Natasha, being relaxed will make you feel so much better even though you want to obsess of course! We all do

Laura, is it just me or are cat's less fun to play with as they get older? My kitty used to go nuts over his cat teaser and balls. Now he is content to watch them for 5 minutes before pouncing. Guess who gets bored after 2? Me. Less games for kitty!
The sun is overrated I tell ya! Come here in the summer and you won't like it

Haha do you read Nora Robert's? Charming Irish cottages with lovely gardens are in a few of her book

Favorite memory of Cambodia? Yay for meat! A boy this time maybe?

Oh and thanks for warning me about the homing instinct during move! I don't let him outside unless he is leashed though- don't want him getting hit by a car at our current location :-/
The rainbows are coming
AFM: well we are going from a house to an apartment. I don't want the trouble of a yard. And my husband was really excited about this one place and he got me excited. We filled out the application. Then I began to obsess and worry. Called the local police and they have more disturbances there because it is in a commercial area. So called the pushy office ladies to cancel and they never called me back. Ugh. They better not try and obligate us into living there.
I found another apartment that is very quiet and peaceful in a residential area. I think I will love it so much more and it has an alarm system and bigger closets. Still in the woods because the whole community is. Just in a bad mood because of the other place. GRRR. Can not stop obsessing. I hate when things feel unfinished.