TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hi ladies, well today is a huge milestone for me, I've just done my first buserelin injection, I was a little nervous about it but was all fine and no different from trigger injection which I've done 3 times now. So carry on now and next step is scan 17th Jan. excited, scared and most importantly HOPEFUL! x

Good luck!
Bless you Barnabi, you poor darling. My heart goes out to you and I wish there was something I could say to ease your pain. As has already been written, we here sadly have more understanding than most of the pain of loss, so take your support and strength from your friends here, it is an amazing thread and will help you through the darkness. Be kind to yourself and I pray that you can find peace at this horrid, horrid time xxx
Thought would just drop in let you all know that we've already started a new cycle an this time another new drug is added in this cycle & this next Friday go in for ultrasound to see how things are looking if good may get to do a IUI Sat.

That is next week not this week..

Plus I've been very,very busy with my mother stuff just found out my mother has lots of land that is worth a whole lot of money but there is a catch in that so have check into that here in a few weeks. If things work out an my mother agrees with what planned on doing may get a wonderful gift later in the year but thats if things go as planned.

Check in later on after have my ultrasound next week. Praying for better news soon.

Be thinking of all you ladies an praying all gets great news soon..
Ooo, sounds like your New Year has got off to a good start Bigger. I do hope everything works out for you and your Mother. Good luck for next week, I hope the ultrascan gives you the go ahead. Keep us posted. :hugs:

:wave: Pussycat and welcome. Good luck to you will be keeping my fingers crossed. :hugs:

I didn't say yesterday but my visit with LG on Wed & Thurs went really well and we had a lovely couple of days. We go up again next weekend and will be joined by the SW & guardian for a short while so they can see how we are all progressing. Also managed to find some reasonably priced train fares so I won't have to do the epic 10 - 12 hour round trip drive - that knocks me out. Will have to hire a car while we're up there. :hugs:
Good luck bigger and pussycat. Nise - it's so nice to hear that everything is going well with you and LG.
Barna - If you are in the UK you can insist on tests now - blood and genetic testing as you have had three m/c. I know what you mean by being dismissed as it's just one of those things - your age grrrrrrrrr it gets me so

Thanks Garfie, what blood test and genetics tests can be done...if you don't mind me asking? See the consultant next week and want to ask everything I can and it will probably be my only opportunity. And thank you so much for your kind words. X
Barna - They took about 10 vials of blood from me and two from hubby:winkwink:

What they were testing for he never said except now I have the results in front of me this is what my letter said:

I am pleased to inform you that your recent blood test for Antiphospholipid Antibodies (Lupus Anti Coagulant and Cardiolipin Antibody) were negative. You and your partners genetic tests are still awaited and hopefully these will be available when we see you in the New Year.

I also googled tests after recurrent m/c - it seems like there is a standard procedure in the UK for testing:flower:

I hope your doctor will begin testing hun just to put your mind at rest - as although I don't appear to have O yet????? I am much calmer about it as I am now on their radar - if that makes sense:winkwink:

I hope each day hun is getting easier for you BIG :hugs:

Love to all the other ladies, just nipped on here quickly to answer Barna - hopefully when children are back at school tomorrow normality can resume:haha:


Thanks Garfie, for getting back to me so quickly.

The APA tests (antiphospholid tests) are the ones that I have been tested for before, after losing Archie. Although tests came back normal they were being cautious and prescribed the blood thinners (Clexane) for me to take at 7 weeks. APA causes blood clots and so can cause issues due to the small blood vessels in forming baby. I'm not sure if this is underlying issue and things have got worse since Archie as I've got a little older. I will request retesting because I may need this drug as soon as I get BFP.

I will see what gets said and happens. My acupuncturist thinks that this is the problem but although she's fantastic I would like an answer from someone in the medical profession.

The last 18 months have either been TTC, being pregnant, losing pregnancy so it's very tiring and devastating. When you have no idea why this keeps happening its a bitter pill to swallow. It seems both you and I can get pregnant, it's staying pregnant that's the issue. I don't know about you but I want something more than keep trying and hoping.

Thank again, hunny.
Pippi - bless :friends: i can empathise with everything you said there.

I too backed away from allot of ttc stuff on the internet a good few months ago. I only post here now and pop onto my FF most days, for literally 30 seconds, to put my bits in. Very refreshing and mentally better for me - i find i have leveled out now to a nice point which i don't think is obsessive, but at the same time fills my need to be ''Doing Enough To Make Getting Preg A Vague Possibility'' :D

Hope I can get to that point, doing a crossword in the evening now instead of sitting on dh ipad reading up on all things ttc. We are still thinking of giving ivf one go, waiting to see if the hospital reply (you can go private to the nhs fertility clinic) to my gp letter before chasing them and comparing their options with a private clinic.
Af arrived yesterday so no luck over Xmas...unusually light flow which is a bit concerning.

Great news Nise on your second date with lg, good luck with the meet with the sw and lg. a bit of pressure but now you have met her a few times it should be relaxed...only 9 days to a that's close :flower:

Hope you get some answers barnibear and Garfie. Since you are both getting pregnant hopefully they will find something that's easy to treat....and enable a sticky bean next time. Barnibear, why do they not give you the drug as soon as you get a bfp ? Maybe there is a logical reason as to why you have to wait till 7 weeks.

Good luck bigger and pussycat
Hello lovelies x

Echoing what Pippi said re: your tests Barnie. I hate the way the medical profession seemingly keeps this bloody veil of mystery over everything, until you get suitably wound up enough to table thump and demand to be heard/seen/explained to. Is it that, or do they just not have the time/inclination to explain properly to everyone except those who shout loudest? It's not right. Knowing this is what it can be like is partly the reason i've never dipped my toe in the water of medical help with ttc. I know i'd get wound up to the point of burtsting! I do hope you get your answers soon Barnie and Garfie andall who are waiting on tests or answers from the guys + girls in white coats.

Pippi - you will get there hun. Either preg, or more relaxed about ttc while the ability lasts or to the point where it's not the be all of everything anymore. At the mo you sound like me about a year ago i guess. Weaning yourself off the obsessive stuff. It's such a slow process though isnt it? I just want to get up one morning and think - ahh, today is the day when i dont care about having a baby any more! lol. But that day hasn't come yet.

:wave: @ Pussycat, Bigger, Spoomie, Maxi, PDMCD and all.

Nise - Good luck for this weekend (although you don't need it :) ) with the group get together with LG. Thank goodness you dont have to do the awful long driving any more. That must have been a killer!

AFM- yep, kids back at school, college and work! How old does saying that make me feel, lol. My eldest will be 20, yes, TWENTY years old this Saturday. OMG. So proud of her though. She's a lovely young lady. Confident and caring. Beautiful too. (like her mother! Ha ha, i've got to say it in case no one else does :haha:)

DPO5 here. Temps where they usually are. These last couple of weeks it's really sunk in that it's 99.9999999999% likely i'm not going to get pregnant again. Ever. I should probably stop with the temping. At the moment i think stopping the little bit of proper TTC i'm doing would feel like a bereavement in itself. Does that make any sense?? It's such a habit now. Like cleaning my teeth. I'd feel i was waving goodbye to that hazy longed for image of DH and i having a child between us :( :( :( Sometimes i think i'm imagining that i was actually preg with his child and we nearly did actually achieve that dream. We were so so happy for those months. sigh.

Enough rambling and wallowing! Thank you all for being here. It helps to vent.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Misty hugs I felt that post. My dd is 18 and ds is 16
I can't believe how fast they grow up. One day there infants then like almost overnight their grown and almost ready to launch

I'm also close to the end I don't know how much more I can take
I'm glad I don't temp but I do check cm around the time of ov
I'm just glad hubby is so supportive

I'm trying to refocus on me again ie losing weight and getting better / more into my running
I want to be a consistent 7 min km again.

We are going to NYC in a little over a week hubby had to go to norwalk to close up an office ( that move to Colorado) so we will spend 3 days in NYC ( NYC is the closet airport to norwalk) I'm excited it'll be a mini honeymoon in the big apple and its off season do manhattan hotels are cheap! His work is paying part of the trip

The only sad part is the Statue of Liberty is closed the island got damage from hurricane sandy ( the statue is fine!). So we can't get too close except a ferry ride that goes past
Af is also due the day before yeah nothing like having her on vacation

Pippi hugs
Nise wonderful about lg!!!
Barn your in my thoughts

Hi to anyone else
Misty hugs I felt that post. My dd is 18 and ds is 16
I can't believe how fast they grow up. One day there infants then like almost overnight their grown and almost ready to launch

I'm also close to the end I don't know how much more I can take
I'm glad I don't temp but I do check cm around the time of ov
I'm just glad hubby is so supportive

I'm trying to refocus on me again ie losing weight and getting better / more into my running
I want to be a consistent 7 min km again.

We are going to NYC in a little over a week hubby had to go to norwalk to close up an office ( that move to Colorado) so we will spend 3 days in NYC ( NYC is the closet airport to norwalk) I'm excited it'll be a mini honeymoon in the big apple and its off season do manhattan hotels are cheap! His work is paying part of the trip

The only sad part is the Statue of Liberty is closed the island got damage from hurricane sandy ( the statue is fine!). So we can't get too close except a ferry ride that goes past
Af is also due the day before yeah nothing like having her on vacation

Pippi hugs
Nise wonderful about lg!!!
Barn your in my thoughts

Hi to anyone else

Enjoy NYC! I sound so bad when I say this but I'm so tired of the city. Born and raised here and still living here although I've lived a few other places for school and stuff. Have fun!
Misty - have you done blood work to see where you are at fertility-wise or have you pretty much just temped? :hugs:
Hi to everyone else. I go to see my dr tomorrow morning to see how everything's going. I'm so tired today. One of the twins was sick yesterday and last night so I took him to bed with us. He's better today (no fever and is drinking and eating) but I need a nap!
Happy New Year everyone - just back from hols in Milwaukee so just catching up with posts.

Barni - so sorry to hear your news, you oh may feel like that now but in a few weeks may feel differently. We both felt like that after our 3 m/c but here we are TTC again.:hugs: i had all the tests and genetic testing and all came back clear! Not sure if I was happy or not as wanted something to be wrong that could be fixed!! I was offered the testing after 3rd m/c on NHS.

Nise - so please your visit went well but had no doubt it wouldn't, good luck for the weekend but sure you won't need it.

PDMCD - congrats on your wedding - loving the pic :thumbup:

:hi::hi::hi:to Garfie, Pipi and all others just stalking

AFM - well was testing with CB ovulation monitor with smiley face - usually get one around 12, tested 11 to 14 with none so gave up! AF was due on 1st Jan but as in USA never tested. Still no AF and no tests so ordered on line - have no symptoms apart from mild AF pain on and off so thinking maybe I have just missed AF this month! Did take an o/v test as only thing I had and 2 lines but the 2nd line slightly lighter! Will have to wait and see
Max if your at all interested we could meet for coffee somewhere if you live in NYC
We're there 19-22 then heading to norwalk

Lol norwalk I'm a rn so everytime I hear norwalk I think of the virus

A friend actually asked us to get pics of the school where the shooting was in ct. How morbid we said no
Wow Booth - is it me or is that not wildly exciting!?!?!?!?!? :happydance: Crossing everything like mad :thumbup:
Sorry, meant to answer Maxi - No, i've never had any testing at all for anything.
I came very close to deciding to do it last winter, but knew if i started DH would need to get tested too and so on, and so on. Because of the fragile state of things back then, (both very shaken by late mc, and me being manic about ttc) i think me pushing to go down the medical road would have actually damaged our relationship. Right from the start we said "Coil out, and what will be will be". (all very fine till you loose one :roll:) x
Booth - Fingers crossed for you hun :winkwink:

AFM - Yesterday would have been baby number 2 due date - was I a quivering mess? surprisingly not - oh I hope I have not become immune to this:cry: I was however feeling very strong and made some drastic decisions about my ex hubby:haha:

How long have we been TTC? - told hubby I thought I would feel sad as its my due date - he said OMG another period already :haha: you gotta love them!

Misty - The only tests we have had so far are a million blood tests for me and 2 for him! - if we need to do a sa that might be a different story:flower:

PD - I would have said the same - oh dear some people just don't think do they:hugs:

MAXX - Hope your little one is feeling better and you managed to get some rest :flower:

Nise - Have fun at the weekend, anything good planned - not long to go now.:hugs:

Hi to all the other ladies:flower:

AFM - Woohoo at last FF has given me cross hairs I am now 5DPO - if we go by last month the witch is due tomorrow on CD19 hopefully she has taken a long vacation.:haha:

Any chart stalkers out there? - I was trying not to stress this month (yeah right) any way as I am a POAS addict I did an OPK on Monday barely a line there Tuesday this was POS so now I'm wondering have FF got my dates wrong aaaaaarrrrrgggghhh guess I will have to play the wait and see game:wacko:

Have a good day ladies


Thanks for the good luck girls, tests arrive tomorrow so will let you know. I am not expecting anything as think may have just missed AF, hope this means not on the downward spiral to menopause!! Or maybe 2 eggs next month and twins lol

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