Natasha, pink sounds great! And the move sounds so therapeutic for you

but boo on family not helping you move!
And yes, AF sucks but you were able to get more accomplished because you weren't worried about hurting a baby. And you have had quality time with your man
Laura, a cottage in Ireland. Throw in a garden and I would have to ask if you were living in a Nora Robert's book.

While travelling is fun I am sure you love having a place to nest

My husband is actually kind of afraid of Cambodia. When he served his mission in Thailand he wasn't allowed to go there on days off because missionaries had been killed there before :/*
Laos has lots of landmines too

Peter said in Bangkok and even in Isan there were loads of kids missing limbs begging for money, that there parents will sell them to people who hurt them so that they get more pity from foreigners

Blondie baby

And he didn't want to ear kitty cry but going home now and will have only been gone a day!
And my DH doesn't break either. Boys will be boys

Eat up! Any particular cravings?
Hi Rosamuira! Welcome and so sorry for your loss
Angel, feeling good about the boob check?
Horsey, screw AF! Have some soda and chocolate
Jen, I am so happy for you that I could cry! That is so wonderful and so glad that you will get loads of scans for reassurance
Jessica, screw AF! She needs to know that she ain't a welcome visitor, right?
Hi Amy
AFM: well, we found our home and I am so excited and we are going back to kitty now! Can't wait to move at the end of the month because kitty will LOVE IT!