TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

I've got a December baby...due 14th...wasn't born until 28th!!!! bloody nightmare sitting at Christmas table with everyone thinking you were going to go into labour any second...that and all the baby's first Christmas things that were never worn/used :haha:
I've got a 'Monica' too :haha: will prob be pressing the 'm' button tomorrow :wacko::wacko:

Pressed my m button this morning. :-( I was certain this CBFM was going to be my golden ticket last month, maybe in May, a January baby would be better than a December baby anyway. :)

You are right about that, Spoomie! Although, since I'm TTC#1, I'd take a whenever baby.

AFM: Hey, I have a Monica too, only I call mine Lucky. But frankly, Lucky hasn't been all that lucky for me yet. I get a consistent series of high readings, but no peak readings. Anyone else get that? Ideas?
Hi Sam, there is a whole thread on here about CBFM (sure you've read it) but I have read about quite a few ladies only getting high's but still getting BFP's. I suppose your temps back up when you ovulate. Doesn't really answer your question though does it...sorry :wacko:
You are right about that, Spoomie! Although, since I'm TTC#1, I'd take a whenever baby.

Samian, I would also have taken a whenever baby, as my (and your) June baby is not to be. Am just trying to make myself feel better that I won't have a baby this year now. 2012 sounds like a good year to be born x
Hi all, only a really quick pot, I am really really down and depressed rioght now, the weekend took it all out of me. Pumpkin Pathc is a kids clothing shop and I was looking at newborn stuff to for the shower and it just got the better of me and I lost it. Then to sit there and here all these women complain about sleep deprivation, spew, poop etc and I would kill for it!

So sorry about the bfn's had such high hopes for some of you this month.

Spoomie I could have written your post, well you know that being my twinny and all we feel what the other feels!!

Hugs to everyone and as soon as i get myself into a better headspace I'll be back. I think we ma pick up the torch tonight so we'll get started and maybe that will make me feel better!!
Hi Sam, there is a whole thread on here about CBFM (sure you've read it) but I have read about quite a few ladies only getting high's but still getting BFP's. I suppose your temps back up when you ovulate. Doesn't really answer your question though does it...sorry :wacko:

S'ok. Thanks for trying! Yep--my temps and my CM confirm O better than Lucky, but I was just hoping for a secret trick or something. It sounds exciting to have the thing go PEAK.

You are right about that, Spoomie! Although, since I'm TTC#1, I'd take a whenever baby.

Samian, I would also have taken a whenever baby, as my (and your) June baby is not to be. Am just trying to make myself feel better that I won't have a baby this year now. 2012 sounds like a good year to be born x

I know. I hope I didn't upset you with that. Mine was due at the end of May. So it's closing in on me. And actually, I think 2012 has a lovely ring to it! Let 2012 be the year of the BABY for you!!
Oh, Miss C - I'm so sorry you're feeling so rubbish. (Sorry I didn't realise Pumpkin Patch was a shop :blush: ) It's really hard dealing with new mum's, especially when they're having a moan. They forget how we are feeling and that we would die to have the 3 am sleep deprivation and spew on every piece of clothing. I think you did brilliantly to go and get through the baby shower, so get b..king and get that torch lit and you will feel better! :hugs:
I hereby pass the torch on - it's a bit knackered, I think as we've really gone for it this month!
Samian - I know how you're feeling. I think a due date is like a huge looming cloud and it's hard to know how you're going to react. My due date is May 16th; I have the day off work and OH and I are going to Camber Sands, one of our favourite spots, to shed a few tears and be by ourselves. If ONLY we can have our BFPs by then...

On the plus side, I've had a fab temp rise, although I missed the first day as I'd lost my thermometer - silly! x
That's a fab temp rise Reb :thumbup: glad you've had a fab time with the torch :haha: I'll hopefully be grabbing it back for a bit in a week or so.
Af not here yet...but had a lovely 'period poo' this morning followed by 'period farting' so she will be here today. Feel like punching her face in to be really bad PMS!! Also feel like punching OH if he asks me one more time 'are you alright'.....feel like screaming...'no I am F***ing not alright!' :haha:

Just waiting now....hate this part just want AF to arrive so I can obsess about the next cycle...cyce #7....lucky #7 hopefully :thumbup:
I love this idea of colour coding everyone's comment, appeals to my OCD nature :)

Miss_C I am so sorry that it's now your turn to feel so low. Well done for getting through the baby shower. It is so difficult to hear them moaning about their backache when you would kill to be in their shoes. I was so beside myself at the weekend that I just didn't know where to turn. Life felt incredibly hard and I suspect that's how you're feeling now. The anger for your loss, your inability to get pregnant and pick up life where you left off last November feel like too much to bear. CD3 for me today, after a 12 day luteal phase (need to speak to herbalist to see what's happening there, though last time I had that was the month before I conceived :) ) and the clouds are starting to lift gradually. Hope you're following close behind me twinny, chin up :)

Samian Peak is not all that, I got 2 days last month and still no good news to report. it will come for us all, I pray. You didn't offend me at all. It just made me think, I had never wanted a Christmas baby but would've been delighted if I'd managed to become pregnant this month, I'd even have taken a Christmas Day baby! I know your due date was very near to mine, but wasn't sure if you were late May or early June. It is a time I dread, and I know I will be inconsolable on June 4th, even though chances are baby wouldn't have come exactly then. You will be much in my thoughts. Yes, the year of the baby, I like that. Let's all go for 2012 now - like we have any choice.....!

Reb S I hope your temperature keeps on rising, we need some good news around here. I'm glad you lost your thermometer, obviously means you're more relaxed and therefore will be pregnant this month :) I love your plan for your due date. I pray you have happy news before then, it would make the day so much easier to bear. You will be in my thoughts on May 16th.

Glowstar Where is af for you, dam her. Sorry it's taking so long, when you feel like she's been coming for days now. Keep us posted and hurry up and catch me up, I'm on cd3 already :)

Other comments On a lighter note for the Brits, hope you enjoyed Joy and Fabio last night on One Born Every Minute. I loved them last time and I'm sure they were shown again by popular demand. The fight over the baby's name and the confusion over the baby's clothing were priceless!!! A big boost for Mummies over 40 (albeit an IVF baby) :) And a world away from the family in the other room, let's hope Faith has lots of it, she'll need it!

Thanks for helping me through my low weekend ladies xxx
I know how you're feeling. I think a due date is like a huge looming cloud and it's hard to know how you're going to react. My due date is May 16th; I have the day off work and OH and I are going to Camber Sands, one of our favourite spots, to shed a few tears and be by ourselves. If ONLY we can have our BFPs by then...

Reb: That's a very good idea! I should find a place for OH and I go to on our due date. It is a looming cloud. :(

Also feel like punching OH if he asks me one more time 'are you alright'.....feel like screaming...'no I am F***ing not alright!' :haha:Just waiting now....hate this part just want AF to arrive so I can obsess about the next cycle...cyce #7....lucky #7 hopefully :thumbup:

Glowstar: I know that one all too well. I hate it when OH asks if I'm okay. I mean, come on, pal. I'm crying. I am not ok. But Lucky #7 really sounds like the one!

Peak is not all that, I got 2 days last month and still no good news to report. it will come for us all, I pray. You didn't offend me at all. It just made me think, I had never wanted a Christmas baby but would've been delighted if I'd managed to become pregnant this month, I'd even have taken a Christmas Day baby! I know your due date was very near to mine, but wasn't sure if you were late May or early June. It is a time I dread, and I know I will be inconsolable on June 4th, even though chances are baby wouldn't have come exactly then. You will be much in my thoughts. Yes, the year of the baby, I like that. Let's all go for 2012 now - like we have any choice.....!

Spoomie: I'm glad that I didn't offend. :hugs: I will be thinking of you on June 4th too. Yes, 2012. THE YEAR OF THE BABY!!

AFM: Had a pap yesterday and the doc said that she thought I would likely spot a little afterward, which I did (and had some cramping too). But then I woke up to a HUGE temperature plummet today. Am feeling gutted. It's way too early for AF. A five day luteal period? Come on, body. Get it together. Feel like curling into a ball in bed and crying.
Samian - Could be an implantation dip - or reaction to PAP. Don't give up. My acupuncturist said best way to keep progesterone high was to BE HAPPY! :hugs:
Had a pap yesterday and the doc said that she thought I would likely spot a little afterward, which I did (and had some cramping too). But then I woke up to a HUGE temperature plummet today. Am feeling gutted. It's way too early for AF. A five day luteal period? Come on, body. Get it together. Feel like curling into a ball in bed and crying.

Smear, nice, don't you just love being a woman! It's the only time you think, 'What? Where have the last 3 years gone? It seems like only last week' Could it not be the mother of all implantation dips......? xx
Samian - Could be an implantation dip - or reaction to PAP. Don't give up. My acupuncturist said best way to keep progesterone high was to BE HAPPY! :hugs:

Ha ha Reb S, great minds think alike! I swear I didn't read your reply before I posted, I was busy deleting all the other stuff from Samian's previous post before I replied! Besides, if we both thought it was an implantation dip, I say the motion is carried :thumbup: it's an implantation dip xx
CD3 for me today, after a 12 day luteal phase (need to speak to herbalist to see what's happening there, though last time I had that was the month before I conceived :) )

Saw my herbalist this afternoon and she is convinced that my 'triphasic' temperatures followed by a dramatic drop, in conjunction with my short luteal phase and other symptoms means that I more than likely got the sperm and egg together but for a brief spell and all came to nought. Don't know if that makes me sad or optimistic, maybe a bit of both x
Samian - Could be an implantation dip - or reaction to PAP. Don't give up. My acupuncturist said best way to keep progesterone high was to BE HAPPY! :hugs:

Reb: I hope so! Okay. I'm going to go for a little walk in the sunshine (if you can't tell, I am back in America right now) and make myself happy!

Don't know if that makes me sad or optimistic, maybe a bit of both x

Spoomie: I think a bit of both, no? I mean, it means that you CAN get preggers, right? Now we just need to get a longer luteal phase for you and you'll be up the duff for reals, like.

Oh and, as for the smear, well, over here, we have the pleasure of having them once a year! JOYS. I'm American, OH is Irish and we are living in Scotland. I'm back here because I have health insurance and couldn't get the NHS to take care of my torn shoulder, so while I recover from surgery, OH is coming back and forth and I'm also going to see a fertility guy next week. Probably going to be another smear. Americans are notorious for over testing.

AFM: I prefer your version of things, girls! Okay--I am going to get on the bus with you girls and say implantation dip too. :thumbup: After all, there was a tiny bit of spotting and now there is absolutely not one tiny little drop. So what else could it be? Oh dear. I don't want to get too excited about it and have a big let-down. Guess I will just try to talk a lovely walk and chill out.
Samian - Could be an implantation dip - or reaction to PAP. Don't give up. My acupuncturist said best way to keep progesterone high was to BE HAPPY! :hugs:

Reb: I hope so! Okay. I'm going to go for a little walk in the sunshine (if you can't tell, I am back in America right now) and make myself happy!

Don't know if that makes me sad or optimistic, maybe a bit of both x

Spoomie: I think a bit of both, no? I mean, it means that you CAN get preggers, right? Now we just need to get a longer luteal phase for you and you'll be up the duff for reals, like.

Oh and, as for the smear, well, over here, we have the pleasure of having them once a year! JOYS. I'm American, OH is Irish and we are living in Scotland. I'm back here because I have health insurance and couldn't get the NHS to take care of my torn shoulder, so while I recover from surgery, OH is coming back and forth and I'm also going to see a fertility guy next week. Probably going to be another smear. Americans are notorious for over testing.

AFM: I prefer your version of things, girls! Okay--I am going to get on the bus with you girls and say implantation dip too. :thumbup: After all, there was a tiny bit of spotting and now there is absolutely not one tiny little drop. So what else could it be? Oh dear. I don't want to get too excited about it and have a big let-down. Guess I will just try to talk a lovely walk and chill out.

yes go walk and take in some fresh air... make sure to stop and smell the roses as they say... take in the beauty that surrounds you and let it fill you up!
AFM:[/COLOR] Had a pap yesterday and the doc said that she thought I would likely spot a little afterward, which I did (and had some cramping too). But then I woke up to a HUGE temperature plummet today. Am feeling gutted. It's way too early for AF. A five day luteal period? Come on, body. Get it together. Feel like curling into a ball in bed and crying.

4,5 or 6dpo is completely normal for a temp plummet, it's when the egg pops out of the tube and the corpus luteum hasn't caught up yet with the progesterone production, you should see a jump tomorrow and then a levelling off as you rebalance again. it's all good honey don't worry right on track.

implantation dips are a little further along between 7-10 dpo.

there will be rare instances where there is a dip this early that IS implantation but I like to compare my chart to the average rather than the rares if that makes sense stops me building false hopes.

Now I fully understand the process it makes my chart reading so much better.
Spoomie - I think what your accu said makes sense, maybe some natural progesterone cream will do the trick :shrug:

Samian - I hope that is a ID!!! I've never had one drop that low below the coverline in the LP! seen a lot of ID's like that though :winkwink:

Still no sign of AF :shrug: either the witch is still sharpening her claws or a little old eggie is wandering around my womb with a zimmer deciding where to plonk it's arse down :haha: suppose tomorrows temps will make things clearer. This is my longest LP since November...never gone beyond 14dpo so far.
Still no sign of AF :shrug: either the witch is still sharpening her claws or a little old eggie is wandering around my womb with a zimmer deciding where to plonk it's arse down :haha:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: PMSL at the image this conjured up. Keeping it all crossed for you Glowstar. :hugs:
4,5 or 6dpo is completely normal for a temp plummet, it's when the egg pops out of the tube and the corpus luteum hasn't caught up yet with the progesterone production, you should see a jump tomorrow and then a levelling off as you rebalance again. it's all good honey don't worry right on track.

implantation dips are a little further along between 7-10 dpo.

there will be rare instances where there is a dip this early that IS implantation but I like to compare my chart to the average rather than the rares if that makes sense stops me building false hopes.

Now I fully understand the process it makes my chart reading so much better.

Miss C: THANK YOU!! :flower: I never knew that was the way it all went. I'm so happy that you told me. :thumbup:

Samian - I hope that is a ID!!! I've never had one drop that low below the coverline in the LP! seen a lot of ID's like that though :winkwink:

Still no sign of AF :shrug: either the witch is still sharpening her claws or a little old eggie is wandering around my womb with a zimmer deciding where to plonk it's arse down :haha: suppose tomorrows temps will make things clearer. This is my longest LP since November...never gone beyond 14dpo so far.

Glowstar: I know it. Talk about a huge dip! But Lucky still said I was "high" fertility and there's no more spotting, so. . .

Your image cracks me up! And it sounds so very promising! I'm going to have another look at your chart. When are you planning to test?

AFM: Btw, my name's actually samiam, like the character from the Dr. Seuss book, but you can just call me Sam, because that's my real name. :thumbup:

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