Oh my God thank you so much ladies

My very own

s. I never truly thought i'd see the day.
I've been useless all day since i took the test! Just ....... so happy. Staring into space. Burned the dinner, lol. Jim is absolutely over the moon. He's treating me like a piece of fine china.
Pippi - i know!

Oh my God girls. If i can do it you can all do it!!!!!!
Special hugs for lovely
Spoomie. I
knew you were lurking!
PieceofPie - i really think you have bought a little bit of Jamaican magic to the thread!
Praying now that i can keep this little bean in place.
I decided i was going to test today when i found a Clear Blue in the back of my bedside drawer late this morning. I took it as a sign. I thought 'why torture yourself any longer'. It was the 2nd of a two pack i'd bought ages ago. It came up + in about 3 seconds. I looked at it and thought just do it. I took my mum to a hospital appt. and got back home all shaky and just peed on the stick!
Sorry for this great long ramble - but does anyone remember me telling on this thread about the big family meal we got called to in a restaurant about 2 weeks after i lost our baby in 2010 ... and it was a big surprise pregnancy announcement by DHs brother ... and it was pure torture with scan pics and chatting about new mother hood for 4 solid hours ... and me trying not to cry the whole way though? Well - we've not been back to that restaurant since. And yesterday DHs mum announced she has organised a 40th birthday meal there for DHs brother
this Saturday. Another reason why i wanted an answer either way before Friday. I couldn't face sitting in that same bloody restaurant feeling like shite again, having just had a neg test.
I'll shush now!!

and hugs to all xxxxxxx