TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Glowstar, so sorry you didn't stay up. Check out my pregnancy chart of 28th August last year, a significant dip on 8dpo and then a steady rise, you are only 1 day behind that and you are not out yet. And I am feeling decidedly worried that if I get bad news now this month then I will crash and burn in a big way because things are looking so promising at this stage that I'm starting to imagine, what if..... However, the sensible me knows that rising temps at 9dpo mean absolutely nothing so my head is telling me to ignore what my heart is praying for! It's not working. Keep trying to remind myself that a chart only has any significance in retrospect which is soooo annoying! Let's hope for good things for both of us tomorrow xx
Shame truly_blessed and Miss_C, have a glass for all of us 2WW ladies :) Just think of the positive spin, every day is a day closer to ovulation now x
Period poo's :rofl: don't they stink n all??!!
:rofl:Ha ha ha! You lot -I check in just quickly and find period poos!
Ink - sounding good! Keeping my fingers x'd x
Glow - you're not out, till you're out.
Spoomie - looking good, girl!
Miss C and Truly - go for the wine, ladies and :drunk::wine: Can't find one for chocolate... but the next month begins :hugs::hugs:
I'm glad to know I am not the only one with the explosive Period poos LOL... always fun LOL

Ink keep us posted... rooting for you!!!!

lots of Baby dust to all!
So sorry to hear that our stories are so similar, as you say, it's not something you'd wish on anyone. Miss_C is also in the same boat, and as she said above, we have joked that we are twins! I cannot imagine how much scarier it is to feel that you are ttc no1, but take heart from the fact that you have conceived before and you WILL do it again. I do wonder if the internet does us a disservice with scary statistics about ttc over 35/40. Just a couple of generations ago women went on to have babies in the 40s as a matter of course (ok, they had probably had another 5 before they got there!) and while ever we are ovulating we are in with a shout.

Keep focused on the ultimate goal and I hope that your pain is more bearable day by day. Baby steps, if you'll excuse the pun xx

Thanks again, Spoomie. The pain is getting more bearable each day. I just really don't want to pass my due date without a :bfp: so I am focused on that. I'm having a complete work-up on April 19th, so fingers crossed.

Nise, thank you hun i did and had a nice suprise, she checked my pulse and her face automatically lit up and she turned to me and said , its an excellent strong slippery pulse which can only mean one thing and that is pregnancy, i only had needles in my wrists, ankle, foot and calf, she is now treating me as though i am pregnant and the session was to get the blood flow more to the uterus to make the lining thicker and more sticky for the little eggy to stay, so with period due today /tomorrow im really hoping that she is right and we dont see my period for another 18 months (breastfeeding included ), yay im gonna wait a week to test to make sure , dont know how im gonna manange waiting but i've got to be strong and do this.
Good Luck with all the temps getting a lot higher for you girls today xx

Inkd: OOH. How exciting! I'm going for acupuncture myself on April 19th (just before I see the fertility doc). I cannot wait to see what happens with you!

look at the trend it just gets better and better

Age of mother 40–44 45–49
1940 68,269 7,558
1945 78,853 6,897
1950 77,743 5,322
1955 89,777 5,430
1960 91,564 5,182
1965 81,716 4,614
1970 49,952 3,146
1975 26,319 1,628
1980 23,090 1,200
1985 28,334 1,162
1990 48,607 1,638
1995 67,250 2,727
1996 71,663 2,980
1997 76,084 3,333
1998 81,027 3,7822
1999 83,090 4,3482
2000 90,013 4,6042
2001 92,813 5,0832
2002 95,788 5,4872
2003 101,005 5,8452
2004 103,917 6,2142
2005 104,667 6,1192
2006 105,539 6,9742
2007 105,071 7,3492

not sure what country this relates to it was posted on an over 40's page on FB.

But the numbers are going up and up and up!!!

MissC: Thank YOU for posting this!!! Sorry that you think you're out this month. Onward and upward!

We NEED a BFP in here soon ladies, good luck to all of you hanging on in there. :hugs:

AF was hiding so CD1 today for me. She's brought her friends stomach cramps and 'period poos' along too this cycle so I'm having a lovely day today lol

Think it might be time for a :wine: tonight

Truly: Sorry that you are out, but have a glass of wine for me too!

AFM: Horrible head cold and/or allergies today. Cannot breathe through my nose and the temps plunged, but I have lots of EWCM, so maybe today is O day. Baby dust to you all!
Hi All,
Haven't been here for a while because I'm trying to be 'less obsessive' about TTC!! lol.
PERIOD POOS!!! Hahahahaha. I thought it was just me!
Inkd, how exciting, fingers very crossed for you! I've just started acupuncture to balance my hormones. I had a session last Tuesday and so far I'm on CD27 with no spotting...yay!!!! I don't think I'm pg this month but if I get a nice 28-30 ish day cycle and a normal AF with not too much nasty clotting I will be happy and ready to roll for next month. Baby dust all round then :)
Period poos! Thought it just happened to me!!!!! Thank you ladies. Nothing is sacred on here.

Okay, another one to throw in the ring. What do you think about your pelvic floor and bladder control. Is it worse for you now and if not what do you do keep it strong? During labour DS stopped halfway out and they had to insert a catheter in me to drain my bladder. My bladder control has never been the same since. Although I'm just 7 weeks pregnant I've noticed a definite increased urgency to pee so goodness knows how it will be at 8 months. Any advice appreciated.

Pip x
Hi Pip! How're you doing?! I love it when our over 40's and pregnant come and say hello! It's such a boost. (You too, ciarhwyfar!)
Pelvic floor exercises - I'm a musician and all the girls in the orchestra used to practise rhythmic PFE's in time to the music when it got really boring!!
Missy - join the acupuncture club - it's me, Ink and Samian - not sure who else. My cycles have definitely improved, so good luck.
Samian - it's so sad how many of us have lost along the way. Due dates are not going to be easy, I think. Tell us when it's close so we can send you lots of hugs. x
Day 10 here, the torch is HOT! x
Hi ladies, think my 2 days of euphoria may be coming to an end, temp drop today :-( Still high, but wanted it to be edging above 37 today so preparing myself that this could signal the beginning of the end. Thanks for all your encouragement the last couple of days x
Glowstar, so sorry you didn't stay up. Check out my pregnancy chart of 28th August last year, a significant dip on 8dpo and then a steady rise, you are only 1 day behind that and you are not out yet. And I am feeling decidedly worried that if I get bad news now this month then I will crash and burn in a big way because things are looking so promising at this stage that I'm starting to imagine, what if..... However, the sensible me knows that rising temps at 9dpo mean absolutely nothing so my head is telling me to ignore what my heart is praying for! It's not working. Keep trying to remind myself that a chart only has any significance in retrospect which is soooo annoying! Let's hope for good things for both of us tomorrow xx

Hi Spoomie...your chart looks Triphasic today :happydance::happydance: my temp has gone back up again :wacko: still don't think my chart looks promising though and def feel like AF is on way in next couple of days and when I feel like this I am usually right :winkwink: It's like a new adventure everyday checking your chart :haha:

RebS....go girl with that torch :happydance:

To everyone else :hugs:

Felt a bit weepy yesterday after temp drop but feel OK today...bless my OH said that he would go and get a SA if it doesn't happen soon :kiss: I am trying to keep some PMA going that it WILL happen and it's just a matter of time :winkwink:
Hi ladies, think my 2 days of euphoria may be coming to an end, temp drop today :-( Still high, but wanted it to be edging above 37 today so preparing myself that this could signal the beginning of the end. Thanks for all your encouragement the last couple of days x

I def don't think so!!! it's still up there with the other 2 temps :winkwink: it's down ever so slightly but still high don't see many charts where it constantly climbs and can dip a little here and there and those 3 temps are def in a higher range...I am seriously keeping everything crossed for you :hugs::hugs:
SPOOMIE - Listen to me and repeat after me - my chart looks freakin' fantastic at this stage, still to early to tell for sure but all signs point to good, I believe! Raise your hands and say hell yeah!

Glowie you are a piggin rollercoaster ride, stop teasing us!!

Me having a totally crap day today, broke down and had a panic attack in pumpkin patch, had to go to the car for 15-20 minutes just to get my breathing to normal. Baby shower tomorrow and I dreading it.

Good news is the witch is actually being quite kind, loaded up with super soaker tampons and double pads as last few before ziggy and last month after mc were all horrendous and uncontainable - wonder if this is a good sign, the cyle before ziggy's first attempt was lighter than normal. See even at cd3 you can still sympton hunt!!

Hugs to everyone else, just poured a glass of wine as I was walking past the lappy.
Back to join you ladies again. I miscarried two weeks so hopefully I might ovulate this weekend. Unfortunately no signs of ovulation but feeling rather frisky so that's always a good sign. make me laugh...and that's a good tonic :winkwink:

I am sorry about your panic attack :cry: with your positivity and sense of humour you are next MISS!!! sounds good that your cycle is getting back on track...the SMEP method is supposed to increase your chances of TTC after a loss (you probably know that anyway) :winkwink: just thought I'd throw that out there for ya!!

Be smug at your baby shower tomorrow knowing that your BFP is just around the corner :hugs::hugs:

PS. I had a glass of wine too the other night...kind of felt guilty but I can't put every aspect of my life on hold as I know that won't help.
Jeniwi. I'm so sorry for your loss. :hug:

Pip x
Ladies, you are fantastic, I wish I knew you in real life because I'd love to be friends with you!

Glowstar and Miss_C, thank you so so much. Totally irrational of me to consider myself out on 1 temp drop, as you say Glowstar, there are 3 in the higher range and I should count that as a good thing. I never actually noticed that this morning......

Glowstar, your temp rise is fab! More tomorrow please. Your temps are really erratic at the mo, personal question coming up (only because we are such good friends :) In fact, come to think of it, I'd never ask any of my other friends in real life this!!!!) do you temp orally or vaginally? I used to do the former and switched to the latter as I read it was more accurate, plus, you don't have to worry about the thermometer falling out of your mouth if you nod off:) ) Let's hope still both get good news next Tuesday, please God.

Miss_C, you are so funny, thanks for making me smile. Really sorry to hear your day is so bad. You are so incredibly brave to be going to a baby shower, I would never make it right now. A friend of mine had a baby in March and I purposely dropped her card and present off under cover of darkness so I didn't have to risk seeing her or the baby. Cowardly, I know but just too hard for me, given recent events. I admire you greatly for being able to go and, as Glowstar said, you should focus on the fact that you will be next.

Jeniwi, really sad to hear your news. Hope your stay here is brief. You will be well supported while you're here, take comfort in that. Many of us have experience of loss and the rollercoaster of emotions that brings, especially at our age. Focus on the fact that you did it once an=d you can do it again.

Love to you all. I will endeavour to keep a level head tomorrow and not burden you with my neuroses before I've studied my chart objectively :) xxx
Hi ladies, think my 2 days of euphoria may be coming to an end, temp drop today :-( Still high, but wanted it to be edging above 37 today so preparing myself that this could signal the beginning of the end. Thanks for all your encouragement the last couple of days x

Spoomie: I agree with Glowstar. It looks triphasic to me!

Felt a bit weepy yesterday after temp drop but feel OK today...bless my OH said that he would go and get a SA if it doesn't happen soon :kiss: I am trying to keep some PMA going that it WILL happen and it's just a matter of time :winkwink:

Glowstar: And yours looks like an implantation dip. But what the hell do I know? In any case, most of the charts I've been looking at, and I've been looking at them obsessively, have that kind of dip somewhere from 7-10. Hang in there.

Me having a totally crap day today, broke down and had a panic attack in pumpkin patch, had to go to the car for 15-20 minutes just to get my breathing to normal. Baby shower tomorrow and I dreading it.

Miss C: Baby shower!?! ERP. I don't think I could do it. Sorry to hear about your panic attack.

Back to join you ladies again. I miscarried two weeks so hopefully I might ovulate this weekend. Unfortunately no signs of ovulation but feeling rather frisky so that's always a good sign.

Jeni: So sorry to hear about your loss.

AFM: Still have the head cold and am feeling poorly. But the temp spike today seems to suggest that I Oed yesterday, so I'm calling myself cd1. I guess I'll know on Sunday morning, right?
I had a friend say to me today, "I'm excellent! I'm so excellent that I piss excellence!"

I think we could all take something from that! Have a great day ladies and put yourself in some excellent moods, cause that is what this is all about. We are excellent! Our BD sessions are excellent! And our baby making parts are excellent! Therefore, our efforts will produce will have excellent results!

Exxxcellent! LOL!

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