TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Reading that back it seems ridiculous to be saying we're sad to leave! :haha:
lol Misty!!! maybe after all those issues you are getting a house thought that does n't need lots of repairs for the next few years.

But hear you about the barn and the school parking. I suppose it all depends on the price he's willing to go to. If you got a good deal maybe it'd be ok for the next few years. Suppose its a balancing act...what can you put up with and what you absolutely can't put up with. You Need to Have a look at what houses there are for rent and the cost..before you can think of doing a deal.

Have now 3 embryos on board. 3 were looking the best this morning so they advised transfer today. They will keep the remaining 3-4 going for another few days ( the lazy one they had ruled out is starting to catch up).

All were a 4/4 which is top quality for cell regularity and fragmentation(think you get fragmentation when cell die). Does nt say anything about the underlying chromosomes but fingers crossed. They said for my age we got really good embryos.

Dh was concerned about triples but the chances of a pregnancy per embryo transferred at age 42 is ~ 9% so don't think that's a big risk ! It's all how you look at the stats, they have a success rate of 18% per cycle of Ivf startd at age 42. We were busily trying to understand the stats this morning to try and decide if we wanted to go with 3. It's confusing the way the same data looks so different depending on how you 'display' it.
The clinic are really being thorough butterfly. Do they require a mammogram Before they will treat you? The things we need to do to comparison to all those teenagers who fall pregnant by accident.

I read you blog but got lost as to what was the outcome of the smear test story..

Yes I need a mammogram which I managed to get done today :thumbup: Just need to wait maybe 10 days for results :coffee:

The quick version of the smear story was :
abnormal cells found, clinic advised treatment in the uk
uk don't treat 1st find of abnormal
clinic agreed to either leave for 6 months or for me to go there and have another one, I decided to leave :thumbup:

the long story was lots of stress and pulling my hair out :haha:

Reading that back it seems ridiculous to be saying we're sad to leave! :haha:

I did wonder :haha::haha:

Pippi great news that you have 3 on board :baby::baby::baby: :shock::haha:

Sounds like you are in with a really good chance :happydance::hugs:
Ladies, I hope you don't mind me joining? Been reading through some of your posts and great to hear some positive news and to see the support you give each other, hoping I can offer / get support too.
My story is in my signature, it's a long old journey and I'm losing heart and hope, each time it feels like a part of me is chipped away. Currently on day 12 of stimming (merional 375iu) and had 3rd scan yesterday, response not great. Only 3 follies (of potential 8 at the start) look like they're possibilities and if there's no difference on Wed when I scan again they may abandon this cycle and suggest IUI instead so as not to waste the drugs / money. They say I shouldn't be disheartened and it's not necessarily because of my age (42) but just that some months are better than others. Deep down I think we've just left it too late :(
Sorry for a gloomy first post just struggling with this at the moment.
Pussycat - welcome and come on in :flower: This is a great place to talk about all your TTC goings on, your feelings about it, and anything else you care to chat about! :thumbup::haha: No worries for the gloomy post, all of us here know what a hard hard thing this is. ((hugs))

Pippi - oh my good god!!!! Ridiculously exited for you :happydance:
<sits on bench grinning intently at pippi like a maniac>

Butterfly - :dohh::dohh::dohh: with the smear test! You've been so patient. 10 days now for the results of mammogram ... you're getting there!

Garfie - if you're reading, how are you managing lovely?

:wave: to everyone else.

AFM - temps are hovering at usual level. Nothing as exciting as ... ''trumpet sounds'' ... The Cycle of February .... of course. I wont be beating that chart anytime soon, lol.
House situation: We've decided not to try and buy this place. DHs wages fluctuate so much (self employed) that coupled with the cost of repairs and the fact that we'd be stuck with the place probably as the housing market is dead round here. No one's got any money. I had a mortgage for years before this renting lark - i've seen both sides. At this moment in time renting is best for us. Terrible that it should be that way. Says allot about the economy ...
Mum situation: She's now able to do her stairs (facing backwards) confidently. So i am relieved of the early morning and bedtime visit. One of us is still going in every day. And she rings me after she's done the stairs to let me know she's down or up ok! She's missing the constant buzz of people in and out of her house i think. But recovering and getting 'back to normal' is just that. Boring but true. Taking her round Tesco later today in one of their adult wheely trolly things .... could be interesting!

Love and :dust: to all xxx
Pussycat, welcome and good luck with the ICSI :flower:

Mistyy, good that your mum is getting better and you have a bit more time to yourself :thumbup:
Welcome pussycat

Misty glad your mom is doing better
I understand the renting to ownership I rented till just this aug now with dh own
Well the bank owns a portion lol
I know the housing market here isn't too bad we have stricter laws in Canada then the USA but the houses are super over priced and banks are saying expect prices to drop in the future. Thankfully we chose to stay in his house so have a low mortgage
But I feel for those who don't have that and could end up owing more then the house is worth

I do miss just calling the landlord with repairs though.

Waves to everyone else
Welcome pussycat. Good luck for tomorrow's scan, hopefully they won't need to postpone. I see they changed protocols from what you had in feb...maybe the shorter protocol is more suitable afterwards?

Great to hear your mum is getting better Misty, hope tesco trip went ok.
We take so much for granted. When i imagine your mum going backwards down the stairs...Just reminds me to appreciate my own health. I have a chronic pain condition linked to my RSI which flares up everynow and then... when its bad i sometimes forget what I can do and focus on the pain....
Glad you made the decision about the house...good luck hunting for a new rental house.

Butterfly: Hope the mammogram results come back quickly...sounds a right mess with the smear but good that you got it sorted.
Wonder do they request a mammogram to ensure you'll be alive for any baby born or is it more to ensure the drugs they will give you won't cause any issues ?

Yes I miss leaving all the repairs to a landlord too, my dh is not very good at DIY so we usually have to call someone in. My brothers and father can fix almost everything but they live 200 miles too far to come to fix a loose roof tile, broken manhole cover etc.

Back home today so looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.
Panicking ourselves this evening about having 3 embies transferred yesterday. Know the risk of multiples is small but still got scared when thinking about it. Went from worrying about a bfn to the whole range of worries !
Just had a quick catch up with posts.

Pippi, so excited for you. Fingers crossed former happy news very soon.

Mistty, your chart is lookin' good.

Pussycat, welcome. Everyone is lovely here.

Butterfly, hoping you dont have to wait too long for your test results so you can get started.

Hi to everyone else. :wave:
:hi: hi ladies
haven't been on bnb properly for a while due to 1 thing an another ,have been reading for a couple of weeks trying to get the courage up to start posting again ,couldn't find a better time to do so when I just read pippi has 3 eggs on board, so must say pippi Good Luck :flower: hope at least 1 sticks if not all 3 x

Butterfly have been stalking your journal its good you got your mammogram done n all the smear crap out the way ,good luck with the mammo and hope the next step runs smoothly x
Barn I hi how r you x
Pussycat hi and welcome lovely ladies in here good luck with TTC x
Pdmcd hi x
Misty glad your mum is on the mend hope you get sorted with the housing issue x
anyone I've missed I apologise have just responded to what I can see on this page but good luck to everyone and coz I haven't done this in ages here's lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Good luck ladies hope too see some BFP very soon..

AFM.. Staying really busy with my mother, family & etc..

I'm 9dpo but not thinking much about it as just trying to think of other great things that's going to happen in 2 weeks with my oldest child.

TC everyone..and welcome newbies.

Sharing a BLESSED STORY.. Hope you all don't mind. Yes this a Friend of mine..
Bigger - what a lovely inspirational story and how adorable are those children:hugs:

Mary - Hi hun glad to see you are still around:happydance:

Butterfly - Wishing you lots of luck with your results - then hopefully it's full steam ahead:winkwink:

Barni - I start my first lot of blood tests next week as soon as this cycle is out of the way:cry: perfect timing though at least as the children are back at school:happydance:

Nise - Talking about children - how is your LG:hugs:

Pussycat - How are you doing :flower:

Misty - Glad to hear your mum is getting better and glad to hear you have made some decisions - you know what they say new house new baby:winkwink:

:hugs: to everyone else - still stalking

AFM - CD23 - 9DPO - did a test this morning - typical I get a dodgy one:cry: got what looked like a huge pink spot at the top where the line should be - so I guess I'm in limbo land again:cry:


Welcome back maryanne...glad to see i was the inspiration for you to post again!
Really hope 3 don't stick, just could n't cope. Maybe I should have thought about that before putting back 3, but too late now:dohh:

Good luck with the blood tests Garfie. Let us know when the results come back and us experts will interpret them for you ;-)

How's the stimm injections going maddy40 ?

My boobs are lovely and big now...terrible this tricking the body into thinking its pregnant. Even harder emotionally if its a see these physical side effects fade away.
Bigger wonderful story wow I can't imagine 5 at once, my gf had triplets and it was busy then

Garfie test again

Pippi I'm keeping everything crossed for you

Agm having some symptoms just not sure if its pms or the other
I'm gonna test tomorrow to get an answer either way
I'm now 14 days late, I did out of curiosity a due date thingy I'd be due around dh bday and I'd be 5 wks now. I'm not getting my hopes up as this happened to me last cycle also

Waves to everyone else
Hi ladies, thanks for all your good wishes. I had another scan today and it's looking like I'll have 3 good follicles, which poses a big question: go for it and have ICSI and hope they're good ones, or have another go at IUI. I'm leaning towards the IUI, as if we go with ICSI and it doesn't work I'm not sure we could afford another cycle so I want the last one to have the best chance possible. If we convert to IUI it effectively gives me 2 more chances. I'm less downbeat than I was, the nurse did point out that last time I got 4 good eggs so only one less. Also when I did IUI previously on one of the cycles I had 3 good follicles on Clomid so with all the hormones I've been taking the three I have now are bound to be a better quality. Another reason for going IUI root is I've been taking DHEA but only for 1 month and I think it takes 3 to make a difference. From what I've read it can make a big difference so waiting would give me a chance to build up to that 3 mths, have my AMH level retested to see if things have changed (last done a year ago when it was 10.9, apparently 10 is average for a 35 yr old, so good result) and make an informed decision as to whether it's worth trying again or whether the fat ladies singing and it's all over. What would you guys do?
Hi pussycat,
Probably the best person to advise you is your consultant. I know they told me at 42 the only option worth pursuing was ivf.
Why not get ivf done rather than icsi? Th sperm must be ok if you had iui before? does n't ivf allow natural selection of the best sperm rather than the embryologist making the choice ? Also ivf should be a little bit cheaper than icsi.

But you have a difficult choice to make...good luck in making the decision.

Pdmc, another difficult month for you....maybe test and at least then you can stop wondering. I try avoid the due date thing on ff as its wrecks my head with its "if you were pregnant you'd be due on x date". Noting like kicking you in the teeth when your temps are plummeting and af is on her way.
Pussycat I have nothing to say I never looked at that as an option but goodluck

Pippi are things ok how are you feeling

I went to costco and got a 4 pk of tests I did test this morning and bfn I wasn't expecting it to be the other way, but it'd be nice. I'm slowly getting nearer the end of the journey before I took my test I thought about how expensive it'd be being in mat leave for 1 yr at 50% and then all the stuff and other changes I was so torn

I'm trying to reason a way of accepting what may never be and it isn't easy at all. I'm dreading when the dreaded sil has her baby how do I say to my dh I can't handle going for more then 20 mins. I'm sure he wants to meet his nephew and visit with his brother and sil. I'm not sure what to do as I know it will kill me emotionally.

I'm praying for all of you to get the bfp and baby
Sorry to hear pdmc that it was negative. Know how you mean about being torn as to what you really want. In the end we will all have to accept what ever life throws at us....can understand listing out the negatives makes it a bit easier to accept. Try to get dh to listen to your reasons for not wanting to visit Sil. You probably have to at least call...but if you can have an excuse to make a quick exit...or busy yourself in the kitchen making tea etc.

I'm doing ok. Thanks for asking, have the week off work so its great to lie about watching tv and eating. Th other embies in the lab were not of good enough quality to freeze, but embryologist said they made a valiant effort to progress so he thinks that's a positive thing as I have the 3 best quality transferred.

Saw this 'theoritical situtation' on one of the other forums....hoping it was nt on this forum and I'm not repeating myself. But if you were told you have another 10 years left to conceive would you want a baby now...or would you want to put if off ? This is n't directed at you pdmc (in case you think I'm challenging you !!) but It put me thinking.. Maybe I only want something that I can't have.
Pippi enjoy your week off!

I never took it anyway , But very Interesting would I keep ttc or put off if I could keep at it for 10 more years

If I was rich sure I'd keep ttc and look at ivf ect
But since I'm not and need to plan for my teens university and my eventual retirement I don't think I would ( I'm too particle )
Plus would I want a baby in my 50s I don't know if I'd have the energy for the infant and toddler stage.

I sometimes wish I'd left my ex earlier and met dh earlier and it'd be a different situation
I just know its hard to accept not getting what I want. Granted there's pluses to both sides im interested in what would others think.
It is very easy to loose sight of age when wrapped up in the moment, even first school at early 50 seems OK but starting secondary school just before 60 sounds very scarey with retirement looming. Things are made easier perhaps when one partner is younger.

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