TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hello all!

Outside of college forums, I'm a ttc forum virgin! A short introduction: I am 39 years young, mother of 3 teenaged daughters, one of which turned 18 on the 16th! I've been divorced twice, but as the saying goes, "third time's a charm". I've been married for four years to a wonderful man 7 years my junior, who has no children, but has of course love for my daughters but wants kids of his own. I decided not to deprive him of that so, this is our 1st cycle ttc! Yes I was apprehensive at first, but slowly warmed to the idea of having at least one more for us as a couple. How do my teenage daughters feel about it? I'm sure they have their own internal worries, but all in all, they are pretty excited about the thought of having another, younger sibling. So, currently I am on cd 27 and the past week has been a bit tortuous, to say the least. When I conceived my girls it seemed almost effortless, but it's been 14 years since my youngest was born and feel very much so, out of my element! Researching until my head spins, temping myself into a fever:), observing cm until it all starts looking the same! Lol. I've tested uncontrollably early this month, and as I suspected, this rusty bod, yielded -'s! I did test early, wishful thinking I suppose, but it didn't upset me or break my spirit so it's ok. As my cycle stands now, af should arrive tomorrow if our efforts were unsuccessful. I will post again tomorrow with any updates-
Wishing much successful to all of you ttc!
Hi all,

Haven't been on in a while so I thought I'd pop in with a quick post.

Welcome talsavaza, this is a great place for chats, support and I guess venting once in a while. :winkwink:

Pippi - I'm still crossing everything for you.

Garfie - Amazing you should ask, I received my appointment this week. Its the 14th May so not too far away. I have almost a book of questions to complete before I go. They will refuse consulation if its not completed!! And it does say in the letter that they will not do any tests if I am pregnant. So that leaves me wondering if we should not ttc this month. I'm still waiting for AF, expected it this morning but its a no show. I did a test and its negative, and I'm actually relieved for the first time ever because I want these tests done. Although I will be worried until AF shows. If (hoping and praying I do) get pregnant again I want to throw everything at it, to give us the best chance. I will be very disappointed if I end up with nothing new prescribed after all this though. I've had a look on the internet and St Marys has a good rep so we'll see what happens. I'll happily keep you posted on what occurrs so you can compare and contrast with what happens at yours.

Mistty - Good luck with moving. I hate the whole packing up everything but strangely I like the opportunity to find a place for everything in the new place. Maybe that just makes me weird, I like everything to find a place. :haha:

Maddy, Maxxi, PDMC, Butterfly - Hello :wave: And hi to anyone else I haven't mentioned.

AFM - Well it was my birthday yesterday. I'm now 42. :nope: Can't believe it really. Its been 2 years since we lost our son and despite pregnancies no little one at home. I think I was dreading 42 because of what it means statistically. I'm just hoping that it won't make much difference. Hopefully the clinic appointment will rev up my positivity.
Tough day PDMC with AF arriving and your SIL having her baby.
Hopefully you'll feel better by the weekend and can just get the initial visit over and done with.

good luck Misty with the move, the movers price seems ok and its so worth it when you don't have to lift everything yourself. yea this move sounds a walk in the park in compairisions to your last move....

good luck with the tests Barnibear, yea probably you should n't ttc this month....wonder will they do tests on your first appointment thought or will that just be more a consultation where the test that you might need are booked ? it could be for the later appointments that they need you to be definately not pregnant.

welcome talsavaza.hope you get your BFP are younger than most of us on this forum as you actually have n't hit 40.
try not to obsess (easier to say than done) but if you don't get your BFB immediately it'll make it easier to cope.

good luck tomorrow with ec Maddy.

getting ready to bd Garfie as you must be near ovulation. hope you doing ok.

hello everyone, hope things ok with your butterfly and max

still bfn on hpts for me but still no af. we'll see what the beta reveals tomorrow
Pippi - Still got my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow BIG :hugs:

AFM - I thought (just for once) I would have a text book cycle - :haha: as if that would happen - FF hasn't said whether I have Od or not :wacko:

My temp rise got me all excited - but still I am getting POS OPK - What a wacky cycle again:wacko:

Any ideas ladies - or is just messed up AGAIN!:blush: chart in siggy again :happydance:

Barna - When I went to see a PROPER FS they took all my history from me and then booked appointments for me for certain dates in my cycles - CD1 - 5 (blood tests) 21 DPO (Blood tests) HSG CD 1-10 (ultrasound just before all my results were back in June) although that's not happening now:cry: so yes I am interested to see what your FS says and does - good luck hun :happydance:

Talz - Hi and welcome hun :flower:

PD - Sorry she got you what crap timing (not that there's ever a good time when you are TTC) - :hugs:


Pippi - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow

Garfie - If you're still got a positive OPK then keep on thinking you're in your fertile window because you may have revved up to ov but not quite done it yet. The only thing that confirms ov is that sustained temp shift.

We've been told in the letter to prepare for 3 to 4 hours for appointment and that I will have a US scan, then a consultation, then some blood will be taken. As yet what blood tests will occur will remain to be revealed. But I will keep you posted and hope it will be useful. This is a recurrent miscarriage clinic rather than a fertility clinic so I'm not sure whether they will just look at what could cause the problem or if they will do a full MOT.

Just want my AF to arrive now so I know where I stand. I hate being late with no line on a POAS because I worry if yet something else is going wrong. Paranoia is very much my middle name these days. :dohh:
thanks Barnibear....came back to wish you a belated Happy Birthday. I know you feel every year is a step backwards in terms of fertility..
Barn I fxd AF shows up for you soon this is weird saying it as a. Bfp is much prefered and hope your consultation goes as you want it to x
talsavaza hi and welcome lovely ladies in here and good luck with your TTC journey hopefully its a short 1 x
Pippi good luck for 2 Moro still hoping for you for rising numbers x
Garfie I have no idea sorry as I don't chart but compared to your last months chart that rise was 2 days earlier this cycle could something else have caused a temp rise and maybe like barn I said your still in your fertile phase , good luck anyway hopefully the next few days charting will help you understand it x
Misty god luck with the house move its nice to start afresh in a new house financing homes for all your things x
Hi everyone else am just responding to what I have read on this page but good luck TTC x
AFM dunno if I have o this month but am now on cd22 had no. O pains and don't temp so am just keeping my fxd for a bfp
Good luck everyone here's some :dust: :dust: for us all
Welcome talsavaza

Hi barnibear, happy belated bday ( I will be 42 in aug)

Pippi big big hugs

Hi garfie I don't chart so I'm clueless

Hi Maryann fx'd for you

So I'm beyond confused I went to the br yest with cramps and felt a gush -my panty liner was half full of old blood
I was expecting a flood as I'm on cycle day 52. But nothing
It's strange I kept going to the br expecting a soaker nothing
She gushed and died this is sucky I don't know what to expect

I'm finally ok with sil son it was the pregnacy and labour that bothered me, not him
I can't wait to buy a baby gift lol, and babycuddling. I actually feel sorry for them now she's off on may leave at 50% of her part time income and he's on unemployment also I can't imagine the financial burden for them at this time.

Today I'm a klutz I trip carrying a big box down the stairs outside I fell I the box. My first thought is - Are my pants dirty ( I'm behind in laundry) not am I hurt lol.
My ankle knee and elbow are tender still.
Them I spilled yoghurt on my blouse fun day

I guess I'm resting from the gym and running for a couple of days

Waves to everyone else
Jeez I don't know pdmc...old blood and then noting. Unless it kinda got stuck on the way down..and then it all came together and was darker in colour.

Seems to be the week for falling, although I was wearing trousers so no need to worry about my pants ! I was sorer the day after falling but starting to feel normal again.
Glad you ok re the baby and its nice to be looking forward to buying cute outfits for him.

Have to admire you maryanne for not charting and POAS at ovulation fertility consultant told me to stop doing all the 'monitoring' i was doing but so far I have ignored him.

checked out ur chart Garfie..not sure, I'd say keep bd as you really can't tell if your have ovulated. Are you really getting strong positive on Opk for 4 days? Which day was the strongest band...that's the day I'd take as the day before ovulation, I get a fade in and out pattern but unless the 2 bands are equal or test is stronger i count it as negative.
Pippi aren't trouser just dressier pants with cuffs?

That's what I call them now off to google
Roflol are pants in the UK underware?

Pants in Canada mean long pants, trouser are more tailored dress pants usually with cuff and a belt buckles

You all must have laughed at my pants comment

I guess irks like here a thing is undies but in Australia there flip flops

Too cute :)
Ha ha pdmc.

I meant trousers as just black long legged chinos/jeans
When I said pants i meant knickers/underwear...that's what I thought you meant!
Thought you meant that you were wearing a dress and it blew up or something when you fell and that everyone saw your underwear !
Ha ha! Divided by a common language! Isn't that what they say? Years ago i was good friends with a lady from America and she was horrified that we use the word 'fag' for cigarette, and i was horrified that she used the word 'fanny' for bottom :haha: She once asked me if i was going to wear pants to where we were going together the next day and i was :shock::haha:

PDMCD - glad you're not hurt. i'm sorry to hear AF is being odd. I'm not surprised though, tbh. I find when mine is late it's either very light or very heavy or just ... odd, like yours is being. Glad to hear you are chilled about baby :happydance: It IS just the pregnancy isn't it? Weird.

Garfie - part of the reason i gave up with OPKs is because there didn't seem to be an end to my positives once they started and it confused the heck out of me :hugs:

Barnie - belated Happy Birthday :cake: and i know exactly what you mean about looking forward to putting stuff in it's new place! Th house we're going to is a little bigger and mentally i'm sorting everything out for the better :haha::haha:

Marryanne - :wave:

Pippi - eyes, fingers, toes and legs crossed here :thumbup:

Welcome - talsavaza

Nise - are you out there? :friends:

AFM - my temps are too high. I don't know if it's 'cos it's warmer at night or what???? :wacko: Busy day and going to see Phantom of the Opera tonight :happydance: It's a treat for DD's 18th.

yea...always have to pause for a second when I hear Americans say fanny !

Think AF is on her way....spotting this morning. just trying to get throught the next few hours in work and let myself deal with it when I get home. Although I am pretty prepared after the low results last Friday I still need to have a little cry.
Thanks barnibear.
Levels back to 8 and have af now. Feeling a bit sorry for myself and crying a lot...but at least we know now. This last week not knowing had been hard.
They classed it as a biochemical pregnancy....nurse said a glimmer of hope as something happened. however i don't think it'll ever happen for us...even if we go again...even if we can afford it. I'll be 43 at the end of June and it just feels so much older....ust need to deal with this bfn first and deal with that later...

Hope your egg collection went well today maddy....
Pippi - Aw so so sorry hun BIG hugs:cry:

AFM - Day 5 POS OPK wth:blush:


:hi: Lol, Misty - yes I am - just been snowed under. Things are going really well with K, though I don't get much time to myself these days, not that I'm complaining - she's a fab little girl and lots of fun. Bit annoyed that I had to return to work, but we can't live on fresh air alone - Also been trying to sort the financial stuff out with Social Services - K's social worker left very suddenly without a word and so I had to re-write a lot of stuff in order to explain everything to her new SW. He came to visit today and we got some good news - they are going to reimburse the money it cost to adapt our home as a one off payment - it's been a struggle getting that but they were morally wrong and not working within their own remits so it had to be fought, otherwise they will just continue to take advantage of people. At least we can get back on the level ground we worked so hard to get on last year - I suppose it's better late than never.

K has settled in really well and is very happy. She started Dramarama last Sat which is Street Dance, Drama and Musical theatre. She loves it and I get a few hours to do the shopping and stuff un-hindered. They get to put on a show in June, I can't wait.

Anyway, I will try and catch up with everyone over the next week or so but in the mean time I hope you all enjoy the weekend. :hugs:
Pippi hon I'm so sorry, big hug for you and hubby. I wish I could do something more for you, if you were here I'd bring you food and alcohol.

Nise so wonderful about lg!!!!! Your blessed now.

Garfie please enlighten me what is fanny in the UK?
I love that a fag is a cigarette there, definitely far from our meaning here. Not that we use that term these days

So I'm spotting again so I'm thinking she's coming figures were going to the inlaws for the weekend ( praying no flooding)

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