TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hi Maryanne, great to see you you cheeky little stalker :haha::hugs:

Pdmc sorry about the bfn :hugs:

Bigger wow I couldn't cope with 5!

If someone said I would have 10 more years left then I would keep trying but maybe wouldn't be so stressed about it every month :wacko:

Pussycat I would say maybe convert to IUI. I have heard the stats that of the eggs that y get it is likely that 2/3 will fertilise and 2/3 will be good enough to transfer (I may be remembering wrong though :wacko:) so the chances of getting one to transfer might be a bit low. But that it just my opinion so you don't have to take any notice :haha:

Garfie, damn that dodgy test :wacko:

:wave: waves at everyone else
Thanks ladies, scanned again today, 3 follies there and the consultant immediately said she'd recommend IUI as she's sure I can get a better response. It's a gamble but at least I can afford another go if this doesn't work. So IUI on Monday then the dreaded 2WW ...
Butterfly: yes I think you're right, last cycle I got 4 eggs all fertilised but only 2 good ones worth putting back.
Pippi_elk, good luck with everything and thanks for your thoughts. If I had 10 more years I sure as hell wouldn't waste them and leave it to the last minute as I've done now.
Pdmcd, so sorry it was a BFN it's so hard and i think mother nature just doesn't play fair sometimes.
Have read and caught up but must be very quick as mountain of laundry to do :dohh:

We're back from our anniversary break in Wales. Was lovely. Very posh hotel, so posh we could only afford B&B there! We smuggled pot noodles into our suite in the evenings (kettle provided) and had lots of :sex: and :wine:! :happydance::haha:

Been spotting since CD 9 :wacko::shrug: Still spotting and it's CD29. No idea of my temps as i didn't take the thermometer with me. But at the last check they were falling like a lead balloon.

PDMCD - just quickly I must be honest and say (and you know this) that i know how you feel about visiting the new baby and worrying about how you will cope. :hugs::hugs::hugs: IME though it honestly honestly wasn't as bad as i was expecting it to be. It's weird, but it turns out that it's the pregnancy bit that is the hardest. It's pregnancy that i want. That's what i was most achingly jealous of. Actually holding her baby was ok. It was like ... i don't want her baby. I want my own baby. Suddenly she didn't have what i wanted anymore. I hope it works out that way for you too hon.

Sounding mental now .... :blush: so off i go! :hangwashing:

Love to all and everything crossed for all :dust:
Thanks everyone
Misty your so right I don't want their baby I want our baby
Also it's true it's her pregnancy that bothers me
I really feel it should be us not them. Strange how its just her and no one else's pregnancy that bothers me

So tomorrow is dh best friends dtr christening! Wow it was so much fun shopping for her gift. Dh is the godfather, I'm so excited tomorrow will be fun!
I realize how much fun shopping for little girls they just have so much cute stuff, compared to boy stuff

Hope everyone is having a good weekend
AFM: Spent 4 1/2 hrs in the ER with Hubby. He's been so sick for almost a week and he finally broke down went to the ER this morning after kinda of fussing at him in the car on the way to Wally world. I told him need go to ER an later we stop by Wally world get stuff for the house an all. He finally agreed. Thought he might had the FLU or pneumonia so they ran lots of test on him but wasn't that. We found out was acute bronchitis so he starts new meds today an rest. I've been sick too with the same creepy crude. Not doing no more treatments until all better as DH swimmers maybe low now after a Fever of 102 so a 2 month break from treatments.

Just have FUN the old fashion way an may take a small vacation for ourselves when all better & get bank loan done.

I'll be praying for all you lovely ladies to get a BFP soon or other Great News..

Still on my TWW but will be over soon. Now going to sleep on couch so will not wake up hubby.
Hi everyone, gosh you all have such exciting lives. I love reading everyone's updates - in this age group we have so much going on :thumbup: I'm guessing that's good, easier to distract us from the woes of TTC as a 'granny' :winkwink::haha:

I'm now stimming for our first IVF cycle...first scan on Friday. It's all a bit :sleep: at this stage though :flower:

Happy Sunday ladies :flower:
Congrats misty on your 1 year anniversary....a year has gone so fast !
Nice that you had an enjoyable break in Wales.
What is happening with your chart ????? Have you a fever or is it time to be getting excited?

Agree with misty too,pdmc that its the pregnancy that you want. I met my cousins baby for the first time (but they were 6 months old) and it was ok. Maybe a newborn would be different ....but definitely feel more envious when people announce pregnancy than when the new baby arrives.

Good luck maddy40 with the stimm injections . Hope the scan goes well and all will be on track on Friday.

Sorry to hear bigger, at least dh is getting the correct treatment.

Had a small meltdown this morning, I am still taking my bbt althought I know with all the hormones and progesterone I can't interpret much....if they were going up i would not get too excited as its probably the progesterone etc.
But they dipped this morning and I just got the feeling I'm heading for a bfn on Friday.
Husband was looking at the fridge, saying we need to clean the shelves...and when he turned around I was in tears!
He's more optimist and wants to keep all hope until we know for sure. Hopefully getting bad news on friday wont be so difficult after my episode today. Logically I know the odds are against up but it was nice having the bit of hope while it lasted!

I Will take my temp tomorrow morning and if its back up may just stop taking it for the rest of the week as ill just drive myself mad. Anyway we went out for an afternoon out which at least took my mind of things.
Pippi I'm keeping everything crossed for you, I found temps too confusing as it varied month to month and everyone's different

Madly good luck!!

Bigger maybe this cycle will be it, if not you will be back at it in a few months

So we went to the christening it was nice!!! Dh looked like a deer in headlights at times durring the ceremony lol. The lg mom asked if I was going up for communion I joked I may catch on fire. She didn't want to be the only one in our row going up as her dh isn't catholic nor is mine.

So I watched a few mins of cyndai lauper she's so unusual a stupid reality show, she's gonna be 60 in June - wow. She has a son who's 16 she had him when she was 44. I
M more in shock she's gonna be 60 she's almost my mil age, but way cooler.
Oh pippi - FF can be a COW! I have to remind myself over and over that it's a tool primarily for seeing, and therefore predicting ovulation. Pretty useless for much more. It can be 'fun' (did i say that?????) to watch your temps after ov, but you cant rely on it. Take it all with a 'pinch of salt' after ov day. My old freind's preg. chart was the most disappointing looking chart you've ever seen! Honestly! In the meantime massive hugs and hang in there! I wouldn't temp anymore if you can help it. Not while you are fragile :hugs: Chin up now and lets wait for Friday. Very very excited for you :happydance: Hugs for your DH too.

PDMCD - glad the Christening went well. Like Maddy i do love reading about what we are all up to. Cindy Lauper ... 60 ??? :shock: Crikey. It's funny how some bits of random info really strike a chord with us isn't it? I recently found out that Kylie Minogue is my age :haha: i was quite :wacko: about it. I thought she was quite a bit younger than me!!!!

Bigger - sorry to hear about your DH. Poor guy! Hope he's better soon.

AFM - 2 days late. Spotting has stopped. Temps are - stupid. Even more peculiar than last month. No idea what's going on. I thought AF was going to kick in on Saturday ..... chart looked normal till i went to Wales. I blame the sheep! LOL. Not getting my hopes up anyway. I've learned not to. It's like being on a bloody see saw - happy sad happy sad happy sad. sigh.

We think we've found a house, and are going for it. It's costing £240 just to apply! No gaurantees we'll get it. It's bigger than the one we're in, at the same rent. The village is half an hour North from where we are now, but nearer to DD3s school than we are now. Not on the school bus route though. There are buses through that village, but it wont be free. The alternative is i'll have to pick her up/drop her off. It's a bit further for DH to get to work too :( So hard. We have to move. We cant wait for too long searching for the perfect house in the perfect location - or we'll be homeless! :wacko::haha:

Mistty - your chart looks fantastic! Ok, so you don't want to get excited but its looking really really good, having that big dip followed by a rise and on 16DPO.

Maryanne - Hello, and welcome back. Good to hear you're still around.

Pippi - Give yourself a break and don't chart if its stressing you, my lovely. A dip is fine as long as it goes back up again.

PDMC - Wow, Cyndi Lauper being 60. I didn't realise she had her son at 44. Thats encouraging for us all. By the way, what about Halle Berry, she's 46 and pregnant. Happened natutrally, or thats what she's saying top the press. There's still hope for us all.

Garfie - How's thing with you, hun.

Pussycat - Good luck with the IUI.

Sorry if I've missed anyone else. Hello to all.

AFM - I'm on the come down from a birthday weekend. It was my hubby's 40th and I'd arranged a surprise. His mum, dad and sister visiting. His mum and dad live in Spain now so he wasn't expecting it at all. I don't know who had the most fun, my dh or me, doing all the secret arrangements, getting them in the house while he was out, and then seeing his face when he came home to a decorated house, me yelling surprise and his parents and sister opening a door with a cake and a hello. Brilliant brilliant weekend.
Morning Ladies

I HATE HATE HATE my defective body :cry: I am so upset and angry right now and waiting for a phone call back from the recurrent m/c centre:wacko:

It turns out that the defective test (or so I thought at 9DPO) was not a reject I just probably didn't have enough hormones because on 11DPO got a lovely positive no squinting necessary:happydance:

My plan was to give it the weekend and then go in and have HCG level drawn and again on Wednesday and then tell hubby.:happydance:

It didn't go according to plan - I went to bed on Saturday evening and woke up with strong cramping (thought this is okay just baby snuggling in) how fckn wrong was I - got up to use the loo (spotting) ok this happens more cramping throughout the night flow got heavier the rest is history as the say :cry:

So it seems I can get pregnant (well every 5 months) but holding on no chance :cry:

The saddest thing of all - having to tell hubby it was all over again - he saw the test and told me to contact Sheffield today and see what they suggest so now I'm waiting:coffee::coffee:

:hugs: I will try and do personals later:cry:


Oh garfie, no. I'm so sorry hon. I don't have any words, just don't be too hard on yourself :hug:

Pippi, I'm glad it took me a day to catch up on here as now your temps are up again :happydance:

bigger, hope you and dh both feel better soon :flower:

Mistyy, seriously you haven't :test:ed?

barni, surprise party sounds like fun, well done on all that organising :thumbup:

Maddy, have got everything crossed for some good eggs in there :hugs:
Oh God Garfie :cry: So gutted for you. Wish there was more we could say to help. Look after yourself, and ((hugs)) for you and your DH xxxxx Stay with us.

Barnie - hello lovley :wave: you sound really chirpy :) That party sounds wonderful :happydance:

Butterfly - wild horses wouldn't get me to test! :haha: Had a tummy ache this afternoon anyway :dohh: expecting AF tomorrow.

Made the mistake of explaining my chart to DH yesterday morning. He kind of looked over my shoulder at it. He was all bluster and ''oh don't get your hopes up - i'm not'' sort of thing. Then when he got in from work he looked at me and said ''well?'' meaning AF.

No pressure then. sigh. I prefer it when he has no idea.
Garfie hon I'm so sorry hon for you both

I agree misty it's better when they don't know, fxd for you though

Wow Halle is 46, I want to look like her now. Cool she's pregnant and filming Xmen, it'll be cool to see how they hide her bump especially in that very form fitting bodysuit. I love the last pirates of the caribean with them hiding Penelope's bump
Omg I just turned on my tv to see the clips of the Boston marathon and there were explosions at the finish line

Wow crazy people out there, races will now be different.
I always wanted to run that race also but 42 km/ 26.2 miles is a few years away
So sorry to hear Garfie. Hopefully the recurrent mc centre will have some answers or some standard treatment they give those with recurrent mc.

Agree barnibear the planning for a surprise is as much fun and to see their reaction is priceless.

Misty I would test tomorrow...even keep a drop of your first morning urine and if af doesn't arrive test it later in the day...
What if you do a search on ff 'for charts like mine' (yours in this case!) ..what % come back pregnancy charts?

Thanks all, my temp went back up althought had a crap nights sleep so not sure how reliable the temp is. Might just do one more temp tonight and then get dh to hide it.
Garfie, so sorry to hear that news. There's not a lot we can say but I'm pretty sure everyone of us understands what you're going through in a way that others can't. Sending you hugs. x
Pippi -
Charts Like Mine, but without asking for specific match for ov day, intercourse, etc = 36% preg.
Charts Like Mine with matching post ov temps = 54%

We are FF'ers through and through aren't we?! :blush::haha: So glad your temps are on the up hon. RELAX now! It'll all be good :thumbup:

PDMCD - just been watching about the bombings on BBC early news. Just awful. :nope: Those poor poor people :(

Hi to pussycat.

AFM - temps down a bit. Still high for this end of my cycle. No AF yet. DPO 17. Wondering if this is the start of peri menopause actually :cry: Really haven't the guts to test.

I too hate FF Misty....the false promise of a high percentage of pregnancy charts being like yours. You've dipped a bit this morning so guess you'll hold out for another day or too before testing.

My peak in my chart on sunday night was just a blip as they are back now near coverline. can't understand why they are so low when taking progesterone.
think I am definatley heading for a BFN. just need to get my head around in prep for bad news. Think if this is a BFN I'm going to ditch the thermomenter altogether....its not helping and all these sleepless nightes are doing noting for my health.
Aw pippi - hang in there. The temps may mean nothing at all!!!!! You're still above that cover line. This must feel like such a long week. I just cant imagine xxxxxxx

I looked at your chart in Faranheight. That's what i chart in. Isn't it funny how wildly different our average temps are isn't it? I seem to 'run hot'. I think my problem is i'm boiling them in the bag it seems!

<sorry - feeling fed up>


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