TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Thanks Lilly :hugs: I recon they coulld make it alot clearer dont you? lol

<accidently elbows Nise while stirring tea> :)

I know 2 peope from round here (Northants) who cancelled going to London because of the weather, Its a shame isnt it? But hooray for the long weekend.

Had a hell of an night last night. Me, my DH, and DDs 1 and 3 went to see a late showing of the new film 'Promethius' (sp?). 'Alien' prequel. Half way through the film DD1 (19) had a small seizure :( Never had anything like it before. Poor lamb. We took her to A&E and they prounced her fine. Took bloods. Sent us home. By then it was 3am and we were all very tired and stressed. She's fine today - eating tea and toast at the mo after a big lay in. Anyway - just thought i'd share that with you all .... bloody worrying :(

Still spotting and temps have pllllllllllumented! I'm loving the bench though :) Stay, and we'll call it the Jubille Weekend bench instead yeah?

Love to all xxx
Oh - P.S: More out of interest than hope -
Does anyone undestand the 'Spotting Factor' thing on FF? i never have understood it. At the mo mine is saying:

4.4% of pregnancy charts show spotting at 12DPO. 18.5% less than for non pregnant charts.
I cant get my head round wether its saying more preg charts have this than non preg ones :wacko:

They word it in a very strange way...
my understanding is:

4.4% show spotting at 12DPO if preganat
5.4% show spotting at 12DPO if not pregnant

18.5% of 4.4% is approx 4.4%+1% = 5.4%

so not a big different in my opinion....

sorry your temps dropped Misty....

How are you Garfie....are you still spotting ?
I know the worry/dread every time you go to the loo.

My employer does n't give us the bank holidays...only the public holidays so I'm working both days. :-(

Thanks Lilly :hugs: I recon they coulld make it alot clearer dont you? lol

<accidently elbows Nise while stirring tea> :)

I know 2 peope from round here (Northants) who cancelled going to London because of the weather, Its a shame isnt it? But hooray for the long weekend.

Had a hell of an night last night. Me, my DH, and DDs 1 and 3 went to see a late showing of the new film 'Promethius' (sp?). 'Alien' prequel. Half way through the film DD1 (19) had a small seizure :( Never had anything like it before. Poor lamb. We took her to A&E and they prounced her fine. Took bloods. Sent us home. By then it was 3am and we were all very tired and stressed. She's fine today - eating tea and toast at the mo after a big lay in. Anyway - just thought i'd share that with you all .... bloody worrying :(

Still spotting and temps have pllllllllllumented! I'm loving the bench though :) Stay, and we'll call it the Jubille Weekend bench instead yeah?

Love to all xxx

can't believe I forgot to ask about your DD Misty when I replied a few minutes ago...
you must have got an awful fright.
Hope they find out what was wrong....

It would n't have been anything to do with the 3D thing ?..we went to see the same film last night and I found my eyes a bit strange when I came out.
don't think you missed much by having to leave early....
Mistyy - poor you and DD - I wonder if Pippi is right - 3D gives me migraine...
Mistyy dd had a seizure at age 14. Hospital insisted it was a 'fainting fit' and not a seizure and sent her home (despite a fire service trained paramedic who witnessed it describing a grand mal seizure - rigid/blue then twitching).

5 days later she had another one, no common thread between the two, only that it was same time of day. This time I stood my ground and she was referred for a brain wave scan, then she had a 'sleep deprived' brain wave scam. They flashed lights in front of her to see if that triggered abnormal electrical activity in her brain. Both tests were clear and that was 2.5 yrs ago with nothing since them.

The only conclusion we came too was that it was either a virus or a hormone imbalance. The fact that your dd had hers in cinema suggests it was caused by visual stimulation. Up to 80% of people who have a non fever seizure never have one again.

Try not to worry. I can pm you safety advice & what to do if it happens again if you want me to.

Hugs xxxx
Thanks Lilly :hugs: I recon they coulld make it alot clearer dont you? lol

<accidently elbows Nise while stirring tea> :)

I know 2 peope from round here (Northants) who cancelled going to London because of the weather, Its a shame isnt it? But hooray for the long weekend.

Had a hell of an night last night. Me, my DH, and DDs 1 and 3 went to see a late showing of the new film 'Promethius' (sp?). 'Alien' prequel. Half way through the film DD1 (19) had a small seizure :( Never had anything like it before. Poor lamb. We took her to A&E and they prounced her fine. Took bloods. Sent us home. By then it was 3am and we were all very tired and stressed. She's fine today - eating tea and toast at the mo after a big lay in. Anyway - just thought i'd share that with you all .... bloody worrying :(

Still spotting and temps have pllllllllllumented! I'm loving the bench though :) Stay, and we'll call it the Jubille Weekend bench instead yeah?

Love to all xxx

The spotting thing was so confusing I used to use it on my first day of period when I started charting in FF :dohh: total noob. It is still a mystery to me.

Oh poor darling I hope she is ok, was it a low blood sugar? I get seizures too from hypoglycemia.

I want to see Prometheus too, I'm so psyched about the film, even rented the old Alien films to see before we go to the theater, for prometheus - I'm such a geek...
... mops up tea spillage and thinks very carefully about opening a bottle of wine with Misty sitting so close!

Sorry to hear about your DD, that must have been very scary - has she been to a 3D movie before, I know strobing lights can cause fits but usually this is in people who suffer from epilepsy. Hope you get to the bottom of it so that you can prevent it happening again.

LG's grandma rang me yesterday to tell me LG is very excited about meeting us and keeps asking when it will be - she's not been told the date. Bloody SW has told her my full birth name (which I hate and never use) and she had all of OH's family flummoxed and now insists on calling me by it! Anyway, apparently she told her grandma that she has to be on her best behaviour! lol. but more worryingly that she is coming to live in London. Although all of that is lovely to hear, I am very worried now that everyone (OH's family) seems to be convinced she's coming to us, and I'm so afraid of building up false hope be it for her or us! Grandma also told me that LG confided in her for the first time that she is actually afraid of her father, she generally clams up when it comes to talking about him.
Oh - P.S: More out of interest than hope -*
Does anyone undestand the 'Spotting Factor' thing on FF? i never have understood it. At the mo mine is saying:*
4.4% of pregnancy charts show spotting at 12DPO. 18.5% less than for non pregnant charts.

I cant get my head round wether its saying more preg charts have this than non preg ones :wacko: lol

My dh doesn't agree with my interpetation and thinks they mean (he's a computer programer but don't know if this helps here !)
4.4% show spotting at 12DPO if preganat
22.9% (4.4 + 18.5)show spotting at 12DPO if not pregnant

Oh Nise, hope it all works out with little girl.... suppose any meeting is going to get Lg excited. Hope sw and her carer can try keep her grounded... It'd be Terrible for her to have her hopes dashed if things don't work out and you dont want to feel pressured into agreeing to it just not to let her hopes down.
Blimey, Nise - sounds like nobody is keeping the LG's feet on the ground. Poor thing. I really, really hope it all works out for you - thinking of you HUGELY xxx
Hi Ladies

Just nipping in to say hi to you all, this weekend has been a totally mad jubilee weekend!:wacko:

Unfortunately my spotting went from brown to red and I ended up in hospital last night so they have brought my scan forward to tomorrow at 10.30am to be honest ladies I am absolutely s******* myself:blush:

Love to all you lovely ladies and I will catch up and comment tomorrow.


Hi Ladies

Just nipping in to say hi to you all, this weekend has been a totally mad jubilee weekend!:wacko:

Unfortunately my spotting went from brown to red and I ended up in hospital last night so they have brought my scan forward to tomorrow at 10.30am to be honest ladies I am absolutely s******* myself:blush:

Love to all you lovely ladies and I will catch up and comment tomorrow.



O Garfie ,good luck ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:!nise thinking of you loads ,xxxxxxx it's my 45th birthday today ,why does 45 seem so much more older than 44 wen TTc ,spent my day in bed sick with flu and an inner ear infection :( blurg
Garfie fingers crossed for you. I've read so many accounts on b&b about cervical erosion during pregnancy that causes bleeding & the pregnancy is fine. I'm hoping this is a one off case of this for you.

I'm willing this night to pass quickly so you get answers. I'm annoyed for you that they won't give you a scan right away x
Garfie, I have absolutely everything crossed for you for tomorrow - Lots of women do bleed in 1st tri, so let's keep the faith and hope you come back with some lovely news tomorrow. Will be thinking of you. :hugs:
Desperado HAPPY BIRTHDAY I'm so sorry you are in bed though and feeling like crap, that's no good! Hope you feel better soon and can celebrate in style even if it is belated. :cake: :hugs:
Gosh, firstly Garfie be brave hun :hugs::hugs: i remember bleeding quite a bit with DD3 and everything was just fine. I'll be thinking of you and sending my best vibes for 10.30 tomorrow. No pains is a really good sign :hugs:

Secondly thank you so much Pippi for taking the time to ask your DH about the spotting factor thing :wacko: I think next time FF asks 'have you any suggestions?' i'll suggest something about the spotting factor info being made simpler :)

Now another massive THANK YOU for all you ladies lovely words of wisdom re: my DDs seizure. Loads of really helpful info, and and good thoughts. Pippi and Reb i wondered about the 3D thing. I too felt a bit sicky/odd during the (what we saw of it) film. Just married yes, thank you, any info you can share would be great. Sorry to hear about your DD, and i'm glad she seems fine now. My DDs 'fit' was like a black out for her - although to us she seemed not to loose conciousness. She was shaking. And shouting :(. Lilly I had to lol about you getting psyched up for 'Promethius'. So did we! <shows age> We ploughed through the boxed set the week before :blush:. :hugs: for your hypoglyeimia. DDs blood was checked in A&E for blood sugar levels and they were fine. I wondered that too. Nise She has been to a 3D film before, and wasn't even particulally freaked out at that mo. She is still fine now, wanting to see the rest of the film! lol. We've all said maybe not ... A visit to her GP tomorrow may shed more light hopefully.

<hugs all along the bench> <minding the wine :winkwink:>

Nise - :happydance: that the LG is looking forward to your meeting. But :nope: about SW. It does seem a little rash to build up such excitement so early on. I'm sure everything will go fine though - and its interesting how she is opening up about her feelings towards her birth parents now. Sounds like she is preparing mentally to move on perhaps.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Despie :happydance: So sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. Hopefully you'll be better very soon and can go out and celebrate :)

AFM - :witch: arrived big time yesterday :roll: Not surprised. I was very tearful and irritable on the run up and that's a dead give away. Aaaaanyway - onward and upward. CD2 already!

<passes :cake: down the line for Despie to blow out candles> :D
Fingers crossed barnabibear that everything will be just fine and its the witch having problems with her broomstick she`ll be back before you know it ,,i`m having doubts about my af , been twice since the birth but more like spotting which ive never had before and 3 weeks apart each time so diffrent for me so know its not the same as your going through but its the worry of not knowing whats going on so big :hugs:

Thanks Maryanne! I hope you're right. I'm so worried about scarring and all that it encompasses with regard to TTC. Terrified. As for your AF, it happened to me for a while, after giving birth. I asked about it with a doc, they said it was probably leftover prolactin from not getting to breast feed, even though I'd had the drugs to stop the distress from seeing the milk. It made a lot of sense. It should sort itself like mine did after a few months. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Ladies

Just nipping in to say hi to you all, this weekend has been a totally mad jubilee weekend!:wacko:

Unfortunately my spotting went from brown to red and I ended up in hospital last night so they have brought my scan forward to tomorrow at 10.30am to be honest ladies I am absolutely s******* myself:blush:

Love to all you lovely ladies and I will catch up and comment tomorrow.



thanks barnabibear that makes sense as i have been having the odd let down feeling going on if i think about it too much

Happy birthday desperado :cake:

Garfie thinking of you and hoping time passes quick and fx`d everything is ok :hugs:

Happy Jubilee day every1 as usual the weather changed here where i am and spoiled what was a nice day
Thinking of you Garfie. Hoping you have good news, fingers crossed. x

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