TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

w70 (3) (563x600).jpg

Dont know what i've done, but i've tried to put a link to one of my pics :wacko: If it has worked i'll do a few more, if not i give up!!

I still havnt come on.
18DPO and it's usually 14.
CD32 and its usually 28/29.

My temps have dipped but are still over cover line. No cramps. A couple of times over the last 2 days when i've wiped theres been a tiny brown stain.

I'm stressing becasue i dont think i'm pregnant. I just think my cycle is sodding about and that isnt good.

Thankyou all for the advice about next ov time when DH is off for the weekend - i'll try to get a bd in late as pos beofre he goes. Mind you - the way this cycle is going goodness knows when my next ov will be :(

Waves to all you lovelies x
Misty ,test ,Is it too late for implantation?your pic is gorgeous ,you both look so happy :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::hugs::hugs:
Aww lovely pic Mistyy - well I'm going to ask the obvious - have you tested? :haha: (sorry if I missed that somewhere :wacko:)
Yay, it worked! Awe Misty, you look so beautiful and happy. Gorgeous picture. As for the ttc side of things, well there's only one way to know for sure :test: Though I'm a fine one to talk, I'm always putting it off! Good luck hun I've got it all crossed for you, would be the perfect thing to follow a wedding. :hugs:
Misty gorgeous pic!!

I ran my race 5 k in 39.31 mins!!!
I did it under 40, I need to still improve but with time it will happen
I'm going for physio today and hopefully get some more suggestions to improve ( I know it has improved so much)
Misty gorgeous pic!!

I ran my race 5 k in 39.31 mins!!!
I did it under 40, I need to still improve but with time it will happen
I'm going for physio today and hopefully get some more suggestions to improve ( I know it has improved so much)

Sounds pretty damned good to me. Well done, hope you're having a nice rest now. :hugs:

Sorry your cycle is giving you grief, I recall it well from last cycle - I too NEVER go to 17dpo (generally lucky to get to 14), except I did last month! I knew it was a red herring, most probably my peri-menopausal body having a laugh at me, but puzzling nonetheless. I hope the outcome is happier for you than it was for me, would be a lovely ending to your first month of marital bliss.

Thought I'd share my observations of my ttc life with you ladies, interesting (perhaps to me alone?!), and possibly proof of the validity of that annoying adage 'Relax and it will happen' that people think will be revelatory and helpful to us. Since last month, I have given up the vitamins, EPO, Co-Q10, DHEA, softcups etc etc etc to name but a few, and even temping (more or less). I can safely say that they have done bugger all in bringing about the elusive good news and my family is now approx £100 per month better off since I have stopped them! I am infinitely less stressed and, dare I admit this, even happier to be without it all. I no longer believe that there is actually a secret ingredient, trust me, I was doing it all - and some! After 17 months of living like a nun (with the obvious exception) I have now arrived at a place of balance; I drink coffee if I feel like it and wine with my supper if I fancy it. That is something I have not done since September 2010 and, although it may sound silly, it was very difficult for me to reach this point. Today, cd12 (I only know this because i checked my FFF link at the bottom of my last post) I have had better EWCM than almost any month while desperately ttc. Could it possibly be that now I have stopped fighting my body, it has begun to work more harmoniously. Too late I fear; had I been able to reach this place in December 2010 then I may have had a chance of conceiving again at the youthful age of 42(!), I'll never know. I now genuinely think, at the age of 44, the moment has passed for me, and I know that being told that relaxing will help is annoying (and besides, it is an impossible state to force yourself to achieve) but I now wish I had been able to do it after my last mc instead of living in a state of angst and willing it so desperately to happen. Ho hum. Maybe my ramblings will help someone who is attempting to move to a more laissez faire place with ttc xxx
Misty gorgeous pic!!

I ran my race 5 k in 39.31 mins!!!
I did it under 40, I need to still improve but with time it will happen
I'm going for physio today and hopefully get some more suggestions to improve ( I know it has improved so much)

Well done pd! :thumbup:
PMD - wow that sounds great well done you!
Mistyy - lovely lovely pictures, Mrs Mistyy! Have you tested?!?
Garfie - love your new avatar!
Spoomie - we've talked about this a lot - and it's lovely to see you happier xxx
AFM - I had a glass of wine at a reception after a concert tonight and it was delicious! Then I felt crappy all the way home cos all my friends were talking about their kids. HUH!
Hope everybody had a lovely bank holiday x
Reb, bless you my darling, and thank you. I credit it to the wine, it's been sooo long! Ggrrrr to your friends/colleagues that they can't be more sensitive, they are obviously not women who have struggled to conceive or they would know better. I am thinking of you lots. Catch up soon :hugs: xxx
Ahhh but Spoomie you have one baby.... that is amazing anyway. I would consider you fortunate.

Wine... is good!
Thank you padbrat, you are right and I would hate anyone to think that I am not eternally thankful for my precious boy. The thing about our thread is that you cannot fail to be moved by the pain of other like minded women all desperately wanting the same thing and I am acutely aware that there are many with heavier burdens than mine. Every day I count my blessings and have really worked hard to move to a place where I focus on what I have as opposed to mourning what I have lost, it's just that the emptiness inside from the pain of loss is tangible and has been difficult to move beyond. When my DS was born I was 40 and I was convinced that he would be more than enough; in so many ways he is, but the desire for another baby arose from wanting to give him a sibling, and frankly it surprised me. Ironically, had I never conceived in August 2010 then I would have found my failing to provide this far far easier to bear. For me it feels so much harder due to the fact that it was right there in my grasp for so many weeks that I had stopped considering the mc risk anymore, and yet, in the end, it has eluded me. I have learnt over the past year and a half that I am not as strong as I thought I was (difficult lesson!), and that, in truth, no one is more than a few paces from the edge given the wrong turn of events, but I try to make my mantra these days 'My glass is half full.......' x
spoomie- im glad your feeling better with things
it is nice to be free of all the suppliments - im debating the same thing

reb sometime people just have no sense

i do know i find all the support and encouragement we all give and recieve so helpful - im thankful for it.
majorly majorly sleep deprived so only a very quick post - Jake had his tonsils and adenoids out on Friday and recovery has been rough for want of a better word! But it will all be worth it in the long run. But I just had to come by to Garfie and crack out holly, it; sbeen a while and e need to celebrate another beam of hope and light for all.


Garfie :holly::holly::holly::holly::holly::holly: wooo hoo!!!! well done I know it's early days but am sending every sticky vibe I have left to you at present!!

Hugs love and baby dust to everyone.
Reb - ((hugs)) Absolutely horrid when you feel people have trampled on your feelings somewhat :hugs: I think it's lack of thought rather than spite, of course, but it doesnt help at the time, i know.

Right after we told the family about our MC last year my DH's closest brother called the family together for a big meal at a restaurant in London and half way through made a big announcement that he and his wife were preg. We were happy for them of course, but the following 2 hours of non stop talk of scans, passing round scan pics, new motherhood, breast feeding 'et all' broke my heart to be honest. It had only been 2 weeks since we had been joyfully showing our scan pic. And our baby was gone :( Bloody awful. Not their fault, but bloody awful evening for DH and I.

Spoomie - Good for you hun! :) I'm doing the same and just taking one vitamin tab a day now. I'm the same age as you and also can honestly say that before i concieved then MC'd, DH and i were managing quite nicely thinking we probably would not be able to have children together because of my age. It wasnt an issue really. Our relationship didnt begin based around starting a family together, it was a fabulous and wonderful surprise when i found out i was expecting. Since then filling that gap has been colouring just about every day of my life in one way or another and i am sick of it. I just have this deep sadness that i wont be able to give DH a baby of his own. I have 3 lovely daughters with my exH, (all born while i was in my 20's), they all live full time with my darling DH and i, (ex doesnt show much interest :() and i know i am lucky, and enjoy and love them to bits. Dh is a great step dad to them. But i have never been broody like this, and i want to just turn it off. Every lady here on this thread has a different story - but we are joined by this search for the BFP.

PDMCD - so impressed with your running!

MissC - sending best wishes for your Jake, hope he feels better very soon.

Waves for all again. Thank you for liking my pic! quite chuffed i managed to get it on here, lol.

Well - before bed last night i began to bleed - so today is CD2 of a new cycle on FF again. Already. Mad isnt it? Oh well. Thanks also for the encouragement - it is lovely. I would/will never ever test unless i was a good 5 or 6 days late with my temps well up though. Just cant stand those BFNs and i wont put myself through it any more. Not looking forward to months with messed up cycles as my body goes 'peri' :cry::wacko: <sigh>
majorly majorly sleep deprived so only a very quick post - Jake had his tonsils and adenoids out on Friday and recovery has been rough for want of a better word! But it will all be worth it in the long run. But I just had to come by to Garfie and crack out holly, it; sbeen a while and e need to celebrate another beam of hope and light for all.

Oh thats tough....are you giving him lots of ice cream ? is n't that what they recommend when your tonsils are taken out ?
Hope you catch on on your sleep

Spoomie - Good for you hun! :) I'm doing the same and just taking one vitamin tab a day now. I'm the same age as you and also can honestly say that before i concieved then MC'd, DH and i were managing quite nicely thinking we probably would not be able to have children together because of my age. It wasnt an issue really. Our relationship didnt begin based around starting a family together, it was a fabulous and wonderful surprise when i found out i was expecting. Since then filling that gap has been colouring just about every day of my life in one way or another and i am sick of it. I just have this deep sadness that i wont be able to give DH a baby of his own. I have 3 lovely daughters with my exH, (all born while i was in my 20's), they all live full time with my darling DH and i, (ex doesnt show much interest :() and i know i am lucky, and enjoy and love them to bits. Dh is a great step dad to them. But i have never been broody like this, and i want to just turn it off. Every lady here on this thread has a different story - but we are joined by this search for the BFP.


Have to agree with everything you said Misty...although you put it much more eloquently than I would ever have been able.
We had accepted we'd never have a baby until we got a BFP....I know we have to be patient for another but as every cycle goes by its gets a little harder.

I'll try and adopt your attitute Sponnie and relax a bit about it....I'll have to start on some project to distract myself from focusing on it too much.
We need a new kitchen so guess planning that would keep me busy...

Pity Af arrived Misty...and your chart was looking so nice.
Love your wedding photo..

Sorry to hear Reb, about the conversation that your friends had about kids. They probably have no idea about how insensitive they were being....although a week after your failed IVF you'd think they'd know better.
majorly majorly sleep deprived so only a very quick post - Jake had his tonsils and adenoids out on Friday and recovery has been rough for want of a better word! But it will all be worth it in the long run. But I just had to come by to Garfie and crack out holly, it; sbeen a while and e need to celebrate another beam of hope and light for all.


Garfie :holly::holly::holly::holly::holly::holly: wooo hoo!!!! well done I know it's early days but am sending every sticky vibe I have left to you at present!!

Hugs love and baby dust to everyone.

My daughter had enlarged tonsils from age 18-36months & docs wouldn't tale them out til she wS three. They advised to give her chewy sweets right away as it keeps the muscles mOving & the saliva rinses over everything, yuk! She recovered very quickly but we were also told infection is common, one of the wee ones on the ward with us hard a tough time with pain & swelling afterwards. Hope you're wee one feels better very soon and you get that sleep back :)

Afm, had first meeting with fs today (had tests/scans etc at nurse clinic) so was getting result today. Absolutely dreading it and convinced both my egg stores and his swimmers would be low. So relieved when she said dh swimmers good & my eggs stores were higher than that of someone in their 30s. So next step is to check the tubes, hsg. Anyone have any advice about this? X
Im so frustrated with oh he was to book his sperm analysis so he called they only do it mon- fri before 9. Hes thinking of not bothering now im so mad im not talking or seeing him tonjight ( thankful he has hockey and we dont luve together yet so he can go home

Really suck it up - i get hell have to leave really early its a 1 hr drive as the lab is is just outside toronto and itll be killer rush hr traffic but its one day

Im mad and upset ive been poked and prodded for this process
I tske a ton of suppliments and pillsfor this, godi dont drink just in case till af shows
Now im not sure if i want to continue

Im tired of the dissapointment all the pills - im sure its just my anger coming through

Sorry i had to vent.
Im so frustrated with oh he was to book his sperm analysis so he called they only do it mon- fri before 9. Hes thinking of not bothering now im so mad im not talking or seeing him tonjight ( thankful he has hockey and we dont luve together yet so he can go home

Really suck it up - i get hell have to leave really early its a 1 hr drive as the lab is is just outside toronto and itll be killer rush hr traffic but its one day

Im mad and upset ive been poked and prodded for this process
I tske a ton of suppliments and pillsfor this, godi dont drink just in case till af shows
Now im not sure if i want to continue

Im tired of the dissapointment all the pills - im sure its just my anger coming through

Sorry i had to vent.

Hey we all need a vent feels so unfair that all they really need to do is have a bit of pleasure and then transport the fluid to a lab and they don't even want to do that! Our clinic is over an hour on 2 buses and we had to have dh sample in before 8:45am! What a mad rush, up at crack of Dawn for a fumble (!!) then dressed & running for a bus with a jar of spermies in my cleavage! I kept thinking "if this bus crashes..."

You have to laugh tho lol x

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