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TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Mistyy, so glad you have come to an arrangement that you are happy with. Sounds like a good option :thumbup: I know what you mean about seeing baby from the outside, it's like an alien trying to get out :haha:

Pippi :hugs: I have done that too in yoga before, must be something about the relaxation :wacko:

garfie am keeping everything crossed for a sticky BFP in 2014 for you :hugs:

maddy looks like you will be in it for the long haul then! :hugs:
Maddy - :wave: Is it dragging for you a bit now? In a time passing way i mean. It is here. Yes i am wondering when the 'baby's movement slows down towards the end' bit is going to start. She's kicking so hard at the mo that DH can often see it going on under my clothes out of the corner of his eye next to me on the sofa!

Oh yes....I'm halfway through reorganising the linen cabinet, otherwise we are pretty much ready.

My midwife did a sweep yesterday. I didn't find it painful, just a lot of pushing and prodding. After IVF and all those tests I guess I'm a bit numb up there!!! :haha: She will try again next week.

Maddy - Not long for you either hun:hugs:

Thanks! Hope your abdo scan didn't show any nasties. Has DH reached his threshold, do you think? :hugs:

maddy looks like you will be in it for the long haul then! :hugs:
Seems so :growlmad: Midwife thinks he won't be arriving in the next week.
Maddy - thanks for saying the sweep isn't painful! IF i can ever get my MW to answer me i'll be having a couple soon :dohh:

Garfie - another stalker here now :haha:

Butterfly - thank you :hugs: Alien! :haha:

AFM - well it's typical isn't it. I post about how hard baby kicks, and then last night i spend 2 hours in hospital because i haven't felt any movement for 7 hours! We rang hos. at 11.30pm after fretting all evening. Labor ward was just lovely and said come straight in. They did obs and put me on a monitor for an hour. Baby's heartbeat was strong and healthy thank God, and, of course, she started kicking the MW while she was fishing around for the best spot to put the monitor :dohh::happydance: Home at 2.30am, straight to bed ... but up again at 6am for DH to go to work. (i make his sandwiches and wave him off, then pester the kids to get up) Youngest DD has just left for school now and i should slope back off to bed, but i'm all awake now! :dohh: (oh and she's kicking as i type :happydance:)

How's all our other ladies here?

Misty - I have only just got in from work and shot over here - surprised you didn't hear me click clacking in my heels :haha:

Glad everything is okay and it's just typical of kiddies they do that all the time - make you out to be a liar:winkwink:

Glad she's kicking away nicely :happydance:

Hope you managed to get some :sleep:


Glad all ok misty after the scare yesterday. You like to scare us sometimes !
Lucky you saw a more reasonable consultant who is trying a different plan to induction.

Maddy you are next then...

The weeks are flying...can't believe buttefly that you are 31 weeks!

Read your 'diary' Garfi. At least he's still willing to keep trying.

Glad I'm not the only one who finds yoga brings out hidden emotions. The teacher knew we went for ivf but she probably had no idea how raw a nerve she was hitting.

My husband's boss aged 39 died suddenly at the weekend of a heart attack ( leaving an 8 & 3 year old behind)...so that's put failed ivf into perspective.

My RSI has flared up this week..probably the stress of the new role in work and the ivf...so keeping this message short.
I heard you running Garfie! :haha: :hugs:

Pippi - Gosh that's awful about DHs boss! It's always very sobering when you hear about someone so young dying. And of natural causes as well. His family must be in pieces :nope: Sorry to hear your RSI has flared up again. Your feared that recently didn't you. It's hard to rest hands. DH gets pain in his wrists from bricklaying when it's cold. Then he likes to play on PS3 for a couple of hours in the evening to unwind, but finds it agrivates the pain :dohh: Makes him grumpy.

AFM - MW responded to my Monday's text yesterday evening! A record i think. Only 2 days! :haha: I've got an appt. with her this morning anyway, to discuss dates for my ''2 or 3'' sweeps. Joy! :headspin: But seriously, although i moan i always always have in mind how lucky i am to have these things to even moan about. The finish line is so close .......

:hug::hug::hug: all round.
Oh no pippi that is horrible about DHs boss :nope: and yes not good about the rsi flare up :hugs:

Mistyy glad the midwife got back to you. I need to go to a new midwife finally after i moved so will meet her at 34 weeks :thumbup:
Thanks Girls. Thankfully work is quite as just transition to new work so I am getting a bit of a rest. Had physio and accupuncture today so fingers crossed it helps a bit (pun not intended !).

Yes can sympathise with your dh misty..I get grumpy, angry and frustrated with RSI...as I do with my old eggs!
But could not go near at xbox or ps or id be off work for weeks recovering.

Hope you got your sweep dates ...

Hope u like ur new midwife butterfly.

Yea desperate with dh's boss. He went to A&E with chest pain and they said it was anxiety, 2 days later when he had more chest pains he didn't bother going in as thought it would be same thing so he went to bed and died in his sleep...so tragic. And scary...
Oh God, that's so sad Pippi. To think it could have been avoided if he'd gone in to hos. :( Poor poor man. When i was about 14 my dad had chest pain and my mum virtually had to push and shove him to A&E. He was 44 then. They weren't sure of the cause, but after they'd seen him they found him a bed and kept him in overnight as it was already so late at night (this is A&E years ago, not like these days!) During that night in hos. he had a massive heart attack and his heart stopped for 2/3 minutes while a team worked on him. He would not have made it if he'd been at home. Always better to be safe than sorry. (my dad lived another 30 years btw :))

Glad you're getting rest with your RSI.

Yes, my sweep dates are 1) tomorrow! At home! (hope my waters don't break!) and 2) Thursday at the docs surgery. I'm getting quite nervous. DH cant be home with me for tomorrows one, but says he'll come with me to Thursdays'.

Butterfly - yes i hope you're MW is a nice one :) In your area do you see the same MW when go into labor? I've heard that some community MWs try to accompany their ladies through birth too. Mine wont - it'll be hospital MWs attending birth.

Love to all xxx
Ooh exciting Mistyy, she'll be here soon :happydance:

I don't know about the midwife but I think I'm the same and I will just get whichever midwife is on duty at the hospital... :thumbup:
Misty...good luck with the sweep. My next one is Wednesday morning, also at home. Apparently it only sends 1 in 3 women into labour, so I hope that means we aren't the 2 unsuccessful ones in that equation haha :)
Quick update.
1st sweep is done. Not as bad as i thought AT ALL. :happydance: (but MW did hint that it was easy because my cervix is already soft, low and open. 1 cm apparently)

Baby, however, at some point between last Thursday and today, has decided to unengage. I was 4/5 engaged then, now she's 'popped back up'. Great. She did say it's not that unusual, but wants to be sure baby hasn't got thoughts of turning breech. Scan at hos. tomorrow at 9am to check position. Lordy.

:happydance: any time now then Misty - are you ready:winkwink:

Oh I hope she's not breech - she's been so good but you get to see her tomorrow again:happydance: unless....:winkwink:


Quick update.
1st sweep is done. Not as bad as i thought AT ALL. :happydance: (but MW did hint that it was easy because my cervix is already soft, low and open. 1 cm apparently)

Baby, however, at some point between last Thursday and today, has decided to unengage. I was 4/5 engaged then, now she's 'popped back up'. Great. She did say it's not that unusual, but wants to be sure baby hasn't got thoughts of turning breech. Scan at hos. tomorrow at 9am to check position. Lordy.


Exactly the same result here at last week's sweep, Misty! 1cm dilated and forward/low cervix but head unengaged after being 3/5 and 4/5 for the past few checks! Ah well, having another sweep in 12 hours and will get up and go for a loooong walk in the morning beforehand....maybe this one will work!

Hope you go into labour anyway!
Thanks Garfie - :friends: i am ready, lol. It has got to the point now that however nervous i am about labor, i have started to just think 'bring it on!'. I'm stalking your chart .... looking good so far :thumbup::thumbup:

Wow Maddie - that's amazing! Same details! Everything crossed for your next sweep. My next one is the day after tomorrow ...... :coffee:

AFM - so todays scan showed baby IS head down :happydance: AND the sonographer was kind enough to measure her for me and calculate weight. 7lb 5oz at the moment. Yay! The reason i asked was because my 3DDs were, at birth
1. 6.5lb,
2. 10lb :shock:
3. 7.13lb.
Glad to hear this little lady should be reasonably dainty :winkwink: Had some pretty full on pains in Tesco earlier. I recon she's engaging again ...

Misty / maddy how exciting! Wishing you're little ones easy journeys into this world! x
All quiet here. 2nd sweep yesterday. MW easily felt the top of baby's head (and baby kicked, don't think she was keen on having her head touched!) so head is well down again. I'm walking like i have a melon between my legs! I had lots of odd pains during the afternoon - but feel settled again today, so ..... next stop is induction on Tuesday if nothing happens over the weekend ....... :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee: and more :coffee:

Garfie - :hugs::nope::hugs:for AF turning up on Wednesday. Damn!

Hows everyone? xxxxx

how exciting Mistyy, just think all goes to plan this time next week baby will be here :)

Big Hugs Garfie
Oh Misty, exciting! I am 40 weeks today and ... still nada! I have an Ob appointment Monday, the midwife is fairly sure they will induce at 41 weeks (next Friday) if he is not here naturally by then.

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