PDMCD - Don't leave the thread

We are all hoping this bleeding is sorted as quickly as possible for you. It seems madness that you have been suffering like this over two months now! Keep us posted. The decision to give up ttc is a huge one. Go with what feels right - as we all must

The running goals sound great. I envy your drive! xxx
Pippi - cars, cars, cars!!!! i feel for you. We put DHs work van through its MOT yesterday and it cost £400

(although alot of that was work on the suspension rods - or something?

) My car's MOT is due Monday. It'll have to wait though, 'cos i need it to drive down to London for this Harmony test that day. sigh. More £££££££.
Butterfly - What's all this????? Negative thoughts WILL NOT DO!!! (This from the QUEEN of negative thoughts

) What's the plan hon? Will you just test at home? Do you have to return to the clinic for a test? And when? We're all

with you

So exciting!
Nise - lol - well, in the doc's at the village i just left, an old aquaintance whom i have chatted and gossiped with on and off for years appeared through the curtain to do my smear test last time

That was quite a strange experience! We would normally have our chats while walking through the village, now i was there on my back, knickers off with my legs akimbo in front of her

! I knew she was medically trained as she was the school nurse for a long while. I knew she had left the school, but I didn't know she had joined the practice nurses at our clinic. (she did a bloody good job anyway. Only time i havnt bled like crazy after a smear).
AFM - 10+5. tummy's tender, and tiredness in the afternoon/evening is almost debilitating. DH was building kitchen cupboards after tea last night and i hardly had the strength to stay awake to give moral support, let alone help.
How are all the ladies out there? Barnie? Maryanne? Pussycat?