TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Aw bless PDMCD - with all that rushing around and packing i should think you're burning the calories easy peasy :D

((hugs)) for the stress over the fertile window. I went through that a few months ago (whinged about it on here rather allot :blush:) He'll be home before you know it. Take the chance to have some chill out time (amongst all the packing) long baths and eat something wicked while watching your fav stuff on telly.

Re the supplements - yes it is a relief to give up, even for a while. I've stopped everything except a multivitamin with folic acid and a cod liver oil capsule cos it's meant to be good for you.

Hi Misty
I am not low carbs, I eat loads of starches/carbs but I eat only whole foods not processed white bread, pastries, biscuits that I was referring too.
If you want to find out more then have a go with can't find any site T&Cs to see if that link is permited.
Thank you Greens, that was sweet of you.

I had a look and it is all about quality over quantity in a way. Its a good philosophy. You must be feeling the benefit.

I'm following a quite relaxed version of low carbing - (done atkins in the past - worked but boy its restrictive) My rule of thumb right now is No White Carbs. So that's no white bread (as you say), processed sugar, pasta, potatoes, cake, biscuits ... erm that sort of thing, lol. I'm allowing myself fruit, tomatoes and the odd brown roll here and there. Even though they're carby/sugery.

Anyway - i feel like i've bored everyone to death :blush:
How are you all doing lovely ladies. I'm just ploughing through the <pointless?> 2ww.

Love to all x
hey misty me too plowing through a missed 2ww as we bd only 1x on my fertile window
at least i wont symptom spot as i dont even consider it being a possiblity

i went to the gym last night it felt good i was tired before but came home energized i cleaned up and packed my hall closet
darn we have 2 boxes of coats i was shocked. i will downsize once i move

cant believe how much stuff we have
Thanks pdmc for the advice about the UTI. I will look into taking the cranberry tablets at the dose you recommended during the BD period. I tried them before years ago when i felt i was getting a uti but might be better to use them even before bd.
I remember it was very difficult to find unsweetened cranberry juice.Misty; I think you can get cranberry tablets in Holland and Barret but i have not checked their prices.

Misty, I have been taking note over the past year of when i get UTIs after sex. showering before or immediately afterwards (for me) does not make any difference to whether i get an uti or not. The most important thing for me is the position we use during bd.
I always pee beforehand and drink water so I can pee no later than 30 minutes after bd. sometimes i feel so full of water during bd its hard to get in the mood!

A gp i attended a few years ago once mentioned in an off hand way that washing before sex could even makes matters worse.his advice was to experiment with different positions that cause less trauma to the urethra....but he didn't elaborate and I didn't ask!

Good luck with the move pdmc, only one night before ur oh is home.
You should downsize before you move !! it took us years to empty out boxes when we last moved....
Pity you missed your window this month but agree with misty just to treat yourself when he's away...long baths and girlie movies is the way to go!..-
When I got pregnant in dec we only did it once in my fertile window, the day of ovulation...was totally not expecting a bfp that month, so you never know...
thanks ladies :)

i tried on wedding dresses what a depressing thing. they were all puffy ruffled and blinged out. i want plain and simple A line. the worse part was going up 2 sizes that was hard. i have worked hard to drop those 3-4 dress sizes and to have to try on largers sizes was sobering. im going on sat to the store that online has the dress i want, if i try it on in any size that fits and i like it im getting it.

are wedding dresses different in size from everyday size in the uk also.
Very quick post

PDMCD - check out Light in the Box

I got mine from there. On some styles you can order made to measure as opposed to off the peg for only £25 extra. My dress was EXACTLY the same as one in a boutique near here which was retailing for £3,000.00. And i mean exactly the same. LightintheBox charged me £225.00

Shhhhhh! Don't tell anyone though :)

If you want any advice about using them PM me. I ordered 4 dresses from them altogether for my wedding. All beautiful.
Wedding dresses seem to be smaller fittings,my dress was quite plain aline,bit of detail on bust and a lace back with pearl fastening
Hello everyone, haven't been on in a while. Just caught up with all the posts, think I've missed a couple of weeks worth!

I was looking forward to the sun but it's been so hot this week. It cooled down to respectable summer temps, I'm such a wimp when it gets really hot. Lol.

So, it's been mega confusing in my household. Dh is now all down in the dumps because we don't have a child. Even rubbed my tummy and started getting all teary eyed. I think everything that's happened to us had just hit him. Poor hunny. So, taking everything a day at a time. I wish I felt like we were ttc, at least that might help but you can't do bd when you're feeling low. He's out with his best mate tonight so I'm hoping they have lots of fun and he comes back smiling.

As for wedding dresses, I had a really hard time find one that I liked, with no big skirts, and ruffles. But they are out there. Some of the bridesmaid dresses were better and you can order them in ivory or white so they might be a possibility??

Whatever you're up to, have fun. :winkwink:
Hi Girls

I'm back from my hols in Turkey - whew what a mad week!!!

I just love Turkey all the yummy food, good weather etc but I don't like the Hospital (yep we lost two days of our holiday as my youngest was in hospital) He is fine but had to have MRI scans, canulars, blood tests etc all because he slipped and fell and banged his little head:cry:

Anyway I will bore you more with all that later - I tried to catch up with all the posts I missed but to be honest I am knackered today:-

One thing I will say I met a lovely couple on holiday he was black and she was white and they had three darling children 7, 6 and 16 months - what a lovely mummy and daddy they were (we found out as the holiday went on that they were adopting these children) and this was the first holiday the little kiddies had ever known (they came from an abusive family) yes they were all from the same mum - how could she give up one let alone 3 of her babies? - Anyway they had more good news waiting for them when they got home they have a new baby (1 week old) still from the same family to also adopt if they wish. So this couple had gone from having no children (they had IVF/ clomid etc) to having four little darlings - well to say I was in awe of this family was an understatement how selfless, kind and amazing were they? - just thought I'd share.

AFM - I had a 19 day cycle last month - I didn't even get to POAS:wacko: my body is well and truly out of sinc since the DNC:cry:

Good luck ladies, will catch up again soon when I'm not so tired :dust::dust::dust: (thank you mountain of washing and ironing) :haha:


:hi: everyone. Gosh, feel like I've been away for ever but it's only been a couple of weeks - just been keeping my head down and working. Looking forward to Friday as I get a whole weekend off, can't wait.

Adoption news is kind of good and bad, we were about to start upping the contact but the birth father is causing problems (this was expected as he is the type to argue anything) - I've copied the rest of this post from my journal coz I'm lazy tonight and can't be arsed to type it all again.

So SW rang last week to let me know that she had sought legal advice and it was not possible for her to over turn the current section 20 rule that's currently in place until the next court hearing - which means that for the moment LG's parents are within their rights to put the cosh on us building up any contact with her. SW said that she has to finish her assessments (I know she hasn't followed up on our references yet) though we've had all the police reports etc back and all is fine and dandy there. She was really quite annoyed that her hands were tied but she has to work within the law - so a slight step back but we're not going to get down about it. She did say, and I quote, "I think we both know the outcome I want", which was encouraging. So I asked her about the possibility of adoption - she said it would be possible but she wouldn't recommend we went for it now as we would have to go through a much longer and in-depth process than the current Special Guardian one. She said after a year or two and once we were all settled then we should go for adoption, which by then would be a relatively simple process. So I'm pleased with that. LG currently has Chicken Pox! poor little mite. So, we are back to waiting which is frustrating and a little bit upsetting. I'm hoping LG doesn't think we've just turned our back on her too, it's been well over a month since we met her - I think the SW explains things to her though, so I'll take comfort in that. in the mean time, I'm just putting my head down and earning as much as I can in the hope that I will need to take a few months off come November. :hugs:
Hi Girls

I'm back from my hols in Turkey - whew what a mad week!!!

I just love Turkey all the yummy food, good weather etc but I don't like the Hospital (yep we lost two days of our holiday as my youngest was in hospital) He is fine but had to have MRI scans, canulars, blood tests etc all because he slipped and fell and banged his little head:cry:

Anyway I will bore you more with all that later - I tried to catch up with all the posts I missed but to be honest I am knackered today:-

One thing I will say I met a lovely couple on holiday he was black and she was white and they had three darling children 7, 6 and 16 months - what a lovely mummy and daddy they were (we found out as the holiday went on that they were adopting these children) and this was the first holiday the little kiddies had ever known (they came from an abusive family) yes they were all from the same mum - how could she give up one let alone 3 of her babies? - Anyway they had more good news waiting for them when they got home they have a new baby (1 week old) still from the same family to also adopt if they wish. So this couple had gone from having no children (they had IVF/ clomid etc) to having four little darlings - well to say I was in awe of this family was an understatement how selfless, kind and amazing were they? - just thought I'd share.

AFM - I had a 19 day cycle last month - I didn't even get to POAS:wacko: my body is well and truly out of sinc since the DNC:cry:

Good luck ladies, will catch up again soon when I'm not so tired :dust::dust::dust: (thank you mountain of washing and ironing) :haha:




What a lovely tale. I have a friend who went through several rounds of IVF unsuccessfully and then went on to adopt 3 little girls from China, unrelated by birth to each other but all victims of the one child policy. She once told me that she was actually glad in the end that she had been unable to have her own children because what she had witnessed in Chinese orphanages and the small part she had been able to play in helping just a few of these baby girls was more important. This was some years ago but I still feel moved to the verge of tears and humbled by her selflessness when I think of this comment
Nise fx'd things go well

Garfie that is a wonderful story
I asked doh if he wanted to adopt and he didn't

We're in full Reno mode only 3 days to get it done were muddying the drywall and tearing the living room carpet up tonight
I redid the stairs wow tearing the carpet up removing all the staples lots of work but wow they look so good

I move Sunday I have bee going crazy the last week - at least it makes the 2ww fly by
Good luck everyone
sorry to hear Nise that you can't have any contact with LG for a while. I'm sure the SW is explaining all that to her but what a drag having the birth father start to throw his weight around and cause difficulties.
Still November is n't far away....

Garfie, a lovely story about that couple and their huge adopted family, imagine adopting 4 kids from the one selfless but so rewarding.
hope your cycle is a bit longer this month...give it some time to settle down although I know you don't feel you have any time !

Good luck with the move pdmcd17, I'm sure you'll have enjoy a nice glass of wine when the renovation is done and you're all moved in. I'm sure its rewarding doing all the renovation but so exhausting.

I'm off on holidays to England next week... my little brother (not to little....6ft 3) is getting marrried on Monday. We are spending a few days in Wales on the way back.
I won't be online much probably ....Af is due the day we return home so will be a great welcome back !
Edited - please note the rules
:wacko: must have missed something there ^^

Anyway - hows everyone?

Barnaby - :hug: to you and your DH. I hope spirits have lifted a little now.

Garfie - welcome home :) that was indeed a lovely story about the adoptive family.

Nise - sorry to hear you're having probs with the LGs father. I really hope it blows over asap and you can get on track properly. I'm confident things will pan out just fine :flower:

Spoomie - your friend is a very selfless and generous person. Another lovely story :)

PDMCD - you sound so busy! Definately a good way to spend the 2ww!

Pippi - welcome to England for next week :D I so hope the bloody weather here improves for you lol.

:hi: to Ali and all.

AFM - :witch: arrived with a vengeance yesterday :( Ho hum. My temps were a bit evil as they had a little lift a couple of days ago and i dared to wonder for a brief 24 hours .....](*,) Poo!

Edited - please note the rules

TECHNICALLY it was not a BFP announcement, it was a question as she was unsure of the line
Edited - please note the rules

TECHNICALLY it was not a BFP announcement, it was a question as she was unsure of the line

Yea it was a pic of a test result, not sure if it was a positive. I couldn't see much of a second band from my quick glance at it.
Surely though if one of us regular posters get a Bfp are we not allowed to tell others here who have following each other stories? I haven't seen any posts by that poster on this thread but I ve only been subscribed since the start of the year.
I think its ridiculous frankly as I do celebrate everyone's BFP but whatever. I have been here for a while (at least March 2011) but don't post too much on this thread...just read mostly.
Edited - please note the rules

????????????????????? Guess we should be flattered that our thread/discussion/whatever still warrants regulation, at least not everyone has written off the oldies! :haha::haha:

Don't get on the forum so much these days but it seems I've missed someone's happy news here? Do the newbies know about our good friend Holly? Not that I've ever had cause to announce her taking up residence since joining the forum, but I still live in hope (ok, I actually don't, but, anyway, read back a few hundred pages for more info on dear Holly.......) xx

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