ttc after a d&c

Is today 10dpo for you? If so, it does seem early to get a bfp. Hang in there Amy...Friday is just around the corner! I was the same w/ BFPs...even on the day AF was due they were very very faint. I thought I was having phantom BFP sightings! It isn't over until the :witch: shows! I remember the poking and prodding during tww. My sis would call in the a.m just to ask how my boobs were! Lol!

Thank you for sharing info on 1st AF...I suppose after a D&C everything is "normal." I have to get the timing right because I feel terrible "taking the fun out if it," or making it a "chore." DH is a sport, but we aren't 24 anymore either! Haha.

I think so. I didnt use a opk this time but according to my cycles page, which is what I ued last time, I O on the 15th so yup just about 9-10 dpo. Now Im feeling a little queesy too but I think its because Im hungry. I just wish this week away already! :cry:

I hear ya on not being 24 anymore lol. I said the same thing but Im glad that AF came and atleast you have a starting point. That was a great feeling after the d&c since you feel like its a forever wait for the darn :witch: Are you going to be using a opk or just wing it?
I am an OPK junkie! When I first started using them I spent a small fortune! I used three different brands (Amazon cheapies, First Response and Clearblue) to make sure I didn't miss my O. Turns out the cheapies are effective...that being said, I will most likely use multiple brands again on this first round just to put my mind at ease that all is working. To justify the expense of OPKs $20+ a set, I say, "it is cheaper than diapers!" haha. You won't have to go thought this though because you'll be getting a BFP this week!

(ps I hope work is ok for you today.).

Awww you are such a sweeheart! :hugs: I think IF I dont fall this month, then I will use the one that I bought which is the first response. I went through 2 first response tests and it was a 3 pack so I think I need to go to the store and get more without dh knowing lol I told him that I tested on friday or whenever it was hehe and he said "Why did you test so soon? We went through this last time and you didnt get a pos until the day your period was due" I guess I should listen :dohh:

Oh work is ok.. I was actually telling DH after baby#1 I dont want to be here. I think there are too many trouble makers here and Im tired of coming in here and dreading it. :( How about you? Hows your day going so far?
Ugh...why does DH always have to be right. They just don't understand the perpetual feeling of being in limbo. How the tww puts life on hold! Now IF, note the all caps, IF you do not fall pg this round, order OPKs from Amazon. They are $14, you get 40 OPKs AND 10 hpts! I think they sell smaller kits too for even less!

I imagine having a job that is dreaded and ttc is tolling Amy (guess that applies to Natasha too) just have to make it to Friday!

As for life for me...well, I decided I wanted a bigger closet, so currently EVERYTHING in my wardrobe is upside down! What started out as a do-it-yourself has turned into a beast...had to bring contractors in! The master bedroom wall into guest room has come down. New closet is framed up and drywalled, but carpenter said cannot come back until Tuesday to assist me with design scheme. DH shakes his head at me and calls it "another Angel Production." I guess part of me grieving seeks change, well I now have disorder and change! Haha. I was told to keep busy...don't think the girls here meant this busy! Haha.

Silver lining...Friday I go for cycle monitoring (I'll either be on CD10 or CD12) to see if I am making follicles! So Friday is a big day for both of us!

Darnit, I wrote upa response and it got deleted! :growlmad:

You sure are keeping busy! Bigger closet, YAY!!! Sounds exciting! We do need it to be Friday already!!!! Thank you for the Amazon link, I am checking out the goods and we speak heheh

Fx for you for Friday and youll have to keep us posted on what happens!! :flower:
Laura, hope today you get the Dr to excuse you from work! You really don't need to be around things you are allergic to right now. :baby:

Jen, fx for a nice HcG level for you tomorrow! I hope today goes by quickly! :cloud9:

Amy, Natasha, ladies are next up for BFPs! (Jessica, 5 dpo would be too soon for AF symptoms, but possible for implantation or uterine cramps! Dr told me uterus starts to get "heavy" that's why you feel tugging or crampy.), Bethany and I will be ovulating within days of each other this round! Glad DH let you sleep in! :sleep:

Doggie seems you had an eventful week. Hope the days are getting easier!

Horsey fx the Dr gives you answers. Not sure if you said you were 100% going or not, but if so good luck!

Bethany...helllooooo out there!!

Im the same as jessica at 5dpo, cramping, no spotting though to imply IB I feel crampy and i actually feel like my belly is trying to push out and suck it in at the same time if that makes sense? xxx
I am caught up on two pages now, hope everyones okay?

Im on 5dpo, feeling very crampy, huge headache, very watery CM if thats normal? High closed hard as nails cervix.. Feel very moody, absolutely shattered, ( its half five pm here and im ready for bed ) feel like crying. Not doing very well and htis 2ww is killing me, and especially since i am positive i O'd on tuesday last week, even though charts said it should have been yesterday, but had negative opks all weekend. And now im worrying that it was yesterday due to the cramps and htnking ive missed it since ive not BD since wednesday night :| Although i got positive opks two days before tuesday and then none this weekend, i literally want to sit and cry but i cant because when people ask what wrong i genuinely dont know what to reply :(((( xx
hi guys , il catch up now soon, i just have to blurt this out , h aha

i went to my doc today to get bloods done and i wanted to ask few qs, she was really unhelpfull, she kind of gave out to me for not waiting till after the liver consultant but all the tests had come back alright so all the serious things had been ruled out, so we went ahead. she then said my mc might have been caused by my copper levels and could happen again, cos they r up, i then said but i was told they were only slightly up and she goes well i dont know anything about copper (it was the other doc in the place tested it for me) , i wouldnt have thought to test u for it anyway.
i came home and googled it, its low copper can cause mc, she had me so freaked for no real reason, i think she was pissed cos i didnt ask her advice before goin ahead.
i know i should prob have waited another month but i figured serious things were ruled out so i be fine, i wont be in a hurry back to her, think il go to the guy doc from now on.
if copper is very hig it can affect baby but mine wasnt mad high and i had been taking prenatals with copper in um.
No like u say Laur's you were over the serious things!! So what you didnt take her advice its your body? And emotionally and physically YOU felt ready, she cant be mad u didt take her advice when if she was in the same position she probably would have done the same! Sorry she was unhelpful :( I find alot of midwives are like that , i got annoyed with mine because i went to see her after the miscarriage ( and shes in her fifties ) and asked her for a three week sick note off work , and she was like * back in my day you had a miscarriage and carried on things are over dramatised nowadays* and im like, are u serious? So i just politely told her that surprisingly, it is not still back in her day... Doctors etc can be so unhelpful!!! Hope ur okay xxx
Hey Ladies!! I replied a looong message yesterday and it looks like it didnt post!! Grr!! I cant remember what I wrote either :( I know one thing was


Laura agree with these ladies REST. This baby will be amazing and healthy I just know it!! But to take care of yourself and maybe staying away from chemicals for at least the first 28 days coming you wont have to worry for a heart defect at least. Let that sweet little baby grow!! I am so thrilled for you Laura I really am!! Have you seen your doctor yet? I really hope they agree and let you do whats best for you. :) How are you feeling?

Angel yay for af being heavy and over!! I know when mines heavy it goes away fast so It should be okay. As for ovulation I ovulated cd 15 after d&c. Then after cd 16, cd 15 and then this cycle cd 15 and cd 21 where my +opks I think the cd 21 was my ovulation one though. I love first response yes/no but after last cycle I would now recommend clearblue digital opk just so you can continue testing after your first positive in case you have a second surge and O late. Just my suggestion though. The cheapies work also its just that i hate reading lines. I love the digital bc I can see the lines and see a digital anwser as in yes/no or :) or empty circle.... Anyways youll probably O at the same time!! I did! But then again seems like Natasha had hers early in her cycle. So really dont know. I couldnt agree more with you enjoy this cycle with dh and bd often but its better not to make it feel like a job. Instead be in love and make it romantic some nights :) Just an idea. I had fun this cycle and if I have to do it again this cycle I have many fun ideas if your interested i can always offer ideas. Oh and after ovulation try to act as you have an extra week b4 your on your tww itll make it go faster because youll think your still trying. Then if you do ovulate late to your covered.

Amy im soo excited for you to test!!! We should listen to dh mine was right id waste my tests. Exactly what i did. Youll get your bfp your symptoms sound promising! :) So do yours Natasha!! Im excited for you ladies!! Amy i feel for you on a new work week. I was lazy today and decided to say no to working and dh said I was bad. All well I work next 3 days. I hope friday comes fast for you and you have an exciting weekend to celebrate your bfp with!! :)

Danni I am so very sorry AF showed :( :hugs: I hope your okay. Fxd for you this cycle. I am praying we all have our bfps by Oct! (This cycle you are all in now) Also you needed a drinking night. Im glad you and dh went out!

Laura :hug: Just saw your post. Im sorry doctor gave you a hard time. That is HORRIBLE :( Your baby will be just fine. Have you called your OBGYN yet? I would be seen by them. You and your baby will be okay. Your body was ready or it wouldnt have happened. You where so patient this is it. Your rainbow baby! Sweetie dont worry call up your obgyn.
natasha big hugs hon, u dont have too much longer left, u have made it throughmost of it xxx chin up xxxxx :dust:

angel, u really are keeping busy :) well done, just think u may as well do it now cos soon u will have LO and wont have time xx

amy totally still hope sweetie. xxx i got bfn at 10 dpo too xxxx i got my pos on 12 dpo but last time didnt get it till day af was due xxxxxx dont give up xx

my doc qs me for ages and finally agreed about the time off, i would be freaked every day in there if i had to go back now. and i be sick again all time from allergies, cant be good for me r baby.
still have tog o for gynae scan on wed and liver consultant on thurs, at least they will know what they r talkin about unlike my doc.
my real doc retired in mar and she inherited his patients, i think im gonna have to change , she makes too many mistakes , u have to watch everything she does.
she was same one who told me to take neurofen that they didnt affect the liver, will daw, medicine 101 course they do. sorry im very mad at her for worrying me unnessecarily ( so not spelled right ha ha )

:dust: to all, xxxxxxxxxx
I agree Jen thats a good way of putting it about the 2ww.. Its just im 5dpo and panicking because i have a few symptoms but i dont have sore boobs like i did last time from literally conception.. Quite frustrating, i belive what i had yesterday were implantation cramps without spotting. I didnt spot or have IB last time either. Got very minimal cramps today, barely even noticeable today.. I am definitely going to start charting BBT temp charting from next cycle if i dont catch.. Just on a question, if my ovulation chart says i can test for PG in 8 days, is that based on a 25miu or 50miu test, and if so, could i technically use a 10miu one a few days earlier? xxx
No like u say Laur's you were over the serious things!! So what you didnt take her advice its your body? And emotionally and physically YOU felt ready, she cant be mad u didt take her advice when if she was in the same position she probably would have done the same! Sorry she was unhelpful :( I find alot of midwives are like that , i got annoyed with mine because i went to see her after the miscarriage ( and shes in her fifties ) and asked her for a three week sick note off work , and she was like * back in my day you had a miscarriage and carried on things are over dramatised nowadays* and im like, are u serious? So i just politely told her that surprisingly, it is not still back in her day... Doctors etc can be so unhelpful!!! Hope ur okay xxx

thanks hon, i was just so mad at her. she was really difficult with me.
she messed up my moms tests before too and my mom ended up sick for about 6 months longer than she should have, my mom is older so doesnt qs the doc, it was when i went to the other doc in practise and asked should they not follow up my moms tests that he did and she ended up having treatment ( mini surgery ) and drugs that fixed it !!

natasha that was horrible of her ( midwife) thanks, god in the hosp they were lovely to me, soz u had to have that xxxxxx
thanks for support, am calming down now :) xx
Laura glad you calm!Need to keep calm and relaxed babe put your feet up!
And can i ask you girls opinion, this next bit is gonna sound TMI, but since ovulation on Tuesday i have bene very wet down there, to the point where i think AF is coming two weeks early :/ But its so watery and thin its not stretchy etc, but ive noticed that even though it looks clear, it seems to be leaving a light yellow tinge on my knickers, gross,i know, but i assumed that cm went really think after ovulation and stayed like that if yu are pregnant? i have consulted google but a million different opinions xxxx
Your hcg doubles every 2-3 days after implantation has occurred and starts at 0 (some have 1-2 in there body always) The way everyones body increases hcg is different so some get it faster them others. I would be careful testing too early due to chemical pregnancys. At least wait til 10-12 dpo. It can honestly take 7-10 dpo to even completely finish implantation. Also just a heads up on the new VERY EARLY hpts (cheapies online) there are alot of false positives and evap lines that ppl get with them. I havent heard much good things about em. So be careful and always check with the normal online sensitive cheapie or FRER one. Youll be okay. You made it this far!!! You will have your bfp your symptoms sound promising!!!
Natasha ive been having that same wet stuff you described since Ovulation. I want to believe its a good sign and it is annoying because my af is late (but i did O late) so I keep thinking she is coming. Fxd Natasha its okay to have that!

Laura this is terrible how that doctor is. Please switch doctors. You need to be in good hands.
Yeah thanks jen youre right.. i was thinking if i can manage through til this saturyda because it will be mine and dh first day in our own house, and it will be 10dpo, is that sensible? if i use a FRER ? xxx

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