Garfie - lol, we weren't actually swinging from the chandelier (re: BD)

but have really only just relaxed after that big hemorrhage at 15 weeks. Until now DH has been more ... restrained

(digging a bigger hole here! i'll shut up) Your chart ... hmmmm ... FF really wants you to have ov'd on CD9 doesnt it? I don't think so myself. I think this dip is either a post ov dip (ov'd on CD18 - i know there was a neg OPK, but you had CM) OR it's a pre ov dip and your temp will rise now. Watching ... xxx Oh and my back? Well believe it or not it 'went' as i bent slightly to flush the loo last Monday morning!

Trapped nerve probably. It was funny - but agony! x
Pippi - CD2

Your charts are staring to look like mine were. No point in temping during AF, and healthier to stop after confirmed ov
Barnie - re: DH against DE. I think mine might struggle with that too. I can't wait for your ICSI round to begin. Very excited for you and all rev'd up for you here!

x (
pippi and you! It's not long now ay?

Glad to hear all is good. Yes - slower sums it up nicely i recon. Slower up the stairs. Slower to turn over in bed. Slower in and out of car. Still having MS, but that's the hormones hey. DH is gagging and retching in the mornings too; as he is on litter tray duty and struggles a bit

Pussycat - Early 2014 is not far away

Everything crossed in the meantime of course. It happened to me after 26 cycles of trying every month and getting nothing ... take courage. I hope its ok to say that
AFM - No more blood thank goodness. London trip on Sat went fine. VERY baby orientated with 17 month old niece and 16 month old nephew running around. 6 months ago i would have found it pretty awful to bare. I watched DH playing with his older nephew - 6 yo - and he was more relaxed and happy than in the past too. My ankles decided to puff up majorly in the middle of all this. Odd - no puffiness since that hot spell in Aug. Felt a bit pathetic having to sit with my feet up like Granny - but they went down over Sat night. Oh the glamor of it all
Masses of

and love all round xxx