TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Pip that is wonderfull though fx'd it goes good

We need some bfp

I'm almost done my period and was hoping to get some bd in my fertile window this weekend, but I got a bloody yeast infection
It's a bummer ( I have a short cycle so I ov anywhere from day 8-10) and df is going to Florida tomorrow, so this cycle is out unless I ov late next week as he's home fri.

So df sister in Phoenix will be here Btwn Xmas and New Years and asked us to have everyone over ( her family will stay with her inlaws) but we will hold the dinner wow we will have aprox 20 people here. It will be the first real family gathering we've had since we officially moved in and the biggest

Now df has an reason to stop his stalling on our finishing up of the renovations
But it means a lot of cooking and cleaning for me ( and ones a vegetarian and one is gluten free should be interesting to figure out the meal - but I have time)

Hope everyone else is good
Hi girls,

Its been really quiet here....seems to go throught periods of lots of activity and then noting for ages.

PDMCD:hope the yeast infection is clearing up...I know there is noting more fustrating when sometime impacts the bd schedule. Hope ovulation is delayed and your df is back home in time....

Any of you experts charters care to interpret my chart this month ? I got AF yesterday (cd22) but did n't start a new chart so you can see last months as well (the pattern around ovulation is similar).

FF is giving me an 'unsure' ovulation on cd10 which gives me my usual 11 day LP. However I did n't get a positive OPK until cd11 and did n't get a clear thermal shift until cd15. Either I ovulated earlier than usual (usually ovulated on cd13-14) or I had a very short LP.

I'm not sure whether to override it and wondering do I have issues now with my LP?

thanks for any opinions...
Hi ladies x

Pippi - <cracks knuckles and rolls up sleeves> looking at your chart it looks like CD14 def. had a major hike in temperature. Could it be that you geared up for ov on CD9 or 10, but ov day was in fact 14? This would indeed give you a bit of a short LP. What's your average LP pippi? Do you have access to overlays?

Waves to all :D

I'm DPO11 today :coffee: CM more evident than usual in the last few days. Massive dip yesterday. Due on this Sunday i recon.

<waits on bench>
Pippi wish I could help but I'm useless on charts

Waves at misty ( and your not out till the evil w comes) and sits on bench beside you ( wine anyone). I ov on Monday so I'm out no bd this fertile cycle. We have next month. At least I won't symptom spot this month

But on a positive note, I can now book my wedding df is divorced
Also I'm back in track and almost lost everything I gained last week.

I was wondering where everyone was lately
Hope everyone is well
Hi ladies x

Pippi - <cracks knuckles and rolls up sleeves> looking at your chart it looks like CD14 def. had a major hike in temperature. Could it be that you geared up for ov on CD9 or 10, but ov day was in fact 14? This would indeed give you a bit of a short LP. What's your average LP pippi? Do you have access to overlays?

Waves to all :D

I'm DPO11 today :coffee: CM more evident than usual in the last few days. Massive dip yesterday. Due on this Sunday i recon.

<waits on bench>

Thanks Misty, yea I think it's more likely cd13 or cd14 is ovulation day leaving me a 7 or 8 day lp. For the last year I have had an 11 day lp every cycle without fail.
Don't have access to overlays unless I am feeling bored and enter a few cycles into excel ! Pity ff won't let you export data but of course they have thought of that!
Well maybe the short lp is the effect of my slightly elevated prolactin, off to endocronologist tomorrow evening who probably won't want to look at a single chart. Have my pelvic ultrasound in the morning so all go...

You had a huge dip alright Misty, different to your other cycles but you're not out're still on the bench while I am lying on the ground. :)

Pdmc; Congrats on df getting his divorce, must be nice to know he can soon officially be 'yours'. Are you enjoying your 2ww without symptom spotting, must be refreshing.
Hi, Just saying hi would love to hear from those who are still holding out hope for getting pg naturally.
Hiya Twell - join us, and tell us about yourself :D We are all here with different levels of hope to be honest :wacko: We chuck a bit of babydust about from time to time, but more often than not it's just knowing you're not alone on that ttc bench :thumbup:

<PDMCD and me drag Pippi up off the floor onto the bench and passes wine/coffee/tea and a :hugs:>

Congrats PDMCD on your DFs divorce :happydance: The rest of this cycle will fly by and you'll be gearing up for ov again in no time. Enjoy the break hun.

See pippi they say your LP rarely changes, dont they? A change in cycle length will be down to a change in the first half before ov (whatever that bits called, i cant remember!) apparently. Take comfort from the fact that you obviously DID ovulate :hugs:

AFM - yep big dip. Temps back up to where they usually hover around this time. Who knows!? Not holding my breath :haha:

Anyone else totally fed up with the constant damp, soggy, grey, foggy, weather? It looks the same out from dawn till dusk here! Humph. We've organised a trip to 'Dr Fright's Halloween Night' near us for Wednesday. It's basically getting chased round a farm yard by a chain saw wielding maniac with a few zombies thrown in by the looks of things :wacko::haha: We're taking my youngest and her best friend (14) they're young enough to loose their inhibitions and scream their heads off along with me, lol. I shall try to remain composed, but i don't hold out allot of hope <prepares to make idiot of self>

Come on lurkers, how are you all? We know you're there! :waves:

:hi: Twell welcome to the thread there a nice bunch of ladies in here and speaking on behalf of us all would like to think that we can all help each other with support an ear to listen a shoulder to cry on :hugs: if necessary someone to chill with or a group to tickle each other into fits of giggles but above all a lovvely bunch of ladies here to cheer each other on but am keeping fxd for you that you get that bfp along with the rest of us fxd and :dust:

Misty fxd for a bfp thhis cycle and the halloween night thing sounds so much fun have never heard of an event like that but would love to go to one hope you have lots of frights and fun at it x

Pippi hope the appointment goes well and gets you some answers to help with ttc good luck x

Pdmcd congrats on Oh s divorce now get planning that wedding n mind to send out all us ladies virtual invites so we can choose our dresses n hats for the big day lol also sounds like xmas week is gonna be fun and hectic in your house and 20 ppl to cater for wow i could never attempt as i always burn/overcook something last xmas it was the spuds in the pressure cooker but good luck and hope you all have a lovely week and good luck for next cycle x

Everyone else good luck for a bfp and :hi: x

Afm Twell im here ttc naturally no pilss potions or prenatals although i did drink some grapefruit juice around ov this time and think it helped as had ewcm for a good few days after ov am on cd 28 but ov 2 days earlier this cycle well on my way out oh is waiting lol good luck everyone x
hi and welcome twell
im ttc naturally i just went back on my muli vit coq10 and b 100 complex

misty sounds like a blast i love that kind of stuff. im across the pond as you brits like to say lol (not sure if brits is a politically correct term so i dont mean to offend). it is gorgoeus hear our indian summer (not sure why we call it that) it is sunny and 22 outside.

hi maryanne and pip

as for the wedding forget the virtual invites come to jamacia we can dress up and meet and have bnb party for all us gals. plus loved to see the hats (we dont do that really here)

im off to the hairdressers to get my hair done. df returns from florida tomorrow and he got us a room at a hotel by the airport (praying the tropical storm/ hurricane doesnt delay him). the only good thing about the trips is you realize how much you miss and need them and vice versa
Hi girls,

Its been really quiet here....seems to go throught periods of lots of activity and then noting for ages.

PDMCD:hope the yeast infection is clearing up...I know there is noting more fustrating when sometime impacts the bd schedule. Hope ovulation is delayed and your df is back home in time....

Any of you experts charters care to interpret my chart this month ? I got AF yesterday (cd22) but did n't start a new chart so you can see last months as well (the pattern around ovulation is similar).

FF is giving me an 'unsure' ovulation on cd10 which gives me my usual 11 day LP. However I did n't get a positive OPK until cd11 and did n't get a clear thermal shift until cd15. Either I ovulated earlier than usual (usually ovulated on cd13-14) or I had a very short LP.

I'm not sure whether to override it and wondering do I have issues now with my LP?

thanks for any opinions...

Pippi - I agree with Mistyy and think you're on a cd13 or 14 for ov.

Mistyy - Your chart is looking great this month. Fingers crossed.

Twell - welcome.

Helloooo to pdmc and Maryanne.

Early ov for me this month. Think acupuncture is having a negative rather than positive effect so far!!! Can anyone tell me how to add my chart to my signature???
Thanks barnibear for you opinion, I will ignore ff and hope the short lp is a one off thing.

I can't remember everything about adding a chart to signature but on ff if you go to 'my chart', at the top left there's is link 'sharing', click on that and select set up (i think), this brings you to page with how your home web page on ff will apear. if you click 'get code' it will show you with diff htmls etc, you need to paste one of them then into signature on baby bump. I found a old thread where people were talking about adding a link to charts it and did a number of tests posts there before I got it right....I had to do prob about 10 before I got it right...such a techno phobe.

Play around with it a bit and you should get there.

How much earlier did you ovulate?

misty, hope the disco went well, sounded like great fun, you dds keep you young!

trwell; welcome. Have you been trying long?

Good luck maryanne in you 2 ww, you have very long follicular phase...ovulation on cd28....Yu must be well ready for bd by the time cd28 arrves! I had a whole cycle that only lasted 21 days this month but that's not a good thing either.

Hope hurricane does not delay df arriving pdmc.
Brits is probably ok for a lot of the girls here, although I am from republic of Ireland (but living in Northern Ireland which is part of UK) but not nationalistic at all...despite what the media portrays about this part of Ireland.:growlmad:
I'm sure as a canadian you are used to everyone thinking you are American!

I had my pelivic ultrasound today, all seems normal but have to wait for official report. Saw endocronologist also about my slighlty elevated prolactin levels. He said the numbers were not physiologically relevant as they only slightly high. I get regular periods and ovulate so no issue. Noting to treat.
Meant to ask him what he thought about my thyroid hormone numbers but forgot....although he did feel my thyroid but I'm a numbers gal!
While I suppose its good a way was expecting to get treated for slightly elevated levels. At least if there was something wrong that they could treat I feel I would be closer to a bfp.

Roll on friday
sorry pippi think i typed summit wrong i ov on cd15 tho usually do cd 16/17 so was 2 days earlier this cycle and am now on cd28 was expecting af cd26 with ov 2 days early which was tuesday but even if was 28 day cycle would of been thursday {today} hasnt shown yet tho ,good news on the appointment altho can see why would of give relief if needed treatment for something but back to good old :sex: hope you get bfp hun soon good luck and :dust:

Barnabibear , i believe our bodies know what they are doing and usually if i have a short cycle next 1 is longer or vice versa so for instance last cycle i ov later than usual on cd 19 instead of cd17 but af arrived 2 days later aswell making it a 30 day cycle instead of usual 28 ,then this cycle because (i believe anyway) my body needed to stay within usual time frames and made me ov on cd15 ,so if i hadnt ov last cycle 2 days late af wud of been on time an i wud ov on time but those extra 2 days last cycle pushed ov earlier to cd15 but if u add those 2 days to the cd 15 days wud be 17 hope your following thats seems confusing hope u understand tho ,hope the acupuncture does good things in the end an you get a lovely bfp have read good things about it in fertility good luck and :dust:

hi every1 else :hi: x
Just a quickie! Lovely to 'see' everyone :wave:

Barnie - re: getting your link to FF on your signature: I'm not good with all things technical, so if i can do it so can you! :haha:

As Pippi was saying you have to copy your personal link from FF 'sharing' and 'get code' (you need the second set, ie a bb code, if i remember rightly) then paste it on to your signature set up here.

It took me a good few go's at it and i felt such a 'nana in case something dafft appeared :D Give it a go and we can have a nose :winkwink:

AFM - spotting today :( But hey - i'm staying on the bench :)
Hi, everyone. Pippi_elk invited me from another forum. Please can I join the party?

A bit about me and my 'situation':

-Am 41, live in the UK

-got pregnant on 14 Feb this year, on first calculated attempt (!)

-thought it was too good to be true and indeed it was: miscarried at 9 wks.

-have always had regular periods (only 1 period since I was 12 was not 27 or 28 days...and that was when I was 14 and a month after I'd started a serious 2/day sports training regime)

-after miscarriage, had 2 months of normal periods (normal = 28 days), couldn't believe it!

-then one very short period (21 days!, wtf?!) and another normal one

-got a ovulation monitor. first month using it showed a luteal phase of 10 days

-and last month: no ovulation ("woohoo!, could I be pg again?". No no, no such luck. Yesterday, on d30: Flo arrived.)

So now just hoping to get ovu back on track (should I go on bc for a month?) and starting to investigate options available through health service, just in case it comes to that. I'll do d21 tests in ~3 wks. After such a hopeful start (esp after a long wait to begin parenthood b/c of choices made for career), it appears hubs and I are now embarking on the long, winding road to parenthood. Sigh.

Hope I can find (and offer) some support here. I'm just now starting to get scared...and the kind that is unlikely to pass after Halloween, if you know what I mean.
:wave: Hi sowanted. You're very welcome here. Have your first :dust: from me, lol.

pippi - i'm glad you didnt get anything significantturn up whith your tests. Onwards and upwards hun :D

:witch: arrived on Saturday here sadly. It kind of arrived Friday night tbh, but i recorded Sat on FF. Feeling a bit :( about it. DH was quite down this time too. He doesn't usually comment. The fact i came on at the weekend and it co-insided with a few :wine: probably bought that on :roll:

Oh well - CD3 then ... who's my buddie this cycle? Anyone around this stage at the mo?

Love to all xxx
welcome sowanted, glad you took me up on the invitation.
Its quiet enought here but you get support when you need it.

I have my first appointment with the fertility nurse on Thursday so fingers crossed, hope I come out as positive as you did after yours

Sorry to hear Misty that AF arrived, guess the few glasses of vino or whatever your tipple is did n't help on the emotional side...but sometimes its probably good to let your feelings out
rather than always picking yourself up straight away for the next cycle

I paid for the FF upgrade so now I could do chart overlays to my hearts content. just hope I don't obsess even more. There was a FB promo so I got it for 15 pounds for the year. I have managed to resist Facebook all these years but used my DHs account to access the promo, he now thinks all his 'friends' have seen the like of FF that I did. Eventhough I did hit the option 'private'...but he could see it on his timeline. He did remove it but 24 hours later !
so embarrased if everyone saw that on his account.:blush::blush::blush:
so many people who know me.....don't know whether to laugh or cry :dohh:
welcome sowanted

pippi lol poor dh. glad you paid for ff the upgrade

misty sorry the witch got you, and that you both are down. big hugs.

i wish we were cycle buddies i still have about 1 week to go and since this is a nothing cycle im not symptom spotting. df made it home ok and now the hurricane storm is gonna hit us wow were gonna get 100km winds and buckets of rain (i wont complain too much cause other parts of canada and the usa will get storm surge and snow).
i live really really far from the ocean and who'd think we'd be affected by hurricanes.

i broke down last night and turned on the furnace last night, i'm not looking forward to another canadian winter (maybe it'll be mild and not snowy like last year)

hi to anyone else out there
Hi sowanted, I'll chuck out a welcome to you although I am mostly a lurker nowadays :hi: sorry that you had to go through an mc :cry: but good that you can get pregnant :thumbup: I also had a few :wacko: cycles after mc and one of 18 days that was anovulatory.

Mistyy sorry about AF, somehow it never really gets easier does it :nope::hugs::hugs:

Pippi lol but :blush: for your poor husband. Maybe if no one commented then they weren't able to see it (she says hopefully!) :haha:

Pcmcdcmdc hope you manage to stay safe from the hurricane :rain: :hugs:

:hi: hi to everyone else especially all the lurkers :haha: :hugs:
Hi ladies happy Haloween

I learned a new term today I thought my lovely UK friends would like
A fascinator, I have this tiny purple witch hat with feathers a half veil on a head band. I dressed as a cute witch for work and everyone was complimenting me on it so I had to google it ( I will admit to being uneducated about hats etc)

I just thought it was a tiny hat but cute no matter what
Did anyone else dress up? What about those with kids. My ds 16 is going out as death lol, and dd 18 is dressing up as Waldo for wrk tonight
I've only gone and lost everything I've typed again! This is becoming a habit!!! Will try again tomorrow because I can't type it all again now. Just no stamina. Lol.

Hello Sowanted, welcome.

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