up hope yet :hugs: And if AF does show, dont beat yourself up :hugs:

Just married - aww you old softie! :hugs: Thank you. Reading with interest about the grandma stories. My mothers parents were both 1 of 13 respectively, all around 2 years apart, no contraception. My thoughts are that the mothers in those days (and that certainly that social class back then) were almost certainly breast feeding (their own and sometimes the neighbours children in the case of my nan) for a good 2 years and that would account for the good timming in pregnancy. I know breast feeding isnt to be relied apon as a contraception but its natures way.

Desperado - sorry to hear about your temp drop :hugs:

Sam - i think cancelling sounds like the right thing to do. Hugs for you too. So impressed with all this fitness! Well done you :D

Waves to everyone.

The support here is bloody brilliant i'd like to say! Theres advice for us when we feel the need to try a new supplement or gadget, humour for when we feel like we're the only ones on the planet doing this/feeling that, and plain old priceless love, suport and a big hug for when its all too much. Who said it'd be nice if we were all 'real' friends? Was it Spoomie? Well - we are all real - its just that its a different kind of friendship. I've found it invaluable.

:hugs: gallore.
Reb- I am thinking of you!! Best best best of luck tomorrow.
I have no idea what to do next. This was the 3rd failed ivf after the first successful one. My dd is now 3 and I am 42....I feel like having a rest but there is no time for that. Really at loss-suggestions? Lilly
Hello Ladies! Long time no speak! Sorry for the comms silence but I've moved house and its been chaotic, plus being a puppy mummy is rather distracting! All great things to take my mind completely off TTC and miscarriages etc. Think Im in the 2WW and think we may have BD'd at the right time but didn't do any CBFM or temping so no idea and its so nice for a change. Will all change again next month especially as I turned 42 on Easter day - arrgh.
Now then....
REB! - I've just finished reading all your exciting posts about the IVF - keeping fingers and toes crossed for great news tomorrow! So exciting and good for you girl for doing it. We have put our Lister plans on hold whilst we sort out new docs etc - lister recommended lots of blood tests and my last doctor wouldn't do them. ideally we want to avoid paying through the roof for them.
SPOOMIE: Big hugs to you hon. Hope the temp drop isn't the beginning of AF but if it is, at least that's a whopping fantastic luteal phase you have there.
MISTY: Congratulations on becoming a Mrs! So excited for you! Your wedding sounded amazing.
Miss C: How are you feeling?
Glowie: CONGRATULATIONS - Jacob looks gorgeous - your story is such an inspiration ....
Butterfly: How are you doing hon?
Heavenly: Have you decided which way you are going with the adoption? Good for you for doing all the research!

Will be checking in tomorrow Reb to find out how Prune and Raisin are doing! Big hugs to you all! xxxxx
Hi everyone,

Not been on here for almost a week and there is so much catching up to do.
welcome back Misty and congrats....glad you enjoyed your big day and honeymoon.

Spoomie, had a quick look at your chart...not a big temp dip so I would n't be giving up all hope yet.

Reb, will check back here tomorrow and fingers crossed.

Garfie: my cycle buddie this month, FF has n't detected any ovulation for me this month so not sure how many DPO I am. My temps are n't much higher than what they were before ovulation but I got +OPK and hopefully our BD timing was ok.
I don't check CM much or ever really check cervix position...which maybe I should do if I get confusing charts like this month.

we had a great time away celebrating OH's 40th, we were supposed to go to Donegal but changed plans at the last minute as the hotel restaurant was closed the evening of hubbies birthday. they were ok with cancelling and some friends suggested another hotel that was really nice. weather was beautiful and had some lovely walks on the beach..I even got a slight tan on my face.
Misty, you ate probably right that many mums breastfed on old days and this can delay ov so I agree, but my wee gran used a glass double teated bottle which was boiled in a big pot to sterilise it & I've heard many stories and know she herself didn't, so I think in her case, and many others, our bodies decide when they are having a baby and we don't get a say in it lol x
PIPPI - Welcome back, glad you had a good time and a tan bonus :happydance: Shame about not knowing for def your O date (I'm 4DPO so we could always test together Monday) Cycle and Testing Buddies? :winkwink: Your Positive OPK date is the same as mine.

BEETLE - Hi I'm Garfie :hi: - a puppy mummy how cute - I'm a mummy to two dogs a cat and a gran to a hamster :rofl:

REB: Lots and lots of :hug: for tomorrow - come on PRUNE & RAISIN xx

BAMBINE - Don't know anything about IVF - how many tries can you have? :hug:



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