Hi fellow 40+ers!
I am new to this site overall so I missed sharing my TTC journey with you. I am now 4 wks pregnant (tested pos 7 days ago at 8dpo). I was always very interested in reading success stories about ladies in our age group, so here's a little summary.
I'm 40, DH 37, married 15 years and never TTC till this year after a surprise preg/mc at 8 wks in May. No medical issues for either of us, both normal weight healthy non-smoker, non-drinkers who are fit but could always stand to exercise a bit more

We eat grass fed whole-fat dairy along with a standard health-conscious diet (always working to get those fruits/veggies in). Nothing we eat is in a low-fat or low-calorie package though - unless nature made it that way! We def eat too much sugar, hence my name "sweetster."
TTC 6 cycles = BFP
Tools used: BBT, OPK, CBFM, Ovacue and Preseed. They didn't all show up at once, but this is the list in the end.
Best/fav tools: BBT paired with CBFM and afternoon OPKs. Oh, and monitoring CM. Preseed was only used externally.
- prenatal. I took a low-dose "raw" prenatal that required 3 pills per day. I divided them am, noon, pm bc most vitamins are water soluble so taking one huge dose really reduces the amount the body absorbs.
- vit C. 1000mg in divided doses am/pm. I got the kind with bioflavonoids. Known to support LP progesterone.
- vit E. 800mg in divided doses am/pm. Known to support LP progesterone.
- B6. 50mg daily. Known to lengthen LP (moved O up 2 days) and support progesterone in LP.
- Ubiquinol. 500-700mg daily in divided doses am/noon/pm. Known to support mitochondria in developing eggs. I also noticed an increase in CM with this.
- PPQ. 10mg daily. Supports mitochondria and chromatin in developing eggs.
- Magnesium. 200-400mg in divided doses daily. Supports progesterone production and prevents constipation from iron in prenatals. Also lessens anxiety.
I've had a lot of symptoms early this go around. Even a day before my BFP, I was having queasiness and tiredness that put me in bed 3 hours earlier than normal. Since then I have the gamut (nausea/queasy, food aversions, super sniffer, bad skin, greasy hair, BBs big & sore, cramping and backache). Mentally I feel very confident in this pregnancy... hopefully that's a good sign.
Best of luck to all of you!