TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Barnie - :happydance::happydance::happydance: of course you had to share I'm so bloody excited for you :happydance::happydance: you deserve this hun and I understand the fear all to well - but sit back in your mess:winkwink: and enjoy.:flower:

Haven't read back ladies just saw this fantastic news and had to hop on.

AFM - 11DPO - BFN - just need to move on anyone seen the witch:haha:


Butterfly, Nise, Pippi, BiggerFamily, Booth, Pdmc, Pussycat, Mistyy and Garfie.......

Thank you girls, really really appreciate the well wishes. :hugs:

Well, not started so great, my doc is on holiday this week so saw a locum who doesn't know how to refer me to the midwives, let alone get me in to see the consultant. Tried to get an appointment for Monday next week with my normal doc but they wouldn't let me, so I explained and the most I got was my doc will ring me on the monday. Not good enough and I'm upset about it really. So, I will be ringing for about 12 ish. So I guess I will ring to make an emergency appointment next Monday morning so I can at least get in to see my doc. I shouldn't be put in this position though, a locum should at least know the basics, the midwife referral would be a start. Oh well, I will just have to grit my teeth and wait.

On the plus side drain is fixed, and they've started putting things back in the kitchen!!

Lot of love to you all. Will keep popping in to see how you're all doing if thats still ok.
Congrats Barni! So nice to hear something like this!
I'm cd 14 and no sign of OV. My cbfm continues to read low. Of course I've now convinced myself I'm perimenopausal.
CONGRADS BARNI ON YOUR BFP> as for me ladies I am on cd 16 and still waiting for a positive OPK, according to doc. last month I ovulated cd 23, late if you ask me this has been my 4th round of clomid 150mg cd 5-9. I am coming up on 2 years in april of trying to concieve. this last 4 months I have went from 100mg of clomid now up to 150mg. I am getting so frustrated, and it hurts with every passing month. Good luck to everyone I hope to have good news by christmas, PRAY PRAY PRAY HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
Hope you get some good news titammy, soon.
Do your chart which might help at least with confirming ovulation?

That sucks barnibear that you have to wait a week to get referred. Is there any other permanent dr in the practice that could refer you?? I saw a locum for my fertility issues and she was able to do referral to fertility clinic, bloods and pelvic ultrasound. Surely she could even find out about how to do it,...

Just see on news that Kate midelton is expecting, oh nooooooo no doubt the media will inundate us with pregnancy updates.

Have our appointment with fertility consultant tomorrow. So fingers crossed. Dh sperm counts just came back too and all good there.
I'm cd 14 and no sign of OV. My cbfm continues to read low. Of course I've now convinced myself I'm perimenopausal.

Awe, hun I think we've all done that! Just remember that all cycles are different, you can go and have all those blood tests one month and the next month do them all again and the readings will all be different - the trick is not to get to stressed out about it all. Easier said than done, I know! Keep the faith. :hugs:

CONGRADS BARNI ON YOUR BFP> as for me ladies I am on cd 16 and still waiting for a positive OPK, according to doc. last month I ovulated cd 23, late if you ask me this has been my 4th round of clomid 150mg cd 5-9. I am coming up on 2 years in april of trying to concieve. this last 4 months I have went from 100mg of clomid now up to 150mg. I am getting so frustrated, and it hurts with every passing month. Good luck to everyone I hope to have good news by christmas, PRAY PRAY PRAY HUGS HUGS FRIENDS

Good luck to you too. I heard that clomid can move the O date and since you take yours quite late in the cycle, perhaps that is contributing. Did you always take it on CD5-9? :hugs:

Have our appointment with fertility consultant tomorrow. So fingers crossed. Dh sperm counts just came back too and all good there.

Great news on your DH's results. Good luck for tomorrow, I hope you come back with a plan of action. :hugs:

AFM - well some news at last. Spoke to SW today and though she told me that the final court hearing had been postponed to Jan, she didn't mention that she was still going to court on the 30th Nov (I was under the impression that that had been cancelled and we just had to wait - Anyway, she told me she had been to court last Fri and goes back on Mon when she is pretty certain that the court will rule that we can start contact proceedings from as early as next week!!! :happydance: Was a brilliant surprise and the best birthday present ever. Roll on Monday I am keeping everything crossed that I can announce my BFP then! Well it will be almost the same as a bfp! :hugs:
Hope you get some good news titammy, soon.
Do your chart which might help at least with confirming ovulation?

That sucks barnibear that you have to wait a week to get referred. Is there any other permanent dr in the practice that could refer you?? I saw a locum for my fertility issues and she was able to do referral to fertility clinic, bloods and pelvic ultrasound. Surely she could even find out about how to do it,...

Just see on news that Kate midelton is expecting, oh nooooooo no doubt the media will inundate us with pregnancy updates.

Have our appointment with fertility consultant tomorrow. So fingers crossed. Dh sperm counts just came back too and all good there.

Thanks I hope I get good news too, and yes I do chart, but it has changed sooo much since I have been on the clomid. HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
I'm cd 14 and no sign of OV. My cbfm continues to read low. Of course I've now convinced myself I'm perimenopausal.

Awe, hun I think we've all done that! Just remember that all cycles are different, you can go and have all those blood tests one month and the next month do them all again and the readings will all be different - the trick is not to get to stressed out about it all. Easier said than done, I know! Keep the faith. :hugs:

CONGRADS BARNI ON YOUR BFP> as for me ladies I am on cd 16 and still waiting for a positive OPK, according to doc. last month I ovulated cd 23, late if you ask me this has been my 4th round of clomid 150mg cd 5-9. I am coming up on 2 years in april of trying to concieve. this last 4 months I have went from 100mg of clomid now up to 150mg. I am getting so frustrated, and it hurts with every passing month. Good luck to everyone I hope to have good news by christmas, PRAY PRAY PRAY HUGS HUGS FRIENDS

Good luck to you too. I heard that clomid can move the O date and since you take yours quite late in the cycle, perhaps that is contributing. Did you always take it on CD5-9? :hugs:

Have our appointment with fertility consultant tomorrow. So fingers crossed. Dh sperm counts just came back too and all good there.

Great news on your DH's results. Good luck for tomorrow, I hope you come back with a plan of action. :hugs:

AFM - well some news at last. Spoke to SW today and though she told me that the final court hearing had been postponed to Jan, she didn't mention that she was still going to court on the 30th Nov (I was under the impression that that had been cancelled and we just had to wait - Anyway, she told me she had been to court last Fri and goes back on Mon when she is pretty certain that the court will rule that we can start contact proceedings from as early as next week!!! :happydance: Was a brilliant surprise and the best birthday present ever. Roll on Monday I am keeping everything crossed that I can announce my BFP then! Well it will be almost the same as a bfp! :hugs:

es each month that I have taken it, it has been cd 5-9. HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
Good news Nise, fingers crossed you can get some contact in at Christmas as I am sure would be the best present for all concerned :)

Hope all goes well today Pipi x

We will be waiting for your updates Barni so keep popping in
Nise - Ooooh how exciting things seem to be moving faster now - that little girl will be with you before you know it :happydance: such a shame though don't you think that there are parents out there who don't/can't look after a child and yet you are the ones being scrutinised over every little detail. I understand they have to be careful and cautious but come on Nise is waiting :coffee:

Barni - That's utter crap hun - especially with your history, is there not another doc or can you not just go to the EPAU?:hugs:

Pippi - Hoping for some good news for you to - don't forget to come back on and update is this your first FS appointment or a follow up?:flower:

:hugs: to all the other ladies

AFM 12DPO - BFN - CD20 - so think my body is messed up after m.c but on the positive at least I O'd straight away which never normally happens - think even my body is getting fed up now:winkwink:


thanks everyone for the well wishes but Such a crap day....

Saw ferility consulatant (turns out the locum refered me to the gynae dept and not the fertility centre but the consultant we saw said we were 'lucky' that he specialised in fertility).

basically there is noting they can do....quality of eggs deteroiate as you get older...blah, blah, blah. I asked him about taking something like Clomid...he said he did n't want to prescribe it to me and give me false hope (I'm not looking for false hope, just something to improve my odds however small). He said if I really want it it can be prescribed for me but he does n't think it will help me and could be detrimental as it can thin the uterine lining.

He said IVF was the only way to increase our chances....and at 42, there is only a 3% success of live births and of course it costs £4000.

We are to go away and think about it and if we want to do anything more go back to our GP and look to get refered to fertiliy clinic (think he works there too). so I guess that would be another 6 month wait...

Just really dissapointed. I asked him about my progesterone being below 30nmol/L at cd21 (mine is 25-28 usually). He just thought that was due to old eggs.
They are not going to check my tubes etc as I got pregnant last Dec so tubes should be open.

He was quite symapthetic and my husband came away feeling quite positive as dr did an internal ultraound and could see a follicle where egg had left after ovulation.
However I just wanted to cy after, the nurse seemed surprised that he was just discharging us.
He said to stop doing OPKs and just have sex every 2-3 days between cd10-20. but I like the control OPKs give me...

After the apointment, I dropped my husband off at his work and then the car would n't re-start. had to get a tow truck and get it towed to the garage where it the rest of the day spent sitting around waiting for tow truck, garage and hire car.
so I quickly forgot about the bad news this morning....for a while.

glad to hear your good news Nise....
Pippi, just wanted to send some :hugs:. Sounds like a really tough day. The fertility specialists always, always recommend IVF. Its meant to be the best chance, so they say, and of course it does work for some. Its a lot to think about. If you are dead set on clomid, there's soy isoflavones which are meant to be like clomid but not detrimental to your lining. Heard lots of good things about them but its also said not to be used if you have regular cycles. There's a thread on here, I can send it to you if you're interested. I used them for a couple of months last year and I had no problems, just stronger ovulation and better periods which was why I took them at the time.

Nice - It all sounds like things are really moving along now. How exciting.

Garfie - Good news on ovulation. Just give your body a cycle to settle, but ovulating straightaway is a good sign..

Kate and Wills are on evrything today so there will be no escape.

AFM - Had some spotting but seems to be stopping now, thank goodness. Can't wait for my doc to finish her holiday so I can get my referrals. The locum was rubbish, kept moaning about complicated cases and not knowing how to refer people so there was no hope there. Hoping my doc will swoop in and save the day once I get to speak to her.
Awe Pippi, unfortunately it's just the same old crap the NHS spout to us more mature ladies. Chin up though hun - he hasn't really got a clue about your egg quality, not without doing a proper test. The problem is that it doesn't matter how much the individual FS might want to help their hands are tied when it comes to age. I went to see a FS a few years ago and he was so lovely, he had a trainee guy with him at the time and said to him 'this is the sort of lady I would love to be able to help' - nice words but no bloody use. So, since you are only 42, there is hope for you yet - you can request to have all the 'sex' blood tests done, you just need to get your doctor to refer you and you can usually go in whenever you want. Make sure to get CD3 FSH done on CD3, that's the baby that will tell you a little about egg quality, Tyroid, tsh all those things to do with fertility - once you've got the results you can start looking into areas that might need improvement yourself. Another method you might like to try is acupuncture and chinese medicine (there are quite a few specialists out their that practice both and specialise in fertility) It can get a little pricey but at least you are doing something that might just help and also is actually beneficial to your body anyway. They like charts too and don't dismiss them like Drs do. I don't think you should give up hope yet - I got my FSH lowered this way and this time last year I got a bfp - okay, it didn't last but then I am a few years older than you! :hugs:
Barnibebear - Hope that spotting stops, that's the last thing you need when you can't get in to see the doctor. The locum sounds shit! Keeping the positive vibes going for you - make sure you relax and take it easy. :hugs:
Well ladies OLD Grumpy 41 lady here now. I got AF today an so Thankful to see her already. I'll be starting my Femara Thursday so I get to start another cycle this month. I was afraid wouldn't be but it working out just right.

Plans for this 2nd cycle is start femara 3-7, opk testing on day 10 with lots of :sex: :happydance::happydance: from day 8 until day 12 then day 14 ultrasound an IUI that day. If don't get pregnant by Jan will have another HSG an see if tubes are still open. Our RE says they are but we want to make 100% sure they are. I've had lots of other test an surgeries, Just hope how soon get pregnant again soon.

No :af: for Jan.... :hug: too all you ladies.

Sorry I don't know many of you so forgive me if don't say much to you. I get lost easy also. :dohh:
Pip big hugs
Barn I also hope the spotting is over with.
I hope you get your referral ASAP
Bigger good luck on cycle 2

Afm af is almost done so I should ov by the weekend and were going away as it df bday.
Honestly not sure if I want an bfp this cycle or not I don't want to be all nauseated for my big day. Plus I'd be fertile again for our wedding night ( only good thing about my short cycle). Now if it happened I'd be happy also but I kinda want to be able to drink and enjoy myself, wow I kinda sound hypocritical.

We got df and ds suits now to find the shirts I want red ( real red) as it'll match his family tartan and my shawl and dd is red. I'm finally starting to get excited for both Xmas and the wedding both 3 weeks away

Wishing everyone lots of baby dust
Pipi - usual stock answer I am afraid, I saw a consultant who ran all tests etc after recurrent miscarriage and all was fine. all she said was keep trying or IVF! I cannot have IVF on NHS as already have my son, she also mentioned donated eggs as I reacted badly to Clomid so I am not going down that road. if it doesn't happen agian form me then i will accept but as I have my son i think it is easier for me to accept.

Good luck Bigger :dust:

pdmcd - I don't think its hypocritical, your special day you want to enjoy , I am sure will work out for you and plenty on your wedding night :winkwink::winkwink:

AFM - confused!! AF due today and a no show, did IC yesterday and looked like a line but did FR today and a big fat blank!! i am thinking maybe stress of exams this week has led to delay in cycle !!

:dust::dust::dust::dust: to all for Xmas BFP
Thanks Nise. I tend to get ahead of myself. I've never OV'd this late (or at least not that I remember) but I guess I need to wait and see what happens. And congrats to you! Am i reading right that you're adopting?

barni - How's the spotting?

pip - I hear you on the clomid. Can' t he just try it for a month? Jeez

pd - Winter weddings are so nice. I got married in winter and we had snow by the end of the ceremony.

Hugs to garfie and hi and hugs to anyone else.

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