Was alright i suppose, but from not leaving the house all weekend and arguing with DH about crap the weekend is just crap i cant wait to go back to work xxx
amy hopes ur tired cos ur pregnant honey xxx
im seeing my doc tomor for blood tests to confirm and stuff, im gonna ask her can i stay off work till im out of the danger zone . what do ye think, i have really physical job and im also allergic to lots of stuff in my work place, i know it makes sense to take time off but im afraid il go crazy hanging around all the time.
but then again if i work and i lose this baby il go even more crazy!! i should prob see what my doc says to me i suppose![]()
amy hopes ur tired cos ur pregnant honey xxx
im seeing my doc tomor for blood tests to confirm and stuff, im gonna ask her can i stay off work till im out of the danger zone . what do ye think, i have really physical job and im also allergic to lots of stuff in my work place, i know it makes sense to take time off but im afraid il go crazy hanging around all the time.
but then again if i work and i lose this baby il go even more crazy!! i should prob see what my doc says to me i suppose![]()
I think af is on her way early. I have been experiencing some seriously unpleasant pms symptoms. I am so irritable and pissed off and for no reason whatsoever. My mood is all over the place. I should of know better than to think that I would be able to get my bfp on the first try. I'm 5dpo today. So just waiting for the witch's early arrival![]()
I think af is on her way early. I have been experiencing some seriously unpleasant pms symptoms. I am so irritable and pissed off and for no reason whatsoever. My mood is all over the place. I should of know better than to think that I would be able to get my bfp on the first try. I'm 5dpo today. So just waiting for the witch's early arrival![]()
We are in the same boat.. I told my DH last night that i bet 50p i get another af two weeks early as my pms symptoms re terible, im so bitchy, im snapping at such silly things, last night i cried because we ordered spaghetti bolognaise from a fast food shop and they turned up an hour later with just chips and said they didnt have any bolognese :O And i cried!!
I have cramps and my belly is pulling
We still have hope for a bfp!! When are u testing? I was thinking of getting some 10miu internet cheapies and testing this weekend coming as will be about 10dpo i think ... FX bab xxx
hi girls sorry ive been awol got very drunk sat nightand hubby let me sleep most of yesterday lol
is very heavy i was expecting this though tbh luckily no cramps though
trying to find all the good points about
showing her ugly face and its my birthday next week so at least i can celebrate it with a few wines lol my fertilityfriend says i should ov towards the end of next week and at least with hubby changing his shifts he'll be home to we can get lots of
fitted in.
Jess got my FX for u that af doesnt show up![]()
Amy and Natasha FX these little things are nice big pregnancy symptoms
Laura time of work seems like a good idea gives u loads more nap and crying time haha u prob will go mad sitting at home but at least u'll have us
still no Bethanyhi to anyone ive missed
to us all!!!!!!
oh nearly forgot had some maybe good news hubbys mum is considering moving in with her long term bf and if she does she'll gonna let us have her house im soooo excited its only a small bit bigger than ours but has a lovely big back garden and ours is horrid and unusable so we can finally have bbq's and stuffxx
Questions: AF came fast and furiousflew in like mad on Wed and then was barely around Friday, did your first AF do this too? Also, did you ovulate at your normal interval after first AF? (I don't want to miss O and used to get positive OPK on CD13...I just wonder if a D&C changes this)