and happy, healthy pregnancy vibes for you wonderful, strong women!
Laura, what stopped the travelling? What was your favorite place of all? If you could relocate anywhere, where would it be?
I haven't been to France or even met anyone from there that I can think of- only know some French Canadians. But I do have a fondness for the language and the music! But I have read that as a people yet can be incredibly rude. I figure it is because they are prideful as a nation. Just my guess of course

I hope that Texas would never disappoint! I never much think of how it may seem to a foreigner visiting it...except for all the Dutchmen who come here amazed at how far away things are from each other and how powerful the cops think they are. I love the Dutch

Ooh if you do the camper thing you should stick to South America to save money and to eat some tasty food! I want to visit South America so badly but think that my husband is spooked

So your hair is really curly then? I brush mine a ton and leave hair everywhere. Possibly worse than the dang cat.
And that ecard is right!
AFM: well I actually have to get pack to packing. Going back down to Houston tonight to check out some other neighborhoods that were suggested to my husband my HR. ugh. And he won't let me bring kitty this time

my baby cat has been in such demand of smuggles lately that I hate leaving him alone. I know that I will push hard for us to come back tomorrow. The little guy has been sleeping right beside me every time I sleep and nap and I don't like to be parted.
I think it is time to admit that I probably don't have the healthiest view of my cat since he is pretty much my surrogate baby :-/
i stopped traveling cos of money or lack there of
we bought a house nearly 3 yrs ago, its an old cottage,it was pretty run down and needed loads of work, about 40000ish worth of work
so we had to get a mortgage but we also got loans then after to do it up. i was lucky i have a bro who is a builder, BiL who does kitchens, bro who does windows and doors. cos it should have cost a lot more

we had to gut it and redo it all but was worth it. its still not finished outside, no driveway done and stuff and we stilll only have blinds in some rooms but thtas more lazy than anything else

i hate loans so i always pay htem back faster , hence no dosh for few yrs but then once thats done our mortgage is super low in comparison to other peoples so will be worth it

also my allergies mean i have to bring my own bed clothes, blankets, pillows, towels, etc so it makes travelling without my car too mush hassle .
my fave place was cambodia, the people r amazing , they live on mud huts on the side of the road and they r the friendliest, nicest people u coould ever meet. the country side is the only place ive been that is greener than ireland

it is gorgeous. you have to go when ur in thailand its so close. if u think thailnad is cheap, wait till u get to cambodia

its lovely, really sad though, lots of people with limbs blown off from the mines, loads of homeless , seemingly parentless kids. th kids go round in packs begging, but we were told dont give um money give um food, they eat the food in front of u, but the money gets taken off um by organised begging adults. poor kids.
if u have a can and kids r folllowing u, they dont want ur drink most of the time they just want the empty can, they get money for collecting and recycling them, its how some of um live.
if i ever win the lotto , thats my plan to go there and open up soup kitchens and look after all the kids, or as many as i can

they are beautifull children and so happy and giddy despite having nothing.
i like the french language too, we studied it in school and i thought i had some grasp of it until i went to paris haha

they r not so nice but paris is lovely and so is euro disney

we went in jan , on new yrs day, it was beautifull with snow and xmas lights

and no queues in disney park
i dont have curly hair, there is a slight kink but its mainly just stubborn hair

i had blond curly hair till i was 5 but it dissappeared doh!!!
why cant u take kitty? nothing wrong with surrogate baby, we need out comfort from some where xxxx