Thanks everyone!
Took more tests today and I think my lines are a bit darker than yesterday but I'm not sure
I showed my tests to DH last night but he won't believe it until I get darker lines! I kept telling him that a line is a line and all it says is that I'm pg at this moment in time, what happens next is unknown and we should just be happy that I actually got pg! Don't get me wrong I'm worried stiff that this bean won't stick but I also want to be as positive as I can about this.
Sammy - I get ovulation pains and then pains in my left ovary throughout my 2WW (and also throughout early pregnancy with DS and looks like this pg is going the same way!) But I do know of quite a few ladies who don't feel O pains at all so don't worry
12 DPO... middle of the afternoon... couldn't wait for FMU... POAS addiction calling me... AND BFP!!! LOL I used a FRER, and a CBE three hours later did another FRER - all have definite lines, faint but pink (or blue with the CBE), took the second FRER and same line as the first! Crossing my fingers that this is a sticky little stubborn bean and stays put for the next nine months!
I'm now a soy cheerleader too! Between checking CP, CM daily, oral and vaginal BBT, soy and preseed it's finally happened! First month using soy and preseed too!
Sorry ladies I HAD to tell you all! DH is excited but waiting on the bloodwork - I have a standing order so I'm going to be tapping my foot waiting for them to open up bright and early! LOL
Baby dust and cheers to everyone!
Congrats to all the BFPs!!!!
Quick question, has anyone ever had implantation bleeding?
I'm at 11DPO now and not expecting AF till Tuesday but today I've started having some strange bleeding.
It doesn't feel like AF at all, started at about 11am (now 5.35pm), not even left any marks on the pantyliner but when I wipe I get brown/pink discharge???
What do you think? I tested with FMU and got a BFN today