Jessica I agree!! It seems like everyone around me is pregnant! I feel a bit bitter about it isn't like we had a breezy, let's snuggle summer! It was hot as Hades this year
(Oh dear...I do hope this is hormones and not the new me!)
when u weigh up d odds and the amount of us here we wil surely get somei think we should aim for all
Angel, they didn't look that big to me LOL!
Natasha, the journal sounds brilliant
Jessica, you have the best vices! I just finished season 1 of Gilmore Girls and still have another package of fresh tortellini pasta. And basil pesto
And yeah those bumps appear everywhere when you want one.
Laura, I wish my sisters asked me. As it is I try not to talk to them because they just say that they have never actively tried to conceive. GRRRR.
Haha Horsey I have been on the phone with one of my siblings! Apparently I will officially have Internet again on Friday. He is getting it through our cell company. Didn't even know that they did that. Huh.
Dinner is being made ATM but nothing fancy lol! Just BBQ baked chicken with beans and cornbread![]()
Yum fried chicken! Mmm to cornbread too! Steak is yummy! We have that often lately. I get sirlion since its cheaper but has to be a small thick peice. Then it tastes good! Just finished dinner with dh. Going to try to bd early since im starting to feel tired again.
Jessica I agree!! It seems like everyone around me is pregnant! I feel a bit bitter about it isn't like we had a breezy, let's snuggle summer! It was hot as Hades this year
(Oh dear...I do hope this is hormones and not the new me!)
So, Angel, how is your recovery going. I know its still early on. I am so happy for you on the AF coming soon. The sooner the better. This means your body is recovering super quick.Mine took almost 5 weeks to come back, don't if it was because I was 18.5 weeks when the miscarriage happened. But i am still thankful mine came as quick as it did. I will do anything to try and make this next pregnancy go to full term. Even if I have to hang upside down, lol. jk. wouldnt go that far.
I wasn't nearly as far along as you, 7+5 (so sorry for that). My best friend was 18 weeks when she lost her son due to "unexplained" reasons. She went on a year later to have her beautiful daughter, who will be 4 this year.
I might have got ahead of myself this morning...I really thought onset of AF was here with the type of spotting I was having. I know it varies for everyone after a d&c...I haven't had my typical PMS symptoms though. My lower back aches and I'm moody, but that could just be from opting to wear 3 inch heels all day yesterday and today. And the spotting hasn't quite progressed like I thought it would.
I read the post on here daily and I just want to be in the game...patience is my weakness! I like to be in on top of things, so this is WAY out of my comfort zone! I feel like I will be more comfortable and able to absorb things better once AF comes and I can take back the baby making reins!
Phew, did I just vent? I have a theme song in my head, "Put Me In Coach."
Aww id love to cook you dinner. Yes wegmand accepts competitor coupons so i always use the spend 25 save 10 for steakso every coupon gets me 5 diffent steaks for 15-16! Cant go wrong! They also have wegman store coupons off there meat that i use with competitors coupon too
love that store. What im going to miss is the local farmers market now that winters approaching.
Oh and i know they are similiar but im comparing my last 3 cycles and the symptoms are all the same and just as early. (just no acid reflex atm)