TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Barnie - :cry: I'm so sorry, lovely. You know your own body and were expecting this i think, but it doesn't make it any less crushing. Is hubby home? If not is he home soon for xmas? :hug:

Pippi - fingers and eyes and everything crossed here :thumbup: It's all very complicated to the untrained ear, but i'm lurking an sending all my best vibes! What's the next step?

Garfie - Scan today! Hope all goes well, let us know how you get on. Thinking of you :hugs:

Butterfly and Maddie - :wave:

AFM - all good. 'Twas my B/day on Saturday. Very low key affair, lol. Lovely cards and flowers and slobbed on sofa with DH. I cooked a nice steak and chips dinner for 6 in the evening, with all the trimmings - onion rings, tom's, mushrooms, peppercorn sauce and crusty bread - then sat on my behind and left everyone else to clear up and serve me profiteroles :happydance::angelnot: All sat down together then and watched a film, and i went to sleep through it! Living the high life ay? :haha:

Love and hugs to all xxxx

misty; Just keep stabbing myself with an injection every night until I have a scan on Friday. I expect I'll have to do another few injections for a few days after than and then its in for egg collection.

They said my ovaries have to go from size of walnuts to size of oranges (did not ask it it was just wee small oranges or the big huge extra juicy ones they were referring to but last time it felt like it was the extra large ones !!!)

Happy belated birthday wishes...sounds like a perfect day...enjoy nights like won't have many like that in a few weeks time !

Must check your blog out butterfly...thanks for the well wishes.
Barnie, so sorry hon. To answer your question re after IVF, My cycles are pretty irregular anyway, and I've been on fertility drugs for a lot of the last 12 months so my poor body doesn't really know what it's meant to be doing. I think after one of my IVFs I had a late Ov and 36 day cycle and really I've varied a lot. I always found that I had to stop taking the progesterone for AF to turn up. I've been getting back to a more regular 30 day cycle these past couple of months since I've been off the meds. I'm not sure how much of the irregularity is down to all I've put my body through, or just that I'm getting old and reaching the end of my 'fertile' time. It's a hard time, but you'll get through this. xx
:wave: @ pussycat - hi there x

Pippi - ... oranges? oranges?? ovaries the size of oranges?? Well i never! :headspin: Every day's a school day :D

Well done you for injecting yourself - (and that goes for all the ladies here who are doing/have done IVF) - i'm a bit squeemish when it comes to needles.

Lol Misty. The day before egg collection i really did feel all bloated and not surprising. when the eggs are mature, the follicle is about 18mm-20mm...if you have say 6 follicles each side, that's about 6 cm so I guess that's pretty close to the size of an Orange.
Don't know if that's how to calculate things...

Off for my scan tomorrow so need to leave home at 6.30am.....then back to work for a job interview. Would so love a big glass of wine tomorrow evening !

Misty, Has the iron improved your fatigue ?

Hope you doing ok Barnie...are you having a review apt with the clinic ?
Pippi... hope the scan was good and your 'oranges' are productive :haha:

Garfie... was your scan okay :hugs:

Mistyy... happy late birthday :cake: Less than 50 days to go!!!

Pussycat... :hi: how's it going?

Butterfly... hope the house is coming along :thumbup:

AFM only 14 days of work left before I begin maternity leave :happydance:
Maddy - :wave: You're working quite close to due date then. Take care. How are you feeling? Thanks for the cake :thumbup: Yes, not long now. Yesterday MW said baby's head was ''well down''. I can feel it too. Bit early for engaging. Perhaps she'll come up a bit again soon? Who knows :coffee::haha:

Pippi - bless. I can imagine you must have felt bloated. It's all just amazing stuff though isn't it? You'll have had your scan by now, hope it all went well. Good vibes for the job interview today too :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Yes i think i feel a bit better on the extra iron thank you. The MW has concerns over my urine sample now :roll: So has sent it off for testing. Protein and something else i can't remembrer in it. Also she has booked me in to go see a consultant next Tuesday. Perhaps another scan? Plus she's arranged to come and see me at home in two weeks!!!! Do you think she is trying to make up for practically ignoring me for the last 7 months? :haha::haha:

:dust::dust::dust: :xmas9:
14 fast Maddy...seems only like the other day you got your bfp.
Bet you looking forward to a bit of time for yourself before d-day.

glad you feeling a bit better misty...hope the iron not giving you too much constipation !
Nice to hear you are at last getting some attention....even if it is guilt on her part. I suppose she has to keep a closer eye on you now that you are getting further on...
Hope the urine turns out ok or its something easily corrected. Quiz the consultant on Tuesday.

Thanks girls/ladies (!) for the well wishes. scan went well today...8 follices on one side and I think about 6 on the other. All around 12-16 mm so good sizes. So in for egg collection on Tuesday morning. Dr said everything looks fantastic ! But I know fantastic does not translate into a bfp...

Interview in work...went never knows. The questions were so long by the time I had answered the first part I had forgotten the 2nd and 3rd part of the questions. Just glad I can forgot about trying to think about hundreds of different ways to say how great i am !
Pippi that sounds great. Do you mind me asking what meds and doses you're on? You've got much better results than me. I'm still waiting for my review appointment to come through and when I go I wantto speak about my meds, my follicles were so out of sync. Really appreciate any info you can give, but only if you don't mind.

Maddy, wow time has really flown... that goes for you too Mistty. You'll have your bubbas in your arms soon.

Pussycat, thanks for letting me know. To be honest id like a very late ovulation to time ut with hubby coming home otherwise theres no chance of even trying au natural.

Hi to Garfie and Butterfly. How did the scan go Garfie?
Pippi that sounds great. Do you mind me asking what meds and doses you're on? You've got much better results than me. I'm still waiting for my review appointment to come through and when I go I wantto speak about my meds, my follicles were so out of sync. Really appreciate any info you can give, but only if you don't mind.

Maddy, wow time has really flown... that goes for you too Mistty. You'll have your bubbas in your arms soon.

Pussycat, thanks for letting me know. To be honest id like a very late ovulation to time ut with hubby coming home otherwise theres no chance of even trying au natural.

Hi to Garfie and Butterfly. How did the scan go Garfie?
Hi Barnie.

I am on a long prototocol. They down regulate me (put all follices development on hold) with prostrap injection. Then when AF arrives I started stimm injection with 200units menopur. I only needed 8 days of injections both times. The first 2 days I inject twice and then one a day after that.
I think I respond quite quickly though...They said I have high amh (came back at approx 13) for my maybe that's why. Did you get yours tested ?

My clinic decided on what protocol to use based on age, amh and the number of developing follices they could see when I went for a consultation.
So its not a given that the same protocol would work for you...but its worth quizzing them on why they chose the protocol they are using for you....
But its quality not quantity....12-16 crap eggs won't get me any place....

My ovulation was definatly a week later after my last ivf so hopefully you'll be same and dh will be back. Don't know how you cope with a Bfn and having you dh away. You must be very strong....don't think I could do it.:nope:

Hello everyone else...
Pippi, fab number of follicles! I only ever got 3-4, but my AMH is only 1.9 now :( I do wonder whether I would have responded better to a lower Dose of Menopur, I was on max and had lots of little follies that didn't develop. Perhaps a high dose boosted some too quickly not giving those tiddlers a chance to grow, who knows. Good luck with EC, it's all sounding very hopeful.
Barni, fingers crossed for a late OV and a 'special' homecoming welcome for your DH!!
AFM 7DPO so expect to start feeling AF battling her way anyway soon. At least she shouldn't be here when I'm on holiday and who knows maybe the relaxed environment will make the difference and we'll conceive.
Barnie - hoping and praying that your ov is late and that you can team up with your hubby. I agree that having to contend with all this with him overseas shows great strength of character. You are a wonderful woman. With this determination i believe it will happen for you soon :thumbup::flower:

Pippi - just read your post and it's reminded me i have to ring docs about my urine test results this morning! So thank you! :haha:

Egg collection tomorrow! Let us know how it all goes. Be thinking of you.

Your comment about your interview questions made me smile. I know what you mean about long 2/3 part questions. It's a long while since i had a formal interview, but i do remember one time when my answer to a question had such an elaborate wordy beginning (all ''Taking into consideration X, Y and Z, but notwithstanding my position on A, B and C ... '' sort of stuff) that while i was still waffling i had a sense of growing panic as i had no idea where i was actually going with the sentence, how to end it, or even, as you say, what the original question was! Lol. (i got the job :) I'm sure you will too) xxx

oh - the iron and constipation? Well my tum is all over the place the last few weeks. One day i'm on the loo for 20 mins to produce a rabbit pellet, and the next day i'll be rushing to the loo as if i've got 'Deli belly' :blush: TMI there probably, sorry :haha:

Love to all xx
X postedwith you Pussycat.

Everything crossed that AF signs DO NOT start appearing soon and that the :witch: stays well away!

I agree about a distraction/relaxation helping to get that BFP :hug:

Hi Ladies

Sorry not been around - I've been busy with hubby at work:wacko:

Anyway scan went okay ish one side she could see my tube and ovary clearly the other side she said it wasn't as clear:cry:

I should get the results - soon - read that as the New Year again:wacko:

Barni - Sorry it didn't happen this month:cry: BIG :hugs:

Misty/Maddy/BF - Not long now :happydance: - my little boy would have been born next month seems weird saying that:blush:

Pippi - All that sounds good - here's hoping to a BFP soon for you:happydance:

AFM - Looks like my chart has behaved this month - everything has dropped into line this month - BD/OPK/Temps etc - so lets hope it all ends on a high this year - so ready for 2013 to be over:cry:


Thanks for the info Pippi, sounds like you're in good shape my amh is pitiful. I think I'm in the same place as you Pussycat.

Good luck Pippi for egg collection.

Mistty you made me laugh with your tmi. Hope you get your results from your urine test promptly and there's no chase around last time you were hoping for docs and your midwife.

Garfie hope you get your results soon.

Thank you all for saying im strong. I don't feel strong. I'm in bits if I think too hard about everything that's happened. My sister actually said I was the bravest person she knows which made me quite teary as she's not one for talking about things. I wish I didn't have to be strong, I wish I had my son running around and that at least one of my subsequent pregnancies had had a happy ending. I just hope that the next ivf we get some happy news. I need it. I need to stop having to put my game face on every day and feel happy rather than carry the sadness every day. Honestly, I feel broken. Ever since we lost our little boy nothing has been the same. But whats the lottery say... you have to be in it to win it so another ivf. If that doesn't work I think my dh will push to give up.

Love to you all. Xxxx
Oh Barnie :hugs::hugs: Your last paragraph was so moving. i can identify so much with that feeling of being exhausted with trudging on with life, trying to look ok when inside you feel damaged and broken. (some of the rants i posted on here about crying after visits to the in-laws are a testiment to the huge lows a seemingly normal activity can produce) You doesn't want to be 'the strong one', or see sympathy in peoples eyes all the time. I got sick of it too. Maybe i imagined some of it?? Who knows.

It worries me how much my mental state is hanging on this pregnancy actually. 4 years of TTC ... really not good for your sanity.

But you do have to be in it to win it, yes, so don't give up yet hun. You've learned so much now, and know so much about IVF and been through so much shite with different clinics and daft consultants! :hugs::hugs::hugs: While there's a chance go after it i say xxxxx

Garfie - hello lovely. Really hope those results come though quickly for you. Great that one side is A OK. So glad your chart is behaving this month. Yes, your little boy would have been born next month :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm hoping and praying for a nice smattering of BFPs in the new year on our thread :thumbup: Here's to the new year coming :wine:

<flings :dust: all around the thread> xxxxxxxx
Barnie :hugs: you have a knack of saying what has probably been in everyone's hearts at least sometimes :cry: Not that it makes it any easier :nope: Like Misty, I hope you get happy news soon :flower:

Pippi ah the old 'loooooong protocol' :thumbup: Good luck for egg retrieval and hope your recover is quick.

Misty I am always grateful that there are people like you around that know about the anticipation tempered with fear, ambivalence and anxiety that goes with being PG as an 'older chick' with losses behind us. And heck my TTC was a short period of time compared to many.

Garfie New Year? :saywhat: Holey moley, there's nothing like feeling your health and wellbeing are a priority, is there :wacko:

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