Oh Garfie my love. I am so so sorry. Nothing any of us can say will ease the pain but i'm sending you both love and strength. What a horrible shock.
Please do stay with us. There maybe some comfort we can give you.
We've been back online for precicely half an hour. Was meant to be yesterday. The first thing i've done is log on here to see how my ladies are. My last little post was a rushed one done in Costa on their free internet. With my bloody great lap top all over the table. I had to do some banking stuff, check a million emails and get a line off to you guys all in about 10 mins! So sad for your last update to be such tragic news Garfie.
Pippi - i feel for you on the ''small BD window pressure to time it right'' front. Thankfully DH has always managed to 'deliver', but i'm very familiar with that 'forcing them into it' feeling. It takes away all the joy. It's much easier for us physically at that point i suppose. We really only have to be there and be willing ..... they have to actually have an orgasm. I'm pretty sure i couldn't do that on demand.
I stopped temping because DH was having to log onto FF on his phone to do it for me and then FF got all funny and started saying it no longer knew my ov day


so i thought bugger this - and stopped.
PDMCD - lord woman you must be literally wrung out! Take that iron supplement. I'm so sorry to hear you're having to go through this. When are you seeing someone to sort it?
Maddy - with you on the tiredness, bloated, emotional mess'ness. I cried all through my scan last week. 2nd midwife appt. later today. Sobbed all over her last time, 2 weeks ago

she's probably dreading me coming in! Really must get a grip
Butterfly -

Everything crossed here for you.
To all: I've caught up with everyone and am wishing everyone well. Lovely to see so many old faces popping in. Don't feel i can do personals for all or it will turn epic! PoP where are you hun?
Great to be back, and thank you for all your thoughts xxxxxxxxxxxxxx