TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Pippi - thank you. I think we're both thinking the same way. I will be 42 in April.

Garfie - is that all was said? Just bad luck? Did they suggest a new regime or something for you next time you get pregnant? I'm eagerly awaiting my results but haven't been sent an appointment yet. They did say possibly feb, I'm hoping we won't have to wait longer.

Max - thank you, I hope you're right. How's things going with you?

Nise - that all sounds pretty scary!!

It would appear I have had an anovulatory cycle. AF turned up yesterday. Weird when I had my scan (to check everything was clear) last Thursday, the sonographer said I had a lovely mature follicle on my left and 2 on my right. I know the right ovary supposed follicles are cysts, previously investigated and just left but they don't go, and I don't ovulate on the right probably because of them. I was all excited about my left ovary though, and I had the +ve ok, Ewcm but no temp rise. Now I have the AF. Do any of you know what would have happened to that follicle? Worried it is a cyst on the left now and I won't ovulate anymore. Is there no end to this, could something please work! Lol.
Pippi you in the uk right aren't you guys metric? Or is that the rest of Europe.

PD, had to laugh at this.......'technically' we are metric, yes, but in reality we are generally still imperial - we struggle greatly with the concept of being European!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:
Barn and pipi I will be 42 in aug

Spoomie were technically metric but say our height in feet and body weight in lbs
I can convert weight between the two systems well as meds are given based on weight

Now with running I know what a mile and yards are but as a teen ( i only grew up learning metric in school) I was clueless when in the states visiting walking in an lane way I was told to walk so many yards to get to the lane I needed and I counted back yards (yes I was clueless

I told dh when we get home to book an appointment with his dr to get a v
So that means we will continue ttc till he gets the v which should be about 3-9 months wait.
I'm slowly getting used to the idea it won't happen for us
Had to chuckle at the metric/imperial/Europe/not Europe too :D

I can picture and inch and a yard. I can picture a cm and a meter. I can picture a mile and i know a kilometer is less than a mile.
I can guess an oz in weight (for baking) without the scales, and i know that 100g is 3.5 oz, so can 'picture' that IYKWIM.
I can pour out a pint or half pint of something without a measure.
BUT i have no notion of litre and millilitres! lol.

The metric conversion happened when i was at school so i learned half and half. DH is younger than me but even he is a bit half and half too and all his building measurements are still in feet and inches.
(and i don't feel European :blush: )

I love the American 'cups' for everything in baking. It makes it so simple :)

Anyway PDMCD - wow the V is a big step. You haven't mentioned it on here before i don't think hon. Have you been holding this thought long? I think you're very brave! It certainly would be the end of ttc. Bless you. What does DH say?

I'm 95% of the way to resigning myself that this is all pointless for me now. I just don't get why i've ovulated nice and regularly every darn month for the last 3 years but only fallen preg. once :( And that was when we weren't even timing intercourse to coinside with ov! My theory now is that there may be an issue with DH, (i fell soooo easily for my 3DDs with ex. I was younger, i know) but now after 3 years of ttc my age has really put the lid on it once and for all with my lovely DH :(

CD7 here anyway :coffee: - ov'ing middle of next week. Plod, plod, plod .....

Snow update - here in the 'Shires' it's still deep over the gardens and fields and the small lanes, but the bigger roads are clear. My God it's cold out there though. It went down to -5 again last night. It's all so pretty, even the trees are all still thick with it, like a xmas card, but i worry for when it melts. There's been allot of flooding round here in recent years. TV weather keeps saying oh there's been no more snow and there will be no more snow but we keep getting enough to add a bit more each night! It's like we don't exist round here as far as the media is concerned, lol.

Barnie, Garfie, Spoomie, Bigger, Max, Pippi, Nise and everyone else :wave:

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi y'all, well I do read here quite a lot but I often feel like posting is pointless since there hasn't really been any positive developments here, and I see quite a few on the 35+ board too.

I'm hearing you all on the age and 'is it over for us' angle. I will also be 42 in August and originally we decided we would stop TTC after that. Now we are thinking we'll stop unless we go ahead with DE IVF. We are currently in the midst of our second IUI attempt and have an IVF consult on Feb 15. But we are also spending a lot of time talking about life without any additional children (I adopted two children many years ago when I was single but they are not kids any longer - one is an adult, the other is almost 15).

While it's awful to think about, I am so glad that there are others who are going through a similar journey. It makes me feel not-quite-so-alone.
You are not alone in here the virtual groups of similar people.
I have always known that we would finish ttc this year.
My deadline is more practical I would love a lo for dh but I also need to think of when we will retire and when lo would graduate unniversity. I don't want to retire before their finished

My family history of breast cancer means bc aren't a option and the few i can take caused me major issues 3ish yrs ago. so a v is easier. They go in get the v and are back on track within a few days - my ex had one and it took all the worry away.

I also think our issues are his. I had no problem with my first 2 and even the mc getting pregnant. All my bloods and levels have been totally normal
My original deadline was dec 12 and then mar 13 as that would be 1 yr of ttc with the cyst gone.

Now I just know the time is almost up as I can't continue to live with the disappointment
I don't like some days the person I have become from this
I am thankful for the two I have. I am sad I probably will never give dh a lo of his own ( got weepy typing that)

I'm not done yet, but I know I will be in the near future. At least when that time comes I know we tried our best. I'm thankful dh is ok either way to have or not have a lo
How many August babies? - and all of us will be 42 :winkwink:

I am sad to read that a lot of you ladies have decided to come to the end of your TTC journey - I may be being selfish both on my body and emotions but I am not ready to give up yet:wacko:

Barna - That was all really all the tests came back fine - would refer me to Sheffield were they can keep a closer eye on me if/when I become preg - he also said not to worry about the spotting as it was early days since the last preg was October - true but since then I have had 5 cycles work that one out Mr FS:growlmad: most people get help if they have been trying for 6 months and are over the magical age right:flower: Anyway waiting for the referral now anywhere between 1 - 3 months he said:thumbup:

Good luck at your appointment in Feb hun - it will soon be here:happydance:

Hi to all the other ladies stalking:winkwink:


Hi Maddy and Greens - please don't think you can only post with something positive! I've never had any positive developments (sniff) and i waffle on anyway :dohh: <suddenly wonders i'm a pain :shock:>

PDMCD - :flower: I often get teary when i post about giving up.
At least when that time comes I know we tried our best
^^ this ... is us exactly.

Garfie - I'm not giving up just yet - more at the stage of giving myself permission to, i think :winkwink:
ladies, some of you may remember me - I was active on this site about a year ago but decided to take some time out after my first attempt at IVF wasn't successful. Since then I got engaged (July) my Dad died (August (my mum the previous year), and I got engaged married last December!

I am posting because I wanted to give you guys some hope. Im 42, will be 43 in April. We were going to go for our 2nd IVF attempt when we got back from honeymoon at the start of January only to find that I was pregnant naturally with a honeymoon baby!

Naturally with my history of Miscarriages, I'm incredibly cautious and have thought twice about posting good news only for it to turn into bad news - I've done that many times before. However this pregnancy feels different and I'm hopeful.

Although it was a natural conception, everything else is anything but natural. I was diagnosed with high NK cell count plus mildly underactive thyroid so I'm on prednisolone steroids to reduce the NK cell count and thyroxine for the thyroid. Plus both my consultant and the Lister have recommend that I also am on baby aspirin in conjunction with daily heparin (blood thinner) injections. (although I haven't come up positive in any blood tests for any clotting disorders - there is a school of thought that it could be a reason for multiple miscarriages and they think its a good idea!).

So, I'm now 7.5 weeks pregnant. We had our first scan last Friday and was amazed to see a sac with a fetal pole and blob and what looked like a flashing line which apparently is a heartbeat!

I'm having weekly acupuncture as well. I'm feeling ok - slightly tired and a little bit off colour (not quite nauseuos) if I don't eat regularly. and my boobs are huge and killing.

So there you go! it can happen and I must be one of the oldest on this site! Recommendations ... go and have a lovely, relaxing holiday in the sunshine, eat lots of lovely healthy food and drink shedloads of wine and have fun ;) and not think about having babies!

Big hugs to you all on your journeys - you WILL get there.
Yaaaaay beeeetle :yipee::wohoo: I am so pleased to hear your news, that is brilliant and the fact that they have diagnosed the NK cells etc and are doing something about it is great news for a positive outcome :thumbup: and also congrats of course on the :wedding: :happydance:

Mistyy, Maddy, greens, pcdmcd, bigger, pippi, garfie, max, nise, barnie :hi: always stalking and cheering you on from the sidelines :hugs::dust: (and anyone i have missed :blush:)
Congrats Beetle....I remeber you from a the start of last year...I must have just joined when you 'left'....thats great news and wonderful that its a honeymoon conception. I'm sure the treatment you are on helped.
What was your TSH and T4 levels that they diagnosed mild hypothyrodisim (if you don't mine me asking)
Mine where 3.9mU/L for TSH and 15 pmol/L for T4. The doctors all those results are normal but I have all the symptoms of low basal temp, always cold etc.

That's brill to see the hb, understand what you mean about 'jinking' things by posting here but you held out longer that I could.
Sorry to hear about your Dad dying...and congrats on getting married....big eventful year for you.

We tried to do that on our last hol....drank wine and relaxed but came back with a bfn...but appreciate your advice.

Spoomie, I have to Echo what Misty says about metric/imperial.
I know my weight in KG and stones....but my only height in feet and inches.
When I worked in a lab, we always used g and ml....but when I buy meat from the butcher I ask for it in lb. I use miles and km interchangiblly depending on whether I'm in the South of Ireland (in Km) or N. Ireland (miles)

The one thing I can't get hy head around is km/L conversion for fuel economy in cars. always have to look at miles per gallon (although I have no clue how large a gallon is !!!).

That's so final Pmdc about dh vascetomy....I guess it one way to draw an end to ttc. I'm more like you Garfie....selflishly continuining on ttc for another while...don't have any idea of an end date. probably just slowly reach that conclusion the way you seem to be Misty.

hope you surviving the filming Nise

have to run....hello to everyone.
Ladies I'm still hanging around just not posting much right now an fixing get ready head toward town get some groceries due a snow storm with ice is coming our way. So need to get the main important things LOL..

Hope everyone is having a good day.

I'll KMFX for all of you..
Beetle I remember you and your cute cat. Your cat reminds me of an old cat of mine
Big congrats in both you marriage and pregnancy! Wishing you a healthy an happy 9 months

When did you get married? I got married on dec 29
Again congrats hon
Thanks ladies! I got married on the 1st December last year! Was really quick as we only got engaged on 22nd July. We thought we would get married quickly in the hope that my Dad would be able to make it to the wedding but sadly he died in August. At least he knew my OH was going to take care of me! The wedding was THE most beautiful day and Im in such a good place with my Mum and Dad and I know they were there watching. I also think that their wedding present to us was our pregnancy! (you know ... up there pulling a few strings and putting in a good word!).

Congrats also on your marriage PDMCD17!!! I love a good winter wedding! Thanks for complimenting my cat Indy ... she's going to be 17 in February! Can't believe it!

Pippi - oh help, I really can't remember what my thyroid levels actually were now. my consultant at the Lister said that they were definitely low for their figures but that they wouldn't have been picked up in routine nhs doctor checks. My symptoms were really cold extremeties, very difficult to lose weight, lethargic. I feel so much better now I'm on the thyroxine - immediately lost weight, feet now normal temp and not like iceblocks - and I'm only on a 25mg dosage. I'm sure that's helped me get pregnant. The specialist did say that its quite common for ladies who are borderline hypothyroid to have frequent miscarriages or difficulty conceiving. So I would push some more. My acupuncturist also said she immediately noticed the difference since i've been on thyroxine. Said my energy levels were holding and that it felt that something in my system had 'clicked into place' her words.

Butterfly - wow - very exciting times for you! Not quite sure exactly what stage you are at but wishing you all the very best!

Hi to everyone else! Hope you are all OK?
:happydance: Congrats Beetle :happydance: on all your news - lots of great things are happening for you:happydance:

So pleased for you hun:flower:


Beetle wow you parents comment made me teary!

I'm so happy for you both!
No BFP this time..

So on to another cycle but my dates for meds will change thanks to ICE STORM. Instead of Femara 3-7 it will be 4-8 alone with another med.

I hope this cycle get to do a IUI instead of missing it.
Congrtats Beetle - i remember you! I love good news here :happydance::happydance::happydance: How lovely to get your BFP on honeymoon too! :happydance:

Sorry it's a quickie

:wave: to all xxx :dust: :dust:

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