TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Ladies I was seriously thinking of just giving up on TTC. and was not happy at all an doing nothing for a day or so of fighting about ready to leave everthing an just give up all together but DH took me out shopping few days ago an I seen all the baby stuff an seen a set of twins an I just can't give up my dream of having one more baby. My mothering instinct is so strong I just can't walk away just yet. I know we got 2 wonderful girls an love them with all of my heart but I just want one more baby.

When I seen the set of twins I started :cry:an my DH said it will happen again don't give up an he :hugs: me. So that gives me more hope an I'm tryn to relax more if can. I go in Friday for 11 day scan to see if get to do a trigger that day an IUI the next. I sure hope get to.

Me an DH still got more Christmas shopping to do an get to bring my mother back to her home from nursing home next week so that will keep us very busy plus get my mother lots of things for her apartment to keep her safe. So hopefully my mind will be busy with taking care of her stuff an etc..

To all you ladies I'll be praying you all get a BFP soon an win this darn battle against IF.

If you all want me to update after Friday I will.. Just let me know as I don't want to post if don't want it to be.
Just a quick post,

Great new Nise, so happy for you. Its great to see things are happening for you, its been a long road. (I am still charting, as I've never charted on previous pregnancies. Although freaked myself out this morning when my temp dipped to 37.1, can't bear to put it on FF. Its really been cold overnight so I'm hoping its just that. Lol.)

Pippi and Booth, I've finally seen my GP, oh and what a battle that was trying to get that to happen yesterday. She's really happy for me and said I can pop in and see her as often as I need for support which I thought was lovely of her. She's doing all my referrals and trying to get an early scan in before Christmas. I'm so scared of scans now, its unbelieveable but if we see a heartbeat we can have a great Christmas, on the other hand if we don't Christmas will be a bust just like last year. Keeping everything crossed that this one will be all good.

Love to all.

:happydance::happydance: about bloody time - I've said this before come on Nise has a lovely home waiting full of love:flower:

Barni - Aw hun that's great news I know what you mean about scans - I'm sure everything will be fine this time.:hugs:

Bigger - I would like to know how it goes - good luck hun :happydance: I understand the need for just one more - everyone says to me but you have two healthy boys - true but is it wrong for me to want one with my new hubby. Hubby and I are singing off the same page at least even if no one else can understand what we are singing:haha:

Love to all the other ladies

AFM - Nothing to report - thinking about testing Christmas Day - Why not?? - Keeping myself busy have 13 boxes of avon to sort and deliver so if nothing else I'm keeping fit:haha:


Barni - that's great news that your doctor is really treating you well. I know what you mean about scans. It's such a shame that they don't hold the excitement they should for us. I'm hoping with all my heart that yours swings the changes.

Bigger - you'd better let us know how it goes because we'll all be willing you on and have our bodies contorted with so much crossing of fingers and toes :haha: All the best of luck to you. :hugs:

Garfie - I hope with all my heart you get your Christmas bfp. If you want to test on Christmas day then I'm with you - why the hell not. :hugs:

AFM - back to chasing plumbers and builders... sigh, why don't they ring back when they say they will. Sometimes I think it would be quicker to do a course and do it myself!!! I would if it didn't have to involve a gas pipe!!! :hugs:
Just a quick post,

Great new Nise, so happy for you. Its great to see things are happening for you, its been a long road. (I am still charting, as I've never charted on previous pregnancies. Although freaked myself out this morning when my temp dipped to 37.1, can't bear to put it on FF. Its really been cold overnight so I'm hoping its just that. Lol.)


that's great that you GP is supportive and hope you get good news from a scan before christmas. I can only imagine how scared you are of a scan.
I continued to temp when I got preganant last year....but despite having a missed miscarriage my temps stayed up. It was n't until I had full on AF that my temps started to drop. If I ever get a bfp I'll stop temping as I worry about every slight drop. I had read that you should stop temping one you get pregnant to reduce the stress but I thought it was providing reassurance so ignored that advice.

Spoonie, I love your name for fertillity friend, FFF :winkwink:
Yea guess I come across as desperate...I am 42 and a half and feel that if its ever going to happen for us it I need to get a BFP before I turn 43.
Then I plan to ease hopefully will feel that we've given it our best shot.

Yes Bigger, please come back and update us
Oh bless you Pippi, I didn't mean you sound desperate, I meant I can sense the desperation in your tone because you have such a longing for this to happen. I think the former sounds a bit mean and I hope the latter sounds more compassionate. Hang in there at 42; I was last pregnant at 42 although sadly ended in mc, though it CAN still happen. Guess it's just a case of luck when you are doing everything else you feasibly can, try to remember this and not beat yourself up that it is anything you are or are not doing x
Barni, glad your doc is on board and hope you get your early scan :flower: It's weird how different people have different temps, my highest is about 36.8 and when I was pg it averaged about 36.7. I do wonder if I have some kind of low body temp thing going on :shrug:

bigger, yes come back and let us know how you get on :thumbup:

Pippi, :hugs::hugs: I think 43 is still good so don't limit yourself but hopefully it will happen before then anyway :flower:

pdcmdc - all sounds very exciting about the wedding :happydance::happydance:

Maryanne how are you doing? :flower:
Fast Update about phone call with doctors office..

Just got off the phone with RE office asking questions about WHY having a scan on Friday day 11 as all other times do a day 13 an they said reason doing a scan on day 11 see how close I'm at having a surge for ovation an if I'm pretty close they will have the nurses on stand by for the weekend an when I get a + on my opk test call them an they will do the IUI over the weekend. They just want to be ready in case have to do the IUI over the weekend this time. They know how hard we've been trying an don't want us to miss a day. So for now things are up in the air not sure if IUI be on weekend or Monday. I told the nurse that my mother is coming home Monday an if have to do a IUI on Monday then what? She said we can work around that just relax an don't worry things will work out. So I'm trying to relax an if you all will pray things go good Friday. I didn't tell the nurse the femara making me cramp a lot more as last night for 2 hrs I cramped really good in ovaries which I know my ovaries are working over time now. Just hope to have 2 follies this time.

How is everyone doing today?

Hope you all are doing good. I'm waiting on UPS to show up to bring my order of cookie cutters :happydance: an my phone to be turned off for 2 hrs today to switch things over to another number. So most this day is going to be busy busy.

:hugs: to everyone now time for me to get busy busy an more busy.
Don't worry Spoonie, I understand what you mean about the subtle difference between being desperate and desperation in my tone. It's so hard to get the right tone when you are having to write about emotional things, as opposed to sitting having a chat over coffee.

Butterfly, I also have low temps. After ovulation I'm lucky if it reaches 36.5-36.6.When I was pregnant I usually averaged 36.5
From my reading online,Low basal temperature could be a sign of being hypothyroid. I got my tsh and t4 (i think it was t4 they check) checked but my levels are in the normal range, but at the high end (ths of 3.9 when over 4.2 is abnormal). But anyone I have raised my concerns with has dismissed me. Seems range for tsh in USA is a lower range (for fertility they want it below 2) than in UK and probably in USA I'd be treated.
I am always cold too....don't know if that plays a part.
Don't worry Spoonie, I understand what you mean about the subtle difference between being desperate and desperation in my tone. It's so hard to get the right tone when you are having to write about emotional things, as opposed to sitting having a chat over coffee.

Butterfly, I also have low temps. After ovulation I'm lucky if it reaches 36.5-36.6.When I was pregnant I usually averaged 36.5
From my reading online,Low basal temperature could be a sign of being hypothyroid. I got my tsh and t4 (i think it was t4 they check) checked but my levels are in the normal range, but at the high end (ths of 3.9 when over 4.2 is abnormal). But anyone I have raised my concerns with has dismissed me. Seems range for tsh in USA is a lower range (for fertility they want it below 2) than in UK and probably in USA I'd be treated.
I am always cold too....don't know if that plays a part.

Wow this is spooky that you say this Pippi as I got my TSH and T4 results back today :wacko: My TSH is 4.05 and the doc said my results were normal but of course I googled :dohh: and I saw that they had recommended that the normal level be reduced to 3, so that would make it abnormal :nope: My Free T4 is 11 which is at the low end of normal for that (although it looks like the US use a different measurement on that).

Anyway, I will send those results to the clinic in Madrid and see if they have any concerns about the numbers. I am also often cold but I thought that was as a result of living in a hot country for 7 years up until 18 months ago :shrug:

I just hope that doesn't mess up my chances for the IVF :nope:
Good Luck ladies on Getting a BFP.

AFM: Going to stay off here for a while. Try to relax an enjoy my life. I got called a attacker on another thread as was just trying to help but after what I had happen tonight by a younger person I'll not help no more. I don't like being called a attacker or troll just by trying to help.

I HATE IF an HATE when try to be helpful to others & get said I'm a attacker.

NIght an God Bless All...

I'll come back an post a update after Friday. Still an then be it.

I was in a good mood but now depressed again. Gezz I hate my age. Got to learn to stay away from the younger ones as when try to help they think your attacking them.
Good luck Bigger. FWIW I had scans at CD7, 11, 13 to check follicle development, plus blood tests on each day to detect my LH surge.

Warning - spoiler mentions pregnancy!

All those scans and bloods must have worked! I have a confirmed BFP although obviously it is early days. Baby will be due a week after my 42nd birthday. It still doesn't seem real as I have no symptoms, but over-40s it seriously can happen!
:wave: Oh my good lord we've had no internet for 10 days! Haven't been able to do my FF or go here or google stuff or shop online or get my emails or anything! It's been killing me :haha:

I've just sat and read the thread, been thinking about you my lovely ladies :hugs: lots of catching up to do!

Love all xxx

Oh i ov'd last weekend .... so 2ww here.

biger hon dont stop coming to our thread. i rarely go onto other boards at all for that reason

maddie congrats!!!!

misty im in the 2ww i will no either way dec 24

so i need to vent my df sil the one i dont like just announced via fb its a boy
im hurting. I wanted to have the son with my df
im happy for my bil (df brother) but not her weird
i react to her no one else just her one of my friends is pregnant and im so happy for her cant wait to go to her shower)

i must be projecting something onto her

i now know the conversation on my day will revolve around the first boy grandson someone to carry on the name as that is all the inlaws are discussing

i just want to pretend she isnt pregnant at all live in a bubble that she doesnt exist
how strange is that. it is just her pregnancies that drive me mental

at least i will have df by my side and he supports me even if he cant understand it - honestly i cant understand it

i have an amazing fiancee two beatiful teens a job i love great freinds. and here i am obsessing about her. normally im very rational.

i am confused and wondering how much more of my craziness i can take. I know some of you understand (well a little lol)

i hope those in the 2ww get that early xmas gift of a bfp!
Wow this is spooky that you say this Pippi as I got my TSH and T4 results back today :wacko: My TSH is 4.05 and the doc said my results were normal but of course I googled :dohh: and I saw that they had recommended that the normal level be reduced to 3, so that would make it abnormal :nope: My Free T4 is 11 which is at the low end of normal for that (although it looks like the US use a different measurement on that).

Anyway, I will send those results to the clinic in Madrid and see if they have any concerns about the numbers. I am also often cold but I thought that was as a result of living in a hot country for 7 years up until 18 months ago :shrug:

I just hope that doesn't mess up my chances for the IVF :nope:

My T4 was 13.8 once and 15 pmol/l the second time so a little higher than yous but in the normal range. Yea think the USA use grams...but it's easy enough to convert. I found conversion factors by googling.

It'll be interesting to see what the clinic say to you. When I went to see the endocrinologist about my slightly elevated prolactin,I asked him about my thyroid. He just felt it through my neck and said it did nt feel enlarged...that was it.

I said it to the fertiliy specIlist last week and he did nt seem to concerned, just said to repeat it in 3 months time.

Congrats maddy. It's great to see another over 40 get a bfp. Keep us updated on your progress.

Welcome back misty...I noticed you were missing but just thought you were busy in 'real life'.
I am going to be offline for over a week over chiristmas and know I'm going to suffer withdrawal symptoms. Although last year at my parents over Christmas we managed to conceive so hoping for some luck this year too.

Oh poor you pdmc, is it the fact that your sil is so showy about her bump...announcing the sex on fb etc? I remember you said you felt sorry for her before when she spoke to about something (can't remember what thought..). Is it the side of her that is showing off about her pregnancy in such a public way considering she knows you are ttc that bothers you? I know it would annoy me.
Maybe try write a list of what you are grateful for and focus on that and try not let her pregnancy ruin this special time for you and df.

Afm, temp dropped like a stone this morning but no af yet. Af is due today so no doubt she's on her way. Started on Angus cactus about 6 weeks ago so wondering is that delaying af showing.
Maddy - Fantastic news :yipee: Ooo, looks like the mature thread is having a run of good news. Long may it continue. :wine:

Hey Misty - lovely to see you back. Gah what a time for not having internet access :growlmad: I have to confess, I've been nowhere near a shop for Christmas pressies this year!

PD..... Wtf do the letters of your sig name go straight out my head the second I press the reply button!!! Sigh and backspace... PDMCD - that's probably wrong isn't it? :wacko: I know it's hard with your sil but don't let her spoil your big day - have some fun, keep offering her a drink and then bash yourself in the forehead like this :dohh: and say 'gosh I keep forgetting, you can't have one can you - shame'. Then go strut your funky stuff on the dance floor and rejoice while she is stuck with all the oldies who will all be giving her unwanted name suggestions and tips on how she should raise her child! :hugs:

Bigger - Never mind. There are lots of really lovely ladies on this site, then there are a few complete nutcases who seem to come here with a problem but really only want to cause trouble - nothing you can say will be right and usually the thread ends up getting locked by the mods. We used to have live chat rooms on here which were great fun until one incident ruined it for everyone and they were closed down. Besides - young people always know best now and find out later they didn't - :haha:

AFM - All good here sorting out visiting with Foster carers of LG. Roll on 27th when I can take the sack of goodies that poor old santa is accidentally gonna leave at my house... well he is hundreds of years old now :hugs:
nise enjoy your visit!!!!!
and i loved your comment i broke out laughing thanks i needed that
My weekend downer...

BT today showed HCG has barely changed in the past 48 hours - it only went from 19 to 21. the FS has reviewed my results and it's officially "not looking good" for a viable pregnancy...:cry:

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