Pippi + Butterfly - Oooh that's really weird, i was going to post later today to say 'help me i can't stop temping'! lol. I have been 'doing' FF, my temps have still been up in the 99's. (except today when they dropped a little, but then i temped at
- i just cant sleep!) When i click on my own signature here i see the chart updated but no green line. When i go on FF directly i do have a green line since Tuesday.
Butterfly - Saturday seems a funny day to start. Or is it me

Be thinking of you tomorrow and sending good vibes anyway.
How is everyone?
Boobs are agony and i'm tired all the time but i'm not complaining. Nausea is bad but i'm not complaining about that either! Never been so happy to feel so bloody awful
DH and i are trying to decide on a private clinic to have the nuchal scan at, at the moment. Amazing how the joy is mixed with such huge worry. The one i went to before likes you to go in at 9 weeks for bloods and a quick scan, then 11/12 weeks for the nuchal scan. You don't get long before the blissful happy haze has to part and all the scary stuff begins

Just dawned on me the other day that we have to choose and register with a new doc asap. as well. Sad to leave my old one, but on Monday we will be living out of the catchment area. Stress stress! New hospital as well! Don't even know which one it will be. Could be Rugby or Northampton. I've heard allot of bad things about one of them
I do hope it's ok for me to still pop in here. It feels like home. I showed DH all the congrats and he was very moved by all your lovely messages