ttc after a d&c

Aww Amy. Do you get PMS symptoms? I'm just saying if they aren't around, then neither is AF! You're just one of those girls who don't get BFP until later!

Jen sorry your "Friday" is so long! Fx for a jump in Betas! Will tomorrow's results be rapid?

Aww cuddles Amy!! Maybe its just a shy bean and dont want you to know its there!

im out this month, im positive, no symptoms at all apart from thigh cramps which i never ever get, im actually struggling to walk. But that could be because ive gutted the house for my partners mum, and washed and packed absolutely everything we own ready to move out on Saturday :D


Thanks Bethany

Angel, I usually get this "achey" feeling before af and I dont have that but that could just mean that she is going to be a few days late. I have been coughing alot lately so Im thinking all the symptoms I thought were pg related were probably just a cold or something that Im catching. Im so sad and even though I had doubts, I was really hoping to be proven wrong with this morning's test. DH said that if it didnt happen this month there is always next month which is true but I just long for this baby more and more with each day that goes by.

Thanks Natasha, a part of me thought the same thing but Im at 12dpo and have no symptoms so Im just about ready to throw in the towel and wait for af to arrive. What dpo are you? If memory serves me right, I think its still early for you hun, fx.
AMy, yeh only 9po and not had any implantation bleedin or anything, AF not due til 8th october for me :) hope af doesnt come at all for us all, are u testing again tomorrow amy xxx
AMy, yeh only 9po and not had any implantation bleedin or anything, AF not due til 8th october for me :) hope af doesnt come at all for us all, are u testing again tomorrow amy xxx

oh I wouldnt stress too much then for sure... I think you are definitley still in the running. I never had ib that I know of and from what I read, alot of women dont have ib so dont let that discourage you!

A part of me wants to and another part is telling me why bother but tech af is due to arrive tomorrow. I couldve sworn I had some cramping earlier this week or last week and though that was def imp cramps but guess not.... I know that some get thier bfp late like 14-16dpo but I just keep comparing to last time I got pg and I got a bfp on the day af was due.
So I have been questioning whether I even O this month :shrug:. This has been a fear of mine ever since af on Aug 30th. My d&c was on July 19th and then :witch: came on Aug 30th, 6 weeks later. My cm was never really present or in full affect after af but dh and I :sex: alot anyway. I dont know if you girls remember me mentioning something about being dryer than normal but it has got me to think "What if I didnt O? :cry:". Before we tried the last time, I took a home First Response Fertility test just to make sure we were good to go and every thing looked fine :thumbup:. There were 2 sticks in the box so I still have one more. My fear is something happened after the d&c to change things for me :shy:. When I went in for my post op check up, they said everything looked great :happydance: and it even showed I was about to O which is right because af came 2 weeks later but what if that was it? So I plan on taking the fertility test when I can (it says to do it on cd3) so more waiting :shipw:. Sorry to ramble/vent but I just feel so defeated and dont know what to think :help:. My in-laws are coming out next thurs 10/4-10/9 and I really was hoping to get this all sorted out before they came ](*,). Another thing Im thinking is if I O on the 15th and the last time dh and I :sex: was the 14th, then today is 13 days since :sex: which imp and all shouldve happened by now right? Im REALLY trying not to stress but I just cant help it. Im praying that dh :spermy: made it or lasted long enough incase I O late or something.. ugh. Ok, Ill stop rambling now :shhh: haha.

Hope you girls are doing good! :hugs:
I know what you mean Amy , i know its easier said than done and i wish i could take my own advice, but dont stress! Stress is the worst thing at these times, doesnt help anything at all!
I personally dont think CM is a great indicator of anything, i dont usually have any patern to my CM, it can be ewcm one minute then creamy and yellow tinted theday after, i try not to follow it because if i remember rightly i didnt have any at all when i got caught with last baby.

I panicked n thought maybe i wasnt ovulating cos i feel out this month like i said before, but, even when we do ovulate theres only a 25 percent chance we will get caught pregnant, it sucks i know, but if we dont catch doesnt mean we dont ovulate. And even if you bd'd and then o'd late i would imagine some of the little swimmers are still strong enough to wait it out !! And just because af due tomorrow doesnt really mean alot, i mean, if you o'd late, and then also if you were one of those women who takes the maximum of like 8-12 days for implantation it could explain your bfns! xxxx
Cos i mean if u bd'd 13 days ago, say for example u O'd a day late, and then it took like 12 days to implant and then about 2/3 days to show up on a sensitive test, you are still looking at about 16/17 days after bd for a sniff of a positive i would think? You arent out until the witch gets you! xxx
I know what you mean Amy , i know its easier said than done and i wish i could take my own advice, but dont stress! Stress is the worst thing at these times, doesnt help anything at all!
I personally dont think CM is a great indicator of anything, i dont usually have any patern to my CM, it can be ewcm one minute then creamy and yellow tinted theday after, i try not to follow it because if i remember rightly i didnt have any at all when i got caught with last baby.

I panicked n thought maybe i wasnt ovulating cos i feel out this month like i said before, but, even when we do ovulate theres only a 25 percent chance we will get caught pregnant, it sucks i know, but if we dont catch doesnt mean we dont ovulate. And even if you bd'd and then o'd late i would imagine some of the little swimmers are still strong enough to wait it out !! And just because af due tomorrow doesnt really mean alot, i mean, if you o'd late, and then also if you were one of those women who takes the maximum of like 8-12 days for implantation it could explain your bfns! xxxx

Isnt that crazy? Here you grow up thinking everything is so easy because you hear about people getting pregnant all the time, no problem. 25% doesnt sound like a lot but I cant help but think its more like 99% and we are the 1%. Sigh :cry:!

So I just read this and it made me feel a LITTLE better but hopefully makes you feel a WHOLE LOT better! :hugs:

"Blood Pregnancy test: If you are pregnant then the blood pregnancy test is usually positive within 3-4 days after implantation or about 9-10 days after fertilization and ovulation.
Urine (Home HPT) Pregnancy Test: The early positive urine pregnancy test will usually not become positive until 2-3 days after the blood test, and in most women until a missed period or about a week after implantation. Many manufacturers of urine pregnancy tests want you to believe that the urine test is usually positive before a missed period, but only about 25% of pregnant women will test positive with the HPT 2 days before a missed period, and about 40% the day before the missed period."

Read this here:
im catching up again :)

bethany i keep saying i must take back up knitting but keep 'forgettin' :)
i also want to learn keyboard with ages, i really should start, :)

amy thanks hon, il remember green, it wont be long xxxx

jessica big hugs, stupid hosp dragging it all back up again for u xxxxx
i thought i was able to go ahead and then my doc gave out to me but turns out i was right, cos my 2 appointments went well, they dont know everything, if it was meant to happen, it has happened and ur preg, we can all just hope for the best xxxx
dont let them give out to u , its ur body, ur choice xxxxx and docs dont know everything xxxx

natasha i agree with jessica , most docs say one cos of dating is easier then, there is no scientific proof to back up waiting, its just a personal choice as to when u r ready, xxxxxxx stupid insensitive medical peopel are really gettin my goat now. let her f... off. xxxxxxxxxx big hugs honey, dont mins her, how many mc studies has she done, idiot, we ahve prob read more than her on hte subject and def experienced more. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cos i mean if u bd'd 13 days ago, say for example u O'd a day late, and then it took like 12 days to implant and then about 2/3 days to show up on a sensitive test, you are still looking at about 16/17 days after bd for a sniff of a positive i would think? You arent out until the witch gets you! xxx

Ya, I think youre right. Thats how I read and understood it. I guess I just have to pray that his boys were still going strong and were able to stay alive and find the egg if I O late. Next month, I will NOT make this mistake and BD for more than a week.

Funny side note, Im sure for that one week, dh was on :cloud9: LOL!! So he will be thrilled, IF Im not pg , to hear that we will need to :sex: like little :bunny: for two weeks. heheh
thanks ladies.. i did ignore her just came away feeling a bit like a school child that had been told off and had a lecture about life :(

Well, i definitely think im out, ive read that if you are pregnant your temperature will stay between 97-99 degrees farenheit, fair enough i only started taking my temperature this morning but its only 97.7, i thought if i were pregnant itd be a bit more elevated than that :( Hope your all okay xxxx

u have to be takin it all along, it has to be elevated in repect to ur normal waking temp at same time of day xxxxxxxxxx dont count urself out yet sweetie xxxx
Awww knitting sounds wonderful Laura. Have you ever done it before? Ive always wanted to learn how to knit little booties and things. I did a little when I was young, like a pot holder or something but totally forgot how lol
I completely agree Laura! Feel like i could actually help run a family planning clinic the amount of research ive got bored into my brain ;)

But anywayss!! How are uuuu??? Hows it all going so far?
Been upto much? Ive had the day off work today because im getting so down about it not being my month, just havent got that pregnant feeling, which is good because id rather not have it and get a BFN than have a pregnant feeling and get a BFN, if that makes sense? And plus ive got my BBT etc and started a chart on FF so gonna use that properly from when AF comes on 8th October :)

All ive done all day is clean clean clean and do 8 loads of washing!!! I seem to take my anger and sadness out n cleaning i think xxx
amy i was afraid my Ov wasnt back to normal after loss either but it must be :) xxx
and even if u implanted on time, it takes time for baby blastocyst to make enough hcg for bfp, stop thinkin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx joke, i know how u feel sweetie.
u too matasha, the wait is a killer xxxxx wishing ye all the very best of luck xxxxx


i went to liver doc today, all good, she found my results form mon blood test and they have come down a little again, its thirs time they dropped a little so its great. she said they dont put my preg in danger at all :)
she did one more copper test that is more sensitive just to make sure but she said she reckons its just a blip and will be fine, she just said i need to lose weight after and to eat healthy and keep fit now, she said too many antibiotics can cause the bloods to go weird too. she was so nice :) i was so happy with her news for me :)

i think i might look into booking a private scan at 8 weeks, i think im not gonna be able to wait till 12 weeks :) :)
I can knit loads of things! I can knit lovely booties like little mini baby ugg booties!! Ill have to knit everyone a pair once we are all expecting and post them hehe!! Ive started chartin my temp from today first thing as soon as i wake up, and will continue next month i think :D xxmy temp this morning was 97.7 F, but apparently, its something like, before ovulation it can go upto 97.7 and then after ovulation it can be 97.7+ and im right on that obundary so im either at the high end of before ovulation, or the bottom end of after ovulation, ill get there lol! xxx
Glad you got good news Laura! YAY!

I dont blame u for wanting an early scan :)

See ive kind of gone the opposite way, in thinking, if i do catch again, i dont want midwife appointments because i dont wanna be told theres something wrong again :( xxx
Awww knitting sounds wonderful Laura. Have you ever done it before? Ive always wanted to learn how to knit little booties and things. I did a little when I was young, like a pot holder or something but totally forgot how lol

i did it in school, in national school :) so a long time ago :)
its not very difficult though, just purely practise :)
ive been saying it for yonks :) maybe now im a mammy is the time ha ha
my sisters MIl makes lovely stuff , she has knitted all her life , she is brill ,she mcakes little puppets and everything :)
i know tasha, im torn between being in blissfull ignorance and wanting a scan every 5 mins :) ha ha
amy i was afraid my Ov wasnt back to normal after loss either but it must be :) xxx
and even if u implanted on time, it takes time for baby blastocyst to make enough hcg for bfp, stop thinkin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx joke, i know how u feel sweetie.
u too matasha, the wait is a killer xxxxx wishing ye all the very best of luck xxxxx


i went to liver doc today, all good, she found my results form mon blood test and they have come down a little again, its thirs time they dropped a little so its great. she said they dont put my preg in danger at all :)
she did one more copper test that is more sensitive just to make sure but she said she reckons its just a blip and will be fine, she just said i need to lose weight after and to eat healthy and keep fit now, she said too many antibiotics can cause the bloods to go weird too. she was so nice :) i was so happy with her news for me :)

i think i might look into booking a private scan at 8 weeks, i think im not gonna be able to wait till 12 weeks :) :)

I can knit loads of things! I can knit lovely booties like little mini baby ugg booties!! Ill have to knit everyone a pair once we are all expecting and post them hehe!! Ive started chartin my temp from today first thing as soon as i wake up, and will continue next month i think :D xxmy temp this morning was 97.7 F, but apparently, its something like, before ovulation it can go upto 97.7 and then after ovulation it can be 97.7+ and im right on that obundary so im either at the high end of before ovulation, or the bottom end of after ovulation, ill get there lol! xxx

Yay for the good news Laura!!! Thats wonderful!!! :happydance:

Natasha, Im so jealous!!! I want to be able to do that! heheh
when i was about 9 i treid to knit a baby jumper for a sis who was expecting, the kid was way too big for it by time i was finished so it went to my dolls :)
Amy. Phew! You are not alone and I'm not alone with the annovulatory thoughts! I've been harboring fears that tomorrow I'll go for my follie scan and they tell me I'm all dried up! I know it's so irrational, but slowly that crazy thought makes its way to the front and I shiver! :cold: Heck, I've been peeing on 3 sticks to catch O this round and I might, just might go get the smiley face ones like Jen used! Some say it's obsessive, I call it being thorough!

Laura :yipee: Glad your results were alright! I'd def have to get a scan early if I's scary to be pg after a mc. I have no doubt everything is wonderful and your rainbow is healthy, but I'd want a sneak peek too!

Tash. I agree with Laura...I think the whole bbt takes longer than a couple of days to get accurate readings. You aren't out yet!

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