TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Really baby showers aren't the norm in the UK?
What about bridal showers

I do like the hen night ( I think it's called that) where you dress up skanky ( now I may be wrong this is all via tv and movies)

I just assumed they were universal
I guess Canada is more American then British these days
PDMCD - baby showers are becoming more popular among the younger mums here i think. In the same way that folks are having more big flashy engagement parties, expensive whole weekend away hen do's, stag do's abroad for a week, and 'celebrity style', child free weddings with the day split up into different venues for different guests. (sorry if i'm treading on any toes :D old fashioned girl here) In my humble opinion it's all getting a bit 'Hello Magazine' :wacko:

I think the original American idea of a baby shower for the first baby is quite sweet. Getting together with the first time mum, and maybe giving some useful baby items. From what i read the ones over here have morphed into just another party - with girls sending out wish lists for presents :shock:

Glad to hear your DH is being gentle with you again :hugs:

Barnie - how did you get on?

Pippi - i thought about testing this morning - then chickened out!

Well - temp 99.17 again. Another little plateau.

The suspense is absolutely killing me. I have more or less convinced myself that AF will show by the end of tomorrow if she's coming. Or Friday. I don't want to jinx myself by testing. Stupidness, i know. If i test before AF is late and it's neg i'll be none the wiser really. So i must wait :coffee:

Boobs are sore, tummy has allot of odd aches and pains coming and going all the time.

DH is really down at the moment. Work and money worries. He's not enjoying his job right now, and the money's unreliable at this time of year. He sat last night, looked right into my eyes and said he was feeling really down and fed up and needed a big hug. Aw. I'm in such a mess of emotions at the mo myself. Keeping this 'maybe baby' thing to myself is so hard,DH is my rock and i can't lean on him through this. Mind you under the circ.s it's probably best i haven't said anything. ??? No? I don't know - now i'm worrying that if i am pregnant he'll be less than thrilled because of the money worries ...

:wacko::wacko::wacko: Arrrggghhh Thank goodness i've got you ladies to share it with :friends:

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Aw Misty - What can I say - your chart is still looking good :hugs:

First thing I do is stalk your chart - cheering it on all the way:happydance:

So are you testing tomorrow?


Garfie - i've just been sitting on the bed looking at the Clear Blue test in its box.


It says it's 87% accurate one day before period is due. But use first morning urine. Well i've missed that.

Fuck fuck fuck. (excuse my french)
i could give it a go i suppose ......

Sits on the bed beside Misty - squeezing her hand tightly - letting her know we are there for her.:flower:

Personally I would test - but that's me:haha: if you want to wait until the morning that's fine we can all camp outside till then:winkwink:


Thank you for making me laugh :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I think the problem is that deep down i don't think i am pregnant - it's just too good to be true. I recon my temp will crash tomorrow. Today is my last day of being able to think 'maybe'. It seems a shame to spoil it, y'know? lol

Sorry i'm being such a woos. Everybody else just tests and then gets on with it! :haha:
Misty I know where you are coming from even if I am an early tester myself! Having that hope can be such a wonderful thing :hugs: I think you are right not to tell hubby at this point by the sounds of things :flower:

I didn't realise that baby showers were only for the first baby :shrug: I have to admit I would have one if only just to get all my girlfriends together in one place as many of them don't know each other and live in different parts of the country/world. Plus I have never had a wedding/engagement/hen party so I must deserve something right? :shrug:
Butterfly :hugs: You DO deserve something good now, yes! Will be watching your journey closely :thumbup::happydance:

Well - i have tested. BFN. The thing is though - lol - i was stupid to go ahead and i feel i've wasted the test because:

- Firstly i'm still 1, 2 or possibly 3 days before AF is due (my cycle is 29, 30 or 31)

- The test recommends first wee of the day. It was the third wee of the day.

- The test recommends holding in the 'stream of urine' for 5 seconds. I didn't have a stream - i had a half inch in the bottom of a glass, lol. I swished the test about in it for 5 seconds anyway :blush:

So - i feel ok actually. I think i'll come on tomorrow night or Friday morning probably. If i don't and my temps are still up (what are they doing up there?) on Saturday i'll test again.

So glad i haven't said anything to DH now - he doesn't need this.

Love to all xxx
Misty ur temps look great.. Be praying for a BFP for you

Butterfly67? How is things with you?

AFM; Feel like heck, nose stuffy so can't breath good an COLD here with snow showers.
Today I'm 6dpo an temp went down again but not thinking anything about it for now. Well gone to drink some hot green tea to fight this cold if a cold. DH in bed sick gosh I hate this..
Had to laugh at Garfies comment because as as soon as I get up i enter my temp and then check yours misty!
A bfn does n't mean anything yet, sorry to hear your dh is having a hard time. But yea better not to share any uncertain developments at this stage.

Don't think baby showers have arrived to Ireland yet. I usually bring a gift after the baby is born...but suppose mums get lots of presents that are not suitable or baby clothes they don't need. Yea I like the original idea of a baby shower...but can imagine it just becomes more showy and expensive, the way everything has become nowadays. Jeez, I sound like I am 90!

Pdmc, we have the hen nights still...although turning into weekends away now more...although since the recession I think less are able to afford to go abroad.

Bigger, you must be getting the cold dh had :cry:
Had to laugh at Garfies comment because as as soon as I get up i enter my temp and then check yours misty!
A bfn does n't mean anything yet, sorry to hear your dh is having a hard time. But yea better not to share any uncertain developments at this stage.

Don't think baby showers have arrived to Ireland yet. I usually bring a gift after the baby is born...but suppose mums get lots of presents that are not suitable or baby clothes they don't need. Yea I like the original idea of a baby shower...but can imagine it just becomes more showy and expensive, the way everything has become nowadays. Jeez, I sound like I am 90!

Pdmc, we have the hen nights still...although turning into weekends away now more...although since the recession I think less are able to afford to go abroad.

Bigger, you must be getting the cold dh had :cry:

I believe mine is Spring allegrics as I get them every spring time. We sat out on the deck a few days ago when the weather was warm an the next day oh my. When I blow my nose it's all clear no color in the mucus of yet. Gosh my nose is so sore an red from it running out the door.. OH Dear. Then it gets stuffy once again. :cry:

Now for my DH he's got the flu so I've been sleeping on the couch.

Pippi_elk..>? how is things with you? Good I hope.
Doing ok thanks bigger, just impatient :wacko:

Hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about a dip, in fact if you have a cold might bet better to give up the temping for now! :flower:
Garfie and Pippi - bless :hug:

No pressure then this morning! :rofl:

Well - a dip. Down to 98.9 which is about average for a high temp for me. The strange dizzy heights of 99.something may have gone forever then ........ :dohh:

Bigger - thank you - and i hope you feel better soon. I would skip a day or two temping if i was you as well. Especially if you are fairly new to it and trying to build up a profile of a typical pattern for you.

Butterfly :blush: I was like a thing possessed once i decided to test! I just stomped into the bathroom, squeezed out a tiny bit of wee into the glass and you know the rest :haha: Even as i did it i thought 'you silly moo, there's a waste of £5', or whatever it was :dohh:

DH was asking me if i was ok yesterday evening. (There was me thinking i was doing a good job of pretending nothing was going on!) I didn't tell him anything, just gave him lots of cuddles ..... ahem :winkwink:

He's a little more cheerful this morning anyway - it's a lovely sunny morning here. We need a bit of spring.

Love to all

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi! Had to read over past posts so I'm not sure who I'm replying to with what.
Bigger - feel better
pippi - I'm excited for you!
Barni - any more results?

Hi to everyone else!

On the baby shower thing - I never had one. I'm not big on those anyway (never had a bridal shower) but I ended up getting bedrested at 23 weeks. My husband's mother wanted to throw me one anyway and have my husband stand in for me! Ridiculous and mostly because none of us were in the mood to celebrate. We were scared. Then I had the twins at 28 weeks and it was weird. People said congrats but no gifts were bought and I didn't have a nursery, clothing or bottles for them. We were all just waiting to see if they would be ok. I had a friend throw me a shower after I returned to work (total surprise and I was going to kill her!). I'm not a fan of them generally speaking but there are days that I think about how I missed out on a "normal" pregnancy and delivery.
On my Clomid trial - I took clomid CD 5-9 this cycle and started testing for ovulation on CD 12. Got a positive smiley face on a digital test on CD 12. My husband was away so I said figures, wasted cycle. On CD 15 I felt ovulation-like pains and did another pharmacy brand opk (not digital) and it was positive. My husband was back so that worked. On CD 19 out of curiosity I did another opk and it looks almost positive. Today is CD 20.
What the hell? I don't know what I've done to myself but now I just want AF here and I don't even know when to expect her! Serves me right. I've had cramps off and on since yesterday. Today we're going to the RE so my husband can ask questions. I'm kind of dreading it but in the end I think we'll be waiting till the fall when we will have hopefully moved (if we're going to do this at all).
Hi all....Maxxi good luck at the FS today.

AFM we have started on a round of IVF (long cycle - yawn - nothing will happen for weeks 'n' weeks). But we are getting closer to 'the door'...
Misty - Aw hun that's not a major drop is it? - still sitting here waiting with you:coffee:

Barni - Did you get your results yet hun:flower:

Maddy - Aw hun I know nothing about IVF - I know we won't be going down that route at all:hugs:

Maxx - I never had a baby shower either although I did have a lovely pampering session for a weekend away on my second hen night - my first hen night was a lot less civilized involving lots of drinking and ending up drunk under a load of men:haha: oh my how times have changed:blush:

:hi: Pippi and Butterfly:hugs:

Anyone care to tell me what is happening with my chart?:winkwink:


Hi ladies. Well, all is ticking along here. I've had to go back to work, just a four week block so 3 to go. Have managed to organise some after school child care with my next door neighbour which is a relief and very handy. She came round to meet K tonight and they got along really well.

Bigger - Hope you don't catch your OH's cold and can soon get back in your comfy bed. :hugs:

Mistry - Bloody charts huh! here's hoping tomorrow see's it go up again. I don't hold much faith in charting to predict anything - the last time I got a bfp FF showed the whole thing as a no ovulation month - my temps hardly moved and I got no crosshairs - I only took a test coz AF didn't show!!! Okay, so I ended up MC'ing but just goes to show you just never know. I stopped bothering with it after that. :hugs:

Maddy - Congratulations on starting your IVF - I'm holding out so much hope for you and looking forward to following you on your new journey. :hugs:

Garfie - Good luck lovely, hopefully you'll get the smiley go ahead in the next few days. As for the chart... well as I said above, they can be very misleading but it would suggest that O hasn't yet happened. :hugs:

Big hi to everyone else, hope you're all fine and dandy. :hugs:
Morning x

Garfie - thank you honey :friends: as a stand alone chart it just looks like you're cruising along nicely towards ov, but your temps are higher than this time last month by quite a bit aren't they? Have you tested again? Nise is right about charting - my friend's pregnancy chart looked awful. Up and down in massive zig zags with no discernible ov day even! She tested because her AF was late. She was an experienced charter too, and had written that cycle off :haha: I think the main benefits of charting are building up of a picture of your personal pattern over time. The inevitable agonising over each cycles up's and down's is like a nasty side effect :haha:

Nise - well done on securing someone familiar for LG after school. Loving your updates :happydance: It's such a lovely story. (just need to get your money off SS now!)

Maddy - ooooh exciting! :happydance: These weeks will fly by for you hopefully. Keep us posted x

Maxxi - :( oh dear, i hope AF does arrive soon for you so that you can start fresh :hugs: I never had a baby shower for my first either. I think it just wasn't something anyone thought of then :wacko:

:wave: to everyone else x

AFM - ......... who knows? :hissy: :coffee: Just who knows ........ ? I've got cramps, irritability, sore boobs - all classic AF symptoms :coffee::coffee:

:dust: :dust: and more :dust:
Hi everyone

Mistty - still have hope for you hun.
Garfie - I cant give any advice on your chart. Have you been testing using opk? The temps look like you ov really early but that doesnt seem right. So im as much use as a chocolate teapot
Maddy and Max - wishing you well

Afm...... hospital had no answers. All bloods came back in normal range. Ive asked for a print of the numbers so I can see exactly what came back. Theyve referred me to St Mary's in London. It all takes time which I dont have. I asked if ivf or donor eggs would be a better option but she said possibly not because it looks like implantation issues. I dont know what to do now....... Any ideas?

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