TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hi everyone,

Seems to go through peaks and troughs with activity on here.

Hope all you pregnant ladies doing well and looking forward to 2014 babies

Garfie, I see you are getting some negative opks...which surely must be a good thing

How's everyone else, pussycat, barnibear...and any others I have missed.

Paid for our 2nd (and last ivf) the other day and just now arranging dates etc with clinic.
My dh was with our gp this morning and when he mentioned we were having ivf again she said I should get my thyroid bloods done again before we cycle. So mad dash to get my test done this morning as if they don't come back ok I will have a day or two to think about what I will do (getting first injection to temporarily shut down my hormones on the 18th). Fingers crossed that its ok.... Kicking myself that I was not more proactive and had got it done a few weeks ago as I did think about getting it rechecked...just never got around to it.
Pippi - It's a shame we are on such a time scale isn't it - always rushing here and there:dohh: wouldn't it just be nice to take our time and be able to have babies until we said ENOUGH:happydance: Good luck hun does that mean treatment will begin in 2014?:hugs:

I seem to wish my life away since TTC - I hear and read on other forums saying I've been trying two months - why isn't it happening :growlmad: I just wanna grab them by the short and curlies and shake them - am I bad:blush:

AFM - I invested in a ferning thing this month - I must be getting desperate :wacko: anyway I never saw anything for days and then all of a sudden wow it looked really pretty - so let's hope that means I have Od:happydance:

Good luck as always ladies


I'm hoping to have ivf at the start of December...hence the worry if my thyroid is a bit off. I'll have to cancel at short notice.

See from your chart that you are putting in fern results.. Well its good to have another check for ovulation since your opks are a bit off wack at the minute.

I know what you mean about those complaining of not getting pregnant immediately....imagine being ttc for 2 months with no luck !!!!
Maybe I'd feel like that if I was in my 20s but thought its a pretty well known fact that it can take a few months...
I really only check out this thread and a thread where people who are having fertility treatment at my clinic post. I stay away from others...

If this ivf does nt work I think I'll scale things back a bit, accept it may never happen..keep trying but just try not focus so much on it (if that's possible) and hopefully not let it rule my life.
Hi Garfie, Pipi, Mistyy, butterfly, Maddy and anyone else I have forgotten.

just popped in to catch up with the posts and will write properly later when had time to catch up.

Can't believe all you ladies are so far gone, seems like yesterday when you were getting your BFP

Been to Tenerife for half term chasing the sun so just catching up with everything. Nothing on the pg front to report but I am feeling more relaxed about it and if meant to be it will be :)
Welcome back Booth, hoping your relaxed attitude will rub off on me

Great Time to be away getting a little bit of sun...I find a holiday ofton gives one a bit of perspective too...
Hi ladies :hi:

Glad to hear you are going ahead with he ivf Pippi (thyroid permitting). I remember we had discussions about levels before but I can't remember what yours was :wacko: My TSH was 4.0 but my GP classed that as normal so they didn't do anything. I took a herbal supplement for a few weeks/months before the ivf but I never got retested soi don't know if it made any difference :shrug:

Fingers crossed levels come back ok :thumbup:

Booth glad you had a lovely break in the sun and are feeling relaxed :)

Garfie, crossing fingers for some cross hairs :flower:

Pippi - i don't/didn't go on any other sites either. I always feel as if i would be the voice of doom if i joined a forum where people were starting ttc in September fully expecting ''a bump for xmas''. Hollow laugh! I'm so glad to read about your IVF plans. When will you get your thyroid results back? Tomorrow?

Garfie - ferning! That alwaays fascinated me - but i never had a go. Anthing that helps make sense of our cycles is worth a go IMO. Especially something as easy and accessible as saliva testing.

:wave: to Booth and Butterfly - holls sounds lovely booth, and how are you feeling butterfly?

AFM - time is flying. I'm in my 30th week now. I have found my appetite has dwindled lower and lower to non existent last few weeks. Very strange. Bump is right for dates, but i'm barely eating! There was me thinking i'd be a pig and put on loads of weight with a good excuse! I just don't fancy anything. (With, for some reason, the possible exception of (ice cold) Coke or Pepsi. Which i usually hate! :wacko::wacko::wacko: But i'm not allowing myself either - basically because caffeine blocks the absorption of vitamins. And it's VERY empty calories. Oh and not least because they make me fart allot :haha: :rofl:) But i'm no imminent danger of wasting away ... i was probably about a stone over my correct body weight when i fell preg. I'm no fragile waif, lol.

How's everyone else? Maddy, Barnie, Nice and you others? :hugs:

I'm hoping my appetite does the same mistyy :haha: I'm still eating like a pig :blush:
Hey ladies :hi:

Pippi...yay for another round of IVF. Fingers-crossed you'll have your BFP before Misty and I pop ours out :winkwink:

Garfie...the 'ferning thing' sounds intriguing - let's hope it's predicted something wonderful :hugs:

Booth...Oh the mention of sun is wonderful...we've had 2 very sunny summer-like days here in my part of Australia but yesterday and today it's been 12 degrees Celsius (54 Farenheit) :growlmad:

Nise...Hoping no update means good things! If you recall, I had a relatively smooth settling in with both of my older adopted kids :thumbup: so I'm hoping it's continued to be much the same for you :flower:

BF...I think the appetite changes as you go along. I wouldn't worry about eating like a pig :icecream::munch: your bump is so teensy.

Mistyy...welcome to 30 weeks :happydance: My appetite has gone too! I am hungry at breakfast but after toast and a cup of tea I'm done. And when I do eat it's hard to sit down comfortably for hours afterwards as I can't breathe deeply, feels like my stomach is sitting on my lungs. Oh the joys!

AFM now 30+3 and doing well. Still waiting for DH to finish painting the nursery but I think we've basically got everything we need now, courtesy of my office baby shower :haha: Although if it was set up (instead of in boxes everywhere) I would be happier.
Hello all,

Misty, I though all pregnant women were hungry all the time apart from if they have Ms. Well once you are getting enough vitamins etc not having a big appetite is good as there's less to loose after. Yes stay away from the coke/pepsi. I hate fizzy drinks....probably as we never got them as mum splashed out on diluted orange at birthdays! We never knew any different ..the joys of growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere.
But hopefully despite the lack of appetite that you have enough reserves!! :winkwink:

Good to see bf you making up for mistys lack of appetite. Yea seems conflicting options on thyroid...just when you are desperate you clutch at straws however tenuous they are.

I hear NHS are offering vouchers to new mums to breast feed babies misty and heed! Might offset some of there ivf cost butterfly! But its only a trial initially in certain areas...voucher of £200. But the problem they said is how to stop some of the mums spending it on alcohol and cigarettes. I guess the ones who need the financial incentive to bf are the most likely to abuse it.

Thanks for the well wishes maddy, no pressure then to have a bfp before January ! Exciting to have the nursery almost ready....

Nice red crosshairs last!
Seems a bit off with opks and ferns but at least its a start.

My tsh came back at 2.09. In July it was 1.6 so a bit of an increase now (before I started on meds it was around 4). I have read on forums that it should be 2 or less. my clinic said to get it below 2.5 so hopefully 2.09 is ok. My clinic are not making it a prerequisite to have it below 2.5 but I don't want to waste money if everything is not perfect.
2.09 is not far off 2 anyway....
I think unless it was significantly higher would I consider postponing at this stage...
This is what I thought Pippi but Ladies so I got my CD21/22 blood test result back and it was 10 - I was fairly happy with that score (pos 3DPO) see chart.

My dr (or should I say the receptionist) said 10 sorry no ovulation - :growlmad: and now I can't speak to my Dr until Thursday:growlmad: to see what all this means.

From what I know a 10 is okay right? showing I have Od - once again it is the stupid Drs thinking every woman Ovulates day 14 and has a period day 28.

So in theory if she thinks I have not Od what will she do?

I will try and catch up later - but I have had a crap day at work and now I can't even speak to my Dr:growlmad:

Misty/Mandy - sorry you are not able to eat much - just so long as you are getting enough from the food you are eating which you obviously are :happydance:

BF - So pleased you still have your appetite - you still have a bit more growing to do though:hugs:

Pippi - Hope IVF works for you not long now :hugs:

I'm about to watch the BF thing on the news - I also think it will be open to abuse - so sad:cry: 6mth for £200 of vouchers :wacko:


2.09 sounds like a great number Pippi, I wouldn't stress about that at all :thumbup:

Garfie, sometimes the docs have no idea :dohh: Your chart def looks more like you O'd when it said so really you might as well ignore that number :growlmad:
Garfei, not sure when you had progesterone tested etc...if it was this cycle etc but I think it needs to be around 30 to confirm ovulation, mine was around 24-27 at 6-7 dpo. Why don't you get it done again on Friday or next Monday...if you did ovulate last weekend levels should have increased by then....and you would now hope for something around 30.
Pippi - a + OPK yesterday. Good stuff :thumbup: I agree that 2.09 seems a good number (from what you have taught us here :) ) that IS very close to 2 or less! What happens next? Yes - i was surprised to find myself not hungry. I am taking preg. vits. every day ...

Garfie - chin up lovely :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I was going to ask when you had the test. I only know what i'm learning from you ladies about no.s, but what pippi said re: re-testing soon sounds sensible. I'd be miffed about getting the info from the doc's receptionist too. That doesn't seem right. She can't answer your questions! Looking at your chart it looks like your cross hairs are about right. It still amazes me that the female reproductive cycle is such a mystery to modern science for goodness sake!!!

My (new since moving) GP and MW are a mixed bag, to be honest. They're all perfectly nice folk (even the receptionists, lol) face to face, but info exchange seems so slow, and no sense of urgency about anything. I had to have a gestational glucose intolerance test last Wednesday. The midwife arranged it for me due to triedness, sickness, lack of appetite and because diabetes runs in the family. She organised it for me saying she wanted it asap. I had to fast, go to local hospital, then have blood test, drink yucky stuff, sit still in waiting room for 2 hours, 2nd blood test, go home. Results would be with GP Friday, i was to ring then. Well, i rang Friday and the results were there but no one had looked at them. Someone would ring me back. Nothing. Waited till Mon. morn. Rang again, yes, receptionist: 'the results are here on the computer - do you want them? Will you understand them, it's all just hemoglobin levels?' :wacko: I said no, i wont understand the figures, i need a doc to look at them :wacko: Oh, i'll get someone to ring you back. Nothing. I rang Tuesday am. Same thing. Results still just sat there on the desk. (The MW only goes into the medical center one morning every two weeks - she serves about 8 villages.) I'm like: well - this was supposed to be asap! Now it's a week since my test! Supposing i'm diabetic!? It's bad for baby! So she finally got a doc to ring me. No diabetes - that was the good news. Bad news is my red blood cells are shrunk (?) and my hemoglobin levels are very very low. Hence the knackeredness. Wont harm baby but it's why i'm on my knees by 3pm every day and possibly why i have no appetite. Advice? We'll test you again in FOUR WEEKS!?!?! I'll have nearly had the baby by then! :roll: MW is still only seeing me every 4 weeks. The 2 times i have tried to ring her on her mobile in the last 30 weeks she hasn't responded :dohh:

I dunno. I just feel like there's something missing in maternity care these days. I lurk around on the pregnancy bit of Mumsnet sometimes, and lots of ladies are finding they are being left in limbo for weeks at a time.

ANYWAY! lol. I'm self medicating with bananas and apricots. It seems the foods most rich in iron are the ones which go black after peeling. ie: potatoes, advocados and bananas. Greens are good, but not as good as those others. Good tip for us all.

Re: breast feeding shopping vouchers - yes, it would seem an odd way to motivate new mums. Also another way to make those who struggle to BF feel inadequate/failing. I'm wondering if it is to balance up somehow with the fact that (apparently) formula feeding mums get given vouchers towards the cost of the formula :shrug::shrug: Breast feeding is cheaper anyway though :wacko::wacko: (Glad i'm not in charge :haha:)

Love to all - keep us informed ladies xxxxxxxxxxx
That sounds crazy mistyy, what a lack of care on their part. I am also on my knees by about 3 or 4pm so if my appetite drops off I'll keep an eye on things :thumbup:

Garfie what pippi said sounds wise, if they would let you retake the test. But knowing the docs they would probably think you didn't know what you are talking about :growlmad::growlmad::hugs:

Well I've calmed down now:haha: yes it was taken at 3DPO (you know because of course I O on Day 14:haha:)

So I thought a 10 was fine for that early on??????:shrug::shrug::shrug:

Misty - There is deff something missing in the Maternity System - both for those of us trying and when we get pregnant to just having the reassurance that everything is fine:hugs:

I can't believe you have had to wait this long for some important results - mind you I supposed it's better than the receptionist thinking she's a doc and giving you incorrect info:wacko:

Regards the BF it's being rolled out in Sheffield/Derby I think - so it wouldn't effect me anyway. I think money off formula etc is only given if you are on certain benefits - I could be wrong it's been that long ago since I was in the system :haha:

BF - Yes it is important to eat whilst growing your little one - but like Misty said if there's a reason the appetite disappears it needs looking into a addressed - I never had that problem with my boys :haha:

Pippi - I was feeling okay until the receptionist said - no ovulation my thought is that 10 is fine so long as it rises right:shrug: - I will call her back Thursday should be interesting to hear what she has to say :dohh: Your number should be fine hun - are the docs concerned at all? so you could have a Christmas BFP :happydance::happydance:

Regarding the ferning once it ferned I stopped not realising that like an OPK I may get a second surge:wacko: still a learning curve:winkwink:

AFM - Was expecting FF to take away cross hairs - but no for now I am still 4DPO hopefully I will get a chance to POAS this month and feed my addiction:haha:

Love to you all:hugs:


That's desperate misty. The docs in my gp seem to go through the results that day as when I get a print out I can see they day they said it was normal etc.
Now I just ask the receptionist for the results if its something I am repeating and I know what I am looking for. Yea but for diabetes and definately want the gp interpreting that and not DR google.
Well at least you have explanation for tierdness...did they not recommend an iron supplement ? Maybe even talk to your pharmcist ... See what they would recommend.

Yes i ovulating today I think Misty. Not doing a lot of bd this month as don't think you are supposed to be ttc when getting the down reg injection and also getting my uterus 'scratched' (supposed to help implantation) at the same time. Waving a wand with probably a hook on it about there and scratching the lining not probably great if something nestling in there (fat chance of that).

10 is ok pre ovulation Garfie. What actual date did you have the test done?
It should be done 7 day post YOUR ovulation. ...but definatley worth repeating in the next few days if you can.

Waiting here for ivf drugs...they were suppose to arrive by 12.30 and still no sign. Hope they ok on ice packs....
Courier was 30 min away 40 minutes ago.
Hi everyone,

I've been stalking occasionally but just wanted to check in with you all.

Mistty -The medical profession and maternity does leave much to be desired. Im surprised you haven't been given mega iron tablets because the same thing has happened to my sister in all her pregnancies. 4 weeks seems a ridiculous time to wait.

Pippi - good luck with this round of ivf. I had a scratch when they did my hysteroscopy and before my iui and although uncomfortable its meant to do good things for implantation.

Hi to everyone else, Garfie, Booth, Butterfly and anyone else I've forgotten to mention.

AFM - ivf this month. So many injections!! No down reg for me, went straight in there. Only got 5 eggs, 3 have fertilised. Transfer tomorrow, hopefully the fertilised eggs will all be growers and look good tomorrow. Fingers crossed this will be the one, and happy times are ahead. I feel that I need a change of luck because I feel that Ive had enough bad now. Not sure if I could take much more.
Anyone else sick of that bloomin Aptamil ad at the top here! Keeps taking over the screen!

Barnie - hi lovely :wave: Fingers, eyes, toes and legs crossed here for you for the transfer. It's today? Let us know how you get on :thumbup: You so deserve some good luck now :thumbup:

Pippi - did your drugs turn up? That must be nail biting!

Garfie and Butterfly and everyone - :hugs:

AFM - well i have given up on getting anywhere with my lack of iron :( On ... Wednesday i think, i rang the docs to get this blood test for hemoglobin level booked. I said to receptionist i'd like to book a blood test with the nurse B4 my next appt. with MW, which is the 5th Dec. She said i cant do that - doc (the one i finally spoke to on the phone on Tue) has written on your notes that you have just started an iron supplement and he want to give it 4 weeks B4 the next test.

Ay? :wacko: I haven't just started an iron supplement?! I told him on the phone that i had been taking a supplement for the last 30 weeks! :dohh::dohh:

So ... i rang the MW. Answer machine - don't leave a message, please leave a text. So i left a long text saying what shall i do? She texted back (hooray, first time ever!) saying ''i'm in the surgery tomorrow, i'll look at your results and then ring you''. Thursday came and went. No call. I texted her on Friday morning saying simply ''you were going to ring - you havn't'' (slightly pee'd off now) ... nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero contact. sigh.

It's 18 days till my next appt. with her. I'm just going to wait till then and if/when she mentions blood tests and iron i'll just tell her i've given up with it all as the stress and crossness of trying to get anyone to bloody talk to me just isn't worth it! I've been dead tired this long, i might as well carry on :brat::hissy::headspin:

(passive aggressive much?:winkwink:)

Hi ladies :flower: a quick drop-in to say Good Luck with your transfer Barnabibear :hugs: May this be the start of something wonderful.

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